~ Missing You/I Miss You ~ (Yoochun's new drama)

.Echo. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Missing You

Also Known As: I Miss You

Genre: Romantic Melo-drama

Episode: 24

Broadcast Network: MBC

Official Website: http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/bogo/

Broadcast Period: November 7 2012

Air Time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55

Director: Lee Jae Dong

Writer: Moon Hee Jung


Missing You is a love story between a man and a woman who live with heartbreaking memories.


Yoon Eun Hye as Lee Soo Yeon 

Park Yoochun as Han Jung Woo 

Yoo Seung Ho as Kang Hyung-Joon

Kim So Hyun as younger Soo Yeon 

Yeo Jin Goo as younger Jung Woo 

Extended Cast

Do Ji Won - Han Jung Woo's (Park Yoochun) new mother, the splendid Fashion Designer Hwang Mi Ran
Jun Kwang Ryul -Kim Eun Joo's (2nd female lead) father, a upright crime squad Detective Kim Sung Ho
Cha Hwa Yeon- Kang Hyung Joon's (Yoo Seung Ho) mother, she has no choice but to choose money in order to survive
Kim Sun Kyung - Nursing Assistant
Song Ok Sook - Lee Soo Yeon's (Yoon Eun Hye) mother, Kim Min Hee. Though loud & tough, she has trouble expressing her feelings & holds profound motherly love for her kid.
Han Jin Hee - Han Jung Woo's (Park Yoochun) Dad, Han Tae Joon. He thinks everybody has to obey his orders. He's a controlling freak/horrible figure who's ready to use his own son for money.
Edited by .Echo. - 11 years ago


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.Echo. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago


A girl walks down a residential alleyway, her head hung low, her eyes darting around nervously. I don't think it's jumping the gun too much to identify her as our heroine, LEE SOO-YEON (Kim So-hyun, played in adulthood by Yoon Eun-hye).

Soo-yeon enters the gate and hears a loud thunk! from inside the house. It pulls her short, all nerves. Oh dear, she lives a pretty grim life, from what we see of her shabby neighborhood and her fearful posture.

Cautiously, Soo-yeon makes her way inside and asks, "Mom?" A man roughly grabs her from behind and muffles her mouth. "Be quiet!" he hisses, "Somebody's outside."


He grabs her threateningly, asking where her mother is. Soo-yeon sobs that she doesn't know, and he throws her to the ground, covering her in a blanket. Yikes.

We cut to outside, where a woman shakes as she listens below the window. Are you Mom? Are you really going to just hide there while your daughter screams, "It hurts"? I guess you are.

The man stomps on Soo-yeon brutally, over and over. He smirks, "It hurts? You were happy I was gone, weren't you?" Please tell me this isn't Dad. I don't blame Mom too much for hiding, given that this is what would be happening to her too… okay, I do blame Mom. Lord, woman.


Some time later, Dad sits nursing a soju bottle. Another man enters and addresses him warningly as Lee Tae-soo. Dad flings the bottle at his head and swings with a wrench, but this man is expecting the fight and efficiently restrains him. Ah, he's a cop — he cuffs Dad and rattles off his list of crimes.

More cops drag him off, and Dad yells, "I didn't kill him!"

It's only now that the cop, Detective Kim (Jeon Gwang-ryul), notices the huddle under the blanket. He finds Soo-yeon trembling, saying, "I… was wrong…" It's her constant refrain, the thing she must always say in hopes of calming Dad's rage.


Turns out Mom called the cops on her husband, and she arrives as Detective Kim emerges with Soo-yeon on his back. He says she's hurt, but Mom mutters, "It won't kill her," and hurries inside the house. Wow. The astonished look on his face mirrors mine, and he calls to Mom. She snaps, "If you're so worried, then you raise her!" Is it too much to hope that he will?

The chyron identifies that we're in the summer of 1997. Then, a quick montage of scenes from the future:

We see a loft with a (woman's?) dead body lying on the ground, a man crying by her side. Our hero runs madly to the distraught heroine, whom he embraces. Police cars screech to the scene.

The hero holds up a gun, grabs her bloodstained hand, and leads her away. We see the face of the sobbing man in the loft (Yoo Seung-ho).

A gunshot. Our hero falls with a bloody bullet wound in his temple. Ack! Is this going to bethat kind of drama? Eeek.

The hero lies on the ground in an empty shed, tears falling from his eyes.


We reopen in the fall of 1998 at an American junior high school. HAN JUNG-WOO (Yeo Jin-gu, later played by Park Yoochun) is called away from his football game with news that brightens his whole being: his father's here.

Jung-woo runs through school with a huge grin that immediately disappears once he sees that it's not Dad here to see him, but his assistant. Dad's too busy with the company, as always. Jung-woo's family lives in Korea, and his stepmother has sent him instructions on touring Ivy League schools, even though he's only 15.

Yet it's Seoul's Gimpo Airport he ends up at, surprising not only his stepmother Hwang Mi-ran (Do Ji-won) but also the assistant he followed, ha. Jung-woo doesn't seem to like her much, keeping his words polite but showing little care for her. They're all heading to see Dad for the first time in six months, and he's determined to be part of the reunion.


As their chauffeured car drives by a prison, he catches a glimpse of Soo-yeon on the street, hair hanging in her face, head bowed as always. Something about her strikes him.

They arrive to pick up Dad, who has served time for some kind of white-collar business-related crime, and Stepmom Mi-ran wades through a crowd of reporters hounding her with questions. Jung-woo has been ordered to stay in the car as Dad emerges in a wheelchair. Jung-woo darts through the crowd to join his family as they're loaded onto a waiting ambulance.

Meanwhile Soo-yeon's mother joins her outside, saying wearily, "It's over. Let's go." Soo-yeon looks over to see a dead body being loaded into another ambulance. (We'll find out later, but that's her dad who's just been executed.)

Jung-woo's father, Han Tae-joon, is a cold, gruff sort who finds Jung-woo's presence here unnecessary and unwelcome. Apparently they'd kept the prison stay a secret from Jung-woo, who says he came because it's been so long that he's heard from his father. Stepmom takes on a suddenly doting attitude and defends him, saying he's old enough to know what goes on in the family now.

Han Tae-joon orders his family to go home, then takes a detour. We come to a large mansion, where another body is loaded onto a stretcher while a woman wails in distress. Lordy, drama, how about a little anchoring here? If I weren't flipping over to the character chart every other minute, I'd be totally lost; I'm having enough trouble keeping all these bodies straight as it is.

