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tamannamalik thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago

Chapter 7

It was Jeh, a very confused Jeh. He made his way towards them. Abhay and Piya did not know what to do. They thought of running but that would be a sign of guilt so they just stood planted on the spot.

"Abhay, Piya, what are you doing here?" asked Jeh.

"Just getting a couple of lattes, you?" replied Abhay. Piya was too nervous to answer.

"Just waiting for my date to come out from the ladies'," said Jeh.

"You're dating again? Good for you, man," said Abhay.

"I'm really happy for you, Jeh," said Piya who finally got the nerve to speak up. She was truly happy for Jeh. Finally he was able to find his own true love.

"Thanks, um.. Piya, can I talk to you for a minute?" asked Jeh. Right then both Piya and Abhay knew he saw everything.

"Jeh...," started Abhay.

"It's okay, Abhay," said Piya, putting a hand on Abhay's chest to stop him from saying something that might just make things worse. She followed Jeh to a corner.

"Okay, I'm just gonna get to the point. What the hell are you doing with Abhay?" asked Jeh.

"Jeh, this is complicated...,"

"Is he still married to Alina?"


"Well, nothing complicated here. It's simple. You're dating a married man, your best friend's husband," said Jeh.

"I know that, Jeh!"

"So why are you doing this?"

"I don't know, okay," said Piya. Being confronted by Jeh made her realised how stupid she had been.

Abhay who was standing nearby and listening in decided it was time for him to step in. He was not going to let Jeh bully Piya into telling him anything. It was their own damn business.

"Jeh, please. I appreciate your concern but this is our business," said Abhay. He did not want to sound too hostile because Jeh was still his best friend but he was not about to let Piya be trapped into a guilt trip.

"Yeah, you're right. But as you guys' friend, I hope you do the right thing. This could only end bad," said Jeh.

Abhay and Piya just watched as Jeh walked away with another girl. Both had thousand of thoughts running through their minds. And all of them were things that could somehow end their relationship.


"You want me to take you to the apartment?" asked Abhay as he drove. But he did not get anyresponse from her. He turned and saw Piya was looking out the window with a distant look in her eyes.

"Piya?" called Abhay.

"Huh, what?"

"Do you want me to take you home?" asked Abhay.

"I don't wanna be alone tonight," said Piya.

"Okay, you'll stay at my place tonight," said Abhay. This was not their routine thing to do but he had to be at home in case Alina called the house or she might call to pick her up.

"Are you sure that's okay?" asked Piya.

"Yeah," said Abhay.

"Okay," said Piya, looking out the window again.

"Hey, everything's gonna be fine," said Abhay, grasping her hand in his. But in his heart he did not believe his own words.

Piya entered Abhay and Alina's house. She had been there a million times but at that moment she felt strange and out of place. All this while she had been there as a friend to them but today she was there as the mistress. The homewrecker. She did not know how everything spiralled out of control but she knew she was the one that had led to this.

"I'm just gonna put these stuff away," said Abhay, taking out the stuff from the car.

"Okay," said Piya as she sat on the couch. She laid against the couch and closed her eyes. This had been a nice day and it ended with a disaster. All the days' excitement just went away just because of one encounter with her ex husband. She knew Jeh was right but even she knew that but she was too stubborn to do the right thing.

"Piya, let's go upstairs," said Abhay, placing a hand on her shoulder. Piya silently took his offered hand and they went upstairs. Abhay changed into a more comfortable clothes while Piya changed into one of Abhay's shirts and both of them slipped under the blankets. They snuggled in darkness and the only that could be heard was their breathing and the fan spinning.

"Abhay, what should we do?" asked Piya, breaking the silence.

"Do you think Jeh would tell anyone?"

"I don't think he would. He's just concerned about us," said Piya.

"Then we're fine for the moment, we just have to be careful," said Abhay.

Abhay's words really comforted Piya. She felt if she had Abhay by her side everything would turn out fine. She took comfort in his words and forced herself into sleep in her lover's arms


The next day, the pair woke up quite late in the afternoon. Today was the day Alina would come back and shatter their perfect getaway.

"You want me to send you home?" asked Abhay after they had a little late breakfast.

"No, it's alright. Alina's coming back today, right? You should be here when she comes back. I already called a cab," said Piya.

"Okay," said Abhay, with sadness in his eyes. He felt he was living a double life. Keeping a secret from his wife and at the same time not being able to fully be with the one he loved.

The cab arrived and Abhay bid Piya goodbye with a kiss and she was off. Few seconds later another cab pulled up. Then came Alina into his sight. The fact that Alina arrived just seconds after Piya left was unsettling to Abhay as he was afraid Alina might see anything.

"Hey," said Abhay, greeting Alina. He kissed her cheek and went over to grab her bag.

"Who was that?" asked Alina, indicating the cab that was zooming away.

