..Anusha.. thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

When Bhabo gets wound up by Meena, the whole house spins like a top. It's a guarantee. 

Chavi is late returning home. Bhabo transfers her suspicions about Mohit to Chavi. After all, they are indistinguishably villainous. She really does know her children the best. Chavi gets dragged to the kitchen for a special dressing down and Sandy goes after them. After Bhabo bangs a few pots and leaves, Sandy and Meena comfort Chavi. But when Meens starts telling Chavi about Emily's bombshell, Sandy goes into *I don't know what this is* mode and lets Meena furnish the lurid details. After all, Sandy is so nadaan, she doesn't know the meaning of half the words Meens used. But Jethaani ji does get to say 'Chavi, go to your room now.' 

Bhabo meanwhile is unravelling like a badly rolled up ball of wool. One minute she thinks Mohit is telling the truth, next minute she's terrified he isn't. She screams at everyone in the house, but cannot pin Mohit down. She swallows down the fear and puts on a brave front but it's a minute by minute effort. She marshals the family for festival preparations and prayers. Even there she's just going through the motions.

But SurYa are quite different. They have switched to relaxed mode. Enjoying the festive spirit around them. Just for a moment, they look mildly concerned when Bhabo sidles up to Mohit and asks him the crucial question. But then they are back to being off-duty SurYa. Only a problem like a fake swami is worth their worry. This Emily drama isn't still worthy of full blown SurYa treatment.  Bhabo is satisfied with Mohit's mumblings and moves off. Suraj is next to come to Mohit and give him a smile and brotherly hug. 

Just then Emily suddenly appears out of nowhere, this time with parents in tow. Emily's mother has a mother to mother talk with Bhabo in the presence of the entire family. Now SurYa have switched to another mode. Suraj is now looking at Mohit with suspicion. Sandy is trying to look neutral and show concern for her friend,her bro-in-law and most of all Bhabo. As usual Meens is the only one who reacts like a woman in that set up would. 

After Mohit has again for the nth time dug his own grave and denied any responsibility or knowledge, Emily throws down her usual  *I will be back*  threat.  Precap shows that Emily has worked fast and sent a legal notice. The speed of this drama is making me wonder that the end may not be pleasant. But let me not speculate. 


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UMDU thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Nicely summed up Anushaji. I agree their supersonic speed alarms me. Their getting court orders and DNA report before 24 hrs are over amazes me and makes me believe serial main hi sahi atleast Indian machinery is shown to work so efficiently. It always makes me wonder why the speed ? Is it their fear of inviting a backlash over inter religious marriages that makes them move like this. I start speculating iske baad kya... No more RP problems are left to tackle as of now...We may have a lecture on a girl child being equal to a boy by Sandhya after Meenudi gives birth. That will just be a one time episode. What else is there to show... Confused...😕 Edited by UMDU - 11 years ago
..Anusha.. thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
Uma ji, the girl child speech has already been done. Sandy did that with her niece and created a stir. So I don't think that'll happen again. 

What else?  They'll have to make Sandy go to college. But they may first show some weirdly cooked up SurYa scene first.  I would like to see a crisis between them. Only to get them to talk and resolve a few things.
HalleNJ thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
nice post anushaji...you want surya crisis 😆 wonder how long the crisis will last...I bet during the crisis we will definitely get to see these two famous scenes...one, sandhya falling from chair and suraj flies from sweet shop to save her...second, suraj burning his finger and sandhya running to get the oinment 😆
UMDUji there are still many more issues for Surya to get involved...Chavi's marriage, Ankur Ankita issues ( do you still remember them?😆) the Cvs may even bring Daisa's problem into RM to occupy Sandhya with investigation work 😆 UMDUji, how can you forget your dream to see Suraj expanding his business?
Edited by niruba - 11 years ago
Fatima_Q thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Thanks for the episode summary Anusha.
After watching today's episode...I firmly believe Bhabsa is the only one in the Rathi family with some sort of sense.  Unlike Bhabo, he doesn't walk around with blinders on.  And he actually knows his children better than their mother.
Also after today, I have to wonder if Mohit really ever went to school.    I mean can you spell DNA testing? 
Mohit is an idiot and I'm glad for it, because Emily is going to  chew him up and spit him out.   Bhabo will then stomp on him and further reduce him to bits.  Then Sandhya can come by and do her public service of picking up his pieces and dumping him in the trash where he belongs.   😡
.Ami. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Excellent analysis peddy aamchi.

I'll pinpoint one thing here is IPL starting from 3rd April. Now, I lead up to all of you to connect/analyze it.😃.

Don't underrestimate DABH CV's. They've many things to work esp growth of SoorYa's relationship, Sandhya's study, How Sandhya excel in household work, How Emily adjust in that house, Meena's baby Born, Chotu - Chaturi problem, Chavi's engagment might break, Chaturi - Chotu problems. They can introduce real mom of Sooraj out of no where like Ekta's serial.😆.Edited by ami_dabh - 11 years ago
..Anusha.. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Ami beta!   They can introduce real mom of Sooraj out of no where like Ekta's serial.

🤗  you have given us a valid reason to continue watching drama drama!  No I will never under estimate CVs.  They always entertain. 

and yes... IPL!!! 

Niru. I will save many hours of not watching another ointment scene.

Fatima watch and laugh...or don't watch at all... ya Mohit is an idiot so I won't waste time typing his antics here. 
Vish1435 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: PadBear

Uma ji, the girl child speech has already been done. Sandy did that with her niece and created a stir. So I don't think that'll happen again. 

What else?  They'll have to make Sandy go to college. But they may first show some weirdly cooked up SurYa scene first.  I would like to see a crisis between them. Only to get them to talk and resolve a few things.

PadBear I think Umaji meant that there will be another speech on the girl child when Meena gives birth to a girl and the outburst of Bhabho on having a girl like Emily  or Chaavi..
..Anusha.. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
@Raadini  yes, I got that. I was just saying that CVs rarely repeat an issue. 