This sickly man is a chairman, and the woman is his new wife, Kang Hyun-joo. She growls at Han Tae-joon that she'll call the cops on him, because if something happens to the chairman, he's a murderer.


There's no love lost between Hyun-joo and Han Tae-joon. He snipes, "What, so you'll put me away for murder this time?" He tells her he feels like he just got bit by his supposedly tame dog, accusing her of stealing money from him during his absence.

Hyun-joo bites out that he'd better stop treating her like a dog: "I gave birth to your father's son!" Ah, I see. He thinks of her as a gold-digger who seduced his father, and she blames him for her husband's collapse. This makes her… Jung-woo's step-grandmother? Okay, got it. This is getting convoluted, and fast.

Han Tae-joon warns, "For your child's sake, you'd better not make me angry." She freezes at the threat. He smirks that the boy "won't be dead yet."

Seized with fear, she runs for her son's room—in a separate cottage—screaming, "Joon-ah!" But the only thing inside are two dogs that leap at her. BANG! One dog falls to the ground, shot by Han Tae-joon, who asks menacingly, "Who do you think is next? Where is my money?!"


Hyun-joo is dragged away screaming for her son. But then the men see that a window is broken and stained with blood—the boy escaped. Han Tae-joon orders him found immediately.

That boy is Kang Hyung-joon (future Yoo Seung-ho), who limps away whimpering for his mother. (Ha, so Yoo Seung-ho is technically Yoochun's uncle?)

The sound of barking dogs keeps Hyung-joon on the move… but then, someone grabs him.


By the waterside, Soo-yeon recites listlessly, "He'll come… he won't…" Her mother dumps her husband's ashes into the lake and urges her to say some last words. Soo-yeon confirms, "Dad's not coming back anymore, is he? It's really over, right?"

Mom screams out the lake, cursing her hateful husband and bursting into sobs. A third visitor, Detective Kim, hangs back at a distance.

Mom gets drunk over dinner and toasts to their new life, while the other diners gossip about how Dad was executed for the murder of a child. Her loud behavior attracts stares, but Mom tells Soo-yeon not to mind them.


Jung-woo can't sleep, and he wanders out in the middle of the night, bored. A creaking noise makes him lose some of his nerve, but upon coming to a playground he finds Soo-yeon mindlessly rocking back and forth on a swing. He recognizes her and joins her on the swings, noting, "Ah, so this is what you look like."

She eyes him warily, but he just smiles at her and introduces himself. She expects that he knows who she is since everybody's gossiping about her family. Blankly he asks if she's famous—a celebrity? What?

In his momentary distraction Soo-yeon hurries away, but he calls after her, "Red uniform! Famous girl!" And then, "Lee Soo-yeon!" (It's on her school nametag.) That stops her, and she returns to the playground. He keeps prodding her to answer—who is she then?

When it starts to rain, Jung-woo ducks under the slide and gestures for her to join him. Instead, she tells him to wait and darts back home to look for an umbrella. She excitedly tells Mom about the weird kid who keeps talking to her and calling her name, already smiling as she describes Jung-woo.


Soo-yeon finds the umbrella and runs back in the rain, offering it to Jung-woo. He thanks her and tells her he'll return it tomorrow. She asks, "You'll be back tomorrow?" He replies, "I have to return your umbrella." Cute.

Jung-woo fights with the floppy, broken umbrella all the way home, getting soaked anyway. Ha. But he's got a big grin on his face and embraces the wet.

The next morning Soo-yeon hurries out, eager to meet Jung-woo again. As she passes a house, a bowl smashes through a window and she sees a little kid inside who seems to by trying to break out of the barred window. The boy hides under her covers and doesn't answer Soo-yeon's questions, and she notices the padlocked gate.


Han Tae-joon is informed that there's been no sign of the runaway boy. Hyun-joo keeps asking after him, but he's willing to make a deal only under one condition: the boy gets returned in exchange for the stolen money. He orders his assistant, "So bring him back, even if it's a dead body." Yeesh. So Jung-woo's dad is a bullying asshole; amazing that Jung-woo's sunny nature escaped that, though maybe he has his overseas education to thank for it.

Jung-woo starts to head out to meet Soo-yeon, while his little sister Ah-reum whines that she wants to go with him. Stepmom Mi-ran stops him, though, informing him that Grandpa's dead. It's not emotional news since he's never met the man, but it is surprising. (For clarity's sake I'll call Dad Chairman Han now, since he will be soon enough.)

Soo-yeon arrives at the playground and waits around, resuming her recitation of "He'll come… he won't…"

Unfortunately Jung-woo's stuck at his grandfather's funeral while his dad is off being villain-in-chief. Stepmom talks to Chairman Han on the phone, belatedly realizing that Jung-woo has overheard the conversation and is suspicious—they told him Dad collapsed, but he isn't in the hospital. Why?

Jung-woo asks what Dad's doing. Stepmom retorts that Dad went to prison to protect his money: "That's the only thing your father knows." Meaning, he only cares about his money, not bonding with his curious son. Jung-woo gets angry and tells her not to call herself his mother, and she replies that he should return to the States since she doesn't enjoy having him around either.


Chairman Han is currently looming over the hospital bed of Hyun-joo. But she has deduced that he doesn't actually know where her son Hyung-joon is, and calls him on the bluff.

He growls that if he can't have that money, then nobody will. At that, she bursts out that the chairman gave her that money. She didn't steal it—it was to protect Joonie from him. "If anything happens to our Joonie, you won't receive one penny of that money!"

That tips him off that the boy must have the money, and he orders his man to find him asap. As he leaves, a nurse rolls a cart into the room—it's the dead chairman's nurse, who happens to be Hyun-joo's confidante. She deliberately soils the bed to give them an excuse to shoo out the bodyguards while they clean up.


The nurse, Hye-mi, whispers to Hyun-joo that she has Joonie. She's fearful and wonders if they should just return the money, but Hyun-joo tells her fiercely, "The chairman is dead. Now the only thing we can trust is that money." Without that money, she warns, they're all dead.

Hyun-joo gives her an order: "Take Han Tae-joon's son." Yikes. An eye for an eye, izzat it?

Chairman Han finds his son nodding off at the funeral hall, and takes him aside for a scolding. Don't act of his own accord again, such as skipping out on school and flying here on his own. "I forgive just once. Keep that in mind."


Jung-woo agrees, and asks if he can still come back for vacation. His father relents, and tells him he doesn't have to go abroad if he doesn't want to: "I'm different from my father. I don't trust other people—I only trust my son, Han Jung-woo."

Overhearing this is Stepmom, who understandably looks upset since she's excluded from his trust.

