FF:Love for the unknown;please read-Chap 2 pg 12

RavishinRavzy thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
This is my second FF.I am still updating my first one .Please keep up your valuable support for this one too.Bouquets and brickbats all are welcome.

Your wonderful support for my first FF made me think of this second one.

As I didn't make any FFs previously,I don't know whether one can make a second one,while still the first is going on.

I'm giving the character sketch and a brief summary in the following posts.
This is not copied from anything.
If you find my FF similar to anyone's FF /any story/film/show I'm extremely sorry.

Please spare your valuable time for reading this one and please do comment๐Ÿ˜Š

The nature of lead characters in this FF are completely different from that of the  original show characters.I know this is not an interesting story line.But olease spare some time to read and comment.

Love for  The Unknown

Character sketch:
Kundra Family:
Rishabh Mohan Kundra(a.k.a. The superstar RK):

To the outside world:The famous star,one of the finest actors and the most handsome.
To people who know him:Heartless,care-free attitude,does not care any one one or any thing and even stone- hearted.
To the people who know him even more closely:Has a heart,very soft and melting ,which he had buried himself under the stone of cruelty.

His life is like a film.Never got what he wanted.He himself gave him the title of cruel man from his past experiences.He hid his true identity in the mask of a  beast.But still there is a lot of hidden humanity and concern for others inside the mask of the cruelness.

Madhubala Rishabh Kundra(a.k.a  Madhu):

The girl who brought a drastic change in RK's belief of his possession of bad luck.She suffers from insanity and amnesia.But she is kind at heart,cares for others and very gorgeous,having mesmerizing beauty.

Bhatia Family:
Radha Kuku Bhatia:

The main reason behind breaking RK's heart and changing him from Rishabh to RK.

If she would have been remained as a widower of Mohan Kundra instead of changing to Mrs.Kuku Bhatia,RK, might have got the the of his mother atleast.Her attempt to bring father's love back in his life,made RK lose his mother's love.

Deepli Sikinder Bhatia(a.k.a.Dipz):

Played another important role in changing the semi-hardened heart of RK to a totally stone-hard heart.

She dumped him and married his step-brother,for her own selfishness.

She made him lose his trust in love.
She still is moving in front of his eyes in his house which is poking his heart and pointing him every time that he is a loser.

Kuku Bhatia:
RK's step father and the main reason behind his film entry.

Sikinder Kuku Bhatia(a.k.a. Sikki):
RK's step brother and another main reason behind RK's film entry.

Mallik Family:

Shamsher Mallik,Roma Mallik,Padmini,Trishna Shamsher Mallik,Madhubala Shamsher Mallik:
Will be updated in future parts(if the FF lasts till then๐Ÿ˜‰)

Dixit Family:
Will be updated in future parts

Please do comment.
Edited by Ravz333 - 11 years ago


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RavishinRavzy thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Brief Summary:

Why is his life not in his control?

"Why do the things and persons I love most will go far away from me?Why is my life like this?Can't I get back the love I'm striving for?


"Sir ,it is difficult for her to survive".

"Hey,who ever you may be,even if you are listening or not,I want to say you something.Please live.Get well soon.Don't prove again that RK is very unlucky .Don't make people blame me that  the girl he had admitted in the hospital died in coma,only because of his ill fated hands".
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Hey,come with me.you can't stay in my house any more."

"Rishu,where are you taking her?She is not even in a state of recognizing anything as good or bad"

"Bittu ji,say to that lady that this girl is going to stay in mental asylum"

"Hey,what is your name?"

'I don't know"

"Then what do I call you?"


"Oh oh ,OK .let me name you.UM- from today on wards you are 'Madhubala'"
"What do you think of yourself by publishing like this?"

"I'm your lover and I only have rights over you.Who is that Madhubala?What is she for you?"

"So,you want to know the relation between us,right?Then OK.
Madhu come here."


"Now ,I think you came to know who she is for me.She is 'my' wife and you 'were' my girl friend.Is that clear?"
"Where is Madhu?"
"Bittu ji,give police complaint and send all our people to every where and find out where Madhu is.

She even doesn't know anything"
he ordered.

"Madhu,where are you?"he cried.
"Where am I?"

"Ma'am we found you at the side of the road with wounds and admitted you here."

"Ma'am what is your name?"

"I am Madhubala Shamsher Mallik."

"Madhu where are you?
We have been searching for you since four months."

She opened her fist and saw the Mangalsutra and whispered'"I too want to know that,Maa."
"Chief,you please relax.All the police are in that task only.We'll get to know about her soon.'

