DIRECTOR'S CUT : August 24th, 2012

redwine1 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

                           KHUSHI WEDS ARNAV ... 



Dear Fellow Viewer & reader, Welcome to yet another edition of Director's Cut .. an episode where .. some secrets got unveiled .. some secrets got the much needed oxygen .. while some secrets were asphyxiated .. young love bubbled to the surface .. while vapours of deceit were left to simmer.. yes u guessed it .. all packed in 18 minutes of IPK .


The episode had all the ingredients to keep one on the edge of the seat .. finally the Dadi Shyam nexus was out in the open .. Garima was halted from going away .. Anjali finally found a co conspirator in the realms of Raizada house .. BUT for the author the moment .. was .. Khushi for the first time taking the FIRST STEP towards Arnav .. this time she led . .she asked him out on a date .. & bitwa being bitwa .. dint step back .. but .. jumped hoops ( oops clothes piles) to do her bidding ...

So guys .. whats stopping you .. pick up ur remotes .. & yes lets pause & release .. 


                   SCENE 1: SHYAM MANOHAR JHA .. 

  ' The greatest trick that the devil ever played .. was to make                                   people beleive he did not exist '


Anjali is trying to sneak into dadi's room to get Shyam out when she is accosted by NK .. who sends her back to her room .. as soon as he goes to fetch a glass of haldi waala doodh for her .. she sneaks into dadi's room .
OK OK Pause here .. isnt it uncanny ... how NK always in his wrong diction .. pronounces the right words ... today also he said .." aap itni haivaan pareshaan kyon hai "  .. 😃 TRUE NK .. she is pareshaan because of a Haivaan .. her husband .. 

                                        DADI's ROOM : 
Dadi walks into her room & turns her back .. & calls out to the hidden Shyam .. who steps out of his HIDING .. steps out & greets DADI .. who smilingly .. blesses him .. 


Firstly .. check this .. the woman .. actually blessed him .. by putting her hands on his head .. hitherto .. she has reserved this only for Arnav & Anjali .. not even Payal & Akash got this from her .. 
Yes a lot of the you had guessed that Shyam had brought in Dadi to RM .. but .. what took me in was .. how influenced Dadi was by Shyam .. she like Anjali .. was smitten .. well is that a surprise .. hasnt everyone .. who has ever come in contact with Snakewa been smitten in the beginning .. to be given a taste of rude awakening ... So Dadi dear u too are in for a rude awakening .. 

Now dont know if u noticed this .. but today .. there was a slight change in Dadi characterisation .. the real grandmother came out .. YES she is misguided today .. BUT is there a doubt in ne ones mind . WHO will bear the BRUNT once she knows the deceit .. & how she was made party to it.

Ok Release Pause .. Move on .. 

Anjali comes into the room .. & is at first shocked to see .. Dadi & Shyam together ... ok absolved as off now .. she did albeit unknowingly bring Shyam to Dadi ... hmm interesting isnt it .. !!!!
Then the plot of how Shyam brought in Dadi to RM is out .. how Dadi & Shyam were in cahoots was revealed .. 
An obviously over whelmed Anjali .. is all smiles cause she has finally found one SUPPORT to her cause in Raizada Mansion .. DADI .. 

Pause Please ... 

I loved the look on Anjis face .. when she feels she has finally found an ally in Dadi .. the relief of not hiding the secret of Shyam & her meeting .. the relief that one more person believes in her Shyam .. the hope .. that EVERYTHING WILL GO BACK TO HOW IT WAS .. The relief .. that all the people who had abandoned her .. are NOW coming back to her .. the feeling of security .. SUPERB .. yes MISGUIDED .. 

I loved how Anji .. turns to Dadi .. when Dadi says this was all a MISUNDERSTANDING .. hmmm .. interesting isnt it .. Shyam has fed the same story .. to Dadi as well .. not embellished a LOT .. 
Dadi's reassurance .. that ALL WILL BE WELL .. SHE WILL GET SHYAM BACK .. 

This stuck me as most ODD .. why should Shyam come back .. is it established he is a GHAR JAMAI ?? .. shudnt Dadi want to send Anjali with Shyam to their HOME ??? ( creative liberty Gul or .. another twist to the tale??) 

Ok Release Pause :

Dadi the misguided Dadi now points out to Anjali how Shyam loves her .. cause he came to get her to sort the mess of Anjali's life .. hmm interesting .. Anjali is all smiles .. Anjali turns around & repeats .. yes her husband loves her .. 

Pause ofcourse :
What is this .. superiority syndrome .. the woman abandons her grandkids .. never to turn back .. & today .. she feels her grandkids lives are floundering so she comes back ?? was is so simple .. hmm ??

Na na na .. Shyam .. the snake .. did what any respectable villain does .. played on Dadi's EGO .. yea the EGO .. which we have been seeing off & on since she is here .. Shyam has gone to HER ... & told her .. ONLY U can save .. ur Granddaughters marriage .. 

Only U CAN save .. UR GRANDSON .. from committing a grievous error ..thereby activating the EGO cells .. NOTE DADI's dialogues here ... 

Now for the expression which thoroughly confused me .. i am now going to ask u guys for help .. pls check ANJALI's expression .. when she says .. Haan yeh humse bahut pyaar karte hai .. !!!!!!

TO me it looked LIKE .. she herself doesnt believe that anymore .. there are doubts on his love .. seeds of doubt .. which may be mere seedlings as off now .. BUT will flourish as time passes by .. PLS guys see this .. & let me know what u think .. ??

If Anji believes Shyam completely then she will not doubt his love .. is Anjali .. doing this .. to save her marriage too .. some where deep INSIDE .. she knows he was in LUST with KHUSHI .. too .. remember she saw both of them ( kheer .. room .. going away) .. 
  • Does Anjali want Shyam back .. to maintain status quo .. 
  • Does Anjali want Shyam back .. so that there are NO PROBLEMS IN CHOTTE's Marriage
  • Does Anjali want Shyam back .. so that her child has a secure environment 
  • OR Does Anjali want Shyam back .. cause she BELIEVES IN HIM .. 

Remember .. he called her .. she dint call him first ...  😃


Now for the icing on the cake .. the master stroke of Shyam .. he expresses concern over .. Anji health .. thereby scoring brownie points with Dadi .. 
Dadi quickly goes to see .. if the road was clear for "damadji" to leave .. She tells him of her intention to have a GODH BHARAI ceremony .. & invite Shyam for the same .. interesting .. 
Finally the smarter DUDE .. SHYAM .. reveals his sinister side .. 


Interesting isnt it .. RM is surrounded by master manipulators .. must be in the genes .. 😉
So dadi wants a GODH BHARAI .. & that will happen with Mehendi .. hmm in Mehendi .. NO DULHA allowed .. but in GODH BHARAI .. husband allowed .. so Arnav will not be there .. & the ever dominating DADI will be able to manipulate Shyam entry .. 
Dadi .. darling .. which of ur plan has worked in ur favour since u have come back .. that this one will ?? remember this is Arnav's house .. 

