Bhabho's not a good mother!

SailorMoonStar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Bhabho always praises herself and her upbringings of her children, saying they are awesome and her all of her children got her sanskars. The truth is that she failed to give  any of her children sanskar and she is also a terrible mother in law 😡.

Apart from Suraj, all of her children are selfish and greedy and most of all, MEAN. 
Chavi is very arrogant along with Mohit 😵. They are both greedy and BOTH are liars! Do you guys really want me to list their lies because its too much. Same goes for Vikrim. He's not MEAN, but he is a greedy liar. I mean you never feel like smacking Vikrim in the face like you want to slap Chavi and Mohit. I think he is improving though 😃 

The only reasons Suraj is a good person because he in a good person by heart 😊.  Maybe Bhabho influenced him a little, but I am pretty sure that such an awesome person cannot give the credit to their pure heart to their parents when all the other siblings are brats . That person has to actually have a good heart. 

Bhabho praises her sanskar so much, numerous times she found out her childrens' lies and still says herself a good mother.  

Even though I am criticizing Bhabho so m uch, I still think she has a good heart though. I love her heart, but the way she acts sometimes I don't like.


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cherrypansy thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Bhabho forces her views on her children, force them to perceive things from her perceptions, she has never tried to understand her children...that's why her children are liars and selfish...they can't protest, so to complete their wishes, they became liars...selfish...this trait they have inherited from their mother...isn't Bhabho selfish?.she wants everything for her family...crushes others dream...she praises Sandy if Sandy does anything favoring her or her family.
LovePraja thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Yes Bhabo has good heart. But sometimes she acts really weird. She has tried 2 instill good values in all her children, but d manner in which she has done may nt gone well with them. She's been too strict; she has created fear in d minds of her children nd never seems 2 have explained at 2 why she puts restriction on them. She hardly expresses her love 4 others. Dats d reason why her kids lie 2 her nd hide things 4rm her out fear of punishment.
She's also quite blinded by love 4 her children. She just refuses 2 see any wrong in them, unless or until it is proven with facts. Bcoz seeing wrong in them wud mean questioning her own sanskaars. Nd sanskaars have always been her pride.
er_alks thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
bhabho acts as hypocrite on most days ... she rarely acknowledges feeling of other's children/culture/family ..
Take case with sandhya..she never once tried to understand her situation or her goodness.. and simply overlooks her children's misbehaviour.. I mean mohit n chhavi are the most selfish ppl in hanuman gali and let me point out that they get this trait from bhabho herself... she cant think beyond her family n rigid theories..
i hope when Emily joins the Rathi household, she and sandhya team up and teach these rathis something about humility, consideration and unselfish behavior.