Kuljeet Randhawa's Unfinished Business...

widluv2aryan thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

i got this peice of news from gooogle alerts....

Kuljeet Randhawa's unfinished business
   By: Ketan Ranga
   June 2, 2006

In the film, By Chance, Kuljeet Randhawa plays a successful model who helps a struggler find a footing 
Model-turned-actress Kuljeet Randhawa's suicide on February 8 this year, has left Jay Varia, the producer of the film, By Chance, in trouble.

The shooting for the film was over much before Randhawa hanged herself from the ceiling fan of her Juhu apartment.

However, Varia is finding it difficult to design publicity material for the film without Randhawa. He says he is barely managing with the working stills, film grabs and old photo shoots of the actress.

"It is difficult to design film posters and banners without her recent photographs, but we hope that Kuljeet's performance will compensate for the lack of suitable promotional material," said Monica Vaid, creative director of the film. 

The film

In the film, Randhawa plays Sonali, an established model. She helps a struggler, Sagar, who is played by Punit Tejwani, to find a footing in the modelling business and has a live-in relationship with him.

The film also has Anjana Sukhani, Naseer Abdullah and stand-up comedian Raju Shrivatsav in the cast.

She had high hopes

"I knew Kuljeet was a very sensitive woman and was going through a bad phase. She was close to Nafisa Joseph and was disturbed after her death," said Naseer Abdullah. "It is sad she will not be able to see herself on the screen. She had high hopes from the film," said Vaid.

Kuljeet was sounded extremely depressed about her work. Her suicide note stated that her life was in a rut.


here's the link....



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praveenam thumbnail
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Posted: 18 years ago
thnx a lot babes.
hope dat d director finds a way 2 overcome dis problem.
wish she had not left d world. 😭
Prenz~13 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
gosh! dats sad! 😭 😭 hope d producer finds sum way 2 promote his film.
miss kuljeet yaa 😭 😭 😭
widluv2aryan thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
i know....though the movie doesnt sound relly that good at all...i want to see it badly....i wudnt mind even if its a c-grade movie......i would watch it for kuljeet....i miss her a lot yaar! 😭 😭 😭
praveenam thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
same wid me yaar. wud wtch it jus 2 c kuljeet's fst and unfortunately her last movie. 😭