dil se rey:kriyaansh ff(ch 19-pg 117)6th apr - Page 5


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anniemathiaskr thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
really nice one update fast nxt part
puja_arsha thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Awesome cncept...jst read d whole 2 chpters n luvd it so mch...rey captain n kriya doctor...nyc imagination...wud luv 2 read it further...plz pm me nxt tym u update...already sent u a buddy request...:)
tinatartari thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
guys!i ve written the half part n u ll write the rest soon n ll update n pm bt plx i need cmnts n suggestions...
-FrozenRain- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
update na. u'll get loads of comments.
tinatartari thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

                                               CHAPTER 3

so guys!here em bck wid yet a new n longer updated.its gonna make many ov ur doubts clear,i hope so n many ll b cleared soon n a gud news,soon kriyaansh ll b 2gethr n u ll relish their moments bt 4 tat i need a perfect 1st meeting 4 them,any suggestions??nw here s the epi.enjoy!!bt plx dnt 4get 2 cmnt!!๐Ÿ˜Š

She danced n danced till she collapsed.she ws on the floor crying on top of her voice!REYYY!!!!

N then she fell asleep thr n then wid tears falling down her eyes badly!!

Here flight l trey singhaniya ws all set 4 his 1st flight.it ws his biggest dream in life 2 fly n touch the sky..

wen he put his cap n ws ready,he looked in the mirror


Rey!!rey!!tell me wot ll u do on ur 1st flight??

I ll fly up high n touch the sky!!n meet ur universe jee!!

Wot ll u ask him??

I ll ask him 4 lots ov sweets n chocolates 4 u'

Oh really??n wont u ask smthng 4 urself??

Ammm!!!wot wud I ask 4 maself??i ve got everything!ok I ll ask 4 a very happy lyf wid u

Really??i love u rey!

I love u 2 kriya!!

Tears started rolling down his eyes..suddenly scordron leader abhimanyu entered:flt l trey!ready 4 ur 1st flight??

Rey:yes sir!he saluted n quickly wiped off his tears'

Rey s POV:kriya ws such a liar n cheater.she used me 4 her own ends,she exploited my emotions n destroyed ma lyf..nw I cnt even love any1 cx she killed me,she killed ma heart,then y?y r u crying 4 her??y she still affects u??y u unable 2 4get her??leave it dude!she z no1 2 me nw..she z dead'I hate u kriya.i hate u n I ll hate u till ma last breath'saying so he shoved off his thouts n moved on 4 his 1st flight'

The traffic controller gav an ok sign n rey started the plane'it ws just a dream come true 4 him.he ws loving the feel ov it.as he went higher n higher,his excitement level ws getting up!!

Wen he reached close 2 the sky,the clouds were moving here n thr.he cud actually feel them around..it ws such a beautiful moment,the best moment ov his lyf,he felt lyk he ws in a dream!!!then he again remembered kriya n their promise,a tear escaped his eyes n he closed his eyes n prayed:universe jee!!plx tell me y did kriya did this 2 me??plx show me the truth,I wanna knw..

Aftr 20 mins ov his flying,he landed the plane safely n came out'he

knelt on the floor n cried in happiness'

Abhi:congrats rey on completing ur 1st flight successfully..u ll mk a new addition 2 IAF stars!!gud luck

Rey:thnk you sir n he came bck'


End ov term.kriya ws packing up her bags 4 home in dehradhun 2 whr she belonged n her parents hav shifted 2 mumbai 4 her n Sharon s tudies'she used 2 visit dehradhun in every vacations whr her nani lived.she ws kriya s best frnd n calld her mano(cat) because she loved cats in childhood'rey used 2 call her wid the same name wen they were children'

She ws really xcited 2 meet her nani whom she loved the most in this world.she ws kriya s best buddy!!

Suddenly her phone rang


Caller:hey!whoz this??

K:mr u shud tell as u ve called.whom u wanna talk 2??