Jung-woo returns to his room, seeing the umbrella and realizing he forgot to meet Soo-yeon. It's past ten o'clock, and she's only now walking back home after waiting all day.

Soo-yeon passes by the same house with the scared boy inside, and peers inside. Hyung-joon's huddled in bed, whimpering in pain, and she asks if he's sick. Nurse Hye-mi grabs her meanly and warns her to mind her own business.


At the police station, Detective Kim hounds his superior to reopen a case, and comes up against a brick wall. His boss says the case is closed, but Detective Kim says the real criminal confessed: "I can't just bury this! From here on out, I will take responsibility for my mistake." Hm, does he mean Soo-yeon's dad was executed for a crime he didn't commit?

The boss points out that this isn't a matter so easily set to rights—he's risking his own job. Lee Tae-soo (yup, Dad) had a long history of prior convictions, so they needn't feel too guilty for letting him take this fall.

Still, Detective Kim's guilt eats at him and he seeks out Soo-yeon's school, again keeping his distance.

Soo-yeon is pushed around and mocked by the other students. On the other hand, the girls are quick to preen at the sight of a new student, Jung-woo, carrying a familiar yellow umbrella. When he asks after Soo-yeon, her name barely rings a bell until one girl recalls, "Oh, Number 27." Then she shuts up, realizing this is awkward.

Jung-woo comes upon a crowd in the hallway, where someone wonders, "Why doesn't Number 27 transfer out?" Inside the home ec classroom, Soo-yeon stands alone—everyone else refuses to go near her. They tell the teacher that they can't share space with that shameful Number 27, the daughter of a murderer. What if she stabs them with the kitchen knife?

Jung-woo's eyes widen. Soo-yeon has heard it all, and with head hanging she walks out of the class. She tells the teacher she's sick and gets dismissed to see the nurse.


As the class files into the room, Soo-yeon meets Jung-woo's shocked eyes. She calls his name and steps toward him—and he steps back in fear. Oof. That's terrible. You can't blame him for his reaction, but man does that hurt. He even hides the umbrella behind his back, like he wants to eliminate his excuse to talk to her.

None of this is lost on Soo-yeon, of course. She gets it. Without another word, she walks away.

Jung-woo is quickly recognized as popular kid material and bombarded with attention. The kids busily fill him in on Soo-yeon's history and how her father killed two people, warning him to be careful around her.


Jung-woo attracts more adoration in gym class, while Soo-yeon sits off on the side, a thorough outcast. He takes out his personal frustrations in the basketball game, and his aggressive body-checking pisses off the other team.

Three boys corner him after the game, and the ringleader throws a punch. Jung-woo's temper flares and he returns the punch, but he's outnumbered and soon getting thoroughly kicked.

After a few moments, the boys are stopped by a barrage of basketballs rolling by them. It's Soo-yeon, dragging along the ball cart and looking like the freaky Ring girl. She starts picking up the balls and whispers to Jung-woo to stay still—if he doesn't fight back, they'll lose interest.


I love that Soo-yeon uses her fearful reputation to spook the bullies, who quickly leave. But Jung-woo's still shaking in rage and he hurls a ball at the leader's head, ordering him to keep fighting.

He gets a few good blows in, but once again he ends up on the ground, getting stomped on. It's an experience Soo-yeon can relate to, and the flashback to her abusive father has her huddling in fear, trying to block out the memory.

At her locker, she finds the yellow umbrella. As she leaves school, she finds Jung-woo standing at the entrance, keeping out of the pouring rain. She offers him the umbrella and again he flinches, like he thought she was trying to stab him. Tears fill her eyes.


"It's not me," she starts to cry. "I won't kill anybody."

But he backs away slowly, shaking his head no. When she calls his name, he bursts out, "Why are you doing this to me? If I pretended not to know you, you should've caught on—just go!"

Rather than getting angry, Soo-yeon says ruefully, "You got all wet because of me. I'm sorry. It's okay, I'm not crying because I'm sad. It's because of the wind, getting in my eyes."

Soo-yeon walks away, leaving Jung-woo uncomfortably facing his conscience. He stands there in the rain, thinking of her words.

On her walk home, she recalls their first meeting, reinforced by the sight of the playground swings. It's where he sits a short while later, getting drenched as he broods.

Soo-yeon walks by Hyung-joon's window, and this time she hears Hye-mi pleading, "If you go outside and get caught, you're finished! Don't you want to see your mother?"

She peeks inside, and Hye-mi barks at her to get lost.

Mom comes up to her in the street and grabs at the umbrella. Opening it, they see a little note attached on a string, which reads: "Property of the most famous kid in the neighborhood, Lee Soo-yeon." It brings a little smile to her face.

Meanwhile, Jung-woo stays out in the rain, swinging higher and higher, thinking of Soo-yeon. Finally he leaps off and goes running through the neighborhood, asking the neighbors for Soo-yeon's house, passing Detective Kim on the way.

At home, Soo-yeon writes a letter to Jung-woo she doesn't intend to send, which thanks him and wonders whether they could have been friends if not for her father.

Someone pounds on their door. But it's not Jung-woo, who arrives at the house to see a commotion already in full swing. Soo-yeon's mother rages wildly at a crowd of ajummas, screaming, "How much longer will you do this? Did I kill your husband? Did I kill your child? What do you want me to do?!"

The lead ajumma is the mother of the victim, and she cries, "Give me back my son!"

To which Mom grabs Seo-yeon—who is pleading with her to stop—and shoves her at the ajumma. "Then you take her! Kill her or let her live, do whatever you want!"


Seo-yeon grabs her mother's leg, sobbing, and Mom just shoves her away, yelling, "Kill her! Die! She says you have to die for this to end!"

Jung-woo watches in horror, and then Detective Kim arrives as well. Seo-yeon begs for mercy, resorting to her go-to plea, "I was wrong, I'm sorry."

To be fair, Mom's not literally offering up her daughter for murder; it's her fury at the ajummas and the injustice that drives her. Still, it's cold comfort when Mom goes on to scream that they're better off dead than living this way.

Seo-yeon crawls away on her hands and knees, and only then does she meet eyes with Jung-woo. Ouch. That's another blow on top of everything else, and she runs in the opposite direction, away from him.


Jung-woo follows, calling her name. He loses track of her but doggedly keeps searching—until he hears that telltale creaking sound. He runs to the playground, and deflates to see the swings empty.

But he turns and smiles to see a foot peeking out from under the slide. She's crouched there crying, and he tosses her the shoe she lost: "Found you!"

