WU19/5-Tu mera hausla hai! No cancer can break you

AyushiSinghania thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
Hello everybody. 
It's your updater for the Maha Episode Ayushi here, YEAH I know I'm late. *brings head down to receive all the chappals*  :P
Anyways, I already have a tape on my mouth for now. So without much of you guys waiting and me delaying the already late update. Here's Captain Aisha, leading you on the EHMMBH aircraft for today's ME, an ME totally worth watching!   <3 =) 
Let's start,  shall we?


The episode starts in Jeevika's room where Jeevika demands for an answer as to why didn't Manvi give her sister her blood. Manvi has nothing to say. Then shlok comes up in the room to hurriedly call Manvi saying that there is a big Surprise for her. Both Jeevika and Manvi resist but shlok pulls Manvi along leaving an unsatisfied Jeevika behind. Jeevika glances at the pastry and smiles but the next second reminds herself that she will not talk to Manvi unless she knows the truth. In the drawing room, everyone is sitting and waiting for Manvi and as Manvi reached the corridor, complaining shlok for bringing her away from her sister so abruptly, she freezes at seeing her entire family there in front of her. She is ecstatic to see them and rushes towards them but while running, she abruptly slips and turns and trips or something and naturally falls into Virat's arms. There's no staring and getting lost in the eyes since Manvi says sorry and Virat makes a face at Manvi's carelessness and hurriedness. No offense but this was weirdly unnecessary and abrupt :p 

Viren passes a look to Virat and Virat mouths something like sorry, it wasn't my fault she fell, what can I do and Beeji makes a face clearly showing that she didn't like how Manvi fell into virats arms and Virat caught her.
Everyone wishes Manvi and Manvi is ecstatic to see them. Manvi meets everyone including Badi Beeji and Manvi says that this is a real big surprise for her and her most special birthday. Beeji tells that it's because of Viren's call that they're here. Manvi says I love you jiju and Viren says I love you too Manvi to which Virat looks up at Viren and gives him an angry and cute, possesive, wieird look to say "how dare you say that! I love her, only I can say that!" that's one cute thing and his angry and not so angry, cute and twitching funny, glaring look is adorable. And then Dabbu tells Manvi   that he has bought a big gift for Manvi which he is sure that she'll love. Manvi is happy and as she asks for Dabbu's gift which Dabbu happily moves to show her as he says it's very big and Manvi will love it, hopefully, as he moves to show her his gift, someone interrupts saying that they also have to meet Jeevika. Everyone happily agrees but Manvi is a little hesitant or rather scared.
As they move toward Jeevika's room, Manvi peeps in smiling and says that she has bought a huge Surprise gift for Jeevika after seeing which all of Jeevika's anger will fly as bubbles and she'll forgive Manvi and start talking to her. But Jeevika has other plans, she looks away. The asks the family members to slowly enter the room and Beeji comes up and puts a hand on Jeevika's shoulder. Thinking it was Manvi Jeevika brushes the hand away and looks back to shout at Manvi but she's shocked to see it was her Chandigarh family, everyone was there. Tears developed in her eyes as she realized they were actually there. She hugged everyone and when Beeji asked her as to why hadn't she wished her little sister yet? Jeevika said that she wants to know the truth about why didn't Manvi give her the blood. Everyone feels hesitant as Manvi starts to speak, she starts saying but still is unable to collect the required courage. Jeevika understands and feels that Manvi doesn't want to and so she won't be telling Jeevika the truth. She moves to the cupboard and brings out the bedsheet with their pictures on it and gives it to Manvi, wishing her a dry happy birthday without any smile. But still everyone smiles that Jeevika wished Manvi Atleast. Manvi is very happy that her sis wished her and to to see her sisters gift. With teary eyes she adores the bedsheet, seeing through all their pictures and loving it. She is touched by the most amazing gift ever. A gift which was gonna be a memory of her and her sister. A gift which had all their special moments captured in one. Smiling, with tears in her eyes told her that this was the best gift ever and that Jeevika was the best sister. With tears in her own eyes, Jeevika says that when will she get a chance to get the best gift of her life from Manvi and get a chance to call Manvi the sister. Will she ever have a mauka to do this? Manvi feels numb when Jeevika asks if she was gonna tell her the truth now Atleast or will she hide it now as well? Everyone including Viren, Virat and Beeji ask her or rather request her to now tell the truth to her sister as there was no point in hiding it. Jeevika looks at that dumbfounded as she has nothing to say. She gives Manvi an unbelievable / unbearable expression as she realizes that everyone except her knows the truth. She asks if she was that unknown, that stranger to her. It was like she was disowned by her sister and made a parayi person. She asks Manvi if she was that parayi to her and why did Manvi make her own sister so parayi? Manvi shakes her head crying but Jeevika leaves from there upset and crying.
That's when everyone gives Manvi the courage to go and tell Jeevika and Viren tells her that Jeevika is rightnow in alot of pain. So her telling the truth or not telling the truth will not affect / reduce the pain Jeevika is going through so it's better for her, Jeevika and everyone if Manvi actually tells her sister the truth since Jeevika has every right to know it. Feeling encouraged and knowing that now there is just no backing away and she has to tell the truth to Jeevika and Jeevika has to know the truth now or later, today or tomorrow, so Manvi heads towards the sitting area which is something like a patio where the family usually sits,  where Jeevika is sitting all upset and alone, with an almost expressionless face which felt already so numb.  Manvi moves closer and suddenly sits opposite to Jeevika, not facing her sister, because she couldn't face her sister while telling her the bitter truth, the shocking truth!

