Kareena REMADE her FACE through surgeries

tanya.91 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
Kareena Kapoor quite literally changed her whole face through multiple surgeries and got after Tashhan new look post 2008.
Don't believe me, see these two pictures... everything changes very much.. Whole jaw surgery, (there is special jaw re-define surgery to get any face-cut) ,upper and lower lip jobs, Cheek bone lifts, eye brows' lift, nose job... u name it, just take a look, people say koena is a surgery-queen, I will say in all fairness Kareena is the real surgery queen (coz koena changed only her nose and lips while kareena got literally everythig possible change on her face through number of surgeries).


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untitled thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Yep, she is not the only one though.
They are like Margarine which is said to be only 1 molecule away from plastic 
desigal90 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Let's proceed to the evidence ðŸ˜†
You're comparing one picture is OFFSCREEN when she was 21
The other is a PHOTOSHOPPED photo for Lakme at age 32
Kareena known as one of the most natural actress.
She didnt even get her eyebrows done much till years into career. You can check all her earlier films up until JWM. Her ego when it comes to her looks is ridiculously high. She named her jawline in a 2002 interview as her favorite feature. The feature which people CLAIM she changed.
Not just that, she recently mentioned that Saif complimented her jawline in the initial days they were going out. 
Her change was over the course of a decade. And majorly during her weight loss in 2006/2007.

Those cheekbones debut around this time

Obviously then she gained weight, so ta ta jawline

It would take YEARS before that sharp jawline made it's comeback. 
But sadly by then...people would assume she got surgery ðŸ˜†

This is from 2004, you can see she hasn't even done her eyebrows yet.

2006 Omkara
Her face still looks the same, eyebrows still not sharp.

Doubt a girl who didn't bother with eyebrows would bother with much else.

After being criticized for her weight in Yeh Mera Dil in 2006, Kareena signed up with Rujuta DIwekar and Payal Gidwani to help her lose weight. This much even Saif said, that people called her fat in Don and she took it to heart. 
Then she started going through a drastic weight loss, in JWM.
Which resulted in a sharper jawline. She lost all her baby fat. 
But if you compare THIS to the above picture, you can see a similar outline in Omkara, hidden under chubbiness ðŸ˜†

By 2008, she was at her thinnest peak

From another angle, her jawline looks even sharper

WEight loss PLUS right makeup does wonders. 

Edited by desigal90 - 10 years ago
crazy4fawad thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
^^Desigal..i agree on u abt many things...but i will disagree abt the jaw-line surgery!
Its very evident that bebo has done that!! Weight loss doesnt make ur jawline THIS sharp!
I dunno abt the pics shown by TM..coz in one she is smiling and in another she is pouting and that makes th two pic much different!
Bebo is even rumoured to have undergone liposuction n cellulite removal...this is much talked abt in industry! I dont know whether to agree on that coz rujuta diwekars diet schedule actual works and can result in that much wt loss..easily! so she might have done it naturally!
I dont think she has got brow lift, nose done, or lips done..they r pretty much the same!
as for shape of eyebrows..u can easily change them ...make them arch or strght by getting them shaped while threading! i have done that many times..😉
Edited by Christina_Yang - 10 years ago
Cursed~n~Broken thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
She had the same jawline she has now as a child

I dont think she's done any jaw surgery.

Edited by Cursed~n~Broken - 10 years ago
desigal90 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
A look at Kareena Ages 21 - 33

She's recently put back most of her weight, and looks a lot like the "Before" picture you posted..of course...she's 12 years older now

What happened to that sharp jawline?


Kareena's Jawline Over the Years
People assume THIS was after jaw surgery, right?

So when exactly did she get surgery again?

It's obviously not anytime after JWM, coz I just posted photos a month later.
Do her detractors hope they can say before?

Uhh...wrong again.
Her days with Shahid, Shahid was also at this premier. The premier of APNE. Look it up.
Earlier 2007

Same jawline
Earlier 2007 - Fool n Final Premier

So then when...that's 2007...lets enter her chubby days.

Lets see...2006?
Omkara Premier

Still not convinced? Lets go back another year
Kyonki Premier

Now lets enter 2004 - HER PEAK CHUBBY
Not as defined her, but notice, it's STILL the same jawline hidden under the baby fat.

OBVIOUSLY, that year she was THIS CHUBBY

Let's cut to the chase, she was a little skinner in 2001

2001 - OMG, same jaw ðŸ˜²

ASOKA Venice Film Festival

Mumbai Fashion Week

So from 2001 - 2007 - Present day...

When did she get Jaw Surgery? ðŸ˜†

Edited by desigal90 - 10 years ago
desicrowd thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
I don't think Kareeenz has had many surgeries... Hr features look sharp cos she lost a lot of weight... Btw Saif in the last pic seems to have a red lipstick on or too rosy lips 😆...
desigal90 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Christina_Yang


Bebo is even rumoured to have undergone liposuction n cellulite removal...this is much talked abt in industry! 

The industry obviously hasnt seen her legs.

She talked about cellulite in her book and how to work WITH it. 
She's aware of it. And hasnt done anything to get rid of it .😆
crazy4fawad thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
^^i know and thats y i dint say that she has got it done!
I said industry wallahs say..but my eyes can still see cellulite on her thighs and its not much different than before..
the only thing i feel she has got done is the sharper jawline!
Nkapoor3 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
Here we go again! Like Kareena fans will believe! However I do believe u Tanya91 :)