-Nadii- thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Hello EHMMBH followers,

In the past few weeks, we have noticed an increasing deterioration in conduct in some fronts. Therefore, the EHMMBH DT has decided to step forward with some basic rules for the forum. Do read the following carefully and try to adhere to them. We have decided to wipe the slate clean on anything previous and start enforcement of these rules from today onwards.

Firstly, we want to direct everyone to the basic Code of Conduct for India-forums. All the COC rules apply to all interactions on the entire site. Secondly, following are a set of highlighted rules for EHMMBH forum which address current concerns in our forum.

  1. Please do not make posts constituting of only an emoticon or phrases such as 'thanks for sharing', 'tfs', or anything similar. These posts are considered an irrelevant "+1 post count" message (also known as spamming). Please utilize the 'Thank you' button for expressing such gratitude.
  2. Please refrain from posting links, articles or videos from other sites that are in direct competition with IF or any IF-related media. 
  3. Any videos posted from any other sites in direct competition with IF or that contain such a watermark will be deleted without prior notice. Furthermore, any videos other than the ones provided by our videobie will also be deleted to honor the hard work and time our videobie puts in!
  4. When posting a news article from a credited, non-forum source (ex: newspapers, magazines, Star Plus media releases), please provide a link for the original article. This helps provide validity to the information being presented.
  5. Please refrain from attacking or putting down other fan groups or actors/actresses that are not your favorite! Sarcasm and snide comments are considered equally offensive as direct attacks. This applies to ALL posts on the forum including Appreciation Threads.
  6. Please refrain from making comparison posts of any kind, whether it be comparing actors or shows.
  7. Please do not discuss the personal lives of actors/actresses on the forum. This leads to rumors and can be hurtful for fans and the actors themselves!
  8. Please refrain from chatting or discussing unrelated topics in the Creations Gallery. In that post, only creations should be shared and discussed. All other posts will be deleted as we attempt to keep the gallery clean and organized.
  9. Please do not make new threads containing pictures. Pictures must be shared in the Picture Gallery.
  10. Please make use of the Query/Help Desk for any basic questions about the show. Do not create topics asking for basic information. 
  11. Please only make one post per fanfiction - all subsequent chapters should be in the same post. 
  12. Please do not post in all capitals - it is considered extremely rude and equivalent to shouting on the internet.
  13. Please refrain from discussing shows other than EHMMBH on this forum. This rule also applies to discussing other forum's members and their actions. 

Please keep these rules in mind while interacting on the forum. They will help make the forum a better environment and experience for everyone! If a rule is broken, a warning PM will be sent for the first incident with warning level increases for subsequent incidents.

We encourage everyone to make use of the "Report Post" button to help us serve you better if you come across something that is offensive or not in compliance.

Finally, if you guys have any questions, concerns or suggestions, feel free to contact Fairy (OnlyHope) or Gunia (luvya4ever). 


EHMMBH DT - Gunia and Fairy

NOTE: Nadii is no longer part of the EHMMBH DT as she has taken a VM status. Please contact Gunia or Fairy for any concerns. If an issue needs to be escalated, please contact the GM *Shruti*

Edited by luvya4ever - 11 years ago