Manvi puts her hand on Jeevika's hand as she starts saying with how her sister always caught her when Manvi lied because while lying Manvi couldn't meet Jeevika eyes. But today also, even when she is saying the truth, she can't meet her sister's eyes. With that Manvi starts hesitating and she doesn't know what to say. Jeevika does tell her not to be scared since whatever the problem is, Jeevika will solve it. Manvi cannot say. She just doesn't have the power to do. But then she starts with Di, I've a big disease, which is already a big enough statement to get Jeevika worried and make her ask a 100 questions. She patiently waits, trying to calm down Manvi and herself at the same time. She asks Manvi to not be scared and tell her sister all of the truth clearly because she will solve everything and cure any disease that touched her lil sister Manvi. With tears in her eyes, Manvi finally says it, "Dii mujhe cancer hai, blood cancer!" With that Jeevika goes still, so still. Like words can't describe. She goes numb and shocked.

( This whole scene cannot be described in words. It was too beautiful to be expressed in words. It's a magic which I don't think I can do justice to and I don't have the right to write anything about it, please see this scene to know the essence of it! And trust me, if you haven't, you'll deeply fall in love with the relation of the sisters )

 ( Please do watch this scene. Take my words, you won't regret. You'll love this show and the sisters even more. It made me cry, it'll defo make you cry too. Heart wrenching!  <3 )

I was too lost in the scene to remember the exact dialogues. But basically, Jeevika was too shocked and numb and Manvi came up to face her and started screaming and begging her to saying something. After few mins of Manvi sobbing, jeevika lifted her hands and wiped off her sister's tears. Manvi told that she isn't as scared of the cancer as she is of Jeevika's silence. It worries and scares her. She says she'll face the cancer if her di is with her. Jeevika remembers all those old days when she promised to protect her lil sister, promised her mother to take care of Manvi, those days when Manvi told that only death could separate the two sisters and nothing else. She remembered her days with Manvi and the love they shared. Jeevika doesn't believe, yet knows and understands that her sister wasn't telling her the truth because she was scared of her reaction. Then she tells her that Manvi has always seen her love and not her determination / courage, she's always seen her weakness and not her strength. She says that Manvi doesn't know her sister if she thought that she'll break into pieces after listening about Manvi's cancer. She confesses that her courage, determination and strength, all lies in Manvi. It's all Manvi. Manvi is her courage, determination and strength and she won't let it break away so easily. She says she'll throw away the cancer from the root and will not let anything affect her little sister because any illness, any pain, even death has to cross through Jeevika to get to Manvi. Manvi smiles unbelievably at her sister's reaction as Jeevika tells her that it's her duty to throw the cancer away and make her sister perfect. She just wants Manvi to smile always and just be happy and not take any stress, suffer or bear any pain because Jeevika is there to do so. Manvi confesses that she's so happy to see Jeevika's reaction and glad that she didn't cry around whereas Jeevika has an expressionless face. Manvi goes up to the Choudhary family which is standing near the entrance happily and says, "See how strong my di is!" Manvi says that she feels that a burden of tons has been removed from her head after telling Jeevika the truth. She feels very light and relaxed right now. Everyone is happy and to lighten the mood Virat talks about the birthday party which Viren jiju has thrown for his saali, hearing this Manvi is very happy. Viren looks at Jeevika who is not mentally present there. She seems lost as if she's holding in something big, and he kinda does know what that is. Everyone is happy and excited about the party and they leave the patio to get ready and get things done for the party, talking and chatting. Viren and Jeevika are left behind. A helpless Viren staring at an even helpless  and shocked Jeevika.

