I felt like slapping Imam many times: Mink Brar

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Posted: 11 years ago

I felt like slapping Imam many times: Mink Brar

I felt like slapping Imam many times: Mink Brar

After her eviction from the Bigg Boss's house on Colors, we caught up with Punjabi kudi Mink Brar in a no holds barred chitchat...

Edited action
Mink, who's known for her frank and forthright stance in professional as well as personal life, says: "I had told Urvashi and Niketan on Tuesday itself that I have a feeling that I will be going on Friday. The channels have their own agendas and storylines to follow. After coming out of the show, I saw some of the episodes. And I was really surprised that they didn't show a quarter of what all I did inside the house. Everybody knows me as a livewire and I'm always up to some prank or the other. Sadly, nothing of that was shown! Anyways, I am happy that I came out clean, and no damage was done to my image!"

Imam is most irritating
And who according to her is the most irritating character in the reality show? "Imam is the most irritating character out there and I felt like slapping him many times, although there are some others too, who deserve similar treatment. From the moment he came, Imam started intimidating everybody and declared that he would be winning the show! And I was like 'yeah sure!' So, from the next day, I started giving it back to him left, right and centre! Every time he would come and apologise to me, and he even said that this is not the Mink that I have known, and I told him that 'you are also behaving like an a****e here! Rajiv Paul is another one, who forgets all his goodness when he is angry, so that is another irritating person out there!"

We don't even use slang at home
All those who love the bubbly, chirpy Mink, were shocked to see her weeping inconsolably, when Santosh hurled choicest abuses at everyone after a particular task. Ask her what made her so emotional, and she replies: "I come from a family where we don't even use slang. Once I said 'forget it yaa' and my mother told me Minka, aaj kar liya, aage se aise words use na karna. So, for me it was shocking that a guy, who had entered the home a day back, was happily calling us all bas***ds! And three women out there were actually supporting him, it was totally not acceptable and that hurt me a lot!"

Boring love story
Ask her what does she feel about the post-divorce love story of Rajiv Paul and Delnaz, and Mink says: "Rajiv is an idiot and I told him that he is still being an idiot! When Delnaz has already said it time and again that it's over, he's persisting with his telly romance, just to get focus on the show. It's become so boring, I don't know why they are still persisting with that track. Now even Delnaz's brother Bakhtiar has stated in front of everyone that Rajiv didn't even bother to meet his sister in the past two years, and his antics are nothing but a publicity stunt."

Delnaz is not so simple
Interestingly, Mink doesn't have a very high opinion about Delnaz either. "I feel she's not so simple! She's cunning and remains silent whenever Sana, Aashka and Sapna are bitching about Urvashi Dholakia. They started talking ill about Sidhu ji the day he left home. You know silence also means acceptance, so she's silently endorsing all the gossip."

Urvashi lacks sensitivity
Mink had formed a great friendship with Urvashi in the celebrity house. She says, getting emotional: "I found Urvashi to be a very bold and straightforward woman. I respect her for the way she has brought up her twins despite being a single mother. Whenever she asked me to make a cup of tea for her, I felt as if my elder sister was asking me for something and I'd gladly do it." But, many viewers felt that Urvashi was tad too nasty to inmates, and when Bakhtiar called her a real life vamp, many rejoiced too. To this, Mink says: "I agree that Usvashi lacks sensitivity, but even when people like Sana and Aashka are mean to her, she politely asks them for tea and food. I'd never do it for anyone!"

Niketan deserves to win
And who according to her is the most deserving candidate who could win the show? "I feel Niketan is most deserving. He's sensible, doesn't poke his nose into others' affairs and remains dignified always. There are many who feel he doesn't take a stand, but I feel in that situation, where equations change every few minutes, you have to mind your own business. I hated it when Bakhtiar said 'you don't have spine Niketan.' I openly said 'I have spine enough for both of us'," says she.

Posted by Veenisha on Articles Archive


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joohi5ifyy thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing😊
I'll miss u Mink on the show...