love respect and hate(FF)part18 last part

cutie shruti thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

okay guyz this is ma first go at writing a fan fic so plz b honest and comment 😊 well here goes:

scene:walia house during da party jigyasa has jus annouced da jai iz gunna b a dad, jai lookz as though he iz gunna faint, bani has tearz in her eyes,every1 else is shocked (except ranveer roshni has gone ) every1 clapz and congratulates jai and bani as they leave. every1 has gone only the family memberz, piya nd pushkar nd family (imagine jai forgiven dem) o nd sonali is dere (she jus came back 4rm wereva she woz) nd mohan. every1 iz quite jai now has a changed expersion (one like he gunna kill jigyasa,ranveer nd bani ) bani is quietly standing with tears trickling down her cheekz

Jai:- wat kind of joke is dis jigyasa?
jigyasa:- im nt lyin jai every1 in this house knows dat bani is pregnant da report seyz so.
jai:- thatz nt possible unless..... (realised da bani has been bewafaa)
ranveer :- ( in da most remosreful tone he cud do 2 try nd mask his happiness🀒) mamaji we r tellin u the truth mami iz a characterless women and is a stigma on wommen hood (nd blah blah blah seyin bad stuff about bani 😭😭)
bani:- (lukz up wid tearz in her eyes chokin on her tearz she sez wid as much strength as she can) plz mr walia...... trust me i havent done anything wrong and.....
jai:- just shut up bani i thort u wud have atleast thort about my prestige in society nd if u were that much in love wid dat man u cud have told me i wud have personally gt u 2 married buh u decided u cudnt have waited much longer
bani:- buh i didnt..... i wud never..cuz i....
jai:-jus tell me hu the man iz nd ill c wat i can do cuz i dnt have ney strength in me 2 fite okay i no longer feel as though i can trust u 2 b my friend, i jus want u 3 sisterz out of my life
sonali:- (calmly) itz not neccessaary 2 tlk 2 her bout this matter she wnt sey, (turns 2 bani in an angry manner) i thort u were a campasionate women hu thort of otherz nd nt bout herself u. i guess i made a wrong judge of character.
jai:-sonali jus tell me u cant change her no1 can
sonali:- his name is PUSHKAR SHUKLA
every1 is shocked (including bani nd pushkar) pia iz jus like i h8 u 2

i will continue after, tell me if u guyz like it so i can continue!!!😊 




Edited by cutie shruti - 18 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

sweetu144 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
wow...great work..pls continue...wanna know wat jai is gonna do!!!!
luv sweetu πŸ˜ƒ
**Tinkerbell** thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
πŸ‘ πŸ‘ wowwww thats super coolllll....please do continue
mayona thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
please continue dear its awesome πŸ‘
cutie shruti thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
awww thankz guyzzzz πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ
part 2
sonali:- his name is PUSHKAR SHUKLA
every1 is shocked (including bani nd pushkar) pia iz jus like i h8 u 2
every 1 jus luks at bani searchin 4 an explaition
rano:- di wt have u dun i knew u luved pushkar i never thort u wud do this, di incase u havent notcied hez married and that 2 ur younger sister, di u disgust me ur no longer related 2 me ( and goes and comfortz pia)
bani:- this is a lie i havent done neything plz believe me
jai:-thatz it bani u being pregnant is nt a lie, wt ur seyin now is a lie so jus stop lyin 2 me gt ur bags nd GT OUT!!!!
jigyasa nd ranveer r reeli happy now, bani walkz upstarirz jus sobbing her heart out rano makez 2 follow her
jai:- rano u can stay here but in the outhouse i cnt stand u 3 buh u have dun nothing wrong stay here untill ur examz finish nd den u can go 2
dadi:-(completly dazed by wt jus happend)jai putar, mausi...
jai:-(sighz) we will have 2 tell her the truth nd that right 4rm the start
bani cumz down cryin with her bagz in her hand nd a photo of her parents
pia:- (gaining her usually mean manner wich she uses with seema bhabi) u have no right over my parents photo incase u have forgotton the secret wich onli u me you and our parents no
bani:- plz pia dnt sey neything plzzz
pia:- jus by me nt seying neything the truth wnt hide itself face fact ur ADOPTED bani.... 😭 😭

2 b continue......
plz post ur comments luv reading dem

tia_5 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
hey it is awsome gr8 ritting
cont ASAP
tia_5 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
hey it is awsome gr8 ritting
cont ASAP
sweetu144 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
gr8 work!!!!!
plss continue soon...wanna know wat bani is gonna do...pls continue....
static_chaos23 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
thats gr8!
plz cont.. soon

Piku_S thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 18 years ago
πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘
fab parts!
poor bani 😭
plz continue soon shruti πŸ˜‰