BUT BUT BUT .. maybe Arnav will not be needed to thwart Dadi's plans at all .. Shyam is far more smarter & smoother than this .. he knows .. the moment he is out of his burroughs .. he is EXPOSED .. Arnav will not leave him .. & he will be TRULY exposed this time .. 
HE can enter RM .. only when Arnav is not around .. or .. when IT WILL BE ABSOLUTELY .. important to have the MAN .. either husband or FATHER .. around .. 😃 .. heres my HINT to you .. now u guess Shyam's game plan .. 


                                       SCENE 2 : GH 

                                        LO CHALI MEIN .. 
                                          APNE "JETHJI" 
                                        KI BARAAT LEKE .. 
                                        LO CHALI MEIN 

Garima is about to leave with Shashi for Lucknow doctor's camp .. while Khushi is in a tele convo with her jiji .. 
Payal has called Khushi to inform her of the mehendi date .. which will now coincide with Anjali GODH BHARAI .. 

Ok OK Pause here .. did u notice the small pause before Khushi spoke .. the girl truly has a heart of GOLD . she knows .. what that day would cause Anjali .. her heart goes out to Anjali .. & then she realises .. having the 2 functions together will mean .. Anjali's attention diverted .. 
She quickly remembers .. that her parents will not be there .. too .. for the same .. 


Release .

While Khushi is chatting away with Payal .. & Garima is getting ready to sneak away .. without calling the Raizada's .. Khushi on channel surfing .. ( ahem was she looking for Kailash Khabri again ) .. stops on news .. & hears the khabar .. that due to rains .. all trains out of Delhi to UP are terminated .. Garima wants to leave via bus .. but Buaji thwarts the same .. WHile a estatic Khushi celebrates the presence of her parents in her wedding .. she hugs her parents .. saying . . it was probably DM who wished this .. & leaves the room . .. with her phone 😃

Pause Pause  

Garima darling .. plan thwarted once again .. are v the only ones who can cotton on to her distress .. its not customary na .. so why arent Buaji & khushi catching onto it ??? ( GUL darling .. thoda dhyaan do yaar) 

I am asking u reader .. 
  • Do u think . Garima will sit back .. & attend the shaadi now ?
  • Do u think she will finally come clean with either Khushi or Buaji ?
  • Do u think she will use the other means available to her to BOLT ?


                                    SCENE 3:  GH / RM 


                                       KISSI DISCO MEIN JAAYE .. 
                              KISSI HOTEL MEIN KHAAYE
                           KOI DEKH LE NA HUMEY YAHAN 
                         KAHIN GHOOM KE HUM AAYE HUM

Khushi invites bitwa for dinner .. OOO  


" Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada .. aap 2 ghante baad kya kar rahe hai .. ? "
" Mein ek video conference attend kar raha hoon "
 " Nahin aap hotel .. purple ... purple orchid mein ..."
" WHAT ??"
" WHAT nahin WHAT THE .. aap 2 ghante mein humein Hotel purple orchid mein mil rahe hai "

CLICK  .. 

" Hello"
"Arnavji .. aap aayenge na ? "
" Haan i am Guessing ... " 



                                        WISE MEN SAY 
                                 ONLY FOOLS RUSH IN
                                      BUT I CANT HELP 
                             FALLING IN LOVE WITH U

OK OK .. PAUSE NEWAYS ..  I sooo love the slight smile on Arnav's face .. i love the way he moves his face & attention from his work .. to listen to Khushi's call .. 
I loved the way after asserting her rights confidently .. almost commandingly .. Khushi reverts .. to a sweet .. U WILL COME NA .. 
It was so .. I am the Boss in this relation .. & i have my boyfriends permission to say SO 😉 

Now lets look at ufff handsome bitwa .. 
Look at the way he is so happy .. to see Khushi asserting her rights over him .. the feeling of possession .. is redolent in her voice .. 
Look at the smile when she asks him the second time . u will come na ?? 


Guys  I am going to end my analysis tonite here .. the rest is for monday .. with a gripping precap .. promise of some intrigue .. & ofcourse the promise of ARHI .. what more do we want to make our weekends ..  while watching the BLACK CLAD duo tonite .. one song kept reverberating in my mind .. 


                                         MERE RANG MEIN .. 
                                             RANGNE WAALI 
                                              PARI HO YA HO 
                                           PARIYON KI RANI
                                  YA HO MERI PREM KAHANI 
                              MERE SAWALON KA .. JAWAB DO .. 

HMMM .. guys leaving u behind with the thot .. what is the one question that Arnav is asking her .. & he is not getting the appropriate answer for .. 
& do u think .. Arnav will get .. hmm upteem time lucky 😉








Payal & UMANG .. this post would not have been possible without you .. A HEARTFELT SINCERE THANX TO BOTH OF U 

TO PAYAL .. & her worthy half  ( UMANG) .. 

Saritha: the first germ of the idea .. to do a wedding special & a invite for the same .. came from you .. THANK YOU .. TRULY U ROCK .. THE HELP  that u gave me & Payal today while doing the INVITE . was immeasurable .. THANK YOU LOVE .. 





Edited by redwine1 - 11 years ago



Last reply









Frequent Posters

iritz thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Dear Friends...

Welcome to yet another edition of The Director's Cut... Today we start the celebration of The Wedding of the Year...

Devi Maiyya's blessed Child...

Khushi Kumari Gupta

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Smt. Devyani Singh Raizada's grandson...

Arnav Singh Raizada  

So.. Welcome one and welcome all... And let's join in the wedding celebrations of our beloved Bitiya and Bitwa...


Kuchh Meetha, Kuchh Khatta, Kuchh Teekha

Bole To...

Shubh Kaam ki Shuruat humesha meethe se honi chahiye...

The Good

Meetha Moment of the Day...

❤️ So our bitiya takes the first step and calls bitwa for their first official date !!! ❤️

Dialog of the Day... (Thanks Ruby)


" Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada .. aap 2 ghante baad kya kar rahe hai .. ? "
" Mein ek video conference attend kar raha hoon "
 " Nahin aap hotel .. purple ... purple orchid mein ..."
" WHAT ??"
" WHAT nahin WHAT THE .. aap 2 ghante mein humein Hotel purple orchid mein mil rahe hai "

CLICK  .. 


" Hello"
"Arnavji .. aap aayenge na ? "
" Haan i am Guessing ... " 


Sweetheart of the Day...

😆 Our Haivaan Pareshaan Guy... NK ! 😆

Rabba Vey Moment of the Day...