He addresses her, "Flower print dress. Famous girl. Lee Soo-yeon." She looks up at him finally, and he adds, "Murderer's daughter Lee Soo-yeon. Let's be friends."


Credit: Dramabeans

Edited by .Echo. - 11 years ago
.Echo. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago



Jung-woo finds Soo-yeon hiding under the slide and asks her to be friends. The first thing out of her mouth is, "Why?" He says he can take it back, and then suddenly dashes away.

Panicked that he's really rescinding the offer, she chases him, and finds him leaning over a neighbor's wall to steal a clothespin. He sticks it in her hair to sweep it out of her face and smiles, "Ah, so that's what you look like."

He tells her to wear it like that from now on. "I won't ever pretend I don't know you again. I'm sorry." Aw.

She starts to tear up again, just as the wind kicks up, so he adorably sticks his arms out to be a shield from the wind and tells her not to cry. Can I keep him?


She finally smiles back. As they walk, she sort of trails behind him shyly like a puppy, so he runs at full speed just to get her to chase him.

Soo-yeon's mom cries in the aftermath of the neighborhood ajumma attack, as Detective Kim stands in her doorway. She cries that they can't blame her—she's the one who turned that monster in.

Detective Kim hangs his head, "I'm sorry… the real killer… was caught." Mom's jaw drops in disbelief, and Detective Kim gets on his knees to tell her that he's sorry.


Little Joonie (Hyung-joon) stares out his barred window, bowl at the ready. Poor kid is just trapped in there. He shrinks back when he sees Soo-yeon pass by, and notes Jung-woo with her. I wonder if they've ever met. They're family, but this isn't exactly a gather-for-holidays sort of bunch.

Her house is just a few doors down, and she shows it to Jung-woo who agrees that it's really small. He brags that his house is really big in a jokey tone, but then adds somberly, "It's so big that the wind blows through it, making me cry. Not because I'm sad, but because the wind gets in my eyes." He uses her line, but you can tell it's sincere.

Nurse Hye-mi sneaks back into Joonie's room at the chairman's compound, and takes out a duffle bag full of cash from the piano. She shudders as she thinks of Mom's orders for her to take Jung-woo, as leverage to get the rest of the chairman's money.

But she doesn't get very far, because as soon as she returns home with said bag o' money, Chairman Han is sitting in her living room waiting for her. He threatens her, expecting that she'll lead them to Joonie if she's got him stashed somewhere… but leaves without questioning the giant suspicious bag at her feet. Ha.

Soo-yeon finds Mom being thrown out of a restaurant, drunk and screaming as usual. She crumples in the middle of the street, crying and wailing in the aftermath of finding out that her husband never killed anyone, but died a killer anyway.

Soo-yeon doesn't know this, and just pleads with Mom that she'll be good, as if to make up for all of the bad in their lives. She breaks my heart.

Jung-woo runs to school the next morning, armed with a new hairpin for Soo-yeon, and walks into class to find the bullies painting her desk red and covering her chair in glue.

She walks in just in time to see Jung-woo shove the boys and the desk, ready to start another fight. The other kids warn that the teacher is coming, and Soo-yeon uses that chance to swoop in between the boys… and hug the bully. Ha.

Now the teacher is scolding the bully and Soo-yeon for dating, while the class ooohs and Jung-woo gapes. Are you jealous?

They spend the rest of class sneaking peeks at each other, but Jung-woo can't get her make eye contact. He grabs her after class and asks what's going on—didn't they decide to be friends?


She says that everyone hates her here and knows whose daughter she is, so they can be friends outside of school but not here. "Secret friends." He calls bullshit (thank you) but she won't budge.

During lunch, the mean kids decide to pelt her with their milk cartons, calling it "throwing trash in the trashcan" and the winner gets cash. Jung-woo seethes in his seat and then makes a move to get up anyway against her wishes, but Soo-yeon beats him to it.

He watches as she picks up a trashcan, throws the cartons in, and then goes to each student and redelivers their milk. I love that she can defend herself. Jung-woo watches starstruck, totally impressed.


She sticks the trashcan up on the teacher's desk with her scariest Ring-girl look, and Jung-woo pitches his carton in and takes the cash prize. He stops in the doorway, "Hey Lee Soo-yeon, aren't you coming?"

She looks at him in alarm but he just beams and waves the bill wildly, "Snack shop!" So cute. They sit outside as the entire class watches from the windows, and she argues that she wanted to be secret friends.

Jung-woo: "And I said I didn't." He pulls her over to sit down next to him, and then comes the rain of trash over their heads. Soo-yeon gets to say I told you so: "Now you're an outcast too."


He scoffs that he's never heard of an outcast with a friend, reminding her that she's the one who said all she needed was one friend. He says this is nothing and promises to ignore her if things ever get too hard to handle, and that seems to ease her worry enough to relent.

On their way home, he teases that she's just mad because he's more famous than her now, and then asks her to take the post-its off his back. They tell Number 27 and 41 to hold hands and get lost, and call him a murderer's daughter's boyfriend.

She sighs, wondering what she's going to do with him, when they're suddenly interrupted by a loud popping sound. They run towards it…


It's a fire, in the house where Joonie is trapped. The door is still locked from the outside, and Jung-woo grabs a nearby brick to smash the lock open. Joonie comes tumbling out on top of him, and immediately runs away in fear.

Jung-woo tries to stop him to help, and sees his leg covered in blood. He reaches out and accidentally yanks the necklace off his neck, and it breaks in two. He tells Soo-yeon that the kid is hurt, and she catches up to him, but he struggles to get away.

Finally Jung-woo comes up and just picks him up, kicking and screaming. They rush him to the nearest doctor, who can't believe the condition his leg has been left in. Yeah, you and me both, doc.

Jung-woo calls his stepmother and pleads with her to come help him just this once, but she coldly tells him to get out of there before he has to take responsibility for anything. Dad takes the phone and says he'll send someone over. Eep!

At the same time, Nurse Hye-mi gets the call about the fire and sneaks out, taking care not to be caught by Chairman Han's men. But when she gets to the doctor's office to find Joonie, it's Jung-woo she sees standing outside.

She recognizes him from the picture of Chairman Han's family and hides. She watches as he gives Soo-yeon the broken necklace, with a portrait of Mom and the inscription: "To Joonie, the one I love most in this whole world –Mom."

And dangling from the other end of the string is a key. Cha-ching!


Joonie stirs awake, crying out for Mom. But when he opens his eyes, it's Soo-yeon who's sitting at his bedside. He panics, grasping for the necklace, and she gives him the broken pieces.