P.S. I did not pretty much like how Manvi went away happily and how she transformed. She didn't look back to see if her di was actually okay. ( We know she was not ) but then how couldn't Manvi understand that. These two know each other so well, actually they're the closest to each other. Jeevika does understand Manvi then why didn't Manvi understand Jeevika's hidden shock and how tramatized she was. Why couldn't Manvi see that? She just started laughing the next second and then moved out laughing and chatting? That's one part I didn't like. I would have loved it more if Manvi actually made sure and asked Jeevika is she was okay. No matter what Jeevika said, she was broken and it was visible to us, then why not to her khoon ka rishta sister?


Moving on, the scene shifts to the party where the lights are off and as Manvi comes, they're turned on and everyone wished her. Manvi hugs everyone and even Jeevika and Viren and cuts the cake. Everyone is happy happy. Beeji gives Manvi some gifts which were sent her "Paltan". Dabbu gives this huge gift to Manvi and Swamini Bua gifts her a book, I guess it was some inspirational book on how to live of something of that sort and Swamini genuinely blessed Manvi and wished for her good health. She hoped Manvi passes this bad rough phase of her life strongly and well and says that, "I know it's a phrase but when I say it I mean every word of it, I wish you live for a 1000 years!" I love how she's changing. Nice to see her like that to Manvi and thank god she forgot the Maya thing and her misunderstanding of Manvi being the reason for Virat- Maya break and her trying to fasao-fy Virat and all got over by itself. I'm glad how she's changing now, she's become a nice, sweet and genuine person. Manvi thanked her. Virat for this little gift for her which seemed like a gift wrapped C.D. to me ( maybe of his songs  ;) ) and he was a little hesitant / nervous to gift it. Or maybe SHY :D

As he came to Manvi to give it to her, he was interrupted by Shlok, who got a laughing Buddha for Manvi which Manvi joked that looked like Shlok. Virat again tried to giv her the gift but Dabbu snatched her again for clicking some pictures. Failing again, a helpless Virat placed his own gift in  between  the piles of gifts laid at the table. As they clicked pictures, Viren asked for a Jiju-Saali pics and one with Virat as well. Then he suggest for Virat ' Manvi ' The partners to have a pic together. Virat wasn't smiling because he was shy, upset that he couldn't give Manvi the gift he bought for her ( I seriously think it's a CD of the collection of his songs, as in songs sung by him! I hope it is and I hope it's shown and not forgotten!) So Manvi makes a non smiling Virat smile but pulling Jaw / cheeks and making him smile. They clicked pictures and Jeevika who looked stunning, stood behind and smiled a teary smile seeing her lil sister. 

