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Mayavi-26 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
manvi characetr is same she was always like tht inerfering in others matters and give them her oopinion even though they dont need, and J is opposite she will not interfere in anyone matter until unless person ask for help, yes i has complain only abt manvi saress want nia back in her old look wadher,s r modern so Y manvi wearing saress, when they was comfortable with maya wearing  western clothes when she was going to engaged virat, then y not manvi.
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: munnihyderabad

Maanvi was and is like this right from the beginning ,. she got involved in chachu's case.. she interfered in Virat and Maya's life..only because she is felt the need to help them.. 

that is Maanvi's inherent trait...she didn't change after marriage ,,she is still the very same Maanvi unlike other typical leads on TV ...she thinks with her own brain unlike the other leads on telly ...

When she has a doubt, she can't relax until she sees the end of it.. she doesn't shove down the issue under the carpet... like her di is doing for the sake of family izzat..

Maanvi interfering in SB's pictures in store room was just to see the person who is responsible for the smile on SB's face.. 

Now Karan.. no one has seen what Maanvi has seen .. regarding SB's picture on the envelope.. only she saw that .. if you or me were in her place ..we would as much intrigued and restless as Maanvi to see the relation between Karan and SB

J doesn't have a clue of what M has seen...but she can't even trust M and believe her sister, for one second.. no she is more worried about the khandaan ki izzat and her husband's warning ...

people are reacting strange to Maanvi just because .. no one is clueless of what M saw in Karan's envelope...

and daboo knows Maanvi more than J ... while Beeji and BB wanted her to stay out of this..daboo knows and trusts M's intentions and how she will  be restless until she finds about it.. so big deal .. 

you say why can't she listen to J or Virat .. same question . why can't they, specially J .. who claims to know her sister more than anyone.. why can't she for once support Maanvi ..and Maanvi never takes anyone for granted.. no person who went so close to death will ever take anyone for granted.. just because M is not all emotional and does not say 1 page dialogues,. doesn't mean she is taking them for granted.. . 

Thank u so much for such an awesome reply, i hope ppl get your point 😃
-Simz- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
this is not al all Mannu's fault!!
Its all of CV's!!!
..nikki_vijay.. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
OMG!!! thnx alot munni ji for making me understand so well truly what you said was absolutely write you have beautifully written once again thnx a lot munnihyderabad!!!👏⭐️
munnihyderabad thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: nikeshathana

OMG!!! thnx alot munni ji for making me understand so well truly what you said was absolutely write you have beautifully written once again thnx a lot munnihyderabad!!!👏⭐️

wooohooo .. please edit the title LOL 😆 now that I have seen your reply 

but thank you so much dear.. you know what.. you just came across as one of those few people who are open to other's views...

what happens.. is when we make a post.. we stick by it.. we get offended when someone says against the topic and we go into defensive mode.. that is natural and human - not wrong.. but that is how we humans are according basic psychology..

but this is the first time I am seeing someone accepting opposing views and applauding it

You have no idea how much i am in awe of this side of yours.. where you accept opinions with open mind...

Kudos to you dear 👏⭐️👏   I have no words .. but a simple THANK YOU 🤗

p.s: can you just call me Munni please no "ji"

Edited by munnihyderabad - 11 years ago
kriyasree thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Nikki its nthng like tat our mannu ia always like tat and at first we loved tat mannu character yar its like bringing back our old mannu so chill 😛
..nikki_vijay.. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: munnihyderabad

wooohooo .. please edit the title LOL 😆 now that I have seen your reply 

but thank you so much dear.. you know what.. you just came across as one of those few people who are open to other's views...

what happens.. is when we make a post.. we stick by it.. we get offended when someone says against the topic and we go into defensive mode.. that is natural and human - not wrong.. but that is how we humans are according basic psychology..

but this is the first time I am seeing someone accepting opposing views and applauding it

You have no idea how much i am in awe of this side of yours.. where you accept opinions with open mind...

Kudos to you dear 👏⭐️👏   I have no words .. but a simple THANK YOU 🤗

p.s: can you just call me Munni please no "ji"

okay I've edited the title now 😆
1)i really hate to get into arguments 
2) you have given a beautiful explanation which automatically can change anyone's mind on their topic
3)when someone has explained so well people usually don't agree it though they feel that it's right but i really don't like it atleast i will be able to learn if i made a mistake 
4) and i easily accept opinions with open mind...
5) thnx a lot 🤗
6) okay now munni (no ji)😆
Liarzstayaway thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: munnihyderabad

Maanvi was and is like this right from the beginning ,. she got involved in chachu's case.. she interfered in Virat and Maya's life..only because she is felt the need to help them.. 

that is Maanvi's inherent trait...she didn't change after marriage ,,she is still the very same Maanvi unlike other typical leads on TV ...she thinks with her own brain unlike the other leads on telly ...

When she has a doubt, she can't relax until she sees the end of it.. she doesn't shove down the issue under the carpet... like her di is doing for the sake of family izzat..

Maanvi interfering in SB's pictures in store room was just to see the person who is responsible for the smile on SB's face.. 

Now Karan.. no one has seen what Maanvi has seen .. regarding SB's picture on the envelope.. only she saw that .. if you or me were in her place ..we would as much intrigued and restless as Maanvi to see the relation between Karan and SB

J doesn't have a clue of what M has seen...but she can't even trust M and believe her sister, for one second.. no she is more worried about the khandaan ki izzat and her husband's warning ...

people are reacting strange to Maanvi just because .. no one is clueless of what M saw in Karan's envelope...

and daboo knows Maanvi more than J ... while Beeji and BB wanted her to stay out of this..daboo knows and trusts M's intentions and how she will  be restless until she finds about it.. so big deal .. 

you say why can't she listen to J or Virat .. same question . why can't they, specially J .. who claims to know her sister more than anyone.. why can't she for once support Maanvi ..and Maanvi never takes anyone for granted.. no person who went so close to death will ever take anyone for granted.. just because M is not all emotional and does not say 1 page dialogues,. doesn't mean she is taking them for granted.. . 

well said munni di👏i m totally agree with u👍🏼hope now ppl will understand
sakshi_aditi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
i did get irritated but that's her character so leave it...