Does Sandhya have it in her?

Sayali_23 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
What it takes to be an IPS Officer?

The show recently completed 400 episodes and is toping the TRP charts. This made me curious to find out exactly what is so special about this show? As I understand the show is about Sandhya's struggle to fullfill her dream about becoming an IPS officer and how she is supported by her husband in that.

It's a very good concept and a huge potential to encourage and inspire Indian girls to become IPS Ooficer or chase your dreams... But unfortunately the show fails big time. Even after completeing like 400 episode Sandhya is nowhere near even to complete her graduation which is eligibility criteria to appear for the exams. I don't see Sandhy's passion to be an IPS officer... The show is more a sas-bahu drama than an inspiring story it promises...

Sandhya becoming an IPS officer is like a back up plan of the show which they remember in berween as a filler track to sas-bahu tracks.

As a new viewer I want to know from supporters / fans of this show...

Does Sandhya have it in her what it takes to be a IPS officer?...
In terms of passion / desire...
In terms of mental toughness...
In terms of physical strength it requires...
In terms of decision making capabilities...
In terms of general knowledge...
In terms of communication skills...

The actor playing Sandhya does not impresses me at all... The intention of this post is not to offend anybody but understand from the fans of this show ... Hope somebody replies to this message...


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I-Luv-Rashi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Hey don't vanish๐Ÿ˜†
I am typing answers Just wait a min Dear!๐Ÿ˜ณ
Sayali_23 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: I-Luv-Rashi

Hey don't vanish๐Ÿ˜†

I am typing answers Just wait a min Dear!๐Ÿ˜ณ

Hehe I will not vanish... Waiting for the answers...
Thanks in advance for making the effort to answer them... ๐Ÿ˜Š
..Anusha.. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Sandy has all those qualities you listed. Even though she hasn't made it to the IPS cadre yet, she's had to deal with all sorts of cases in Pushkar. For some weird reason, she has full access to Pushkar police station and goes to discuss cases and plan strategies to apprehend crims. 

So she's Sandhya IPS without the uniform. You could say, she's working undercover. 
Sayali_23 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: PadBear

Sandy has all those qualities you listed. Even though she hasn't made it to the IPS cadre yet, she's had to deal with all sorts of cases in Pushkar. For some weird reason, she has full access to Pushkar police station and goes to discuss cases and plan strategies to apprehend crims.

So she's Sandhya IPS without the uniform. You could say, she's working undercover.

well correct me if I am wrong... Suraj took admission for Sandhya at night school hiding it from Bhabhoo... That does not reflect good in terms of courage and facing the situation...

IPS officer are some one like Kiran Bedi... Meera Bowankar... Tejdeep Kaur.. To name the few...Edited by sayali_d23 - 11 years ago
..Anusha.. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: sayali_d23

well correct me if I am wrong... Suraj took admission in night school hiding it from Bhabhoo... That does not reflect good in terms of courage and facing the situation...

IPS officer are some one like Kiran Bedi... Meera Bowankar... Tejdeep Kaur.. To name the few...

No you aren't wrong.  For some reason, Bhabo was against Sandy going to college. But now she's not. Bhabo herself has got admission for Sandy in day college.  So Sandy, despite hiding things, is now being supported by Bhabo... this is all illogical... coz most of the time, Sandy does a lot of work that the police should be doing, and she does it with Bhabo's knowledge.

I don't look for sense, just entertainment. 
Sayali_23 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: PadBear

No you aren't wrong. For some reason, Bhabo was against Sandy going to college. But now she's not. Bhabo herself has got admission for Sandy in day college. So Sandy, despite hiding things, is now being supported by Bhabo... this is all illogical... coz most of the time, Sandy does a lot of work that the police should be doing, and she does it with Bhabo's knowledge.

I don't look for s

ense, just entertainment.

so in short ths show is like any other senseless sas-bahu drama????

I guess I should not make any effort to watch it then... Because what ever I saw I didnt find anything entertaining in it...

Thanks for the reply...
I-Luv-Rashi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Atlast finished Typing here are answers to your questions in blue!

Does Sandhya have it in her what it takes to be a IPS officer?

Ofcourse She has it! And this is why I am hooked to this show as Cv's has intelligently shown each and every quality in Sandhya which is needed in a IPS officer in these 400 Episodes.

In terms of passion / desire...

Yup she has gone through so much pressure in her family after her marriage,Where at a point she was proved to be a lier,She was accused of stealing jewelry in her own house!She came to know she has been married to a 8th call pass Halwai!but her desire of Being an IPS Officer never died nor her passion!

In terms of mental toughness...