Then Jeevika pulled Manvi to the dining table despite of Manvi saying she's not hungry. Jeevika forces her to eat saying she's to take care of herself and tells her to eat like Dabbu does. Dabbu is also sitting next to Manvi and eating. Jeevika forcibly puts rice on Manvi's plate and demands her to eat. Viren comes to saying something to Jeevika and Manvi takes this opportunity to fool Dabbu and put all her food into his place hidingly as she says something to him! As jeevika comes back, she sees Manvi faking to eat food and saying "This is delicious!" she's surprised seeing that Manvi's place is almost empty and seeing Dabbu's plate she realizes what manvi has done. She says if  it's so delicious, have some more and puts some more rice on her place. Manvi resists but stops as Jeevika says, "Mere Khatir ( for my sake! ) A teary Manvi replies " Sirf apke khatir di ( Just for you / your sake di ) and they smiling feed each other. Virat sees this and then brings his guitar and sings Sooraj ki Baahon mein, ab hain ye zindagi and every dances and enjoys and have a light, fun time! It was fun to watch them all happy and bubbly. 
But Jeevika dances  :O I was like she's jumping and dancing, what's up with her leg? Lol!

But they all have a good time and then as Jeevika silently makes her exit from there Virat notices her and asks if she's okay or worried for Manvi. Jeevika says that everyone has to go through bad times, nothing will happen by me being worried.  But if there's a rough phase in my Mannu's life, she will not have to face it because she deserves nothing less than total happiness. She will not have o face the bad, rough phase and the pain because I'll do it for her. She hopes that Manvi always stays happy and never has to bear pain. Virat confirms if Jeevika is alright and she says that yes, she's fine but feels tired and wants to rest! Virat let's her go and when he returns to Manvi, Manvi asks him where Jeevika is to which he says that she's resting. After excusing himself and Manvi from Dabbu and others he lets Manvi know that Bhabhi is very upset and shocked still. She is in pain and is inside breaking after hearing about your cancer. From noon she was trying to control herself but now she's breaking apart, unable to control herself. Manvi is shocked as Virat tells her all this. He tells how broken, upset and sad her di is after knowing about her cancer. On the other hand they show Jeevika, crying and breaking apart, unable to control herself as she sobs and enters the washroom, turning on the shower to let herself soak, hoping it will be alright. She sobs and cries, breaking apart as she thinks of her sister.. Crying so hard. This was soo heart wrenching!   <3

 I know you all mirror my thoughts on the ME. This ME was one truely amazing one and I'm short of words to describe how totally mindblowing all actors were. A special mention to Krystale, she stole the show as after Karan and Nia's brilliant performance, it was her turn today to show her amazing skills. I'm so proud to be a fan of this brilliant show. And I hope my update and my writing could do just to this beautiful Maha episode. Amazingness... <3 And this episode was worth watching. Don't miss it if you wanna feel the essence of the show, EHMMBH since this episode had something for everyone!  <3
Again, sorry for being SOOO late!

|end of update|

WHOA. That was my first time I wrote for the Maha Episode. I enjoyed writing it but it was verrryyy long and took me alot of time since I tried my best to let my words capture the beauty of this beautiful episode and I hope I did some justice. Let me know that  and I hope it was detailed enough for everybody who couldn't watch the episode. Love how and where the story is heading. I can see some super amazingness ahead. Love this show. 
I shall see y'all whenever there is a Maha Episode again, which I hope will be soon     πŸ˜‰

Ayushi.  <33
Edited by AyushiSinghania - 12 years ago


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-Serene.Rose- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
Touching episode! Only half huh? Jaldi dusri part update karo yar plzzz! And oh! Thanks so much for the detailed update thoughπŸ˜†

Edit- I watched the part when Jeevi knows the truth, sooo heart-wrenching scene!! I cried so much.. Krystle and Nia! Mujhe rulaadiya!!😭😭😭
Buh still lovee them sooo much!! Thanks for the rest of the update dear!

Edited by Priyamvada - 12 years ago
xMidnightStarx thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago
Thank you for the written update!! Beautiful and emotional episode! :)
anurao.66 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
An awesome, highly emotional and fantastic update of the maha episode. I felt that I had just watched it. Thank you very much.

Life is too short, Enjoy it to the fullest

IFrozenl thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
thanks for the update!!!
vin0211 thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
thaaanks a ton for the lovely written update:D
-LiveMyLife- thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
The ME was so sad. πŸ˜­ Thanks for the WU