ainaGURTI MG FF :)

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Posted: 11 years ago

FF:Love VS Ego- At Altar of Sacrifice-#1-part1-19~ 




n SOME OS that ve written :) 

Due to the threats of our Forum closing down , I have made this thread as n wen am free will come n copy paste all parts of my FF here... 

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Edited by ainaGURTI - 11 years ago


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Posted: 11 years ago
Also i would like to Inform all my readers tat i have my Entrance xam on 13 n 27 Jan... n heavilyl help up with it, so will not be updating anything till then.. after tat 2 updates every week pakka prmoise n will also be starting 2 more FF!!

Dont forget me till tat...

love u all loads TC :) 

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Posted: 11 years ago


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It was a perfect morning😆... Birds chirping around d country side nd hen's cukdoo koo.🤢.. Everything around was beautiful with the very first sunrays glooming into d window at almost d day break nd all serene nd peaceful... 😉

Yet something was not fine Rano just could not sleep d night off😡.. every half an hour she kept turning sides unable to xplain herself d growing restlessness in her.. She tried to calm herself with cold water nd tried retreating but still coul'dnt😭... Mohinder had got up twice worried with her restlessnes but could do nothing just sooothe her to bed.😉.. At 5 it was enough for her to bear, she walked down to kitchen nd started brunching her usual APPLE scannig through her BB *no latest updates*🥺 Sighsss... nd walked directly to her garden to tkae d chill breeze but all she could feel was rhythmic convulsions of her body 😳 which she had never felt before in her life... Lost in her pain she almost bumped to her father who was watering the plants! Oops.. Sorry nannu 😆was all she could tell nd to avoid further conversation walked off for her morning prayers😆 nd almost dozzed off there🥱 nd was suddenly woken up by a deep push within her... 👏

She got up with eyes wide open😉 nd felt indeed d time has come nd there is no ignoring facts😊... Coming out half panting her mom "mummji" stared back at her at her own daughtrer's startled look😉... Beta is evreything fine ? Mohinder told me u were unable to sleep all night🥱.. Wat was troubling u so much, rano cut her mother's sentecne half nd finsihed no child can trouble her mom 👏*tat was wat d love rano had for her unborn child whom she had carried for 8 months now nd she knew tat this was not the time for d baby to finally be waraaped in her arms but felt may be her baby too was excited liek her to see nd feel her mom very very soon... of all days she chose to give her mom a labour on Feb 29 a perfect monday morning 😳? Lost in thoughts wen again breeched by the train of thoughts nannu had come out nd Rano jus could not resist d pain any longer she blantly told mummiji i think am having labour pain... 😆

That was more than enough for d Rathore family to go bonkers 🤣: d whole house swept like an alarm🤣... calls to hospital with bells rignhing around ppl kept flooding to see d going to be mom nd all relatives popping in nd out to see d lady🤪! a princess who was gng to deliver a new prince or princess 👍🏼- all were overwhelmed! so was Rano Handa...🤗 Mohinder Handa had called up his family to tell d latest developments of case wen d Rathore family was dng the last min prep to escort their daughter to a maternty hospital :)🤗

Rano's eyes were fixed to d door she didnt want to go alone : not without Beena... 😭

Beena just barged into d room with tears in her eyes nd thousand qns on her lips😡... Rano hugged her tight with a weak smile : Rano could never zplain her pain to anyone she was brought up like tat with full form of patience nd tolearnce😭nd only Beena her frnd sister her evrything could feel her unspoken🥱... Beena Singh Khurana d only human who could be a soul mate a twin sister a lifeline for Rano Handa...😉

Precap : HOSPITAL LOVE! ❤️

Edited by ainaGURTI - 11 years ago
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Posted: 11 years ago

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Rano Rathore had been married to Mohinder Handa... it had been almost 8 mnths since Rano had to give up her Masters nd get married to Mohinder.. Rano initially disliked d idea of marriage but later gave in to her fathers' words... A true Rajput by birth Rano could have never left her Dad'ss words shattered😆.. She still remembered d night wen Beena had consoled her abt Marriage nd how important it was to settle in life with d right person🤢.. Rano had all through her life been very studious nd a perfect xample of a BEST daughter nd an ideal role model for her sisters. Rano's elder sister though disliked d idea of her getting married had eventually agreed to after meeting Mohinder Handa a perfect HUMAN BEING this is how sge described to Rano after meeting up with him, Rano was so against d marriage tat she never met Mohinder till they were married... Rano was so doomed after all d ceremonies nd scpecialy after d BIDAAI were she had to leave Hoshiarpur nd left to d nxt town for her saasuraal... 😭