She introduces herself as "unni," thinking him a girl, ha. He mutters under his breath, "Stupid. I'm not a girl." She asks what he said until he finally repeats the "Stupid" part. She tells him her name, but that's as far as they get before Hye-mi runs in, pushes her aside, and rushes Joonie away.

Soo-yeon and Jung-woo chase after the cab, and Joonie cries to be taken to Mom. Hye-mi snaps at him that he risked everything: "Do you know who you were with? That's Han Tae-joon's son!" He looks back at them.

Chairman Han fumes that they lost Hye-mi's trail, and Jung-woo comes home to hear him kick his minions out in a rage. Stepmom tells him not to interrupt and sighs when she sees his bloody hand.


She snaps at him that she's the one who gets blamed for his missteps, and he asks if they can't try to make an effort to get along. How can they live like this every day?

She calls him greedy for having everything from his father and wanting her too, and tells him not to blame her—Dad made it this way. I don't like her, but she's not wrong.

Soo-yeon comes home and Mom bolts up, deciding that they can't live this way anymore. She starts to pack a bag, and declares that they're going to move into Detective Kim's house. Er, just like that? Does he know you're coming?

Soo-yeon puts up a fight, but Mom says she can't feed them—what else are they going to do? So the only thing you could think of was to use Detective Kim's guilt to your advantage? I mean, I'm happy for Soo-yeon because it'll at least mean she has a slight chance at normalcy, but still.


By morning they're standing in Detective Kim's yard, while his daughter Eun-joo pitches a fit that Dad's sullying Mom's memory, thinking that he's brought a girlfriend and her daughter here to live with them.

I love his confusion. He swears it's not what it looks like, but Eun-joo's like, yeah right. Mom tells him that it's just until Soo-yeon grows up—they'll stay here and she'll cook for both daughters.

He just sits there flabbergasted, and suggests that if she gives him time he might be able to find her an apartment or something, but Mom doesn't even give him a chance to refuse.

She adds that they'll have to keep the whole Dad-wasn't-really-a-murderer thing a secret between them. Did she just move into his house and not let him argue? Whaaa?


Meanwhile, Jung-woo panics when he goes to Soo-yeon's house and finds it empty. The landlady tells him they moved in the middle of the night. He heads to the playground dejectedly.

But Soo-yeon is there on the swings, kicking a little bucket of water to play her he'll-come-he-won't-come game with ripples in the water. She hums a song and he lights up at the sight of her.

He asks if she's going to move schools too, and she wonders if she should, not giving away how much she pleaded with Mom to let her stay at her school. She tells him that the clothespin was the first present anyone's ever given her (So. Sad.) and that she has a present for him too, but will only give it to him on a rainy day.


He walks her to her new house and asks about her new family. She says there's another girl there the same age as them, and Jung-woo pouts that she can't ignore him just because she makes a new friend.

They sit on her front stoop and he touches her foot asking if she isn't cold, making her shrink back in embarrassment. He puts her at ease by showing her all the scars he's accumulated over the years, on his back, his leg, and teasingly starts to unbuckle his belt, making her turn away wide-eyed. You cheeky.

She shows him the scar on her foot and says she got it while running away from Dad. She stepped on a piece of glass in the snow, and didn't even feel the pain because it was so cold.

"But strangely, every time I see it, it hurts. Even though it's healed."


He listens to her story and then puts his hand on her foot to cover the scar, "It doesn't hurt now, because you can't see it, right?"

With his other hand he waves it in front of her face like he's casting a spell, "All bad memories erased! Now you can make new ones—good memories."

They're interrupted when Eun-joo comes home. I love that the cop's daughter talks like a gangster; she's hilarious. She's mean to Soo-yeon, until Jung-woo pops up behind her, slaying her with The Pretty.

Eun-joo gapes and her inner voice marvels that a boy so cute could have a voice like that. As he approaches, she thinks, "Don't smile, don't smile, don't smile…" He smiles, and she practically faints. Hahahaha.


Chairman Han checks out the room where Joonie was hiding out, and his minion reports that Jung-woo was the one who rescued him and took him to the hospital that day.

Dad reels at the missed opportunity, and the minion confirms that Jung-woo didn't seem to know the family connection and just happened to be nearby.

His right-hand minion is actually a double agent, and reports to Joonie's mom (or he's working both sides—it's unclear at the moment). He promises to take her and Joonie to safety, but she doesn't trust him.

He warns that Joonie's leg won't make it much longer if they keep hiding, and Mom thinks it's just a ploy. He tells her to give it up before she loses Joonie, but she refuses to budge.


Meanwhile Nurse Hye-mi hides a briefcase in a train station locker and forces Joonie to take his meds. He wants to be taken to Mom, and she warns him menacingly that his life and his mother's are no longer in Chairman Han's hands—they're in hers.

Damn, I knew you'd turn on them. And then someone else (her partner in crime?) takes that briefcase out of the locker. The next day that same person is parked outside, stalking Jung-woo with his family photo in hand.

Jung-woo accompanies Soo-yeon home by bus, and he prods her for his present while she nods off to sleep. He gets in her face to nag her about it, just as the bus lurches forward…

…landing them in a kiss. It stuns Jung-woo, and Soo-yeon doesn't even know it's happened. He blinks without moving, and then scrambles back to where he was as she opens her eyes.


She turns to him wide-eyed and he starts to protest, "It wasn't me!" but she tells him to hurry—this is their stop. Heh.

They walk up through her neighborhood and he keeps avoiding her, and she asks if he's mad or something. Finally she stands in his path, and he goes googly-eyed, suddenly seeing her differently and feeling short of breath. It's so adorable.

He whirls her around so he doesn't have to look at her (Ha—if only it worked that way, kid) and marches her ahead of him. She keeps turning back around, and he just keeps spinning her forward each time with a gulp.


Soon they're running, and he stops at a curious lamppost that blinks on as they pass by. Soo-yeon counts, and on cue it goes back out. She thinks it's creepy, but it's been that way since she moved here and no one will change it, and she can't reach.

Jung-woo thinks he can, so he reaches up, using her shoulder to get a little more leverage. It's then that Soo-yeon starts to feel something too, as she looks up at him.

He twists the bulb into place and beams, and then looks down. Their eyes lock in the charged moment and they stand there, frozen.


And then we see that someone is watching them… oh it's Detective Kim. He peers at them from around the corner, and from his perspective, it totally looks like they're making out, and that Jung-woo is reaching up to turn off the light.

He goes running up like he caught them red-handed and grabs Jung-woo away by the ear. LOL. I love cop ajusshi.

