Yuvraj-Yuvarani FF:CH-5 Pg 32 - Page 3


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Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: ifuobey

lovely nd update next part soon

thanx :)
Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago
Chapter One
Two months ago

Uday and Manyata on terrace

Manayata: Uday you know that I am only marrying you becoz its for the betterment for people for devgard, once i become the yuvarani for jaigard...there will a lot more facilities that we will able to get for the people for devgard...for instance, they wont have to rely on governent for the food supply and a better place to live..

Uday: Manyata I know why you are marrying me..you are just fulfilling your duties as a yuvrani tht DS has put on you..

Manyata: Uday if you know that much then you should know this too that you are a very good friend of mine but I dont love you ...i only love Akash

Uday remembers her seeing with Akash on the bike...how she fooled him tht she had forgotten askash..he was angry much to break everything in his room...he also remembers how he and akash had the fight and the mishap concluding the fight!

Uday (stern smile): Manayta I know that you dont love me...do you think I love you...no Manyata..I am Yuvraj Udayveer...girls fall for me I dont fall for girls...I have my reasons to marry you and you very well know its devgard and I want to rule both Jaigard and Devgard..

Manyata : True... u and I have our reasons for getting married and there will nothing more than that between us and thats what makes us good friends becoz we understand each other so well..Lets go down...they would be fixing our marriage date

Uday: yes lets assure them that we will be a good couple...smiles

Everyone let Uday and Manyata know that the marriage has been fixed after two weeks since Panditji would be available only thn..the royal wedding will take place in devgard and thn the baarat will leave for jaigard...

The marriage happens with much royalness..Uday is on elephant on his marriage day, he gets to devgard on an elephant...the pheras too are special since its the Yuvraj and Yuvrani of Jaigard and Devgard..everyone from celebs to political leads atttend the wedding Uday is more worried about Jai who threatened him that she will show the recording to manyata thn the wedding wont happen...

Jai: JiJi you are looking beautiful today

Manyata: Stop it Jai say what is it that you want to say..

Jai: OKies I wont waste your time I will come straight to the point..how come you are no longer worried about Akash and no longer want to find him..

Manyata opens her mouth

Jaii: Manayata jiji what if i told you that

Komal enters and takes Jai away from Manayata saying that Jai needs to welcome the baarat that she is the only sister of Manayata..Jai leaves disgusted on the missed oppurtunity...

The marriage happens...and later the baarat leaves with Manayata to Jaigard...

On the marriage night:

Uday: Princess how do you feel

Manayata: How do i feel what do you mean .I feel nothing at all

Uday sighs: Nothing at all...Any Girl would be dying to be in your place...I mean you are now married to Prince Udayveer the most eligible bachelor!

Manyata: Come off it Uday...you very well know my reason of marriage...I couldnt find akash atleast now i should fulfill my duties as a yuvrani

Uday comes close to Manyata.. do seriously wanna fulfill all the duties of a Yuvarani, he takes her dupatta down..

Manayta smirks..Uday smirks..they go hi fi

At Present:

Manyata: Uday...Uday..can you please go out for a min I really wanna fix this dress...

Uday: Manyata I am not going anywhere as i have to get ready too...u can come out and fix it..
Manyata: Uday you...why dont you understand i really need to fix this..I am not able to
Uday: Princess if you are not able to fix it from there how will you fix it whn you come out...i can help you fix it if you want..
Manyata is angry but thinks he is right..she comes out..trying to close her zip at the back
Uday sees her and is mesmerized by her efforts...he goes close to her behind her and closes the zip for her..Manyata feels his fingers on her back..and is lost
Uday clears his throat: All done and you were trying to create a fuss abt this little thing
Manayata: Very funny Udayveer, if you werent there i would have died..hehe
Uday: No Mayanta dear...you could have easily called any servant and they would have rushed for your help..think abt it next time
Manayata: I dont need to think abt it..i was already
knock on door..
Uday: Come in
Servant: Yuvraj and Yuvarani have been called downstairs the party has started
Manyata: Yes, we are almost ready and about to come...
Manayata sees herself in the mirror, Uday does the same and they both leave for the party...
Jai goes to Uday...
Jai: You remember that I will reveal everything to Manyata today...
Uday: Remember one thing Jai...if i go in trouble you will too...Manyata will not forgive you for not telling the truth first
Jai: Like i care Uday...what Manyata thinks for me, it was unfortunate for me not to tell her truth before wedding...but now its not late either..since i want her to hate you for the rest of your life..just wait and watch
The party organizer arranges dance for all the couples and request the newly weds...Yuvraj and Yuvrani to step on the dance floor...Manayata and Udayveer dance together..on song Kuch khaas hai...
Jai sees the servant taking pictures from Manayata's phone and asks her to use the video camera instead of Manyata's phone and take the video camera and put into manyata's room...the servant does that...Jai smiles she goes and interrupts Maanveer dancing ...
Jai: Uday now come on you have atleast dance with your sister in law for once..
Manyata stares at Jai...however Uday tells her to step down as he will have a dance with Jai
Uday: Jai..why are you doing this, how low would you go I am already married
Jai: Uday come one you really think that I am wanting you now, you are wrong i just want to punish you, i have done what i wanted to...
To be continued...
Edited by sparkjule - 12 years ago
muskan99 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Great Job 
Continue Soon πŸ‘πŸΌ
SaHillover101 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Nice update!! Can't wait to read the next part!!:)
preya_radev thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
wow this was awesome plz update the next part soon cant wait for the next chapter and can u add me to ur pm list plz
Edited by preya_radev - 12 years ago
Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago
thanx...chapter one is now finally done you can read it from you left πŸ˜‰πŸ˜³
Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago
thanx...i have completed chapter one now..you can read the entire chapter now😳
Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago
thanx i have fully updated now...😳
Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: muskan99

Great Job 

Continue Soon πŸ‘πŸΌ

thanx a ton dear, i have completed chapter one fully...you can read it and stay tuned for the next update😳
Arziya thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: AKlover101

Nice update!! Can't wait to read the next part!!:)

thanx dear, i have updated chapter one in its entirety now, you can read it 😳