Caller:easy grl!i thnk I dialed the wrong no.sorry bout tat!hav a gud day

K:gud day n she cut the call

(smbody cn guess who it ws??)

She quickly packed her bag,took her phone n set out 4 the airport!!

Here rey ws packing his bags as he got posted 2 simla(sorry Idk whether or nt z thr any airbase in simla or nt?bt still em mkng it so just thnk thr z ;) ) finally he set 4 simla..

Kriya got late due 2 the traffic jam.she quickly dashed 4 check in n reached on her seat..she sat thr n thr ws already a young,handsome n hot guy sitting beside her'wen she saw him,thr eyes met n she had a LALAaa feeling,butterflies in stomach,guitars n violens n bells ringing'the guy ws also lost in the eyelock(hey!dnt mk any guesses,just enjoy the moments,ll reveal the mystery man later


The eyelock ws interrupted by AH.

AH:plx sit down maam!!

K:ok n she took her seat..the plane take off!!

AH came..would u like 2 hav smthng??

The guy n kriya said simultaneously:1 coffee'.. n they looked at each othr'n again both spoke wid no sugar..

Guy:u plx start 1st

K:no u cn

Guy:no ladies 1st

AH got confused'

K:1 black coffee wid lots of cream n  no sugar n cookies

Guy:I d like 2 hav the same'n smiled

AH took the order n went away

Guy:hey!looks like we ve got the same choices..

K:yup'n smiled

Guy:hi!em flt lt ----

K:hi!em kriya ghai!

Guy:nice 2 meet u kriya

K:same here

g:well I ve been posted 2 dehradun.y u thr 4??

K:actually em gng thr 2 meet ma grand ma.she lives thr n we shifted 2 mumbai cx ov ma studies

g:wot do u do in Mumbai??

K:I em an MD student..1st year!!

g:oh tats nyc!i ll call u dr kriya!!

K:lolx..well em nt a doc yet!!anyways u cn call me tat..

g:so wot r ur hobbies???

...(n the talk continues)

Then the flight landed 2 dehradhun n before leaving the airport our v innocent flt lt has succeeded 2 take kriya s no..they promised 2 talk 2 each othr n left..

The driver ws already thr 2 pick up kriya so she sat in the car n left'


K:hi nani!!she hugged n kissed her

N:my child!finally u came..u knw I ws so longing 2 c u!u

always come 2 meet me in every vacations..i love u mano

Wid the word mano kriya again lost in rey s thot


Hey mano!get up!i wanna show u around

Monkey!dnt call me mano!!!em nt a cat!!n this is nani s trademark..u ve no right 2 call me tat.got it??

Mano!my dearest n only my mano!!i ve got every right 2 call u anything..aftrall u r mine..u knw wot?wen I ll grow up n become a pilot then I ll come 2 take u wid me in ma plane n we ll b 2gethr 4evr!so u r mine n only mine

KriyaLblushing) rey!!

rey:dnt call me rey mano!call me wot u always do..teddy

kriya hit him on his shoulder n ran away!!

Nani:whr hav u lost mano??

K:oh!no nani!i ws here wid u!so hz life n hw r u??

N:u knw lyf has become static in old age n em lil ill bt I knw u ll treat me n I ll b f9

K:nani u shud go c a dr.infact nw I ve come.i ll take u'

N:no mano!ma dr z here

K:cmon nani!stop joking

N:ok I lost.u won'bt hav sme rest 1st

K:ok nani!c u!bye'

Next day kriya takes nani 2 dr n aftr tat she went on a long drive 2 dehradhun.she saw their old home,school whr they both used 2 go 2gethr n many memories came bck 2 her..she picked out the bday card 4m her wallet wich ws given 2 her by rey..it had many red hearts n a cake on it n written I love u n inside rey wrote in his hand writing

2 ma love mano

Happy birthday 2 u

4m ur teddy

Some silent tears flowed down her eyes like always n got absorbed in the soil..she then moved on.saw the play ground where they used 2 play basketball..their cute lil fights came 2 her like a wave ov memories..she shoved off the thots n headed home as it ws getting dark.ther nani ws w8ng 4 her 4 dinner..she half heartedly ate her dinner n went 2 sleep.nani knew abt her problem bt she cudnt do anything..