"Oh, uh, that was Piya, she just came to say hi. She didn't know you were away," said Abhay. He knew he should have said someone else but he was too nervous to come up of someone else.

"Oh, okay. So how was your weekend?" asked Alina.

"It was great," said Abhay, giving her a smile full of hidden meanings.

Alina was rearranging her closet while she was putting away her clothes from the trip. Clothes were scattered everywhere on the bedroom floor. Abhay had to practically shoved them away to make way to the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" asked Abhay, amused.

"I just thought I should rearranged my closet," said Alina.

"I knew you had a lot of clothes but this is just ridiculous," said Abhay, teasingly.

Alina just stuck out her tongue to him and continue her work. Finally, after about an hour, she finally managed to put all her clothes and jewellery away. A earning caught her eye. It was poking out from under the blanket. Alina grabbed it and was just about to dump it into her jewellery box when she realised it was not her earring.

"A woman's earring in my bedroom?" thought Alina.

Any woman in her position would think the same thing she was thinking. Another woman was in her bedroom. And the only other person that could be with her was her husband, Abhay.

tamannamalik thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago

Chapter 8

Alina was restless. She did not know what to think. The discovery of the earrings in her bedroom really shook her to the core. All the suspicions she had about Abhay cheating and all seemed real now. She still could not believe Abhay would do this to her. But she knew she needed more evidence before jumping to conclusions. She needed to catch him in the act.

All of these seemed weird to her because she thought Abhay loved her. What changed? She felt she was a good wife to him and everything just changed. They barely fought but maybe that was because they rarely talk nowadays. She did not know what to do when she found out the truth but right now she just badly needed to know what was the truth.

Since she found the woman's earring, she had been following Abhay whenever she could. She knew it was wrong and she was invading Abhay's privacy but this was more important than his damn privacy. She could not believe she had to sink that low but if she did not do this, she could never find the truth.

After a couple of days of following Abhay, she realised that he stopped at Piya's apartment complex quite often. Even the day when she came back from her course, Abhay said it was Piya in the cab. She never suspected Piya because she was her best friend, she would never hurt her like this.

One day, as Alina followed Abhay in her car, Abhay again stopped at Piya's complex the third day in a row. However, today was different as he did not go down to his car alone but with Piya. He opened the car door for her and Piya before entering, gave Abhay a kiss on the lips.

Right at that moment, Alina's world stopped. Piya; her best friend was sleeping with her husband? Everything just did not make sense to her anymore. How could these people who were supposedly be her loved ones stab her in the back just like that? She wished it was some other skank but it was her best friend, a friend from childhood! Not able to watch any longer, Alina turned and sped to wherever she wished would hurt less.


Alina sat on the floor in their bedroom in darkness. She was all cried out. She could not even shed a single tear. How could Piya do this to her? And Abhay? They should have told her. Why did they have to drag her into this little love story, thinking she was very lucky to have a man in her life? Now she was in too deep. She could not forgive them. Ever.


"Abhay, I have to tell you something," said Piya, as they lounged in her living room watching TV.

"What?" asked Abhay, but his eyes were still fixed to the TV.

"Abhay, this is important," said Piya, annoyed at being ignored.

"I'm listening," said Abhay, still fixed to the TV. Piya just rolled her eyes, annoyed. She took the remote control and shut off the TV.


"I need to talk to you," said Piya. Abhay looked at him and realized she was about to talk about something serious.

"Okay, sorry. What did you want to tell me?" asked Abhay, giving her his full attention. They faced each other on the couch.

"I'm leaving," said Piya.

For a second, Abhay just looked at her, silent.


"I'm leaving. I got transferred to another branch and I think this is the best. What we have is just a dream, we have no future. You should be with Alina and try to love her," said Piya, with tears in her eyes. She had been practicing this speech for a million times but it was still hard.

"Wait, you just decide to leave without discussing it with me? I'm in love you, Piya. I won't let you go just like that. Why are we even talking about this? You're staying with me, and that's final," said Abhay, pacing back and forth.

"This is my life, Abhay. This decision hurts me more than it hurts you but I have to do this, it's the right thing," said Piya.

"No, the right thing is to tell Alina the truth. I've been asking you to do that even before we got married but you never listened! I've always been there for you. I cheated Alina for you! And now you're just gonna get up and leave?"

"I've made my decision, Abhay. Nothing you say will change it," said Piya.

"So, that's it? After everything, this is it?"

"yes, it's the best. Bumping to Jeh was a wake up call for me. This is crazy. We can't lead this secret life. You have to be a husband to Alina, and that's the best," said Piya.

"This is crazy. You're being totally irrational right now," said Abhay.

"I've made my decision, Abhay. I think you should leave," said Piya.

"Fine, leave. And we'll see if you can live without me," said Abhay, walking towards the door. His words pierced her heart like a knife. She knew she could never live without him but she had to. They did not have a future staying together like this.