Rano was even more shocked to see tat d person she was married to had plastered hands legs :P😉 OMGGG!! she had forgotten d fact dat Mohinder had a life breaking accident 1 week before marriage nd had just escaped death😭... Rano was upset tat d marriage never got delayed due to his accident nd now after her college getting married ina couple of weeks landing in a total new village with a unknown stranger nd here she was to nurse him👏... Rano Rathore was a princess nd Mohinder d Crowned prince :P Rano eventually accepted fate nd let start a happy married life wit Mohinder nd it was few mnths for her to realise tat her mom had got d best HUBBY for her in this universe😉...Rano never cibbed, each day with Mohinder was so memorable tat she daily fell in love with him all over again :)

In d labour room with all the thought of past 8 months from d time of nursing her new hubby to her HM to being a perfect bahu nd bhabhi at her in lwas😳... Rano was baffled to tolerate d pain😭... Rano could not take any medicines she was an known allergic to pain killers nd still Rano never let a single sight of pain visible on her👏... Doctors looked upon her in awe for d love she had for her baby tat she went through d labour without a single twitch.. 😕

It was almost midnoon wen a toddler barely 1 yr old came running to d hospital with his father Kunal Singh Khurana😳... D boy ran to d labour in search of his mom... nd stood at peace seeing his mom😉.. Beena stood there her hands rooted to Rano soothing her ns easing her... Maan yelled on top of his voice seeing his mom nd ran out sie d room... Rano twitched in pain to d sudden outburst of noise😡...nd signed Beena to go out...😡

Beena ran out only to see Maan crying nd throwing tantrums.. He had taken d entire hospital in his head.😆.. Beena stared a look to Kunal demanding an xplanation to bringhing her son to the hospital..nd Kunal gave a retreated look like😉 ' wat to do ur son is beyond my control'... Maan was shouting at his mom for leaving him alone as Maan was accustomed to geeting up ech day to his mother's face😳 ... not seeing her today he became a wild wolf... Beena tried to xplain but all in vain...🥱

The world seemed to a stand still wen Maan finayly shut his mouth only to gaze at a pink clad doll.❤️.. The nurse had walked down nd handed over d Baby to Beena😭...*Congratulation ur sister has delivered a baby GIRL😉* Beena stood dumbstruck d vision infront of her was expressionless.. d BABY was no less than a doll🥳...PErfect PINK nd RED.. BEAUTY with no definiton.. Beena had tears seeing Rano's Daughter... Kunal went close to have a glimpse at her nd stood numb at her beauty! 😉

Maan all d while had jus seen the tiny prouting legs of d BABY! d nurse continued *BABY didn't cry at birth.. Her breathing was laborious if u have seen d baby can we take her to d incubation centre for monitoring her vitals😭* Maan kept pulling his mom's pallu without speaking anything nd finally Beeana sawpped out of  realisation lowered herself to show d beauty to him☺️... Maan made a baby fave to hold her once.. Beena immediately gave in to him...😉

Maan with his tiny hands carried d BABY😳.. He never blinked to look at her from head to toe😳...Her eyes which were shut😳..her lips red red😳! her cheeks pink😳! He jus coul'dnt BLINK! BABY opened her eyes feeling d warmth of d touch.😆.. Her first sight was of MAAN😉... MAAN SINGH KHURANA😉! Maan started crying... He felt sad for wakinh ger up from her sleep😡..his tiny tears fell on her cheeks nd d cold drops made her cry too😭!! Beena immediately handed over d BABY to nurse who carried her away😡.. Maan kept crying i woke her up...i woke her up😡!! may be i hurt her with my firm grip😭... it must have hurted d BABY... She got up... She got up... Beena tried consoling him *this is BABY time to get up Maan... plz dnt cry... He shuddered off cryingin his mom's lap nd slept off...  