❤️ Bromance at it's peak !!! ❤️

The Bad

Khatta Moment of the Day...

🤢 Shyam inviting his wife to a date 🤢

Kahani Mein Twist of the Day...

Trains get cancelled and Garima can't run away from the wedding for now !!! What will you do now... Amma?

The Ugly

Teekha Moment of the Day...

Daadi Blessing Shyam... We all knew this was coming ! Didn't we?

Partner in Crime... of the Day !

Anjali getting her partner in crime... in lying to the rest of the family !!!

Dhokhebaaz of the Day...

Giving a dhokha to one and all... planning a big bomb explosion and hurting them all !!! You are playing a dangerous game Shyam babua !!!!

Blooper of the Day !!!!!

(Thank You Megha -- Eagle Eye of the Day😉)

So,  Khushi is sitting at her home in Lakshmi Nagar, counting money to take out her lover for their first official date... (which by the way... turns out to b the answer for my Question of the day 2 days ago... sadly none of you guys got it right... but I still loved the answers !!! 😆 ) so... Khushi calls up Arnav... they show the AR Design building... and Arnav sitting in his cabin... just before he picks up... did we see Khushi running up the stairs to his cabin... Do a Pause Release there guys... have a look !!! 😆

What happened to the post production guy... Mr. Rahul Mehra... Don't you see your work before you send it to the channel to telecast the show??


Question Hour Segment...

Guys... I was amazed to see the responses... From dancing around her to pampers and huggies... You got them all... some were down right hilarious !!!

So The Fastest Finger Award goes to our very own Saru... Good one Saru... quick one !!! 🥳

Originally posted by: sarithaipkknd

everybody will dance around her.. n sing ringa ringa roses!!!!


The DC Princess of the Day goes to... our Birthday Girl Krishu 🥳

Originally posted by: Krishyy808

Give her aap bhi na back...
Give her to listen rani sahiba tune back in whole RM
Get ready to show her a Chikini Chameli dance performance
Right me chotey left me shyamu nd beech me lo huyi happy shappy..
Let her keep all kind of fasts;give her pooja ki thali ;thn Ohh GOD u r ur own saviour...
As a whole give her evrything to live peacfully in her dream delusional world...!!...

The DC Queen of The Day goes to...

Originally posted by: amarb

Everyone from now on walk with a pooja ki thaal around. No one I mean no one should walk empty handed

Since anji is the only one pregnant she is feeling left out... to make sure that she can blend in and be happy everyone needs to have a baby bump.. that includes mami, nani, dadi, laxmi. Even the doc who will come to visit her needs to have a baby bump.

All men need to have sympathy baby bump.. including HP,OP and any Ps that exists. Shyam need not because he has naturally grown one.

Everyone needs to hear Mandir ki Ghanti waali CD. No Pop rock or any film music allowed.

Record Shyam's leeching voice saying "Rani Sahiba" and play it to her day in and day out.

Instead of having constipated expressions and other shocked expressions having a puss in boots expression is a must. Puppy look is also fine.

Everyone needs to say only one word in RM "Chotte" and nothing else.

Beena... Congratulations Honey !!!!🥳

So, Coming back to...

Question of the day...

Bitiya is taking Bitwa out for their first date... So girls... and young ladies... How will Arnav and Khushi's date end??

Socho Socho...

Sabse cute answer ko milega the honor for DC Queen of the Day' on Monday !!!


In Case you wanna go back to the previous threads... some outstanding stories or general news about IPK Land... you can find it all at... The Director's Cut Index Thread !


Tally Ho !

Edited by iritz - 11 years ago


IllGetOverIpk thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

Let the festivities begin !!
welcome guys!!... to the beautiful union of two souls who were meant to be...
DC is celebrating the marriage of Arnav & Khushi!!!
I would like to take you through some of the beautiful..
moments of these two star crossed lovers.. i ve missed many.. but this is just the first edition.!!

yes guys DC is celebrating!!!! with them & for them!!!
& each one of us is cordially invited!!!!

tare hai barati chandani hai yeh baraat.. saato phere honge abb haato me leke hath

Ankhiyan Milaike Channa...
deve naa tari menu saree khudai vey..

akhiyan milake...
tare hai barati, chandini hey yeh baraat...

saato phere honge
ab haato me leke hath 
jivan sathee hum diya aur bati hum...


jivan sathee hum diya aur bati hum...
ganga jamuna se bhee pawan teraa...
meraa bandhan...

teraa prem hai phulvari aur meraa mann hai aangan...

janmo janmo kaa hee sajanee teraa meraa sath
saato phere honge abb haato me leke hath

jivan sathee hum diya aur bati hum

hai jivan me jo pritam sukh nahee mangu duja...

aarti nayno se karti hu mann se teree puja...

me toh dharm hee samjhun teree kahee
hui har bat...

saato phere honge abb haato me leke hath
jivan sathee ham diya aur bati hum ...diya aur baati hum...

akhiya milake channa pawe naa judai vey...
deve naa tari menu saree khudai vey

akhiya milake channa...imageimage

jivan sathee hum diya aur bati hum...

p.s.-sorry guys today is vamp's date night... she is also meeting someone at "the purple orchid"!!!!!
p.p.s.- she was behaving like a phan gurl!!! n carried a bottle of anti snake venom!!! i ve no clue.. what she is upto...
yo ppl i m back!!! expected a great date-night with shyamji.. but when i reached purlpe orchid.. a certain chottey turned up with his koosie.. so my date for the night slithered away!!!! i should ve watched the precap!!(kicking myself)😡
anyways my rant for the day:-

1.anji babe be careful u r def. in my list permanently ..i donno abt gautam's DKS.. but are def my DKS.. n i m sooo happy that summi showed ya her trademark stopwa!!! signal!!! u haivan pareshaan!!!
i m really pleased tat my snakeji has figured out tat u ve stopped popping pills!!! now  he can try a different strategy!!!
[ keep trying till he is kicked out again!!!!😡 u never listen to me shyamji.. ] now my dearest summi has also joined forces with "anjaam" as payal would say..
[though i prefer "vampyaam" any day]!!!

3. why was shyam hiding behind the curtains if dadi already knows about him??? n summy just closed the curtains tats it!!! nobody dares to come to that room huh?? why only  when arshi are trying to "coo chi coo".. even  if the doors are closed ppl just barge in???
p.s.- actually this is the first time i felt bad for somebody- swati chitnis.. lol.. she gave her best performance today!!! kept the suspense intact!!! but wat did the PH do???
updated spoiler pics of her, behind her back??? tats the biggest ramanchi ever!!! i bet she is upset with them big time!!!!