"I'm leaving this weekend," said Piya, as she closed the door to her lover, best friend and the love of her life.


Alina was waiting to come back from wherever the hell he actually was. She still could not believe Piya was the mistress. She was supposed to be her nice, shy best friend, but here she was sleeping with Alina's husband.

The door opened and came Abhay into the house. His face was a little pissed off and sad at the same time.

"Abhay, I need to talk to you," said Alina.

"Can we talk later? I'm tired," said Abhay, heading for the stairs.

"No, it's important," said Alina.

"Alina, seriously."

"No, I'm serious, Abhay," said Alina. Abhay who saw how serious Alina was and how weird she was behaving, sluggishly made his way downstairs again. They sat at the dinner table. Alina was about to confront him when the phone rang. Alina rolled her eyes and grabbed the phone.

"Hello, oh, Piya," started Alina. She could feel her blood boiling. She did not know how Piya could act so normal when she was actually doing the nasty with her husband.

"Oh, why the sudden decision?" asked Alina. Abhay who realized it was Piya, listened intently.

"We should get together and do something," suggested Alina.

"Oh, okay. We'll see you this weekend then," said Alina. She said her goodbye and hung up the phone.

"What did Piya want?" asked Abhay even though he had a pretty good idea.

"She's moving. She got transferred to a new branch. She's coming this weekend to say goodbye," said Alina.

"Oh, okay. So what did you wanna talk to me about?" asked Abhay. Alina who was still puzzled by this sudden turn of event, looked at him, confused.

"You said you want to talk to me?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I think we'll be okay," said Alina, smiling. Now that Piya was leaving everything changed. She could just pretend the affair never happened. She could rebuild her life with Abhay.


"Okay, I guess this is it," said Piya, as they stood outside of Abhay and Alina's house. A cab was there waiting for her.

"Don't forget to call us when you arrive in Dehradhoon," reminded Alina.

"Yeah, I won't," said Piya.

Abhay knew that was not where she was going. She said she was leaving. He knew she would make sure that she disappeared completely.

Piya and Alina hugged. When it was time for Piya to bid Abhay goodbye, a certain awkwardness and sadness filled the air.

"I'm gonna miss you, Abhay," said Piya. Abhay had tears in his eyes but he was holding it in.

"Yeah, me too," said Abhay. He hugged Piya and for a second Piya took comfort being in his arms. She knew she would never get the chance again. This was goodbye. She needed to let Alina be happy. She had taken enough from her.
Piya waved them goodbye and went into the cab. Piya looked at them until she could no longer see them, then she let the floodgates open.

"Goodbye, Abhay."

adnilover thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
abhay piya got separated😭. Piya's decisions were all wrong. She and abhay shouldnt have cheated alina in the first place. They should have owned up to their love in front of her and now, this will make things worse. Alina will always feel cheated, abhay and piya will be miserable. I hope things get better soon
sweety_crazed thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
Tammy🤗..i just luv d way u write!!
so it was jeh!!..he is such a sweet heart!!.but its all so confusing!!..
i really felt bad 4 alina!! must be tough 2 see her love with d girl whom she taught was her best friend!!
so piya is leaving everything!!!...u have put a great twist now!!..
do continue soon!!!..n thnx 4 d pm!!..
Edited by madhuri16 - 12 years ago
flora212 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Tamanna,this not fair,i mean i loved the update👍🏼 but why u let pia go.😲NOT FAIR!I WANT ABHIYA TOGATHER!PLZ BRING THEM TOGATHER PLZ!😭
Edited by flora212 - 12 years ago
Trouble. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
i wish piya allows abhay to tell alina d truth
tamannamalik thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: anjali.K

abhay piya got separated😭. sorry for that... Piya's decisions were all wrong. agree She and abhay shouldnt have cheated alina in the first place. yeah... They should have owned up to their love in front of her and now, this will make things worse. Alina will always feel cheated, abhay and piya will be miserable. I hope things get better sooni really cant promise tat😉

Word Count: 0

tamannamalik thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: madhuri16

Tammy🤗..i just luv d way u write!!thank u sooo much😊

so it was jeh!!..he is such a sweet heart!!.but its all so confusing!! is complcated
i really felt bad 4 alina!! must be tough 2 see her love with d girl whom she taught was her best friend!!yeah
so piya is leaving everything!!!...u have put a great twist now!!..glad u liked it
do continue soon!!!..n thnx 4 d pm!! pleasure

Word Count: 0

tamannamalik thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: flora212

Tamanna,this not fair,i mean i loved the update👍🏼 thank u😊but why u let pia go.😲she has done enough damage to alina na... NOT FAIR!I WANT ABHIYA TOGATHER!PLZ BRING THEM TOGATHER PLZ!😭 will try😉

Word Count: 0

flora212 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Not try plz bring abhiya togather😕