Hina Dilpazeer aka momo interview

aanopaari thumbnail
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Posted: 12 years ago

People say that Hina Dilpazeer gets all the brilliant roles but I disagree….she makes them brilliant by performing so well. From her first role in ' Barnas road ki Nilofar' till 'bulbalay' she hits a sixer every time.drama has got an ace in the form of Hina Dilpazeer

After Burnas Road ki Nilofar and the unprecedented success, offers and
opportunities, there's been no looking back for her. Madam Rizwana and Baby
Shabana, Bichhu Phuppi, Veena and momo, to name just a few, are just some of Hina's best work on te\evision.The reason of such powerful performances in her own words are :

"I have always wanted to live many lives in this one life; lives of the rich,
the impoverished, the disabled and even the blessed. Any interesting person who catches my attention, I try and enter his or her world through my imagination, curious to know how I would feel in their situation. I have always been like this, I would get told off for what appeared to others like I was imitating them but in reality I was so deeply absorbed in a fascinating character that I would be subconsciously following mannerisms, gestures and gait. I always wanted to become the medium to deliver those feelings, sensitivities and stories to audiences

Watching 'Shakoor Sahib' I felt her versatile acting skills gives a writer the freedom to adopt and conceive roles no one has ever done before on pakistani tv. She has also shattered the stereotype and set the ball rolling for character actresses who share the spotlight with the lead pair and are just as popular with the viewers. Rarely does the 'size zero' and 'make up' obsessed media allow a female to play such diverse roles with such freedom!

Hina Dilpazeer has the ability to grab all the attention in the drama. Amazing thing is that one goes not get to know the real Hina Dilpazeer in any of these roles. When I first saw her giving an interview I was quite surprised to find that she is a groomed, decent and educated lady who looked and sounded completely different from all her acts. Good job Hina!


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aanopaari thumbnail
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Posted: 12 years ago
cont'when something new and fresh goes on air and is loved by all who see it, uss ka lutf hi kuch aur hai. I got a call from someone who wanted to speak to the person who played Saeeda. I told her it was me but the person on the line said, 'Nahin, woh to bohot jahil si khatoon theen, mujhe unn se hi baat karni hai
Hina set off on the grueling task of visiting TV channels to look for work with no contacts but just determination and talent, ''I have nothing against people who didn''t give me a break. As a newcomer, it is difficult to prove one''s talent and people here don''t have the time for evaluation. Maybe what our media lacks is the mature, seasoned eye that can spot talent a mile away.

'We are in a race against time, and very little time is spent on looking for the right person to do the job. Even if people come up to me and say ''I can act very well, please get me a role'', I would be too busy to find anything suitable for them. Likewise, those working for TV channels are too busy
Sometimes it worries her, feeling obsessed and nervous if she can''t do justice to the writer''s creation, ''No one can ever guarantee public response, even if I know that the role has a lot of potential for me as an actress. It happens with most of the roles that I get: I ask myself if I can be this person and to at least give it a try. If I feel a role is powerful then I also put in my best. I have to try and make a difference.

Why not earlier? ''I was in the UAE and it had always been my dream to make my debut and establish myself as an actress from Pakistan. I am fine working anywhere else once I am recognised as a product of Pakistan. I have no desire to acquire another passport or nationality. There is enough work to be done here.
today, Hina seems to have swept over the mini-screen, filling the gap left by the late Arshe Munir, Ishrat Hashmi, Atiya Sharf and Sarwat Ateeq, ''If I feel I don''t have the capacity for a role, I won''t accept it. Recently, before I got the script somebody told me about the role, and later when I saw the script it was a word-by-word copy of an Indian sitcom. I refused although I felt a bit sorry afterwards because the director was good. At times I ask for more money to discourage bad roles but I am quite sure about one thing: I don''t want to make any compromises,' she said.

Is it true that Hina Dilapzeer might have surpassed seasoned actresses Zeba Shehnaz and Bushra Ansari as a performer par excellence? ''No one can push anyone over. Insaan kab berang hojata hai, usko khud nahin pata chalta. I feel it is a miracle of God that people like my work. Before I came, plays were being done and they will continue even when I''m not there. Each and every character has to be composed, created and brought out from inside you. If your aim is to become famous, your performance will suffer as an actor. Acting is such a dangerous field and one should not enter unless (s)he is sure that this is what (s)he wants. You have to be focused, responsible and then leave the rest to destiny.'

Hina says it her dream to work in a play by the late Ashfaque Ahmed and/or Bano Qudsia, ''Their plays had huge messages and if only I could become a tiny part of that message, it would be a great honour for me. My aim is not to capture audiences, all I want to do is give life to the character I play. If I get two similar roles, I would perform them in a way that they appear different, just like each person will arrange the same bunch of flowers in a particular way. It depends on the actor''s vision how the character is presented.'

All praises for senior PTV actors, about her contemporary artistes and co-workers Hina said, ''We are in a rapidly moving river and it is up to us to swim against the tide. We need to work with honesty and touch reality.' Since everyone is so busy these days, she believes nothing registers with audiences like a serial or a soap. ''I like doing teleplays so that whole story starts, builds, climaxes and ends in one go; leaving a strong impact on the viewer.'

While living in the UAE, Hina said she also experimented with radio, ''I would love to write and perform radio plays. You can give so much variation to your voice on radio, just like when you put your hand inside a bag and a whole new world of textures opens up, it''s as though your fingertips have sprouted eyes.'

The person closest to Hina was her late father. ''He passed away not very long ago and he was my friend, my biggest support, my inspiration. From him I learnt to be forthright, honest and straightforward. He would say to people upfront if he didn''t like something about them. He has left a big vacuum in my life that nobody can fill. I feel that he still supports me and he is still with me in spirit.

Edited by aanopaari - 12 years ago