Kareena REMADE her FACE through surgeries - Page 20


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desigal90 thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago

Research? What is this research you speak of? ðŸ˜†

Edited by desigal90 - 10 years ago
desigal90 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Being-Anonymous

Thank you everyone for the pictures, now I am convinced Kareena never had any surgery. ðŸ˜† 

That's what I said!
That omg! You're posting all these random photos of Kareena, and only showing how her jaw looks the same in all of em ðŸ˜†
Nkapoor3 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: anonymous39

[quote]jaw surgery is relatively common, u need to be in hospital for 3-5 days after it if done [/quote]


You're talking about when someone's teeth don't line up properly on top and bottom and it has to be corrected. 

Shaving off a whole jaw and reconstructing the whole face shape is a huge thing and something you almost never see.  Entire bones have to be cut for that. It's extremely dangerous. 

Here, read it yourself about the trend that's starting in Korea recently and how it takes months to recover.  

[quote]Some 52 percent of those who had taken the surgery suffered sensory problems such as facial numbness, the study said.

Shin Hyon-Ho, a medical malpractice lawyer in Seoul, said he had seen cases where the surgery had resulted in chronic jaw pain, a skewed mouth, misaligned teeth and an inability to chew or smile.

He said: 'The number of plastic surgery-related cases is growing ... with complications becoming more serious.'

This was illustrated last August when a 23-year-old killed herself after having double jaw surgery.

She left a suicide note explaining her desperation after the surgery had left her unable to chew food or stop crying due to nerve damage in a tear duct.[/quote]

People really need to do proper research before flinging insults about plastic surgery constantly at every other actress just due to personal hatred and love of cheap gossip. This Kareena jaw surgery thing is as stupid as all those pathetic topics about Amitabh sleeping with Aishwarya and actresses having 10 abortions (as if they've never heard of condoms) and god knows what else.

well I am guessing she got the teeth line up surgery done
Posted: 10 years ago
There was nothing wrong with her teeth so why would she get that surgery?

If she got that, how would her face shape change? It would not do that. 

If she HAD to get that small surgery done due to orthodontic problems, then there's no reason to make fun of her anyway! If it's a medical procedure to correct a problem, what's the point of this topic in the first place? It would not be remaking her face anyway for beauty reasons.

This makes no sense whatsoever. ðŸ˜•
Nkapoor3 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: anonymous39

There was nothing wrong with her teeth so why would she get that surgery?

If she got that, how would her face shape change? It would not do that. 

If she HAD to get that small surgery done due to orthodontic problems, then there's no reason to make fun of her anyway! If it's a medical procedure to correct a problem, what's the point of this topic in the first place? It would not be remaking her face anyway for beauty reasons.

This makes no sense whatsoever. ðŸ˜•

look dude all I know that her lips look very different, don't know what she has got done, but she did get something done! and also there is no smoke without fire
desigal90 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
That's exactly like making fun of a celeb for getting braces.
And that is IF kareena has that problem.
And kareena always had aligned teeth.
And that means she has misaligned teeth and suddenly got them fixed around JWM...and nobody noticed misaligned teeth till that film?

Like this is just getting more and more ridiculous!
Posted: 10 years ago
But there's no smoke nkapoor.

It's India Forums making it's own smoke as usual.

It's not just about Kareena's non-surgery. There are ridiculous topics here all the time accusing every other celebrity of every purported sin in the world without any proof or any research into the topic at all.  Just nonsensical bashing because a star is disliked. Honestly it makes this place look like a looney bin.
desigal90 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Ofcourse there is smoke without fire!
Your "smoke" is random people just blogging like Tanya just did here. Tanya took those two pictures and was convinced she got surgery done.

This is really sad. That people are so adamant on wanting to believe that celebs don't DESERVE something that they'll do anything to undermine em, whether it be accomplishments or personal attributes.

Even if it means taking two pictures over the course of a decade and concluding that the difference HAS to have been surgery.

I wonder, do these people look exactly the same themselves throughout their lives!?! Do they not KNOW friends or family that have groomed themselves and have changed naturally over ten years? I've known friends that changed their entire look in 4 years. And NO, they did not go under the knife. Surgery isn't the only means to alter your physical appearance!

And how sad, if these people have the same mentality towards people around them.
PatheticEdited by desigal90 - 10 years ago
Nkapoor3 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: anonymous39

But there's no smoke nkapoor.

It's India Forums making it's own smoke as usual.

It's not just about Kareena's non-surgery. There are ridiculous topics here all the time accusing every other celebrity of every purported sin in the world without any proof or any research into the topic at all.  Just nonsensical bashing because a star is disliked. Honestly it makes this place look like a looney bin.

u kidding? almost every website has mentioned Kareena and the jaw surgery
desigal90 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Blogs don't count.
Anyone can make unofficial websites and use pictures to ASSUME shit.