Yuvraj-Yuvarani FF:CH-5 Pg 32 - Page 6


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Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago
thanx dear, glad you liked it ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: Anjalika13

nice preview ๐Ÿ˜Š

thanx anjali ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: 2010

nice preview thanks for pm

you welcome dear, and thanx for liking it :)
Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago
sure dear will update as soon as i get time ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago
u welcome dear ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago
Chapter Two
Jai: Uday come one you really think that I am wanting you now, you are wrong i just want to punish you, i have done what i wanted to...
Uday: what do you mean Jai?
Jai: you will see, tonight you will a special night you will remember it for all your life
Manayata is watching Jai and Uday dance is going all jealous, she thinks this halkat veda doesnt even know tht he shouldnt leave his princess alone and dance without her with someone else
She cannot see them dancing and goes to them
Manayata: Is your both dance done? then I would like to have my husband back
Jai: Sure JiJi..(with evil jealousy in her eyes)
Uday: Wait Jai...
Manyata: What..Uday you have no sense at all how can you leave me standing alone whn you know tht till date m not comfortable in feeling at home at such parties
Uday looking at Jai leaving and wondering what she meant by she has done her part,
Manayta: uday are you listening...now dance with me..
Uday and Manayta dance, Uday is not paying attention and Manyata is abt to fall whn Uday catches her, he then looks at her and thn smiles...she smiles too feeling half embarassed and thn twinkles her eyes acknowledging his catch, Uday thn guides her through out the entire dance, Jai has a evil smile on her face she thinks that this is the last dance Manyata-uday are sharing for their entire life and from tomorrow onwards Manayata will hate Udayveer forever...the dance is over and Manayata and Uday greet all the guests, the guests praise their dance..the party continues the same after they dinner, the guests start to leave so does Manayta's family
Manyata: Mom  i really miss you much, here there is no one to take care of me whn m hungry or hurt
Komal: Manyata dear, I miss you too alot too. it wasnt much time tht we spend together, after we found you you became a Yuvrani and thn Uday's wife..all this only to save Devgard and to increase the standard of life of the people, I am proud of you dear...do remember I am always there for you...and now you are  aYuvarani so make sure there are no complains from your part to anyone is Jaigard..
Manyata: Oh Mom you gave a good lecture, I know wht to do, trust me on tht...bye now take care of yourself and do come visit me often..
Everyone leave...Uday and Manyata go in their room...
Manyata removing her jewllery..Uday looking around the room
Manayata: Uday whts your prob i am seeing tht you are disturbed..
Uday: Princess its nothing..(.makes her sit down and helps her remove the jewllery..) I was listening to the convo you and Mom-in law had...she did make you understand your part right..
Manyata: yea she did...looking at herself and Uday in the mirror..but dont cut my talk you sure arent the same since you had your little dance with Jai
Uday: You were quiet disturbed whn i was dancing with Jai...were you jealous or wht...
Manyata: Jealous and me..okay Uday my jewllery is done now you can go change yourself...
Uday: Okay Manyta i will be right back..and do make my bed proper and take your pillow to the couch..
Manyata: yes yes...i havent forgotton abt our places where we sleep you on your royal bed and me on your royal couch
uday: You chose it Princess, i never asked you too..
Manyata: yes you never asked if I could take the bed, and you the couch
Uday: Sorry Princess but I cannot leave my Royal bed for anyone, not even a friend of mine who is Yuvrani Manyata..hehehe
Manyata: heheeh Very funny...
The camera is sitting on the table near the flower vase which is beside manyata's couch..no one pays attention to it..they both go to sleep in their respective places...
Manyata standing on the terrace of Jaigard palace...early in the morning...remembering Akash how he took her to the disco for the first time, how he bought her scandals, first she went on date was with him, first time she had something romantic was only with him and now he is not there just becoz...
Servant: Yuvrani Manyata...you have been called downstairs for breakfast..
Manyata: Today sure will be the last breakfast here for me...
Manyata goes downstairs, Uday is there sitting on the breakfast table..
Uday: Princess where were you, we are waiting for you for breakfast, come sit..
Manyata: Stares at him and sits down completely ignoring what he said...
The have breakfast...after breakfast they are sitting in the hall...Uday's dad reading the newspaper ..Uday on the phone confirming some appointments with someone and Manyata sitting beside Uday left in the thoughts of Akash...
Uday: Princess I have a polo match today, and you have to come and cheer me up
Manyata: Okay Akash
Uday being stern and upset, his dad looking from the newspaper
Uday in a slight angry tone: Princess, Manyata...are you okay...I said tht today is my polo match so you have to be there to cheer me up...you need to get ready
Manyata shaken: I heard it Uday you dont need to say it twice...I will be there,  and after tht I am leaving for  Devgard...I have some important matter to cover up
Uday: huh ..Important matter what is it that i am not aware of...
Manyata: Uday there were many things I wasnt aware of till last night...but now since I am aware of I need to take care of certain things...
Uday: Fine Princess if you dont want to say thn say so...dont act weird in the morning..
Uday's dad: You both can carry on your fight somewhere else, and dont forget that there is a press conference in the evening, you both have to be present we have the new agenda on how to aid the people of devgard..the media seems to be interested a lot in it lately...
Uday: Ji Dad...we will be there right Manyata
Manyata: hmmm...
They both leave for their room...
In their room
Uday pulls Manayta towards the wall
Uday: What is it DAMN IT!...Is there something i have done..
Manyata: What happen Udayveer, why are acting tht you have done something wrong, you know it..that you have
Uday: Manyata...I didnt kill Akash IT WAS AN ACCIDENT ok..
Manyata looking at him in disbelief...
Manyata: What did you say ..abt Akash... it was an accident!..What are you talking about Uday...I was remembering Akash today a lot but tht didnt mean tht i thght you killed him..WAIT A MINUTE...So you KNEW WHERE ASKASH WAS..all this time
Uday: Manyata...dont act like a child okay...I know Jai showed you the camera where ...
Manyata: Looks at the camera...which showed low battery whn she first turned it on..in the morning...she thn looks at Uday..
Manayta: U were the last person Akash saw...and you are saying it was an accident ,...meaning you had a fight...why would you fight wid Akash...you know I love only him DONT YOU...
Uday: Bangs his fist on the wall BECOZ I LOVE YOU DAMN IT... NO ONE CAN BEAT ME, I HAVE WHAT I WANT...YOU were being so difficult since the begining...
Manyata..opens her mouth...
Edited by sparkjule - 12 years ago
SaHillover101 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Loved the update!! Can't wait til tomorrow to read the next chapter!!:)
SyedAinah thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Eagrly waitng 4 next part:):):)
janeniroopa thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
amazing update and plz cont soon and pm me for upcoming updates๐Ÿ˜Š
preya_radev thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
loved chapter two it was really good hope uday sees the camera before manyata does update soon๐Ÿ˜Š and i didnt get any pm ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Edited by preya_radev - 12 years ago