4.i m telling ya that editor guy whom ritz mentioned in her post was drunk!!! thats the only logical answer!!! i for 1 minute thought, maybe i am drunk!!! then i thought maybe i am hallucinating!!! what the!!! amma aint going anywhere!!! btw how was she planning to carry shashi babuwa into the train? or was she planning to hire a coolie? n why do GH ppl always eat puri and aloo ki sabji???  buaji u should start watching wat u put into tat mouth of urs..
p.s.- as soon as i heard the tv in the back ground i was 100% that its the tv that will bring the next twist!!!
i was right!!!

6. news said due to heavy rains all trains were stopped.. but the video showed a guy stitting on the platform bench n 1 or 2 extras in the background.. dint see any rain😕

7. sum1 pls tell me who suggests these wird names of rest. n hotels??
1.hotel blue lagoon😕
2. food food restua
3. purple orchid😕😕😕

8. shyam before leaving anjali... told her to visit him at the same place..where they met last time...then why did anji say on the phone.."haan baba humey pata hai ki PURPLE ORCHID"kaha hai??? what was  the point?? just to let us know tat sayaani di n paapad ka tukda are going to the same place??😕

thats it guys!!! gud nyt!!! now i can sleep in peace...
                      *tally ho(r)
                *c u at the ipks(r)
[*samajhney waaley samajh gayee jo naa samjhey woh anaadi hai😉]

today a vamp is born in the ever positive payalia!! i agree with all the points but she is the master mind!!! many times does khushi count thr same amount of money?? didnt she recently break her gullak to pay the rent?
2.did she receive cash during shagun n roka that she sadi she has become bahut ameer? i saw only 100rupee notes so i m wondering about RM wasees maali halat!!
3.where did all her chillar go dint she exchange it at AME- arnav money exchanger???
4.what is khushi treating arnav to?? tea & coffee again?? or is it loop closing time ...and she ll ask for money with sadda haq instead of asking a loan???
5.khushi pey kisney keetnashak chidka??? why are insects dying on her sleeves???
6. anji ka bhai ..apni biwi ke liye dhang key clothes nai laa sakta kya?? ya saara pyaar is seemit to only his behen.??
 thats it guys!!!! payalia's vamp is shant now

ya guys evrything else was still purrfect

                                😆 nazar na lagey mere ipk ko!! 😆

Edited by sarithaipkknd - 11 years ago
mahamluvsbs thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
   Isn't the banner so damn hot ! paayal i didnt knw u had this hidden talent ! u rock girl !👏

A decent episode which cleared the story behind dadi jee ! and before i talk about it my eid ka chand ahh BARUN SOBTI  , thanks God u were shown 👏❤️ because Gorky uncle posted some spoilers which really did spoil our moods !

b4 any one else i wana talk about my hotties scene arnav khushi - Sanaya Barun 🥳My tv screen twinkles when u guys are shown .

khushi very very cutely counts her money and is happy tht she is one rich gal !  Babes u r  wife- going to be wife of one the richest and hottest business tycoon u see how rich he makes u in terms of every thing  😳 In a very wifey orderly style she first calls him n  tellshim he has to reach purple orchid  leaving him all confused and then 2nd timeshe  sweetly askd him if he is coming  to which he says yeah ! aww how sweet he is ready to kick off his video conference for his baby ! is this really arnav singh raizada?

Confused  arnav goes to his room and starts selecting his wardrobe , nk comes n teases him  as to where is he going . arnav tells him on a date with khushi  which gives nk another oppertunity to tease  nanav he tells him tht his clothes selection is pretty weird n he should borrow some from him making arnav raise his brow !(I WOULD LOVE TO SEE ARNI IN CASUALS PLEEJJJ ! damn these 2 suits, throw them arnav plzplz  )  loves how nk started to tickle arnav ! NOW we knw aranv has changed A LOT FOR KHUSHI but dats ONLY for khushi 😆 for thworld he is still the akro ASR so poor NK had to just go away from there !

 anjali dadi shamu 
 hain 3 bohat he chalu 
 boltey hain yeh jhoot subah ho ya shaam
 becharey arshi na din ko sukoon unhein na raat ko aram !
ALLAH ,JESUS  ,Hey RAM !!!!!

 dadi is a vamp and she naturally takes shaymu's side and the HAM STAR DI  is elated  tht she has one more fool to adorne her cap  😡.

so shamu has send dadi here . kha se dhoonda inko snakey ?😡😡

oh plz stop making mokery of the love between siblings by showing anjali loves aranv NONONO SHE DOSNT she is one selfish  BUFFON AND SNAKEY  tughe kya bolon mein  they say na ram milaye jodi   anjali is APT for u ! u desrve every bit of her  in all the janams to come ! tht is my punishment for u 😡 Allah tumhara and ajnali ka janam janam taak risht husband wife wala rhgey and anjali se tumahar peecha kabhie naa chootey !

 So shamu wants to  harm he r so tht  dadi says daamad je ko bolao ! oka  some one tell this so called nautanki dadi  is she happy to have a ghar damaad and  wht izzat and rutaba is she talking abt giving back to him ? he is a house husband  dammit wht izzat is she speaking abt ? SERIOUSLY DADI  get a reality check i hope arnav teaches all of u some good lesson one day !

ok i better shut up with my rant over the  hypocrites ta triangle - bermuda triangle !

garima darling abb tera ky hoga 

Delhi ki trains ne pani pheer deya GARIMA AUNTY  ke iradon per 
Shehnsha nikalta hai  andheri raton and sunsaan rahon per 







  THE PRE-CAP IS SMOKING HOT hot hot  MR N MRS RAIZA 👏Arshi the  black magic is just looking divine❤️
Edited by Mahamluvsght - 11 years ago


Lizzy2012 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

Welcome to another dose of celebration in the DC thread..the celebration of love,the celebration of trust,the celebration of Rights,the celebration of passion... with that I am starting off another series today..the series that will touch on the major aspect of this show..Its tag line..NAFRAT PAAS AANE NA DE  AUR MOHABBHAT DOOR JAANE NA DE..YES, that will be also the title of this series..wondering what it is all about?..just a little patience will reveal it all

today episode had it all the Trust and the Betrayal..Love and Hatred...Honest emotions and Dishonest Intentions...Friendship and enemity ...Name it and all the colours present in the land of IPK..Sirf yahan  aur kahan?


they say to understand trust one needs to be betrayed..deeply scarred by that whose trust are we talking about?..anjali and Dadi's ..more so anjali's..seems like anjali is going to learn a bitter how many TIMES does she need to be betrayed before she discovers that trust is something you never  give a person blindly?..they need to earn she blatantly betrays the trust of her brother to earn the betrayal of her husband...dadi on the other hand helping her Damadji IN HIS PALACE ENTRY AND HIS GREAT ESCAPE ..trusting his words on the another one who is going to be used as a pawn..another one whose trust is going to serve as a weapon in the hands of the the great not so secret yet a secret of IPK revealed ..THAT IT WAS SHYAM WHO HAS APPROACHED DADI FOR REENTERING it will be anjali and dadi's trust VS shyam's will be Arnav's trust vs dadi and anjali betrayal..or is it still going to be the DIL Vs DIMAAG contest for anjali?..her heart pounds for shyam while the mind is not clear about his innocence of the misdemeanour he is accused of against her brother and his wife.what are these  going to bring into the flavouring of IPK..sibling rift?how big?let's wait and watch..


