YoshitaNegi1 thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

BARFI cop Saurabh Shukla back to theatre stage by his directed play TWO TO TANGO THREE TO JIVE.

!!A must watch play!!

What happens when the proverbial midlife crises knocks and then barges through the doors of Parminder Singh Sethi's mundane existence? Caught between continuing with his monotonous life and the enticing prospect of turning things around; this play chronicles Parminder's journey as it ebbs and flows with practical, comic, ambivalent, confusing and passionate tides. Each of us has a different way of dealing with a crisis. But how does Parminder, tangled in the web of mixed emotions and vexed choices, deal with his midlife crisis? And what happens when three women enter the picture...complications galore or does his life take another twist? For better or for worse! What's guaranteed is that these flaming personalities when thrown together in the cauldron of life turn up the heat...leaving things more complex than ever... truly, it takes...
