When parents' trust break!!!! - Page 2


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Vish1435 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
I enjoyed reading all the posts and agree that such issues call for a healthy discussion.  Bhabho as a mother did her best to instill good values in her children and trusts her children, especially  Mohit so blindly  ... evident when Mohit says ' I can lie to God but Bhabho how can I lie to you"  Bhabho says to herself that she is relieved that Mohit is teling the truth and can see it... Mohit  however is such a lousy snob that he has gone to the extent of betraying his mother's trust and teachings and love.
But as we all know Bhabho's strict nature and her set of traditional mind she has not established that relationship between her and the children while instilling the values  during her upbringing. Her strict nature had compelled Mohit, Chaavi , Vikram and to some extent Suraj to lie to her. If she had had developed a loving and friendly relationship where the children could feel free to discuss some issues with her then this 'Mohit issue" would not have happened. Not only Bhabho but Emily's parents too ... if there was two way communication then Emily would not have hidden the truth.
I believe that parents should be strict and at the same time friendly too when children are growing. When the children enter adolescent stage parents should be able to discuss the dos and don'ts to them . They should become friends to them so that they began to trust them and share their views and problems. When friendship develops that does not mean we should disrespect the parents. The respect for the parents will be same.
I would like to share my experience here. We had been brought up by my mum alone. She is not only our mum but dad and a friend also. She is strict but not like Bhabho. She has taught us good behaviour and moral n cultural values. My brother is able to discuss his problems with her and I am also. My mum has told my brother openly if your have to date a girl do so within your culture and tradition and also stay withinthe limits. Just like all males want their wouldbe wife to be pure and chaste girls also want the same and aways remember he has a sister at home and how he would he feel if someone does that to the sister She also tells me no harm in looking for a partner ourselves but look within our culture and tradition sso we all have no adjusting problems. Also to remain pure before marriage.
My mum has a lot of trust in us and the small  Fiji Indian community here in my area all give example of my brother to their sons who are younger than him... Learn from him.
I appreciate and respect my mum's feelings, teachings and her trust in us.  If only Bhabho had been like mum this situation would have been avoided. 
Just can not imagine Bhabho's reaction and her outbursts when the truth comes out ... poor lady will be really heartbroken ... the bold and epitome of truth shattered. I can feel for it now.
Fatima_Q thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
My heart goes out to both Bhabo, and Emily's parents.  No child comes with a manual, and I'm sure both raised their respective children to the best of their abilities.
I won't comment on the parenting skills of Mohit and Emil's parents, except to say that here you have 2 very different parenting styles, but the net result was the same. 
Both the families are caught in an unfortunate situation, but ultimately, the responsibility lies with Mohit and Emily.  They are not little teeny boppers.  They are both educated, working, and consenting adults.  They fell in love knowing full well that the other one is not from the same faith or cultural background...acceptance in society would be hard found...that was a given.
Emily was more open about her realtionship with Mohit to her parents.  She had introduced him to them.  But her antenna should have gone up when Mohit continuously avoided doing the same. 
She probably had just found out about her pregnancy and wanted to discuss things with Mohit first.  I'm almost sure she would have told her parents about her pregnancy, even if they had not found out in the surprising manner that they did.
Mohit is a liar and a coward, and has crossed all limits.  I'm just glad that he showed his true colors to Emily, Bhabo and both the families.    
Bhabo was right.  No matter how long evil prevails...in the end good always wins.  The DNA tests will prove who is speaking the truth. 
Mohit...you a done deal boy. 😈
Edited by ummesulaiman - 11 years ago
farhana874 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Great post Shobhana!

This is no ordinary or usual mistake their children have committed, this is something grave n shattering.