Compare the dadi,shyam,anjali tableau to that of the one presented before you at Gupta house. where we see payal and khushi's trust on each other's  love for  the sister..even though they are devrani and jetani in the Raizada House,they never forget that they are sisters..the trust is because of the honest emotions they carry in their hearts..while the dishonest intentions is making shyam's and dadi's plan of action fail..on the other hand Garima's train gets cancelled due to bad weather and she is forced to stay back..she is not allowed to bolt because of her honest emotions for her daughter's happy married life..seems like DM wants Garima and shashi at khushi's Khushi with all the righteousness in her thought ,word and deed  will get the most desired gift on  her wedding day-the presence and the blessings of her amma and let's say it is a war between honest emotions and dishonest intentions at the wedding

now we come to the last part of this analysis

this is the tagline of the show..we all know that..till date we have seen this tagline played many times over in regards to arnav and was always one's nafrat vs the other's mohabbat..but with arhi about to get married and mohabbat blooming in their relationship,what does the this tagline now  mean in this show?is this tagline redundant  or are the cv's planning to shift the  nafrat emotion  to another character in the show? are the questions many of you would be pondering about..aren't they.?. well, according to me the tagline still holds true to the show..earlier it was arnav vs it will be arhi Vs shyam..yes have all guessed it it will be Arhi Mohabbat vs Shyam's Nafrat..Arhi's love Vs Shyam's hatred,it will be Arhi's friendship Vs Shyam's the shows holds on to its tagline..

today with shyam's intentions clear about wanting to destroy the fabric of raizada house..that is Arnav and khushi..i thought let  me be the one to unveil this grand plan of Daiyya ho.. didn't shyam love khushi?,so when did this Mohabbat turn into Nafrat?the day he realised that he had been cheated by khushi(by pretending to love him) on the pen drive matter..the day his ego was trampled under the foot of this slip of a girl..the day when this girl turned in to Durga for her husband and unveiled shyam's evilness in front of the family..the day she proclaimed to have pushed him on a back foot for the love of her husband ... the final nail in the love coffin was when he was thrown out of RM because of the love and trust ASr bore for his wife thereby believing her testimony.

we now know how shyam's mohabbat turned to nafrat for khushi but what about his saale sahab..when did he starting hating ASR? Shyam from the beginning coveted what ASR had and he didn't ..the wealth..the seed of hatred was then planted as greed for wealth..then he coveted Khushi..lusted after an unmarried girl who trusted him..and the lust grew in to obsession..and the obsessive man couldn't see another man hurting the object of his obsession ...this helplessness of not able to help khushi turned in to another seed of hatred..he vowed to destroy arnav..but the unimaginable happened then..shyam was unveiled as a would be bigamist in front of the guptas and khushi had started have softer feelings for khushi broke off all her relationship with shyam.. all of shyam's immoral pleas fell on deaf ears ..this was the time when he started realising that his salle saahib was attracted to khushi..he grew delusional here thinking that it was a one way attraction and wanted to be khushi's knight in shining armour..this delusion turned in to another seed of hatred..the final seed was planted when arnav married khushi..this  wedding he realised  was because arnav had come to know of  shyam's lust for this girl..the jealousy seed with the greed,delusion and lust put together made shyam hate arnav..

now we know shyam hates arnav and he was talking about how misunderstandings were the basis of his ouster from RM to he expressed on how he wanted to be back at Rm for the sake of his RS and his it really so?his monologues gave the answers ..he wanted to prevent the marriage from happening thereby seizing their happiness from them..he wanted to separate Arhi because he blamed them for his present condition..he wanted wreck vengeance in short because of his trampled ego..what else did he say today that he would use dadi as a pawn at a later instance when the explosion would be louder.. he was mentally chiding dadi for believing tell me guys..isn't the tagline of the show still valid..that in future it will be shyam's nafrat which will try to prevent Arhi from coming closer and that the power of arhi love will not allow them to drift apart..

in this war between love and hatred..the power of love always wins because divinity guides love and  those in know more on how love would triumph against hatred and how low would hatred stoop to conquer love..keep reading this space..till we meet tomorrow GN and GOODBYE

 We are in a mood to celebrate..not only the wedding of our Favourite couple but also their first official date..where Khushi darling played the lord's lady to the be back on monday to see the lady trying to shower her lord with loads of love

Edited by Lizzy2012 - 11 years ago


GirlOfFire thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.
It's getting hard to be someone but it all works out, 
it doesn't matter much to me.
Let me take you down, 'cos I'm going to Strawberry Fields.
Nothing is real and nothing to get hung about.
- The Beatles, Strawberry Fields Forever

Strawberry Fields forever...

A Friday night episode with not much of a cliff hanger for the weekend. The precap gave it away for me - Date Night is 'On' for the Singh Raizada/Malik brother and sister duo. But surely there will be a twist to the tale. Why is Dadi always popping out of the woodwork? What will Khushi's surprise be for Arnav? How will Shyam and Anjali avoid Khushi and Arnav? Or will they? We'll have to wait for Monday night to see.

For me, this episode seemed strung together with little moments, double meaning dialogues; with NK bookending the episode, his words seemingly random and meaningless, his actions seemingly innocent, yet as always underscoring the episode's direction. He starts with Anjali and ends with Arnav. 

The Raizada House:

NK and Anjali
Anjali worries about Shyam being in Dadi's room. She leaves her room where she has been told to rest and starts walking towards Dadi's room to check on Shyam. NK finds her, and as they talk, Dadi walks by heading towards her room. She doesn't want to speak to Anjali and she gets the stop sign. Anjali tries to get rid of him, but before he goes to get the milk he insists on her going back to her room and get some rest. 

First he asks her why she is 'haiwaan pareshan' - Why is she worried about the beast? Unknown to him, the beast is in the house, but still he tries to protect her. 

'Don't move from here' - NK is the equivalent of a guardian angel to Anjali as well as Khushi. He is trying to keep her safe within the walls of the Raizada house. If she steps outside she will again be drawn still further into the clutches of Shyam. He is trying to protect her and keep her safe. Arnav is not there for his Di at this point, and NK takes over that role. But she doesn't heed his gentle warning. She leaves the room. 

Anjali, Shyam and Dadi:
To no one's surprise, Shyam is the reason that Dadi is here. What was a bit of a surprise to me was that Anjali did not know Shyam was the one who brought Dadi back into the house. Shyam takes Dadi's blessing. 
I'd like to focus on this scene in its entirety without cutting to anything else. So much happens here. 

