Highly unrealistic. - Page 3


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UMDU thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Thank you all for your encouraging words. Due to paucity of time I am unable to reply to each one of you individually. I agree the pressure of TRPS weighs heavily on the shoulders of CVs. However since we have a right to protest we should exercise it effectively at least it will give us some mental satisfaction. Thank you once again for taking the trouble of reading a critical post and commenting on the same. πŸ˜Š
cimba thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
This show is more or less of typical family from doonsbury of Rajasthan. Seriously ,thinking about it that it just shows how people think this day and age. I honestly do not see too far fetched the way Bhabho behaves. So many MIl does not want their DIL to go to school or colleges. Many more favor their daughters over DIL any day over any subject matter. Of course baby boy is favored over baby girl. i am not surprise over Bhabho not wanting to have a girl from another religion touch her kitchen or pooja things. I was watching Saavdhan India and it is more or less on similar topics. India had not come out of most of these basic problems of society.

I am very much against all this There is more to life than nonsense they keep their heads buried in. I dont know why i watch this show because everything that they show is something i am very much against. May be in hopes of change...
-Ramya- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
good sensible post UMDU like always

I seriously want a year leap now😑
am seeing more of detective solving rather than any normal thing happening with related to the show title.πŸ₯±

they cannot show bhabo accpting emily like normally when she learns the fact mohit is his gf, so have they done preggers to emily so that bhabo has to unwillingly accept emily and there goes another saas-bahu ke beach drama and competitions.. πŸ˜²

yes every time a problem comes Bhabo is made victim and Sandy is made the detective agentπŸ˜•
remaining people are all gudiya's ... including Sooraj🀒

I hope they make use of Anas well in this show.. This is Diya aur Baati and not one single persons show.πŸ˜•
Bhabasa like always hardly has any dialogs to speak and there is no improvement in his char. I wish all char's are given vital importance unlike for one or two...😑
leo4ever thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
i still dnt accept why is bhabo always given scott free treatment! 
She becomes victim and all restore her honor but she can go and insulkt anyone, even the whole ds act, i was like ok but that is how she is , she neednt have done the whole act to get prize better would be if she realsied that this is how ppl see her as!!πŸ˜†

there is no learning curve 
  • apparently sandy loves bhabo a lot- what made her earn sandys respect lvoe no idea maybe coz she is mil?πŸ˜‰
  • bhabo is still selfish crude hypocrite, insulting small minded woman , no repent no apologies no soft side
  • chavi is still same trying to get better off, lying cheating
  • mohit= πŸ€’🀒🀒
  • vikram has improved a lil
  • suraj: actually at a standstill! there is abs no growth in this character, supports his wife behind the curtain and silently, lets her bear all taunts from mom
  • bhabsa: no growth, this man has no spine continues to watch wife behave like a jerk and stays mum 

anky_1205 thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Totally agree with you. Because of these reasons I am slowly loosing interest in the show. I hope our voices and concerns are heard by CV's.
Diya_DB thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Very good post UMDU ji πŸ‘
Especially about Bhabho's difference in treatment of Emily & Brandon. I didn't think of it that way...
Atleast after this track, I want Surya based tracks. The way the CVs bring in twists and turns in everything, from Hanuman Gali games to tracks like the FB one, it is very clear that they are highly capable of spicing up things. If they do the same in Surya's case also TRPs would favour them, I think. Now I'm reminded of those old episodes of DABH. All these dramas were there then too but they never failed to depict the growth in Surya's relationship. In fact, that was given the most importance then and for me it was very convincing. It clearly showed how two different people, who had all the reasons in the world not to be together, ended up happily married. For me, this relationship depicted in DABH was more convincing than the relationships shown in any other thing, movie, Eng tv shows,even books. I really loved that about this show and I will always love it for that. And I don't want CV's to make DABH lose that charm.

Edited by Diya_DB - 11 years ago
Ritu- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Superb post.πŸ˜‰ Completely Agree with you.πŸ˜ƒ I love the show but for the past few weeks I have been noticing that they are diverting from the main aim of the show ie to make Sandhya IPS Officer.πŸ˜” They have been showing one problems after another. πŸ‘ŽπŸΌ
When they showed that Suraj got Sandhya admitted in night college I thought that finally they would show her edocation track.😳 They did for a while but again other problems came up like Meena falling sick, Swamiji track etc... They are not even showing her attending college anymore. πŸ₯±
I agree about your point with Brandon.πŸ‘ Babho ate food mae by him and also ate food in Singapore don't know what happened to her with Emily? πŸ˜•The way she is behaving with her is so wrong.😭
It feels like this show is more about Suraj and Sandhya solving other people's problems than them working on their own realtionship and making her police officer.
They should have shown some development after Suraj won the competition but nothing happened yet.πŸ˜’ I really hope that the CV's listen to us and make some changes. 😊
This is a good show but I feel that there are certain things CV's should change. πŸ˜›
Edited by -Ritu567- - 11 years ago
UMDU thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Thank you all for your encouraging words. Busy with work. Unable to reply individually to all of you. Let us hope the CVs take note of it and make an attempt to make it to some extent realistic. Edited by UMDU - 11 years ago
walquest2000 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
At last, a sensible conversation between uncle jees and aunty jees.   Wisdom has entered the debate.   The angle of the viability of the business of t.v. channels  was brought up, and all the rest flows from it.   TRP depends on the viewer segment.  It is not in far a way countires, but India.  Within this area, the educated find it below their dignity to view these stories.   So the mass of viewers are grounded in old values, and to cater to this segment, the choices are made.    The wise among us, would like this trend to change, and this is what I feel is being echoed here.   I too sincerely hope the trend will change, if not in this genearation, atleast in the next, as the young educated classes become adults and take control of these channels.
Lins_Love thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
fab post uma jiπŸ‘πŸΌ agree with all those points...
though all these tracks r entertaining & giving some social messages it has to be some what realistic as well... hope cv's look into this matter...

p.s:   i seriously believes that next track  is sandy's day college track... becoz no other option is left since siblings tracks r over( hope thy wont bring some track for bhabasaπŸ˜†)

this is the only forum i have ever seen,, where -ve points of the show can be discussed and  even accepted by their loyal fans😎
dabhians rocks!!!⭐️