But as they run off, we see that the creepy stalker is there after all, watching from his car.


Jung-woo sits at the dinner table nervously, as Mom peers up at him, amused. Then Detective Kim brings out both girls wearing matching sweaters. Omg that's so cute. He's adorable. Eun-joo naturally balks, but Dad insists on it and they all sit down to dinner.

Eun-joo claims the seat next to Jung-woo and fawns over him, and Dad actually tells her to have some pride. Heh. And then he proceeds to awkwardly lecture Jung-woo about hormones and how he never even looked at a girl until he was twenty.

Eun-joo quickly corrects him that he met Mom in junior high and even kissed her. The trigger word sends Jung-woo into a coughing fit, and when Detective Kim catches him making googly eyes at Soo-yeon again, he drags him out by the ear in the middle of dinner. Hee.

Outside, Detective Kim gets thrown against a wall… only he's acting, and trying to teach Jung-woo how to fight like a man. This ajusshi is making my day. He teaches him everything down to the attitude and the lines, and Jung-woo eagerly learns.

Soo-yeon sits on the stoop watching them, and Eun-joo joins her, wondering if the umbrella she found is THE umbrella that Mom mentioned at dinner. Soo-yeon grabs it and Eun-joo asks if she can't have that, can she have Jung-woo?

Eun-joo wonders what she did to make him like someone like her, and Soo-yeon hangs her head, saying that she's right—she likes Jung-woo on her own and he just probably felt sorry for her.


But Eun-joo isn't actually a mean girl, and when she sees Soo-yeon react that way, she puts her arm around her and tells her to buck up—they're detective's daughters, after all. Awww.

Mom witnesses the moment with a bittersweet smile, and sits down next to Soo-yeon. She leans in and says the sweater looks better on her. It's probably the first nice thing her mother's ever said to her, and Soo-yeon lights up. Mom prods her to go join the others.


Detective Kim tells them all to attack, and sticks Soo-yeon's clothespin in his own hair. Ha. The four of them run around and play keep-away in the street, like a happy little family.

We fade into Soo-yeon sitting alone, and carving a message into a wall: "I miss you." And then she turns around at the sound of a voice calling her name. It's Jung-woo, but the grown-up version.


Jung-woo: "Are you smiling? I'm so angry it kills me. So angry I'm going crazy. I'm just going to wait today. Just today."

And then we see that he's all alone, and Soo-yeon was the vision, now gone. A tear falls, "I really might go crazy this way."

Credit: Dramabeans

Edited by .Echo. - 11 years ago
ayaniie-chan thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Have you already seen the 2 episodes?.. I have yet to watch them so, haven't even bothered to read the reviews/summaries! In the meantime, after seeing the posters, i made some sigs.. came out rather sad and simple, haven't PS'ed in a while as you can tell! Btw, I love the child actors, they were soo good in The Moon That Embraces The Sun! Finally, I can see Kim So Hyun in a positive role after TMTETS & Rooftop Prince! 

Feel free to use:

-Jahnvi- thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
OMG, we have a thread to spam in  I will get back here as soon as I have seen the episode. I hope I can handle watching two angsty dramas simultaneously 😛
Xiahtic-5 thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
I still havent seen both episodes i will watch it tonight for sure...I am juz loving Micky look he looks handsome :)
ayaniie-chan thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
I watched the first episode today, it was just soo good! I really do love the younger actors!! They made me tear up on the very 1st episode, they are doing a great job for their adut counterpart! Micky looks soo good in the preview!! Can't wait to watch the 2nd episode tomorrow! XD
.Echo. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Episode Links:
Episode 1
Episode 2

@ Annie - You did a nice job on the sigs 😛
Edited by .Echo. - 11 years ago
-Jahnvi- thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
I finally saw the first episode and here's my review :P

Wow, so much happened right from the start. Like Annie said above, the younger actors have done a great job in portraying their characters. Yeo Jin Goo is so adorable and I am happy to see him back on screen xD Kim So Hyun doesn't seem like a child actor at all and that's amazing 👏

On to the episode, it was full of angst T_T I felt so bad for Soo Yeon and all she is going through for being a murderer's daughter. The part where her father beats her up in a state of drunkenness almost had me crying. How could he do that to his daughter? ;_; And while I was trying to control my emotions, bam, the mother overhears/sees the beating and DOES NOT stop her husband?😡 I know she backed right out to go call the cops on him but omg, that was her daughter getting beaten up😭 And the nerve of the woman to then tell the cop who came to the rescue to go raise her daughter if he felt to sympathetic towards the child🤬

I don't know why but I was really surprised to see the real man behind Jung Woo's dad. The cruel hidden personality, I mean. It's something I would not have pictured in my mind upon seeing Jung Woo's initial expression upon hearing that his dad came to visit him. Oh well..

There was something definitely weird though. The future Kang Hyung Joon is actually Yoochun's uncle? *o* wow! That's... ummm.. yeah. He'll be avenging his mother (Yoochun's step-grandmom, like mentioned above in the review) by making it hell for Yoochun? Interesting! Can't wait to see more of that now.

By the way, I swear I felt my heart crack a little when Jung Woo talks to her for the first time and addresses her by her actual name and she beams like a child who's just gotten the present they asked for for Christmas. And then it cracked all the way through when Jung Woo finds out who she is and starts ignoring her altogether. That was so so so so so sooo sad :( The sadness all made up for itself though when Jung Woo proposes they become friends at the end of the episode.

It is going to be one heck of an emotional ride and I can't say I don't like them because I am a sadist like that >.< Simply can't wait to watch the next episode. Yoochun showed up in the preview and I really wonder what he's doing there already :O
.Echo. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago



Detective Kim gives Jung-woo a ride home and is surprised to realize how rich he is. They have a heartwarming rapport already, which relieves my mind since it's so clear Jung-woo wants a close relationship with his father'at least he can find that kind of connection with ajusshi.

Detective Kim gives him a bit of advice, saying that he thinks Jung-woo will be able to fulfill his own life's unfinished dream: "Grow into a proper adult. That's the hardest thing." He leaves him with a salute and the request to look after Soo-yeon.

Dad (Chairman Han) arrives just then, and casts a suspicious look at the police siren in Detective Kim's car. Jung-woo introduces them, but Dad ignores the handshake and heads inside.

Detective Kim notices a strange van parked across the street, and his officer instincts kick in. He approaches'we see shadowy figures sitting inside it'and the van immediately peels away. Yeah, that's not suspicious. Detective Kim makes a note of the license plate.