Shyam: 'You said if there was anyone in this house who understood you (us?) it is Dadi.
Anjali: 'You brought Dadiji here?' 
Dadiji: 'He found me and brought me here. He told me what happened here. That it was all a big misunderstanding. And I immediately knew I should come here and fix my grandchild's life.'

Dadiji's answer is very interesting. So not only is she a bigoted old woman, she is also hypocritical and completely gullible. When she first arrived, she barely hugged Anjali - but she raised her arms to hug Arnav. She was trying to show Arnav that she loved him, and that whatever she was about to do was due to her love of him. She was trying to start by getting him on her side. Shyam probably never gave Dadi some very important information - he did not tell her that Arnav was now Arnav Singh Raizada and what sort of a man he was. Dadi - forewarned is forearmed. Didn't expect your grandson to be quite the man he is, right? 

So she has sat for fourteen years in an ashram, and one fine day, a young man has approached her. He claimed he is her grandson-in-law, claimed that he was thrown out of his 'rightful' place in the Raizada house - rightful place of a ghar jamai?. All over a misunderstanding caused by a girl named Khushi, who had her grandson wrapped around her little finger. That this girl was no more than a loose woman who tried to break up his marriage to her beloved granddaughter. And SHE BELIEVED HIM?! 

She has obviously passed on her delusional, blinkered, lying genes to her granddaughter. So a complete stranger can tell you a story about your grandson and you will believe him but not your own grandson? Could you not sit with him and talk it out? Perhaps being in an ashram has taken away your ability to judge a person's character, not by what they say, but by what they do! And if you really love your grandson so much, how can you be blind and deaf to what he has to say?

As for lying - she has lied to Naniji when she claimed she did not know about Anjali's pregnancy or Arnav's marriage. Because then she would have had to explain how she came to know of these things! 

Dadi to Anjali: 'Now do you understand how much Shyam loves you? ... And very soon the entire family will know this. I'll make them understand, make them believe that damadji is a good husband, a good son-in-law and a good human being. I will give you back your status in this house. I will fulfill this promise that I made to you'. Dadi is unaware that fulfilling this pledge might cost both her grand children dearly. 

Anjali to Shyam: 'Come back soon'.
Has Anjali forgotten that Shyam has not LEFT the house willingly - but was thrown out by Arnav? How can he 'come back' some place where is definitely not welcome? Why does she need support from a family that has given her nothing but love and support so far? How did she become so clingy and helpless? Or is that also an act - like her Dadi. 

Shyam's monologue once again is not a surprise. He has brought Dadi here to do HIS bidding - along with Rani Sahiba, he is building up a Trojan army for the 'dhamaka' he has planned. Note how he holds Rani Sahiba's face in his hands as he thinks ' Because what I am about to do now is so dangerous that everyone will be left astounded. and they will have no other option than to call me back here. And THEN they will listen to you'. Whatever his plans are - it definitely seems to include injury and/or harm to Anjali and their baby. 

The Gupta House:
Garima is trapped by the rains. She is desperate to leave Delhi - but she has no choice. Khushi is thrilled that her parents will now be there for her wedding! I want to see more of where this is going. How many more bullets will Garima dodge? Mehendi and Godh Bharai is coming up - what will she do?

Buaji and Khushi: 'Arnav will do ANYTHING to keep you happy'. Yes, he will. No fear, Khushi when Arnav is near. 

Ring! Ring!!
Payal and Khushi:
Payal and Khushi's phone conversation is a blast from the past when the two sisters laughed and joked and teased and cried together. Payal is now standing firmly with Khushi. Every episode she is getting to show her big sister avatar more and more and I am loving it. They playact like Jethani and Devrani:

'In a few days, I will come and take away the keys of the house from you, and then I make you serve me day and night, and I'll trouble you a lot'

In a few days, Khushi is supposed to take her rightful place as the older Bahu of the house. She will have the keys to the house and its secrets - for Payal has already unlocked one door. But Payal will have to stand by her through the dark days and nights that are surely coming Khushi's way, and Payal will have to share those troubles with her. So will the approaching storm also affect Payal?

But one thing seems clear - Payal will stand by Khushi even more firmly this time, because with the bond between Akash and Payal growing stronger, Akash will stand by his wife. Remember, No secrets?

Anjali and Shyam:
A stilted conversation between two people who are supposed to be in love - yet with so much tension between them. There is a formality between them, a lack of comfort in each other's presence albeit on the phone. A lack of closeness in understanding each other. 

It presents such a contrast to the easy, indulgent, haq-filled tone of the next conversation between who else but 

Khushi and Arnav:
But before she calls him, she counts her money and says 'Wow! I didn't know I was so rich!' 

What a typical Khushi observation - and how innocent! Does she not know how rich her husband is? But then, money is not the kind of riches she was looking for. She was looking for something more, and he is even richer in those qualities. So yes - Khushi is a truly wealthy woman with the wealth of a wonderful man in her life!

Unlike Shyam for whom there is only one shade of wealth he understands - the color green. 

She calls him much as he would have called. Did anyone notice the accent during the words 'kya kar rahein hain?' He smiles as he turns away from his work - his laptop. His tone is totally indulgent as he says, I have a videoconference. And then she tells him - sadda haq! - you are meeting with me at the Purple Orchid
What I loved best was the second call - You are coming, aren't you? and the beautiful reply 'yeah, I'm  guessing!'. He is ready to set aside his all important work just to be with her. Video conference be dammed!

NK and Arnav

I saved the best for last! This is one of my favourite upside down scenes! 
A girl getting ready for her first date with the guy she really, really likes, looking through her clothes and tossing everything from the cupboard on to her bed. Her girlfriend giving her pretty much useless ideas and offering her, her own clothes, till she sits down and wails 'I have nothing to wear!'

Wasn't that NK and Arnav today? Except it was done so well and tongue-in-cheek, carrying on the role reversal from the Khushi/Arnav conversation. 

'So what's up  - you have a big date? big date?'
'With whom?'- did NK really ask Arnav that? 
'Obviously, with Khushi'
'WOW!! Where?'
'Purple Orchid'.

What I loved about this scene is the next bit. 

'Wow, Arnav, that's great! Don't you have anything other than black in your life?'
'Of course, this grey suit.'
'Grey suit - like wow!!'

Dialogue of the day: 'At least black is better than black'.

What is NK saying with this last sentence? The over use of the word 'black' in that last dialogue can only point to one thing. That there is black (Shyam) in his life. He already has the Grey (Lady) in his life. But to battle the black - the dark, - he must turn a shade darker than black. The cravat, the aviators, indicate the old, ruthless ASR may be coming back. Is this the avatar that he has to take on again to battle Shyam? 

