Director's Cut - September 17, 2012 - Page 4


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ThithliDhost thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

radha nice take... like ur style.. diff... mastπŸ˜‰

p.s.- u are not a newbie anymore.. not tat it matters...😳..but u mentioned tats i why i also mentioned... n now u can post much more than 10 posts a don be a kanjoos...


Thanks yara... Your words give me courage  and inspiration. I am no writer... Just an IPK addict,who is trying to find some form of an outlet for her rambling thoughts. πŸ€—
ThithliDhost thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: iritz

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Simply beautiful.  Yes, i share your exact feelings. After such an emotional scene, who wants to think abot Dadi...

IllGetOverIpk thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
updated post on page 1..happy reading😎
Jammy- thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
First I thought of putting forward what I think-

What I saw today was an Arnav who is letting go of his insecurities. That day in the hospital, he told her about his past and told her why is he ASR! That day and today was the most important day in the history of IPK. It was essential for us to understand the character of ASR.

As far as the past is concerned- Garima and khushi's situation is not the same. Khushi was innocent, whereas Garima WAS involved with his father. Garima keeps on repeating "I didn't know that he was married" she doesn't say " you are mistaken, I was not in a relationship with your son."

khushi was engaged to a man she didn't love whatsoever! The situation is maybe similar but not the exact same!

This is what I gather from what is revealed. I may be wrong but it's what I think.

Now I am off to read what the great minds, here at DC think!
HighOnSarcasm thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
Updated Pg 1...happy reading...πŸ˜ƒ
Tia.0 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
The confrontation takes place today... 

Seems like Arnav's dad was indeed Shyam's previous version. He did not tell Garima that he was married. However, Dadi is ASR's previous beta version. She of course did not believe her son can do any wrong and put all blame on her.

And we know that Anjali's mom is Anjali's previous version. She killed herself with no thought to her own daughter's wedding or her happiness. Anjali is the next version. She arranged for own brother's murderer's smooth lifestyle with his money without a single thought to his happiness and well-being.

Then there is Garima, the victim, who looks, behaves and talks like victim. She might have been fooled by Arnav's dad but she behaves like a guilty person, hence will be termed as guilty. 

Khushi, the victim, just occassionally (used to) behave like a victim. When she was blamed, she revealed the truth with confidence. But unfortunately, when Shyam and Anjali are on screen, for some reason, her over-developed guilt conscious inherited from her previous version (Garima) starts to operate automatically. 

Arnav - The rituals will keep happening. They are in their place. From today, we are husband and wife. Bitwa if you go back on your words and believe the pseudo-truth version: Dadi 2.0 is revealed, then you are in big doo doo...

Dadi - You destroyed my children's life, I will destroy your daughter's life. Really? An eye for both eyes, a leg for both legs, a marriage for two marriages? By the way, which Ashram did you go for all these years, Dadi? Hitler camp?

Khushi - You bug me so much that one day I will get out of your fingers like sand and you won't be able to find me. Babes, please use your chatter mouth, to remind Arnav not to take anything at face value like before and investigate the truth.

Fandom - Ooohhh romantic Arnav... Die Shyamu Die... Ooohhh sensitive Arnav... Die Dadi die...

Me - My dearies, Dadi or Shyam will only be able to "ruin Garima's daughters' marriage" if Aakash and Arnav bitwa use their brains. 

You see, I can threaten you to ruin your marriage, but unless your own husband agrees to help me out, how am I supposed to do that? 

Now everything is in Arnav and Aakash bitwa's court. The only thing they will have to do is be a man and stand up for the women they love. I know it's difficult, but hopefully CVs will be successful in this effort now that Lalit Mohan is back.

dramacrazy12 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: bidz

Finally, the much awaited confrontation happened in today's episode. For some reason, the Garima-dadi face-off fell totally flat to me. It felt as if there was neither any punch nor any impact.