Since having a cop around tends to put a damper on being able to continue with one's lifestyle of crime and skullduggery, Chairman Han tells Jung-woo not to associate with the detective anymore. Jung-woo says he wants to keep seeing him, only to get threatened with being shipped off to the States. Aw, this just makes me love him more for growing up into a cop.

In front of her house, Soo-yeon answers Jung-woo's call (she's carrying around the huge cordless phone). He says teasingly that he's about to cry since the wind is getting in his eyes again (in his big empty house) and tells her he had fun today, asking if he can come over again. Soo-yeon says yes and tells him Eun-joo likes him too. He sighs about how it's annoying that all Eun-joo talked about was kissing, and then cuts himself off, remembering the kiss she totally slept through.


Jung-woo tells her to be ready to give that promised present tomorrow: it's supposed to rain. She says no, it's snow on the forecast. He bursts out, "No, it can't! Before the first snow falls, it has to rain." Adorable! Since rain equals Soo-yeon's present and first snow equals kiss, he basically wants something from her before he kisses her.

Soo-yeon asks what he's going to do on the day of first snow. He answers that he'll have to meet her. They are so cute.

Soo-yeon has been drawing on the wall as she talks, and now we see the chalk letters spelling our drama's title: "I miss you."


The days pass. Soo-yeon makes a little flip-book with her school notes, showing a boy and a girl meeting under an umbrella and kissing. Is your present a kiss? That's awesome. Basically there are gonna be smooches all around.

As Jung-woo looks up at the sky and holds his hand out wishing for raindrops, Soo-yeon writes in her diary of their respective waits. She's never waited for anything before in her life, but decides, "I like waiting. And I like Jung-woo."

Then, it starts to rain. Jung-woo goes tearing out of his house, HAHA.


Soo-yeon has to wait for Mom, who's taken the umbrella, and impatiently tries to usher her home so she can run back out. Mom's gabby today, though, so finally Soo-yeon just says, "Mom, I'm sorry." And runs off, leaving Mom stuck in the rain.

Just as Jung-woo races past that broken light, it sparks dangerously. He stops to take a closer look, which makes me a little nervous' and then he's grabbed from behind. A man drags him backward while clamping a drugged cloth over his mouth, and Soo-yeon gets there just in time to recognize Jung-woo.

She screams his name and runs after the car, and although the kidnapper is safely on the move, he growls that the girl saw his face. Stop the car.


Soo-yeon peers inside to see Jung-woo slumped over, unconscious. She pounds on the window begging the ajusshi to let her friend go, and finally the frustrated kidnapper opens the van door'

As expected, it's nurse Hye-mi behind this plot, acting on the instructions of Kang Hyun-joo. Hye-mi has relocated her hideaway and Hyung-joon looks better now, though his leg is still injured from that dog bite. She tells the boy that he'll get his wish and see his mom now.

Mom is still being held essentially prisoner by the chairman, and she sobs to see Hyung-joon arriving and hobbling toward the building. But rather than allowing him inside to her monitored hospital room, Mom and Hye-mi exchange a look, and the boy is dragged back to the car. I guess she just wanted to see the boy, if not up close.


She makes her decision and agrees to meet Chairman Han. He gets the call and smiles devilishly. (It just occurred to me that these two played out a bumbling romance in the MBN sitcom You're Here, You're Here, You're Really Here. What a change.)

That night, Eun-joo alerts her Dad to the umbrella she found in the street. It tugs my heart a little that she's been standing guard over it to make sure it stayed exactly like this until Dad could see, and she fears that this is bad news. Soo-yeon went to see Jung-woo, who isn't answering his phone, and she'd never throw away that treasured umbrella.

When Jung-woo comes to, he's lying with his hands tied behind his back in a grimy warehouse. He works the cell phone out of his back pocket, but the call doesn't go through.


He becomes aware of Soo-yeon lying nearby, painfully stirring awake. He scoots toward her on his back and asks tearfully why she's here. Her answer just makes it worse: "To save you."

Hearing the kidnappers moving, they shoot each other panicked looks and huddle closer together. Looks like the guy's doing some drugs, and he pays the kids little heed.

Jung-woo says, "Let's go home." He looks around and spots broken glass nearby, which he can cut his ropes with.


Chairman Han arrives to see Hyun-joo. Ah, he had her locked up in an asylum, which explains her virtual prisoner status. Hyun-joo repeats the chairman's own words at him to make her threat known: Go get your son, he won't be dead yet.

Chairman Han calls his wife immediately, who isn't even aware that Jung-woo's out of the house. But he puts on his stone face when confronting Hyun-joo, who thought she could barter the son's life for her freedom. She threatens that Jung-woo will be killed if she doesn't leave this building, but he calls her (possible) bluff.

Instead, the chairman orders her dragged off, never to see the light of day again. She's carted off screaming that he'll never see his boy or his money.


Hye-mi calls her kidnapper thugs to ask if the job's been done. The kidnapper tells him to come and get both kids, wanting to be rid of the unexpected tagalong. Hye-mi doesn't care about the girl, but she's intent on getting Jung-woo.

Hye-mi has been watching the hospital window from her car, and both she and Hyung-joon see the lights go out in the room and realize that the plan failed. The boy screams for his mother, but Hye-mi tells him to forget her now because she's dead. There's no way Chairman Han would let her live'he killed his father (who is, crazy enough, also little Hyung-joon's father) and maimed Hyung-joon's leg. Her plan now is to get Jung-woo, then somehow flee with Hyung-joon.

Jung-woo stoically works on his ropes, even though this cuts up his hand on the broken glass. Then the kidnapper approaches the kids in his drug-fueled stupor, and the scared kids clasp hands. Jung-woo pleads with the man to get his ransom from his father, but the man just grabs Soo-yeon by the feet and drags her off.


Jung-woo shouts, which gets his mouth slapped with tape and a few hard kicks to the gut. The kidnapper turns, and gets whacked in the head with a stick. Soo-yeon wields a wooden beam and warns him to stay away, while yelling at Jung-woo to go. He works harder on cutting his ropes, and Soo-yeon holds the man at bay, warning, "Do you know who I am? My father's a killer!"

She screams that she can kill too, while Jung-woo cries. The man knocks her to the ground and crawls over her body. Ugh.

Jung-woo gets more frantic, and she gets dragged away again. We don't see what happens to her, but it's perhaps all the more horrifying because of that'the sounds, the slaps, the screams. The camera fixes on Jung-woo's reactions as she's assaulted. Gack. It's wrenching.