NK, the guide, has once more provided a pointer to Arnav - but he leaves as he doesn't have to protect Arnav, at least not now. 


Edited by GirlOfFire - 11 years ago


HighOnSarcasm thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

With the Wedding of the Year drawing near, 20-20 today takes you to meet the Gharatis...shall we...

Q1. What is the meaning of Gharati?
A1. Gharati is the term used for the ladki wale, i.e, the bride's side of the family.

Q2. Who are the Gharati's?
A2. Khushi's side of the family include bhuaji, amma, & babuji.

Q3. How is the atmosphere at GH?
A3. On one side there's happiness, anticipation, elation, & at another, there's fear, tension, guilt, sadness...

Q4. Who's happy?
A4. Khushi, bhuaji, amma, babuji, all are happy.

Q5. Then, who is unhappy?
A5. Garima & Shashi, Khushi's amma babuji are unhappy.

Q6. Why are they unhappy?
A6. Dadi's arrival has made them unhappy.

Q7. What has dadi done?
A7. Dadi has brought with her the past...Garima's past...

Q8. What is Garima's past?
A8. Something, of which we are as yet unaware...

Q9. What affect is it having on Garima?
A9. The past is such that...
it has scared Garima so much that she's been avoiding meeting Dadi at all...
it's breaking her heart every time she has to avoid participating in her chutki's wedding rasams...
it has made her do Khushi's bidaai, instead of kanyadaan...

Q10. Is Shashi aware of it?
A10. Yes, Shashi is aware of Garima's past & its connection to dadi.

Q11. What's his reaction to Garima's actions?
A11. He is in agreement with Garima's decision.

Q12. What does Garima's past have to do with Khushi's wedding?
A12. Garima knows that if she & dadi come face to face, some facet of her past, some bhool of hers, would cause the wedding to be called off. And she doesn't want that to happen. She doesn't want to put at stake, Khushi & Payal's happiness...

Q13. What all has she been doing to avoid dadi?
A13. When dadi first came to GH with the intention of breaking off the rishta, Garima saw her from outside & didn't come in until she had left...
During the Shagun ceremony, she used Shashi's medicines as an excuse to go out & not come back until the ceremony was over...
During Roka, she again used Shashi's health as a way to avoid the function...
At the temple, she had not expected dadi to come for the kul devi darshan. The moment she noticed dadi standing behind her, she runs...again using Shashi as her shield...

Q14 What did Arnav do to help Garima & make her attend all their wedding functions?
A14. He arranged for a full time nurse for Shashi, so that Garima could be with Khushi during the wedding without worrying over Shashi's health.

Q15. What was Garima's reaction to Arnav's thoughtful gesture?
A15. Garima felt like the noose was tightening around her neck. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry, whether to be thankful or complaint...

Q16. What happens after the close call with dadi at the temple?
A16. Garima runs back home, discharges the nurse of her duty & decides to run as fast & as far as she can...

Q17. Where does she plan to go?
A17. Lucknow...

Q18. What excuse does she give her family?
A18. For Shashi...for his ilaaj she wants to go to a camp that has been organized by a doctor whose success rate with patients like Shashi is very good. 

Q19. What is Khushi's reaction to this news?
A19. Khushi feels like she has been made orphan once again...her own parents won't be there for her wedding again...the 1st time, she had no choice, & now her parents have left her with no choice...

Q20. What happens to thwart Garima's escape plan?
A20. Moosladhar baarish has literally stopped the trains on their tracks & bhuaji won't let them travel by bus to Garima has to think what to do & fast...because there is not much time left...for what...lets wait & watch...

P.S. Thanks for the u guys😃

Enjoy this lovely video...for a mom...😃


Edited by paayaal - 11 years ago


twisted_beenz thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago


Corn(si) Mummy Retuns???
To enjoy the full affect of the post please play the You tube video. It is just Music so you don't have to worry about watching any videos. Please start the music at the point it says Start Music... Trust me it is wonderful.
Long time ago there was a fabulous post called Corn Mothers written by Doodle in the redux thread.. Mere palle kuch nahi pada par post fabulous tha.
The name itself has maa in it...But a ma with many layers. So much intrigue and suspense is behind her. But everything will be out in time.
Start Music Now...
In the land of IPKnaptra lived a beautiful woman named Anjali Manohar Jha. When she was seven months pregnant she came to know about the deceit of her husband. She was made aware of that horrific truth that her husband Shyaam is not only a cheat but also a leech. The king of the castle got angry and threw this leech out of his castle and made sure that he does not enter. you know what happens after that.
||ASR's Ma - Neverknowiti|| and ||Anamikamunasoon Jha||
Long ago in the land of IPKnaptra there lived a king names Mallickmusan. Mallickmusan was a happily married man with children.. one daughter and one son. But one fine day Mallickmusan fell in love a young girl, much younger than him. Neverknowiti came to know about Mallickmusan's infedielity and decided to fight it out with Anamikamunasoon. So Anamikamunasoon and Neveknowiti met in the grand hall with Mallickmusan watching over.
Anamikamunasoon had her plans of her own. She wanted to be the owner of the vast wealth of Mallickmusan, but what Anamikamunasoon did not know is that Neverknowiti was watching her plans and is out to ruin it.


Anamikamunasoon was plannning an heist with her brother which was caught in time.
Anamikamunasoon was banished to a coastal city where she gave birth to her twins and her brother (Shyamamusaan) was MUMMYFIED...
That night not only Shyamamusaan was MUMMYFIED but there were other MUMMIFICATIONS that happened...The brains of Dadi and her Grand daughter Anjali was also mummfied...
Many years later a small town girl khushi read from the book of dead reading the incantations and finishing with
Yatubey yatubey yatubey...
and ressurected Shyamamusaan,
who in order to take revenge from the Mallickmusan family,changed his name to Shyam Manohar Jha and married Anjali.
So my Dear friends now the only questions remains... CORN(SI) MUMMY RETURNS???
This post is dedicated to two people here.. Chandni (Ruby) who patiently listens to all my Ghatiya ideas and Saru who provided me with some pics... Thank you both.. Luv you both.
Mere is ghatiya si khayali pulao ke baare mein some words jarror mention karna...
Edited by amarb - 11 years ago


..ObliViate.. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
            "Tu meri adhuri pyaash pyaash, 
            Tu aagyi man ko raash raash,
                 abb toh tu aja paas paas,
                        Hai Guzarish...!!.." ⭐️⭐️
            ----------------------------------------                  "
"Marriage is nt a simple Love affair, It's an ordeal and the ordeal is the sacrifice of Ego to a relationship whr two have become one." (Joseph camphe)