Why did the most awaited face off fall flat? One possible reason could be, we have been waiting for this to happen for so long, that when it finally happened, it lacked the punch. Another possibility and likely reason could be that, dadi really doesn't hold any powers in this house at all. She is essentially an outsider, who has suddenly decided to come into this house to rule, and that too, on behalf of Shyam, who is detested by all. So, when this same lady says that she is going to stop this marriage, how much impact can it really have? I almost laughed at her face when she said this, and said to myself, oh really!!?? Go ahead, and do whatever you want to. It isn't going to work!

Was it really necessary to show Shyam's evil face when that whole confrontation was going on? Today he didn't even disgust me.  He just plain irritated me. So, the less said of him, the better.

ASR's dad did exactly the same thing with Garima that Shyam did with Khushi.  Then, who better to understand this other than Arnav and Khushi , for they themselves have been victims of this dirty game not so long ago. Yes, ASR will initially be shocked to know that Garima is the "other" woman, but it won't take him too long to figure out the entire truth, and ultimately find out where the entire blame lies.

While all this drama is going on at home, the couple in love have secluded themselves away from the family members, in a world of their own.  Today, Arnav placed Khushi even above his di, when he shared his deepest self with her. He shared himself and his most precious memories with her.  He shared his mother with her.  He made us, the viewers, experience heaven, at the union of two beautiful souls. If on Friday, Arnav promised that they would be together always, then today, it was Khushi's turn. Both cannot bear even the thought of being separated from each other. 

Finally, Arnav's healing process from the past has begun. For healing to begin, the first thing that you should be able to do, is to be able to share it, talk about it. Arnav just started doing that today. For the first time, we saw that, when he talked about his mother, there was less hurt, and more fondness. He was able to talk about his mother without that gut-wrenching hurt he has always carried with him whenever he has talked about her. Thus, today, a new chapter has begun in Arnav and Khushi's life.

Who would have thought that Arnav Singh Raizada would travel this far in the journey of love?

Excellent post Bidz. The confrontation fell flat for me too partly because I saw only unbridled anger in Dadi and fear and guilt in Garima which somehow made the whole encounter one-dimensional. Ofcourse Shyam smiling his evil smile did not help much either way. I agree... Dadi has no right or power to decide the destiny of gupta sisters. Both of them are Raizada DIL, so thier respective husbands, Mami and Nani would have more say in it than Subhadra.I have been clamouring for some Nani/Dadi face off...hopefully this will lead there.
 I find it ironical that both the Raizada brothers fell crazily in love with Gupta sisters and then had to jump through multiple hoops just to marry them and get them home. Neither of the gupta sister gave in to Raizadas easily. What is even more interesting is that trust forms the basis in both the marraiges. Payash went through a tough time and now seem to be in sync. Arshi have been working on thier trust issues and are almost there.  Somehow it seems that thier entire time together has been a preparation to face this test. Nani and Mami are both aware to change Khushi has brought in Arnav so I am not sure if they will discount that. I am however worried of Arnav's kneejerk reaction. In all Dadi will have a tough time breaking Arshi for long.
So Malik Sr was the guilty party ...that pretty much throws his suicide due to guilt prediction out of the window. I am guessing that Garima confronted him much like Khushi had confronted Shyam except Ratna saw the confrontation and decided to commit suicide. Does Arnav know that OW did not know his dad was married?
Edited by dramacrazy12 - 11 years ago
ThithliDhost thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: redwine1

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Hats off to you Ruby πŸ‘β­οΈ.  You always help me to see IPK  with much more depth to what I see in the screen. Loved "Garden of Eden". Fantansmik.. πŸ‘. 
NothingLasts thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago
I feel scared for Khushi because of Dadi!!!
ThithliDhost thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: meghavn

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Excellent. Gr8 Explanation to each of those DOD (Dialogue of the day). Let the journey to their new life begin with the strong foundation of TRUST, NEED for each other and immense love that they have for each other .. 

πŸ‘. Thank you πŸ‘