Finally Jung-woo's ropes give way, though it's a bit late because it's over by now. The door opens, and the other kidnapper sees the scene and realizes his partner is doped-up again. He growls, "You oughtta die!" and starts punching him.

Jung-woo staggers over to see Soo-yeon on the ground, beaten and traumatized. She just lies there with her eyes open. He takes in the terrible sight, but registers that the door has been left open' and makes a break for it. Leaving her there? Ack!

I totally get why'he needs to run for help'but the way she just lies there whispering his name is pretty awful.

Then to make the worst day ever even just a little bit more hellish, it starts to snow, making a mockery of their innocent romantic hopes. Lordy. We get it. Why don't you add in a Truck of Doom while we're at it?

The kidnappers realize Jung-woo's flight and give chase, the sober kidnapper pursuing Jung-woo into the woods and the druggie driving the van. Uh, did you think this through? Didn't think you might want to trade roles here?

The chase takes them to a railroad station, where he ducks for cover underneath a train car. He manages to leave unseen and arrives in a sad-looking town. He runs from closed shop to closed shop asking for help, and spies a pay phone.

Chairman Han doesn't seem very worried about the kidnapping, and would rather not kick up a fuss by reporting it'not when the nurse is bound to contact them. But then Jung-woo calls him and gives him his location, begging him to save Soo-yeon.

Chairman Han orders his men mobilized. Then, Jung-woo calls the police line and begs for help. He's asked to provide his location' and drops the phone. He runs to hide himself, but the kidnappers find him anyway.

Detective Kim arrives at Jung-woo's house to ask after him, but Stepmom turns him away with a lie that Jung-woo's in bed. Thankfully this is not a man easily deterred, plus he gets the call that Jung-woo called the police.

Jung-woo gets a beating by the two kidnappers, but they're not out to kill him and call it a day, saying they have to get back to "take care of the girl" anyway. Jung-woo begs for mercy, not for himself but hers.

An then, a whole fleet of black cars arrives: Chairman Han and his private thug army. Druggie makes a break for it, while Jung-woo begs his father to save Soo-yeon. Dad sends his right-hand man but refuses to let Jung-woo go too, even though Jung-woo begs, saying that Soo-yeon's in danger from the second man. He can't even bring himself to say why, because it has him breaking down again.

Dad slaps him and orders him taken home.


The kidnapper's cell phone rings. It's Hye-mi, calling to check up on the hostage situation, and the kidnapper is forced to answer as though nothing is wrong, telling her she'll find the boy at the warehouse.

A figure darts in front of her car, and Hye-mi slams to a stop. I don't even know whether to be glad Soo-yeon has found them, or worried.

Hyung-joon recognizes noona, and Hye-mi realizes that this must be the extra kidnappee. This means something went wrong' so she drives backwards, leaving Soo-yeon collapsed in the middle of the snowy road. She gets ready to run her over. Goddamn it, drama, you're really starting to piss me off with all your heaps of terrible terribleness. Whatever happened to a little subtlety?


Hye-mi says that the girl knows the kidnappers' faces, so she can't be left as a loose end. Vrooom. Hyung-joon screams, "NO!" but the car hurtles for Soo-yeon, who can only stand there frozen in fear.

Chairman Han's men take care of the warehouse crime scene by setting it ablaze.

Detective Kim arrives in the vicinity to see the fire from a distance. A parade of black cars passes him on their way down from the mountain, and the chairman seems to recognize the cop. So does Jung-woo, though Detective Kim is preoccupied with the fire.

At home, Mom and Eun-joo worriedly await news. Eun-joo is keeping the details from Mom at her father's request, though she confirms that there are no hospital admittances. Mom grumbles that she's off with that boy again.

By the time the police arrive at the scene, everything is charred black. Detective Kim hunts for clues in the rubble, and finds' one charred clothespin. He knows it's Soo-yeon's, even though his teammates scoff that it's an ordinary pin and not a clue.

Detective Kim keeps looking, though, and follows prints in the snow, tracking Jung-woo's escape route.

At home, Jung-woo gets scolded by his parents, just in case you weren't clear on how awful they are as people. Dad growls at him for being a 15-year-old who had the audacity to get kidnapped, like that makes him weak and unmanly. Though really, the whole point is that he's not a man yet.


Worst of all, he called the police'Stepmom chides him for making that mistake, since drawing attention to ex-con Dad will hinder his business recovery prospects. Excuse me while I say: Boo f**kin' hoo, lady. Guh, I hate these people.

Jung-woo kneels before his father and begs him to help Soo-yeon, saying she was trying to save him. Dad says derisively, "Save you? And you left her behind?! If something happens to her, you killed her."

Fear-stricken Jung-woo even appeals to his stepmother, asking her to stay with him, but she snaps her hand back and tells him none of this would have happened if he went back to America: "Don't act so high and mighty with me. This is all you amount to." LORDY.

Finally, Detective Kim finds a clue in the snow: blood spatters here and there, and a shoe. Soo-yeon's. He imagines the scene in his mind's eye, seeing her staggering along this way, and follows that vision to the road. More blood spatters here, and then a large stain. Eek.

With renewed vigor, he returns to the Han mansion and demands to see Jung-woo. Dad's assistant tells him to get a warrant.

Detective Kim continues the investigation and makes the connection to the strange van he saw the other night. His boss gets wind of his investigation and tears him a new one, because if Soo-yeon's name gets involved, that draws interest in her father's name, and that puts them all back in the hot seat for that criminal execution. He seizes his badge and orders him not to go around doing any illegal investigations.


Eun-joo calls with news. By the time he gets back home, Mom is convinced that Soo-yeon's been taken or attacked by the victims of her husband, and begs Detective Kim to make it known that her husband was wrongly accused. Detective Kim lies to her to calm her down, saying nothing's happened and he'll bring her back.

On the other hand, news about the false accusation has Eun-joo looking disillusioned with her father. She rebuffs his attempt to explain and can't believe he'd lie, either, reminding him that he'd once said that as a cop, he hated lying more than dying. And does Soo-yeon know her father wasn't a killer?

She starts to cry, her whole world crashing down around her: "You catch bad guys, you aren't a bad guy yourself! You tell me not to lie, but why do you lie? Who am I supposed to trust now?" I really like this girl.

Jung-woo lies in bed, mumbling Soo-yeon's name in his sleep, reliving her assault. He rips off his IV and runs downstairs yelling her name, interrupting his father's meeting to ask where she is. He's practically hysterical as he screams that Dad said he'd find her. He falls to the ground, sobbing.

(Credit: Dramabeans)

Edited by .Echo. - 11 years ago