Lillte did he realise tat his touch had aroused her from sleep😉.. D sleep she's been at peace for 8 mnths🥱... She had got up to his touch🤪.. Nd cried at his tears😡... Little did she realise d bond of tat single tear which from his eyes to her cheeks had made a mark for her life time❤️.. Tat wenever she is depressed he'll come nd hold her nd arouse her from all darkness 😭nd she will reciprocate his every tear even before its fallen off his eyes😭... His feelings toudhes her cheeks before it even touched hisheart😎.. only FATE knew wat it hold for tat tear which connected them to one SOUL! or may be !! 😡

Edited by ainaGURTI - 11 years ago
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Posted: 11 years ago


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Kunal rushed to meet Mohinder. Stood unable to utter the good news, finally let it out" damadh mubarak ho👍🏼" it was hard to register Mohinder ran tears along him nd hugged Kunal rhyming Beti mubarak ho🤗.. It was the most precious moment of his life, he crawled past to ICU to see d little princess nd stayed there in waiting hall for nxt 6 hrs waiting to hold on his princess🤣.. Nanno had come up to bless d BABY' Beena  Rano had chaated d whole evening Beena describing abt d little princess to d most awaited Mother.🥺


Finally d golden moment had come Mohinder  carried over d BABY to hand it over to Nanno nd Rano's hands who sat beside her nd touched his daughter's forehead with unspoken love💔- he was overwhelmed to see his daughter give life to d most beautiful soul tat lay in his arms😭.. Nanno touched d BABY's cheeks😎. Bend over to her ears's nd delivered  a prayer to her soul🤗 nd ended telling from today onwards u will be known as GEET'. GEET HANDA😳'. Rano was all d while teary eyed seeing her Geet'.Her Music of life'Her soul who had been a part of her for previous 8 monhts now lay on her laps with d magnificent looks of a true RAJPUT!!👍🏼



Rano had to saty over for a couple of days at d Maternity home..nd Beena used to visit her during Day time nd always made a point to put Maan to sleep before rushing to d hospital💔.. Maan was physically weak with frequent outbreaks of Fever so Beena didn't want him to visit d hospital..🤣



Rano was finally discharged home .. Rano was never tired off taking care of Geet🤣.. Geet was very smart nd never bothered her mommy unlike other new borns' Geet never stayed late night t o cry or wail but used to always stare at her colourful cradles,🥳always fascinated by bright colours ❤️around and silent went darkness crept.. She never used to cry.. She used to flaunt her big smile even while asleep nd always stare at ppl wen they came over to talk to her!!


Maan never missed out a single chance to be to Rathore's Home!! Barely 1 year toddling nd walking🤣.. Maan used to stand long hours at d doorstep of Rano's room never crept inside to avoid d commotion at her room..Rano's room was always filled with family nd friends who poured into chit chat nd glimpse taking of Geet'. Nanno had spoken with Daadima (Mohinder's Mother) to let Rano stay with them for couple of months for which she had willfully obliged!😎


PRECAP : 2 months..




Maan SERIOULSY ill'😡

Edited by ainaGURTI - 11 years ago
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Posted: 11 years ago

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Maan was never so like this before😉.. He played with his sets of toys to break it up in just 5 min & wail at top stretching his vocal cords just to burst out his mother's eardrums😡.. Maan had never learnt to be silent🤢. The youngest in his family at a pre term kid was always pampered to d power of inifinity 😡. He had wanted all tat he asked for nd had never learnt no for an answer😆. He was s shor making types nd stuck to his mom like Fevicol :P never let her in peace... Followed her like his shadow😭! But things change nd since d time Rano had been back home with BABY GEET😉... Beena just could not resist staying there all time loving nd taking care of Geet . Maan never cribbed ususally would have protested see his mother's love divided over him but inthis situations he choose to stay calm nd just be a silent specator to all things revolving around Geet...😉

Maan never went  near her, He used to watch her from as far as possible... *god knows Y* Maan who generally used to be so engrossed with his sports cars... Had completely given it up after Geet had come home.. He never found time to keep his eyes away from her for other activites!!! He used to walk to Rathore's Mansion along with Beena daily nd wen Beena nd Rano had their non stop chtater he used to resume his profession of CONstant gazing!! 😡

