Tips to Change "Onenote" Files to "Evernote"

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Posted: 11 years ago
Hi Guys,

OneNote and Evernote are two standalone programs that each make use of notebooks to electronically store and categorize various notes you may need to track and update. OneNote is a software program offered by Microsoft as part of its Office suite of programs. Evernote can be used online, on your mobile device or as a downloadable program for Windows or Mac. Evernote natively handles imports from various programs including OneNote, which makes migrating from OneNote to Evernote very simple.

1. Click "File" in Evernote's main menu bar.

2. Select "Import" from the "File" menu. Choose "Microsoft OneNote" from the submenu.

3. Click the box next to each file you wish to import, then click "OK." A window shows you the progress, and the imported files will be visible along with any other Evernote notebooks.

How Yojimbo