They looked so cute 2gethr.they were perfect as a couple.rey ws v caring 2wards her n she loved him truly n they were both possessive abt each othr.dnt knw whose evil eye snatched the happiness ov ma kids'I wish I cud bring u bck ur happiness mano,I wish I cud bring u bck ur teddy'bt dnt worry my children,I ll pray 2 god 2 bring u close n mk u 1!


Finally kriyaansh meet(ch 5)'.n many kriyaansh moments'..



Edited by tinatartari - 12 years ago
-Vaish- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago
loved it...

who's the mystery guy. matlab rey hota toh naam se toh pehchaan leta..

but butterflies toh rey ke saath hi hoti..

common unravel the mystery soon.

update asap
tinatartari thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
kriyaansh24 its nt rey!!๐Ÿคฃ
as i ve told u rey z in simla n this guys z posted 2 dehra dhun so its nt rey..
they havnt met yet!! n tats wot em askng any suggestions 4 their 1st meeting?
the more cmnts i ll get the earlier i ll update ๐Ÿ˜ณ
so plx cmnt more n u ll get update earlier!!
i ve sent 20 pms tu i cn demand at least 10 cmnts.50 percent at least ๐Ÿ˜ณ
-Vaish- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: tinatartari

originally quoted  by kriyansh24

the update was amazing.

but can't see such lonely kriya.
 one question: in char. sketch u wrote rey thinks she hates him and here u wrote rey hates her.

toh rey hates her actually or ya fir thinks she hates him.

plz unhe saath lao na. aise dukhi-2 dekha nhi jaata
1st ov all thnks 4 ur compliments n cmnt n feedback.โค๏ธ..i appreciate tat u remember wot i wrote in char sketch..ya i wrote tat rey thnks tat kriya hates him n he hates her 2(at least he thnks so!!) n she thnks he hates her bt she cn nvr evn thnk ov hating him...the mystery wud b unveiled in the upcoming chapters n u ll knw abt rey s reaction then u ll understand this chemistry better...
yup mjhe b unhen sath laaney ki bohat jaldi e per is tarha agr sath aagaye to wo love,wo passion nae dekhne ko milega na!!๐Ÿ˜‰
i cn assure u 1 thng tat wen they ll come 2gethr it wud b phenomenal n u d remember it 4 a long tym so bear wid me n stay tuned๐Ÿ˜Š

okay let me get this.
donon ko lagta hai ki dusra unhe hate krta hai...

kriya cannot think of even hating rey but rey thinks that he hates her jabki he is actually hurt n he still loves her and the hate(which is actually hurt) is actually the result of the feeling of being cheated which he felt due to MU.

comon pdate asap..

its very confusing๐Ÿ˜•
milva do unko toh confusiion toh dur ho
-Vaish- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: tinatartari

kriyaansh24 its nt rey!!๐Ÿคฃ

as i ve told u rey z in simla n this guys z posted 2 dehra dhun so its nt rey..
they havnt met yet!! n tats wot em askng any suggestions 4 their 1st meeting?
the more cmnts i ll get the earlier i ll update ๐Ÿ˜ณ
so plx cmnt more n u ll get update earlier!!
i ve sent 20 pms tu i cn demand at least 10 cmnts.50 percent at least ๐Ÿ˜ณ

even i know its not rey... but butterfly feelings u r misleading. thats not fair...
caller ke baare mein kuch bhi nhi bataya and i can say that when they meet they'll meet as strangers and that feeling wud be aroused but unhe yeh nhi pata hoga saamne wala vahi insaan.
kahin plane mei baitha insaan swayam toh nhi????????????๐Ÿ˜‰
kritzzz_ArSha thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
Awesome update cant wait 4 the nxt part!!