It was during one such gazing did he notice her turn over her self😉 :P Her first Venrtal movement nd wen d mothers were busy chatting he captured d moment in his moms Mob😭!!! * Maan had collection of Geet's snap - *all long shots :P* He loved poking his Mobile around tat kept clicking every now nd then!!!😳!  The flash had just focussed on her tiny Retina nd before her eyes could percieve d rays of light a vibrant smile parched through her lips!! *Beauty Personified* 😉

Geet later learnt to focus on moving obljects her analytical brains slowly on d verge of development! 👏She used to smile at flying objects nd moving toy trains😳!! Maan noticed tat nd used to revolve around her cot or craddle making her turn her head nd smile all over😉!!! Maan loved running all through d garden wen she was brought out during sun bath at morning🥱 ... nd use d to run about d main hallway wen she was put on her Pram for evening walks🥱. All these smiling sessions had left her giggling nd smiling trying to fanatasixe moving objetcs.. nd he totall y startled by her sweet smileee!!! 

Geet had been to hospital 1 month later for routine vaccinations nd it was pulse polio day too ... Geet came back home with full flushed cheeks soaring with pain due to all d numerous vaccinations tat had pireced her gentle skin😭..Tired nd shattered she had slept over Beena... Rano too was unwell with fever so Geet's responsibity laid on Beena😡... Beena had told Kunal to take Maan for his OPV but Maan refused🤢... He just blantly told to Beena i'll get tis done only if Geet too gets it done😲.. Beena tred xplainging to Maan abt d other medications Geet had been given too but talking ot Maan was pure waste of time *anything crept into his brains even God cant change nd Maan missed his OPV(Oral Polio Virus) of tat phase counselling... 😕

It was a week later wen Maan was severly Ill nd down with fever nd Barely able to stand..😭 Khurana's were hell worried seeing Maan laying lifeless ...🤢

Maan had been to d hospital nd after a serious of Tests he was flown to CMC, Ludhiana - Diagnosed with Polio😲, a crippling disease that would leave him life long handicapped... 😲

Edited by ainaGURTI - 11 years ago
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Posted: 11 years ago


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Beena was highly upset with this diagnosis😭.. Least did she expect Maan would end up in such a situation.. She felt so cursed in life, a broken mother who had never d ability to ponder love over her kids😡.. she still remembered d mistakes of her life nd regretted being her. It was 4 yrs back wen she was expecting a kid.. Was damn happy wen Dr had told she'll be delivering twinss😭. She was on cloud nine... later during her course of pregnancy some complications had arised nd d Dr had told her tat oly 1 fetus grew nd d other lay dead or dormant.🤢.. Beena was dead with this news.. She was carrying 2 kids one alive nd other dead beacuse her system could not cater to 2 fetus🤢.. Nature had chosen one over d other nd she delivered a BABY... a BABY BOY... She was crying wen she delivered nd hated d baby to d power of inifinity.. she had delivered a boy nd nature had killed her girl to save d baby boy...😡

Beena always fanataside over Girls😉... She loved Girls nd wen she had delivered this boy she only could do was hate him😭... She never touched d baby nd carried him once daily to feed😡... never looked at him even wen d baby used to cry😡.. she just behaved tat d little baby never existed for her😭... It was almost 6 mnths after d delivery tat maan's dadima had finally chosen to spk to her abt d injustice of her to avoid a new born baby nd punish him for no reason... She had explained to her abt motherhood nd mothership nd tought her d mother's touch in a gentle polite way d day wen Beena Realised how wrong she was nd d biggest sin of her lifwe which kept her son devoid of mother's touch nd love for d 1st 6 months of his life🥱... Beena had vowed tat she'll compensate for it by unconditional live for him & her guilt grew too large tat only thing she would do is admire d little prince nd shower every little joy she had👏... She vowed never to harm him nd never to say no to his wishes😉.. her cute baby she fell in love with DEV... DEV SINGH KHURANA her tiny charming prince :P😉

