Director's Cut - September 17, 2012 - Page 3


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amimus thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Finally the awaited confrontation happens today and as the spoilers said  it turns out to be the same way . Now once again I see the same situation that Khushi was in where Shyam was concerned. Even she was not aware of him being married and was deceiving her and the family. So do we assume the same thing happened with Garimaji, well from the conversation it seems so . Why is DADI not letting her speak , well this lady has such a big problem of not listening to people. That's where Arnav has picked up this trait of not listening , well he is a changed man now as he has Khushi in his life. But I still believe Garima is not the OW , feel like there is a misunderstanding somewhere.


We have Shyam peeping out from behind the door and giving us his evil smile. Well one more of his plan is successful . I thought when people go to the Ashram they tend to have peace with themselves and forgive people as they learn meditation and go through spiritual awakening but alas this lady has not learnt it  . I know the past is bad and has taken away her son from her, but then isn't it wise to forget the past so that your present and future are not affected. But DADI is still stuck in the past where she always felt that her son is not at fault and all the fault is of that OW.


On one side we have the past revisited and the other side we see a future building up. Arnav has taken Khushi to a place where he feels his mother's presence to take her blessing for Khushi . He has accepted that they are one and Khushi is his wife and the rituals are there for rituals. He tells her that today she is his wife and DIL of his mother , and they are one. What will happen to this pure and wonderful relation when the past clouds burst on them. How is Arnav going to react , will he be able to forgive Garimaji , will he listen to her version of the story the truth . He has always blamed his father and not the other woman as mentioned by DADI few days earlier. Will he still be of the same opinion or react in his usual anger mode without listening and reasoning.


I only hope that this time he does not make the same mistake as he did with Khushi when he came to know about Shyam – Khushi. Will he listen to Garimaji with whom he has stayed and knows her. Now is the true test of Arnav's love , trust and understanding. His test of being righteous and standing with the truth . Well I say this week is one emotional roller coaster ride with lots of twists and turns. Today's spoiler has been played now let's see how Dadi agrees for the marriage and what game is she planning. Why I have a feeling she will let the marriage happen and then drop the bomb so that arnav reacts violently and leaves Khushi . Wont that be a big blow to Garimaji , a daughter being left by her husband. Dadi will be manipulated by Shyam in this .


But apart from all this drama I loved the moments between the 2 lovers. So tender and cute. Arnav today has laid open himself to Khushi , he trusts her and wants her to know everything about him . He has got her to a place where he has not let anyone come. What  a beautiful moment between the 2. The red rose loop of birthday closed. Arnav and Khushi are made for each other and no Dadi, Shyam or any other evil can come in between them . Yes I want the marriage to happen , then a separation but not for long  and then the fight together for the truth .


I am eagerly waiting for the episodes to roll on and bring us forth the whole truth . SO ladies and gentleman sit back , put on your seat belts and get ready for the ride of IPK from Mon- Fri at 8PM only on Star Plus .

mars80 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

<font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3">Mars ..</font>
<font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3">
<font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3">LOL .. hatch day ..</font>
<font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3">
<font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" size="3">loved ur point of view love ..</font>

Hahaha thanks for the no writer n i only visit forum to read four threads n a post to be exact, n u ladies r awesum...i only pen down one of the many things going in my head after watching the epi, n i try to pick the positive ones out of that coz dc is all gud for me just coz of its positive outlook, so yeah do keep writing...i luvd reading u n iritz on redux before n i like the directors perspective given by u guys here on dc...
Abt the hatch day thingy, we have many more such personal bday wishes amongst myself n my cuzins but not all of em r appropriate enuf to be shared this one has always been my personal favorite :-)
mahamluvsbs thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago

Lizzy2012 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
finally done with updating ..on Pg1
IllGetOverIpk thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Arulradha

September 17th 2012, a landmark episode of IPK, with beautiful on screen capture of true love.

The Episode to me is one of the BEST IPK episodes till date. Loved Loved Loved it.  

My Rambling thoughts:

A man today opened himself up completely to his love, making him his true better half, true soul mate. 
A gift that well received and cherished by Khushi. There is no turning back for these two now. The DEAL is done. 

Today to me the Episode was all about, Arnav Khushi bonding. How Arnav is taking steps to make Khushi more and more comfortable with him. Understand him better. Fear him not. 
Trust him blindfold..

During Haldi, Khushi feared that , Arnav does not love her enough. Her Mehandi color was not dark enough. She expressed her feelings to Arnav. Arnav responded with a "My love does not need any proof".  The man did not stop with that did he? 
He gave her the most beautiful, undeniable proof of his love today to Khushi. Will she ever doubt his love for her now? 

How beautifully Arnav put her fear to a stop. He took her to the one place which is the most scared to him. His temple.  The place where his Mama is. Her love is. His most cherised childhood memories are. The place where no one else is allowed than him (and may be his Di.. though I doubt it).  

Here he claims her to be HIS WIFE. HIS MOTHER's BAHU.. What more can a girl ask for? 

The DEAL is DONE. πŸ‘. Arnav and Khushi are one. Ek hogeye. Bath katham. 

Loved Arnav's respose to khushi's crib , You keep pulling my leg..  

Loved Mami, Buaji bonding .. Buaji saying "hello Hi, Bye-bye" ..
Loved Arnav Khushi being playful in front of the family.. They have come a long way. 

Loved that Arnav complimented khushi in front of the family.." You are very beautiful", Nazar na lege .. 

Garima and Dadi, face off is finally done. What a relief!!!  Past is repeating itself int he form of Shyam? I can't bring myself to believe that Arnav's Dad can be a two timer.. So will wait for Garima's side of the story to unveil. 

Hated Shyam for Gloating at his victory 😑 (Or so he thinks. Only time can tell, how successful he is )

Dadi... Oh Dadi... What did you learn in the Aaasram? Didn't they teach you  the basic Mantra of life. "Forgive and Forget" ? 

"I will destroy your daughters and your family, just like you did mine... " πŸ˜‘.  WOW.. 

For today, I am just basking in Arnav-Khushi's love. I  will worry about Remarriage, DAID- GARIMA drama etc etc, if needed when the time comes.. 

Till tomorrow

After musing all Sunday about, the possible outcome of Blindfolded Khushi and a naughty Arnav, 
I  was very nicely surprised at The scene that actually played out. We get this only in IPK. Totally out of the box thinking πŸ˜‰. To me these little things are that set apart IPK from the crowd. 


Thanks  DC, for welcoming a newbie like me to the group. Without whose encouragement, I would never have attempted to jot down my thoughts here.. πŸ€— Thank you for Taking time to read my Rambling thoughts and even commenting on it. πŸ˜›πŸ˜›.

radha nice take... like ur style.. diff... mastπŸ˜‰

p.s.- u are not a newbie anymore.. not tat it matters...😳..but u mentioned tats i why i also mentioned... n now u can post much more than 10 posts a don be a kanjoos...

bidz thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

what is this?? Are you telling me the spoiler about Kareena dancing in sangeet is true??
mahamluvsbs thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: bidz

what is this?? Are you telling me the spoiler about Kareena dancing in sangeet is true??

bidz thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Mahamluvsght


lag to aisa hi raha hai. Not a big fan of kareena, par chalega😊
bidz thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Sumi, beautiful post!
iritz thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
Post Updated...

Didn't feel like doing Daadi / Garim scene... maybe some other time !!!!

Happy Reading !