"Its been two months since she got disappeared and you are saying me to relax.Its shame on your part,Bittu ji,that you till now not able to get her clue even."

"Chief,we don't have her photo and it is difficult to search with a drawn sketch.But our men are trying their level best to trace her out.
But chief please attend to shootings.
Our director said that he has got a new heroine for our film."

"Sir,she is the heroine of our film,Miss Madhubala Shamsher Mallik."

RK stood from the chair and on seeing her he whispered "No she is Mrs.Madhubala Rishabh Kundra."

Edited by Ravz333 - 11 years ago
RavishinRavzy thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Why  is his life so unpredictable?

Why is his life not in his control?

His thoughts are travelling to his past as fast as the car which he is driving on that empty road.

He used to play like other kids .He used to be like every one else.
He love his father most.
He like spending time with his parents.

His car took a turn in that dark night.

His life took a big turn from a happiness into the darkness which is even more darker than this night.
A horrible darkness which can be felt through his heart only even though his eyes are seeing bright light.

He sounded the horn as there came a lady carrying her child in her arms across the road.

She quickly crossed the road and made his way.

He used to be a lovely child of his parents.

He is very adorable to his mother.
She couldn't even bear even when he got a slightest wound.

But the biggest wound was made to his heart by her.

His father committed suicide and his mother remarried.He lost the love of both his parents at a time.

He unintentionally looked at the black lady sitting very comfortably in the seat next to him.

It first took him to that night's memory and then to some years back.

"And the award for Best actor  -Male goes to  RK ,as usual"
There was a huge round of applause and then he took the black lady into his hands and gave a smile.

The same smile he has been giving since 12 years,only whenever needed-which comes from the lips not from heart and not out of thought.

"I love you ,RK.I love you so much.Don't ever think that you are a loser.I am there for you.I'll be there for you"

For a few moments he was in joy thinking that his happiness got replenished.

But the same girl married his step-brother saying that he is unfit for love.

"It is our money and it is not the way to ask money.Fold you hands ,bow your head and beg us because  we are the earners and you are the dependent.",getting humiliated like this by his step father and step brother ,who is now his girl-friend's husband and the upcoming hero,whose movie is on sets and about to be released in few months:

He left his desire to go abroad for higher studies ,which is his ambition from his childhood:and entered the film field and proved himself as an able actor than his step-brother,whose film was a flop.

But why is everything undesirable happening with him only?

He stopped his car over the bridge.

He got down and took the black lady in his hands and went near the wall of the bridge.

He looked at her .
The black lady understood that she is going to meet her two elder sisters, who along with other awards are peacefully taking rest in the waters flowing down the bridge.

She looked at him ,who has tears in his eyes.His cheeks are glittering with tears which are reflecting the full moon's rays.
The tears are not because of the thought that he is about to throw that award but due to the facts that led him to hold that award.

"Why do the things and persons I love most will go far away from me?Why is my life like this?Can't I get back the love I'm striving for?


He is about to throw the award and just then his eyes stopped on the girl who is laying at the bank down the bridge in an unconscious state.

Edited by Ravz333 - 11 years ago
RavishinRavzy thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
This is my second FF ,so made this list.If you want me to PM you,please post in  this thread.๐Ÿ˜ŠI'm making this list bcoz it will be easy for me to sort between my two FFs๐Ÿ˜‰
If I had missed any one's name please, tell me,I'll add.

PM list.


It is my pleasure that you liked my FF.
Thank You๐Ÿค—
Edited by Ravz333 - 11 years ago
RavishinRavzy thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
 Chapter Updates:

Edited by Ravz333 - 11 years ago
RavishinRavzy thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Thank you for liking the prologue.๐Ÿ˜Š
This is no an interesting chapter(the FF itself is not interesting either bacause I lack writing skills).But please read this and please give your valuable feedback(whether comments or compliments)