It was 3 yrs later wen DEV started his schooling nd Beena had delivered a baby GIRL!!!😳Anni... ANWESHA SINGH KHURANA😳... Her tiny princess.. Beena who was so excited abt d baby had hardly any time to be with her baby wen she had developed post birth complications😆.. nd within weeks it was found tat she was pregnant again😉.. Inspite of her weakness she choose to carry on with her pregnancy she never wanted to terminate this kid her guilt would kill her😕.. After d loss of a baby nd a never showering love for kid she could not carry more weight in her hearts...😭

Maan was delivered at 7 month a pre term baby nd required constatnt vigilance😉... D pregnancy tenure had been filled with complications tat Beena never took care of Anni😭.. She had handed over Anni to Rano to look after😳.. Rano brought up Anni with full love care nd affection tat any mother could give... 😉

Even after Maan's birth due to his weakness Beena had been completely involved with him ndnever found time for Anni😕... Once Rano was married off nd Anni was left with hardly any care.😭.. Now again fate had turned sour for Beena😭... She cried all nights praying for Maan to see him Run like before around Geet nd grow up like a normal child...😭

After series of tests nd medications finnaly 2 weeks later Maan was discharged... Maan was still not back to normal😭.. D Dr had advised complete rest for 1 full yr😡... D baby was not allowed to walk or stand or sit  down🤢... he had advised tat Maan should not use his legs or rest his legs in a posture tat would put his body's weight over it😭... Beena had decided to walk back to Rathore Mansion to stay with Mummyjii who she held on as her mother nd this crucial period she wanted to stay with Mummyjii for moral support😊.. Khurana's had shifted to Rathore Mansion... Kunal did weekly visits to them... Dev had started his schooling😕.. A silent shy guy who hardly spoke well focussed nd hard working a perfect son as per Beena... Anni had been jollying around house day nd nihgt nd enjoyed d new house..😕. Maan was under constatnt care by Beena nd mummijii.. Never let him stand sit or walk... Always carried him nd made him at comfort... Maan kept cribbing with all his babyish attitude he hated this entire thing but was helpness🥱... Nano too loved baby Maan nd sat beside him nd tell stories at night nd took him for gardening at evening...😲

Geet wen she was almost 2 mnths hold had been taken back to Handa Haveli at Jalandher..😡. Rano missed her home but Dadimaa always took gr8 care of Rano nd Baby Geet...😳 Mohinder used to always stay at Delhi for his business work nd Rano had single handedly taken charge of Geet... 😉

*So this is d foundation for d story line- from d first 5 parts u can make out d character sketch of d pl who will appear in this story* List :

Geet Handa - Mohinder Handa & Rano Handa ( Born Rathore) 😳
Maan Singh Khurana - Kunal Singh Khurana & Beena Singh Khurana ( Born Rathore) 😳

Rano nd Beena were neighbours nd from Royal Family of Rathore in Hoshiyarpur...😉

Mohinder Handa was from Jalandher - Prince of Jalandher...😊

Kunal Singh Khurana was d crowned prince of Hoshiyarpur...😊

Nano &&  Mummyijii were parents of Rano...😆

Kunal Singh Khurana stayed with his parents at Khurana Mansion at Hoshiyarpur...😆

Mohinder Handa stayed with his mom at Jalandher.. his father passed away even before his marriage...🤢

Beena & Kunal had  3 kids - DEV ANWESHA nd MAAN...😳

Rano & Mohinder had only GEET...😳

Other small family caharacters will spring up in story as nd wen required!!!🤣

 but to keep u all aware Rano had 2 sisters nd a brother... 
Beena had 2 sisters.. 

Tats it for now!!! 😉
Edited by ainaGURTI - 11 years ago
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Posted: 11 years ago

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Geet was s apple of Rano's EYES! Rano took intense care of her😆.. Geet used to visit d Rathore Mansion once a month & Baby Maan used to eagerly wait for her return😊.. He used to sit by d main gate along with Nano nd kept all his toys packed together😲.. Maan had almost stopped playing with his set of toys- cos he knew he;'ll end up breaking it... He never used anything till he had'nt showed it to Geet...😉