Now this is my favourite part.Sandhya is very tough mentally!In first mystery she solved was when her Devrani Meena set saree godown on fire! She added the clues and found out that there were only empty boxes burnt in fire and not sarees!She also investigated it more and Found out it was Meena.Second case was when Mathie accused Suraj of adding Wine in her dish during WTCC.She was the only one who closely observed footage and found out the difference between Vinegar and Wine bottle seals.
Her Third case was of terrorist RajKumar.She very intelligently added the clues of RajKumar asking her time when he was getting arrested,She then concluded why Keys were attracted Towards Chotu!She concluded there was another bomb and it was in chotus coat!Her fourth case was recently The Samiji oops wait Fake swamiji who used science to Fool people and he was succesful!Everyone believed him but not sandhya it in itself explains how mentally tough she is!She then investigated and proved to Sooraj that he was fake!At one time she was even threatened to be thrown out of her own house but she never stopped suspecting and inspecting Swamiji! When she was challenged by Dusht Swami she never lost hope and till last minute she was searching for jewelry and when she found instantly she understood the fake miracles of Dhongi that were:
Automatic bursting of Coconut and she explained how pottassium was used behind this trick.
Idol appearing from earth:She explained how double weight of chickpea then Idol! and  was buried underneath the idol and when they increased in size they pushed The idol out!
The tears of Idol:She explained how Redwax was used instead of Eyeliner and on aarti because of flame it melted and looked like tears!DABH CV's I love you for this track!

In terms of physical strength it requires...

It was shown when pipe of Rathi's Water tank got repaired on roof.firstly it was announced that there will be shortage of water for 3 days and then unfortunately pipe got damaged!Bhbaho and whole family was worried as water was running out! Suraj and Mohit were not at home there was only vickram with ladiesBhabho told Vickram to go and fix it with sticky flour! Vickram climbed up on roof but he got scared on climbing on Tank a sit was seriously too high!Vickram came back!Sandhya ran and climbed up  on tank and took risk and repaired pipe!( I must say The actress playing Sandhay Deepika is also very courageous to shoot such a risky sequence!) Everyone was shocked I also remember Meena's comment she said"Bhabho calls me Gillehri (Squarrel) without any reason Jethaniji(Sandhya) is the real gillehri ( Squarrel)!!"๐Ÿ˜†This proves she is physically fit! AT The Bomb case also she slipped from A cliff but she did managed to climb up!

In terms of decision making capabilities...

Again yes she is,The way she ran with bomb when she saw only 1 min left from blast and her whole family was with them she instantly made decision and ran away!Secondly again the tank issue she took instant decision and ran to the Tank!Thirdly the WTCC issue she ran to the operator room and demanded to review the footage!She was the only one who instantly decided to use Swamiji's own tricks to expose him!๐Ÿ‘

In terms of general knowledge...

Ofcourse she is brilliant.At The time of WTCC she knew that if Mushrooms cooked in wine it can become highly poisonous!
She also knew that There is only one way to burst coconut automatically without using anything infront of people and that is Pottassium!๐Ÿ‘

In terms of communication skills...

Last but Not the least! She is awesome at that skill! AT WTCC the way she explained Judge thrice:
1-Santosh went to give him ladoos because he like dit but Santosh did not intended to Bribe him!
2-Sooraj should be allowed to not to cook Non-Veg
3-Sooraj is innocent in that Mathie issue!
She also explained people in fake swamiji case how he fooled them and the so called miracles were actually scientific Tricks! The way she used dialogues of getting vision from Goddess Parvati to trap fake Dhongi Sadhu were applaudable!

I Salute you Cv's for all these tracks as I loved all of them to the core! I hope now you have all your Answers!If you want to ask something feel free to ask!

Sayali_23 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
@I-Love-Rashi...(Sorry don't know your name)

Thank you very much for detail reply... But unfortunayely your reply made me laugh... (please dont be offended).. The incident and examples you gave... They just proved one thing.. She is super dupur hit Bahu... All TV bahus doo good jasusi.. But that does not make them IPS officer worth...

When you have the desire to be IPS officer... Your whole life revolves about preparing for it... People getselected from lacs of entires and the question paper of those exams are very tough...

I was reading one of Kiran Bedis intervew... In the Physical training they make you run for miles... You have to some times carry like few kg with you while running.. Trekking.. Hikking is part of it... The example you gave.. She climb up the tank and repair the pipe.. I do that many times... So tht does not prove she is capable in that...

If she can't even confront her mother in law out in open about becoming an IPS Officer... That says a lot about her courage, decision making ability and communication skills...

Thank you for the reply..
thala thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

alina this is for your wonderful analysis of sandy and muh tod jawab๐Ÿ‘