RK saw the girl lying in an unconscious state, down the bridge. He first thought not to think about her or even not to look at her.
"Why should I think of saving her life, when I, myself have no purpose to live?"
But it's not in his nature from childhood to leave someone to die their death, and abscond from there.
Unintentionally, he opened the door of his car, kept the black lady on the seat, who is still thinking about her future; and rushed, towards the girl.
Her back is facing towards the sky.
He turned her so that her face faced him.
The moon, who is till now very proud that no one can match him, hid himself behind the clouds on seeing her gorgeous and mesmerizing beauty, which is a thousand times more beautiful than his beauty.
RK saw her face. He took the little hair that is obstructing his view of her face. Her face is covered with blood.
He kept his finger at her nose to check whether she is alive or not.
On noticing that she is still alive, he took her in his arms and rushed towards his car.
He opened the door of the back seat and kept her there and drove the car as fast as he could to the hospital.
Taking her in his arms he rushed inside the hospital shouting, "DOCTOR,DOCTOR".
There came a stretcher brought by two nurses and a doctor rushing towards him.
He kept her on the stretcher and turned towards the doctor and told, "Save her"
It seemed as an order.
The doctor told ,"Sir,We'll do our best "and went in the direction of the stretcher.
RK looked at the girl lying peacefully on the stretcher which is slowly disappearing into the operation theatre.
"Sir,so much  blood is lost from her body.We tried in all blood banks and there is no sample suitable to hers.",said the doctor to RK,who is waiting outside the theatre to know her status.
"What is her group?",he inquired.
"O negative, sir"
"Then you better have my blood tested,whether it suits her or not."
"Nurse,immediately take the sample of Sir's blood and make all the necessary tests"
"Sir,please",the doctor showed him the way to the laboratory.

RK,slowly got up from the table after donating he blood.
He came outside and sat on the same chair ,he sat before donating the blood .
He looked at his coat which is totally covered with her blood.
"Sir, we'll take care about her, you please go and..."
"No, I'll stay here for sometime until I hear that she is alright."RK said this by interrupting the Doctor's words.
He got lost in thoughts again.

The blood he donated today is the one he got from his parents.
His parents had thought him not to leave others when they are in need of help.
But every one left him, when he is in need of love.
He was alone. He is alone and he will be..

He came back to his senses with the call of the doctor.

"Yes,"he questioned.
"Sir,it is very difficult for her to survive.
She has lost so much of blood and there are severe injuries in her body.
May be she may not..."
RK cut off his wordsand said ,"So,you say that you are not capable of this and want me to admit her in other hospital,right?"

"Look,I'm ready to pay any amount of money you want.And if it is the matter of blood,which you said is lost from her body,don't hesitate to tell me.
I'm ready to give any volume of blood .Even the last drop in my body in saving her."

Saying so,he murmured giving a sigh,"Who even cares if I'm alive or dead.'
"Sir?",said the doctor who could not listen his murmur ,which he thought is for him.
RK starltled and said,"I don't want to hear anything except the word which says that she is safe.I only want her to be alive.Do you understand ALIVE."

"Can I once go and meet her?"

"Sure sir,"the doctor opened the door of the operation theatre.

RK,slowly approached near her step by step,looking at her and sat on the stool at the side of the bed.

He talked in a low voice,"Hey,who ever you may be,can you hear me?

I think you can.But even if you can't,I want to say you some thing.Please live.
Wondering who I am?
It is me,who brought you here.I donated you blood.

So,Get well soon.
Don't prove again that RK is very unlucky.Don't make people blame me that the girl he had admitted in the hospital died in coma,only because of his ill-fated hands.

Did you attempt a suicide?Or was this an accident ?Or did anyone attempted to murder you?

Whatever it may be.You have to live.Atleast for my sake.

If you attempted a suicide-then you should live now-,you know what?My life is the worst life anyone had ever lived.I'm still alive.I don't think you have got bigger problems than I do,even if you have problems,fight them.Don't fall prey for them.

If it was an accident-then you should live-because it was not your mistake 'then why should you bear the punishment?

I,myself am getting the punishment of my no mistake.
Uff-never mind that.

If anyone tried a murder attempt on you-then also you should live to give them a strong punishment  for their wrong doings.

So,what I wanted to say is-Live."

He got up from there and slowly went away from there.

He told the doctor,"I'll come back in an hour after changing.By that time I should hear that she is safe."

Saying so,he left the hospital and got into his car.

He did not notice the black lady sitting silently in the next seat and looking at his covered-with-blood coat.
The car stopped infront of the RK mansion.

RK got out of the car and went inside the mansion.

The black lady looked at the huge RK mansion with great astonishment.

The moon is just above the mansion,making it look very beautiful by giving light to it.
The black lady thought that her predecessors even did not approach near the gate of this mansion,what she did now.
Is this day,which changed that norm,going to change the unpleasant life of RK too?
Edited by Ravz333 - 11 years ago
mbala12 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Awesome start dear
continue soon
trishnawaliya thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
wow fantastic concept sorry like button not working but i tried plz update and pm plz
QuintessentialI thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

for "Love for the unknown" ๐Ÿ‘
Loved the  parts ... intriguing ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
-SmexyGhost- thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
This is ur 2nd FF nd u proved it that u r vry gud in writing๐Ÿ‘โญ๏ธ.Starting sounds vry intrsting.So cont soon nd do PM me (no need 2 tell i know)๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†