Everytime wen baby Geet used to come he used to start his usual staring session but as time passed he got into other activites too,😉 He would always be tooo excited but she always had come home asleep.😡. Heart broken & Sad look over his face & tears crept all over him & Nano used to take him to Rano's room both waiting for Geet to get up.🥺. Once she was up he used to sit beside her nd show her his set of new toys😉.. All his toy cars trains & soft toys.. Maan had started to demand Kunal to get him Barbie dolls too 🤣nd used to give 1 barbie dool to Rano every time They came over👏.. Rano had kept it all safely d never gave it to Geet..*she was too small to handle * 

Maan then used to start playing nd within hours all his toys eneded up broken😳.. Geet used to look at him with awe a t d beautiful toys nd his handling of them🥱.. Once d toys failed to function he was left with nothing to amuse her😆... He would then resort to his talking session😳.. With half blabbers his smart voice nd d half learnt fairy tales which nano had taught him Maan used to start d legacy to Geet.. He never left her alone.. Would sit by her wen Rano kept feeding her Cerelac :P😎 Nd haan wipe her cheeks wen she messed up herself which she used to do ost of d times🤣... Lick her half left Cerelac... ☺️

Maan had always on road to war with Anni wen ever Geet was around-😡 it would always be i would baby sit Geet!! Maan always wanted to sit beside her but Anni too demanded d same thing😉.. anni loved Geet nd barely 3 yrs old..she still would carry Geet all over Rathore Masnion irking Maan's Jealousy😉!! Maan was'nt allowed to walk leave carrying Geet & he used to sit helplessly watch Anni Cary Geet nd run away from him😡 His anger would always be high with Anni around but all he could do was nothing but yell to Beena who would come over to help him...😉

Geet was always chirpy nd laughing to all his pranks😳.. All her sessions were filled with Eating nd messing around Maan wiping nd drooling over her😳... Anni Maan fight over Geet😳... Geet's timely vaccinations nd d endless fever foloowing😆.. Maan ice cubing Geet☺️!! He never left a chance to play Ice sparkle on her wen she was down with fever😡... Rano used to carry nd give her cold ice wipes nd Maan mischievously used to pour out ice cubes over her😳, D chillness made her shreik nd get up from sleep nd he used to enjoy tat only ended with Beena's endless shouting! 😡 As Geet used to land up with fever even more after Maan's ice cubing sessionss!!! 😭

Afternnoon naps wen Maan curled around to sleep beside her nd d endless bath sessions together😆!!Maan loved playing with water nd helped Rano bathe him nd Geet!!! 😳Evening Nano used to carry Maan to watering d Garden's as usual nd Geet laid over her Pram😉 & Maan used to pluck Roses nd lay it beside her pillow 😉:) He used to feed her chewed in biscuits☺️ since she didnt have teeth nd made her sip water from his superman water botttle... He once noted white Tooth like gums over her opened mouth nd wen worriedly discussed with Mummijii who ezplained him abt teething process he went to his home with Kunal nd searched his attic to get his own teether nd pushed into her mouth nd silenting over her ears"u'll teeth from my teether- get ur teeth soon i want to hear u talk ) Geet indeed spoke few words which hardly made sense apart fromm baaa nd aaa she hardly had any sounds to produce...😆

It was after his teething scheduldes tat once he with hos fairy tales story was making her talk to him wen she finally told Maaa :* 😭He jumped with joy calling Rano tat Geet was speaking to him..Geet had told her first word Maaa😲... Rano didnt want to disappint him nd told haan Maan Baby Geet called u first😳... Maan was on cloud nine tat day...  😳

& from then started d speech therapy clases by MAAN SINH KHURANA!!!! 😡

Edited by ainaGURTI - 11 years ago
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Posted: 11 years ago

