[SS - Yeh Dooriyan] Chapter 2. updated! 21/01

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Posted: 11 years ago

Hello =). So I have this bad habit of falling in love with shows, wanting to write short fan fictions for them because i'm so obsessed, and then never finishing the stories. 

This time, I decided to keep it under 4 chapters. 

I'll post the first chapter in the next post. Please do comment and let me know how you like it. 

I should be working on school work, but I've been obsessing with Ariya. Like can their love story start already?! 

Chapter 1 - next post

Chapter 2  - Page 5

Edited by bibbo - 11 years ago


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Posted: 11 years ago
[Chapter 1]

She wasn't there. One needn't be a detective to notice such a void within their headquarters.

Under the pretense of going in for his favourite drug – his cutting chai – Arjun walked into the kitchen space to scan for Riya. The kitchen was void of any human traces, and he quickly turned to go back to the boys, where Rawthor was briefing Shree and Chotu about their recent case. Having known the details, Arjun allowed himself a fleeting moment to control his nerves.

So what if she wasn't here? It shouldn't matter to him.

But dammit, it did!

As he showered early in the morning, his thoughts had gone back to his last conversation with Riya. Unwillingly – for he had willed himself to not think about her – he couldn't help but feel ashamed of the way he had belittled her, the last time they spoke.

Yes, she was a novice. Yes, she was unused to shooting, and was terrified of causing bodily harm – let alone kill – on the job. And yet, he had been a certified arse with her. He didn't understand why, but as he readied himself for the job this morning, he had promised himself that he'd pull RIya aside the first moment he had, and apologize to her.

Truth be told, he didn't want to be mean to her – to displace his anger towards the world on her. But every time he saw her, he saw everything he had failed in at life. Every time she was unwilling to shoot, he remembered his deceased wife, and how he was helpless in saving her.  Whenever Rawthor asked Arjun to partner with Riya, Arjun felt himself coil with tension. His nerves would be heightened and protecting Riya would become the first mission, barring his duties towards his country. For he was too young to live the rest of his life knowing he had failed two women in his life.

And so Arjun chose the easy way out and constantly told Riya to leave. Leave the fieldwork, leave the headquarters, and go back to the desk job, because there she truly would be safe.

Miles away mentally, he had to be tapped at on his shoulder to come back to the present.

"Look alive, Raute. You're not being paid to daydream on the job," Rawthor wasn't going to pass a chance to make a dig at Arjun. "I just told the boys to follow us in the second car. We have a mission to finish."

And with that, the four left.

Many hours later, after the case has been solved, the paperwork done, and the criminals behind bars, the four returned to headquarters once again. Although Arjun had thought about Riya constant during the hours, he hadn't asked why she hadn't turned up on the job. Perhaps another one of her "family emergencies" had come up, he thought with a slight roll in his eyes. 

"You can say whatever you like Shree, but without Ri this place has lost its charm.. And it has only been the first day,"   Chotu lamented.

"You're right Chotu. Maybe we can call her up tonight, and see if she wants to grab dinner, or a few drinks. I miss her!" Shree added.

His interest piqued, Arjun decided to ask the boys what was going on. Trying to keep his tone as nonchalant as possible, he asked, "miss? She was here yesterday. She'll probably be here tomorrow. No need to go all Romeo-like on her Shree." He added with a shrug in his shoulder.

Smartening up for being overheard by their superior, Chotu and Shree coloured. When they said nothing, Arjun raised his eyebrows.

"No sir, you've been mistaken." When his eyebrow raised even further, Chotu quickly added, "Riya's gone. There was a vacancy at her old department, and with the experience she has with being on the field, she got a promotion. She now has her own team of analysts  who do the research and report to her. To be quite frank, she hold a position that's higher than yours!" upon seeing Arjun clench his fists, Chotu trailed off into silence.

Shree, on the other hand, had missed this slight detail. As soon as Chotu stopped, he took over in praising his favourite colleague, wanting to have his two-cent worth heard. "Yes sir, she started today. She'll be so good there! Even Rawthor sir gave his recommendation for her. Even though she got this offer many weeks ago, she didn't want to leave. But yesterday, I think it might have been as soon as she came back from your car trip - she had a quick word with Rawthor sir, and they did her transfer for today. She works on the 11th floor, but we wont be able to meet her. She's quite busy. There is lots of responsibility on her slim shoulders."