What Bible says abt selfless love..?
        ~Love is patient and kind; Love dosent envy or boast, it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; It doesnt irritable or resentfull; It doesnt rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoice with the truth. Love bears all things,endures all things. Love never ends,As for prophecies they will pass away;as for tongues,they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.😊
Our Beautiful couple Arnav and Khushi rejoicing thr LOVE,cherrishing thr memories,fostering thr each moments,...⭐️⭐️...Thr love has seen hurt more,its pain never leaves,but in the end love is the ultimate,thy r glad to be in love...!!..😳

A Daughter Khushi Kumari Gupta;-
"A daughter is a bundle of firsts that excites and delites,giggles tht comes from deep inside and are always contagious, evrything wonderfull and precious and your love for her knows no bounds." (Barbara Cage)
An orphan girl who lost her parents at the age of 8,tht time she never felt the pain nd emotion which was dutifully taken by her massi,her world saved from get crashed,she  has been grown up as a strong girl to face the world.A daughter without her mother is broken,a strong mother never told her child to sleep giving the fear of wolves,she says,Toughen up,this is the reality we r living in.😊   
A father always have a special place for his Daughter,Khushi shares a wonderfull emotional bonding with her Babuji.😊 ...
She must be thankfull to them for standing by her side,for giving her thr own name,love,placed her in heart more thn thr own child.❤️
As a daughter;
Khushi,a little girl, shares sweetness nd cheers...!
Khushi,a teenage girl with the sulky attitude,shows patience and forgiveness..!
And being a strong yet instinctive girl chooses her own path..! 
For khushi ,her Babuji nd amma, didnt bring her down to the earth,
but they always held her hand in evry situation.
they may not hv grcefullly gave her birth,
but said i love u in evryway...!!..🤗
For sashi nd garima; khushi is a happy memories of past,joyfull moments of the present,and hope nd promise of the future..!!...😊...⭐️⭐️ its rlly a beautifull relationship isnt it...!!...⭐️...👍🏼

Now coming to the episode a gud one,evil made its way,a hand has offered to bless,a cutie hubby-wife,nd our bromance...!!...😉 
The day dadi entered into the house, i said tht its obviosly shyam's plan,though past resembles made me to think a bit, but was quite sure he was the main mastermind behind it,Shyam can preetifully win a person's heart with his sugar coated words,thts wht he did with dadi too,...😆,,,,,!!
Anjili,betraying her brother,lettng herself again to be trapped in shyam's evil plan,in a way just wants to make her world perfect as it was before,evn chotye doesnt exsist thr nw,...!!...🤢...
lovd payal-khushi convo... a rather cute scene...deepali sanaya was too cutee...👏👏
Garima,awww again facing herself in a situation whr she has been forced to think abt her decision again,her past,khushi's happpiness,..momentarily past will be come out from her...!!..🤔
ARSHI...just njoy this,,,,,,,

--awww NK...ARNIE...scene,,,,,,😆😆...he was tickling him,,,,,,,NK r u serious...😆

he is too cutee,,,,,so too arnie boy...u cant handle my style nannav...😆😆

--I will do a big blast dammit...😲
evn dadi didnt recognise him dammit...😆
he made evil plan dammit...😕
his plan with medicine got folp dammit...😭
he is a big time mannupulatter dammit...😃
wht the hell,who is he dammit,,,,!!
he is non other thn our vry own DHAIYA HO dammit...😉
but why tht anjili was thr,,,,,!!...
she needs...she wants...she cries...she smiles...she lies...dammit dammit dammit...NO MORE...Plsss...😡😡😡

--Dadi amma,nahi nahi jana nahi kahin nahi,
aapke hathon ki chamak ki raaz aap hume bataiye hum duniya ko batayeinge...!!...😉... 
Jadu tere hatoon me,
khsooboo tere balon me,
tu kuch kar ya na kar,
sakal me hai Corruption...😡...!!

--our khsuhi is omni-present...thnxx to Editting team...👎🏼
jese HP bina laxmi adhura,
wese hi Blooper bina IPK na ho pura,,,!!,,,,,,,😡 
see see...awww,,,,,,,,

So u guyss will wait for monday imaptientlyy na...hmmm.tells me tells me...!!!!...😆😆...

on the whole...hmmm...gud episode...njoy the weekend...!!...😊
PS-wht a lovlly banner payal...🤗...!!...lovd it dear...!!..👏

Edited by Krishyy808 - 11 years ago
redwine1 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

                             POST OF MEGHAVN 

Some pointers & What I loved today '

1) Finally as all predicted Dadi is in RM due to Shyam' Anji really happy that she has now another person on her side to get her Shyam back' how dumb can a person be'Agreed Anji didn't get any proofs against Shyam but is she not doubtful atleast? Want to try to know the facts'forget about Khushi it was her Chote's life which was at stake' Is this all the sibling love that is from her side?  Does Anjali really realize the extent of deceptions she is doing? What will be the consequences when Arnav comes to know?

2) Khushi & Payal on the other side having the sisterly banter which I so loved is back after a long time.. it is refreshing change than the Arnav & Anji always' Khushi comes to know that the Godh Bharai is on the same day of the mehandi'  do we see a second of a introspected thought of an expression here on Khushi's face.. why is that? Is Khushi's selfless nature up here as well still thinking about Anji's welfare' 

3) On the other side the trains to Bihar & Lucknow are cancelled due to heavy rains' Khushi is very happy hearing to this so that her Amma & Babuji will be able to attend the wedding now maybe her DM is also wanting the same' Buaji is also happy hearing this & says Khushi that she is very blessed that all her dreams are coming true'. Little does she know abt the storm brewing from 3 sides for Khushi which is just waiting for a small opening'. Will Arnav safeguard Khushi from all these? Will Arnav & Khushi face these storms together & prove that their LOVE is so STRONG that nothing can dampen it. TIME will tell.

4) Meanwhile Khushi wants to do something special for HER Arnavji' so she calls him up & asks to meet in Purple Orchid restaurant in 2 hrs' how I loved the convo b/w the 2 of them.. Khushi excising her rights for the first time as a WIFE & Arnav is so happy & excited with this.

5) FINALLY .. yes finally Arnav realized that his wardrobe has nothing but black suits with hint of one grey & the other brown suit '. OH MAN u are so deeply in love' the mighty ASR is actually emptied his wardrobe to check for a suitable suit for HIS first DATE with his WIFE.

6) Loved NK teasing Arnav here but didn't understand the BG score' why so serious BG?

Now lets gear up for Monday to witness the first DATE of our lovely couple'  

Sorry I don't want to touch with Shyam & Anji topic.. better off without them' but I sincerely hope that they escape & don't spoil the date of Arnav & Khushi' 

We, at DC declare the start of the wedding celebrations of OUR LOVELY COUPLE & the rituals associated with it' Come one & all lets rock it with POMP & JOY!


Edited by redwine1 - 11 years ago