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It was one such Geet Feeding session😉!! Rano fed her with Maan wiping d semisolid found around her lips😳!!! Beena came over was guiding Dev through his homewrok😡... Beena took over Geet on her lap nd started her talking OH my BABY Grow up soon😆... I cant wait to take u to my home my sweet DIL😳(DAUGHTER IN LAW) gazing at Dev... Geet did a phur over her Face nd Maan Rose to wipe his Mother's cheeks😛 nd giving a staring look at Geet : Dnt u dare harm my Mommy😡... Geet once again Phurrr😉... Maan stared nd then took her cerelac nd applied all over face like face pack 😳nd Anni jumped from nowere nd pulled Geet nd started running towards d Garden😉... Realization struck again😭... Maan could'nt run behibd to sit beside Geet😡, & Teas rolled down his cheek half of guilt of making her dirty😡 nd half of d fact tat he was'nt able to be beside her all d time😭... as d Kids were engrossed in playing nd crying Beena once again looked at Rano waiting for her answer😭... Rano shook her head & smiled back a weak smile😆... Dev & Geet were d future pair in Beena's thoughts😡... but Rano was worried she could never decide on such things this smile of hers was not an eternal promise but years later she knew tat wat if her Baby resented to this settlement which her mother had done😡... Well Rano just scoffed off d thought tat as years rolled by things will take different shape!🤢Hoping all will end well but little did she knew tat wat a storm stay at her Daughter's life 20 years from now!! 😉

It was Geet's 9 mnth running wen she was down with sever fever diagnosed with Measles nd she'd been home were Maan contracted infection from her😳!! Both were kept in isolation to prevent cross infection to other kids at house😆 nd it was during this royal period wen Maan started with his Sppech therapy for baby Geet!😳! It was after 3 mnths tat she'd been home nd only he knew how much tat seperation was painful nd d day she arrived he statrted to dread d departure😭.. Maan had been matured now to d extent dat he used to never show his presence wen ever Rano nd family left Rathore Mansion😭.. He used to cuddle up & sleep in Nano's BEd crying all over😳 ... Now tat fate had put them back together for 14 dys in Isolation it was more than wat he could have ever expected...😭

Geet used to always do her Phurrr during Eating wen she found d food tasteless😳... Maan used to taste it after her nd lick her spoon showing all kinds of superb expressions from his small little fingers & open his mouth wide open signalling Geet to do d same nd feed her then😉... Geet never did any phurr to him🤗... She used to obey him😳!! Wenever he fed her half d spoon he'll eat tasting nd then signalling her to eat next😉! Aprat from her Maaa word... she learnt to say Paaa😊... Aaa for dadima😛... Na fo Nanooo😆... Me for mumijiii 😆& E for Aniiee😆.. & Hardly responded to DEv as he hade little interest to spend time with her so she never bothered to reciprocate to him!!! for Maaan it was d ever famous Maaa with a big smile expecting him to come over with toy trains nd teddy bears🤣... Maan wanted to talk to her nd started training her with the very little vocabulary tat he possessed... 😉

He tought her to talk first showing gestures nd guiding her lips nd tongue😉.. He never knew how sounds were produced but had only observed tat Geet's tongue rolled we she spoke so he thought may be rolling tongue to differnt angulations will make sounds nd that is wen he used to put fingers in her mouth twisting her tongue ndteaching her how to yell😡!! because she never Yelled😭...she was always soft in her babyish talks!🤣!! once he tought her to yell tat was d only thing she used to do🤣... Yell at maan nd phurr at others🤣... later he thought her small words by showing her directions how his lips moved keeping a mirror in front of them😳... but as he always took out d mirror he would be lost looking at her reflection😉 & Geet was dumbfolded😡 wen she saw d mirror not because she saw some pictures but because she saw him there😡.. she used to stare at him & then  his reflections😉.. pull out her hands to touch him nd then d mirror smile at him nd stare at mirror😳 she got sacred finally seeing 2 maan😆.. This reflection of maan was dng everything Her Maan was dng tat finally wen she didnt undersatnd it she pulled it from him nd threw it in disgust.😆.. Maan started crying as one of d glass pieces had struck him nd an instantaneous response Geet started Yelling😆... The Rathore Mothers came running over to d room to see d commotion nd burst out laughing looking at how foolishly their kids kept playing!! 😳