As Shree was going on about Riya, Chotu had tried to stop him many times. Failing at each attempt, and seeing Arjun sir ready to blow his top, he'd quickly decided to work on more paperwork, and let Shree dig his own grave. As soon as Shree had mentioned "slim shoulders" however, Arjun had dropped his chai cup unceremoniously on the table, and stalked out of the office.

"Man what the hell is wrong with him now?! Who'll clean up his mess? Seriously, Arjun sir needs to learn to control his anger." Shree complained, as Chotu grinned at himself. He always knew Arjun sir had a special something for Riya. Today, his hunch was confirmed.

Arjun stalked out of the office, and without thinking of his actions, without finding meaning within his stride, made way to the elevator, pushed the button for the 11th floor and bolted out as soon as the elevator doors opened 

Turing a deaf ear to the receptionist outside the office labeled "Senior Analyst – Riya Mukerjee" in gold plate, he burst into her office, closed the door, and crossed his arms across his chest.

Riya, who was facing the sidewall as she was laughing sweetly into the phone, didn't take notice until she heard the door close loudly shut. Looking up, her expression froze, and she hung up the phone with a quick "I'll see you tonight" before disconnecting.


MistiofMistz thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
Nice start... wanting to know more... continue soonEdited by MistiofMistz - 11 years ago
rainydays. thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
OMG YOU'RE HERE?! reserved =)

I is happy ot know that you plan on completing this one =) And yeah I should be studying too🤔 Procrastination zindabaad😎🤣

I want their prem kahaani to start tooo but then at the same time I wanna wait cuz Arjun thinks that Riya should do back to her old desk job so I wanna see her step up her game you know and exceed his expectations (while developing feelings in the process maybe?). Oh and and and I want a scene where Arjun is the damsel in distress and Riya saves the day (the undercover thing doesn't really count cuz he pointed out a mistake and when she shot the dude, it seemed like he was kind of prepared to save himself so I want something more obvious🤔)

And now I have to go eat so brb🤣 I'll edit this with my thoughts on your story =)
Edited by -Ravjot- - 11 years ago
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Posted: 11 years ago
Ravjot! haiii <3

I AMM! lol, just like a bad penny, I turn up just when you think I'm gone. 
I'm in LOVE with Arjun. 
deeply. Madly.
i'm so disappointed to not have their story start. I need them to burn my laptop. 

rainydays. thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Hopefully this time you'll stay?🤣 Or am I asking for too much?😆 Me thinks their story will start slowly =) Read my other post cuz I'm too lazy to elaborate again🤣
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Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: MistiofMistz

Nice start... wanting to know more... continue soon

thank you darling
I'll post again once I write a good chunk of my essay. lol 

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Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: -Ravjot-

OMG YOU'RE HERE?! reserved =)

I is happy ot know that you plan on completing this one =) And yeah I should be studying too🤔 Procrastination zindabaad😎🤣

I want their prem kahaani to start tooo but then at the same time I wanna wait cuz Arjun thinks that Riya should do back to her old desk job so I wanna see her step up her game you know and exceed his expectations (while developing feelings in the process maybe?). Oh and and and I want a scene where Arjun is the damsel in distress and Riya saves the day (the undercover thing doesn't really count cuz he pointed out a mistake and when she shot the dude, it seemed like he was kind of prepared to save himself so I want something more obvious🤔)

And now I have to go eat so brb🤣 I'll edit this with my thoughts on your story =)

LOL, yeah i was going to OS this, but then I wanted to add details, so I couldn't. 
i always leave my stories half finished, but this one will be short, and perhaps have an end
i want their khani to start slow too but i don't wanna be 40 when it finally starts. you know? like jeez! this is the only show I watch these days, so i need it to do good things to my dil.
and i'm sure Riya will save him. <3333
Radhi12 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago
Great start...
Continue soon...
rainydays. thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
Too lazy to click edit so I'll just post here😆 That and no one can say I'm spamming🤣

yeah I know what you mean🤔 It seems slow but maybe cuz it's a weekend show so it seems that way? If it came on regularly Mon-Fri, there would've been some development already. Sucks for us =/

Anywho, the update. For some reason I started off with a smile on my face. Maybe it had to do with the part where you wrote that Arjun was a certified arse😆 And Shreee poor guy babbling on and on😆 But at the same time I was like woot! go Shree!

K dude. You can't just have Arjun barging into Riya's office and then decide to end it right here😳 Not cool =/ Update soon? Maybe finish this?
Edited by -Ravjot- - 11 years ago