Beena had cleared up Maan's wounds nd Maan was so angry with Geet tfollowing this incident tat he stopped talking to her😆... 1 week passed still both at same room all d time but maan behaved as no one existed in tat room😡... Geet used to give long stare at him all day long😭... Trying to make him look at her crawl down from bed she once fell down from bed too but never cried since she knew tat Maan will bluntly ignore her😭 nd it was later tat Beena had found a big lump over her forehead did she realise tat Geet must have tipped over... Geet started to phurr all during her eating sessions nd learnt to sprinkle water while sipping from her sipper she used to sprinkle water like mountatin over Maan but he just never turned back... Poor baby geet didnt know wat to do to make him talk back to her... Used to try all day long all d mischief tat she knew but nothing worked on him 😉& tired would retire back to her sleep😭.. Once she slept Maan would roll over d other side😳 nd kiss her on her lump(forehead) 😉nd stroke her cheeks😳 pull over d tiny blanket over both of them nd sleep! 😉


Walking Geet ended with collision with Maan...URf FRACTURE!!!!! 😲

BIRTHDAY coming up!!!!! CAKES nd BAKES!!!! 😡
Edited by ainaGURTI - 11 years ago
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Posted: 11 years ago


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A week passed uneventfully by the untiring efforts of Geet all going down drain with baby Maan harldy affected by any.. D time of departure had finally arrived😭.. As usual maan was not there in d scene & buried to tears😡 ..His long awaited holidays with Geet had finally ended nd tat too with a sad note neither could he shun down his anger nor forgive her for the mirror🤢..Maan usually never bothered abt his broken toys by Geet had it been anyone else tat would have marked d end of d person 😆but Geet nd her actions had always been overruled by Maan 😉but this mirror incident he'd taken too harsh😡 He jus could'nt see her face break into so many pieces in d front laid broken mirror' in fact it was dat broken sight which had turned him off completely 😭not tat reason of a broken misrror😭..Little did Geet realize tat her Maan had always chosen himself to portray her reflections as a mirror😉 & she d selfish kind would end up destroying everything 🤢& shattering to pieces only to be left hurt by Maan😡 who would be unable to see her shattered😡.. Neither of them knew d future tat had been written, fate which had chosen ways to unite them 😆only to shatter them to pieces🤢 nd let each other suffer with broken pieces😡'.



Maan Had been to CMC for his usual check up'nd had been hospitalized for a week this time for his routine tests, but d doctor had chosen to perform extra tests so they had stayed back at hospital.. After a array of tests nd reports it was finally an exhubirabt news tat revealed Maan was completely goinh to lead a normal life deprived of a fearful impeding handicap😳.. Khurana's & Rathore's were joyous nd celebrating to this news but it was only Maan who knew how much he had suffered d past few months of his life leading a handicapped life😭.. nothing bothered to him other than tat of being Helpless for His Geet😭, Every other disability he never cared or bothered because there were ppl at home to take charge of all but it was his Geet tat he could not refrain himself from at such tough times😡.. Maan too was glad tat he's be finally gng back home all fully well😳..He was so excited he wanted to run around Nano's garden 😉& run around carrying Geet😉' He wanted to please her in all the ways tat had been deprived of him for d past few months..😭



All his dreams shattered since Geet was not gng to come😡..It was Mohinder's official trip's tat got mountainous tat he never landed to Jalandher nor Hoshiyarpur😡' Rano had to single handedly manage Geet😕..Geet was d apple of her eye nd her dadima both of them had pampered her to d core😳'Never let her cry nd offer her things even before she asked🥱'Rano had cancelled her home trip nd stayed back at Jalander with Dadima'Meanwhile Mohinder had discussed with Rano to shift d Family base to Delhi😳, since he didn t want to deprive his baby nd d mother of his baby d love tat they deserved.😭



It was finally after 3 mnths Geet was visiting d Rathore Mansion & Mohinder had planned tat after his world tour 6 mnths later the'll shift to Delhi😳' Rano was very happy to be back home 😆& d occasion was Family coronation😉' '. IT was during mid feb nd Rathore;s every year had made it their custom to visit their farmhouse at mid feb nd perform d coronation as a mark of d Royal tradition tat had been carried down over years👏' Beena too had come home for this occasion d first time after Geet's Birth & was excited to carry Baby Geet to their Farm house d first time😳' Lot of childhood memories had been tied to this place nd she wanted her Rano's Baby to relive this too😳' D occasion added to d celebration of Baby Maan😳'. A young adult😉.. Maan's 2nd birthday on Feb 15 :P😳




Edited by ainaGURTI - 11 years ago