pic of humayun saeed and his wife - Page 4


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ghaznavi2910 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
guys thats ali haider and i must say his wife is far better then humaayoon saeed's wife
2shweeet thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Are you pplez confusedd??? This is NOT Humayoun Saeed!!! 😆 😆 Itz Ali Haider! Why are you all sayin he'z Humayoun...? 😆
Ali Haider lux nothing like him!! 😕

Perveen Syed thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
This is not Humayoun saeed's pic. Its ali hyder and his wife's picture...

sujal16 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
he is not humayun saeed. i could not remember his name but he is not humayun saeed.
wini thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
ya its ali haider not humayun saeed
it was really confusing that no1 said that on first 3or 4 pages so i m confused did they really recognize that it Ali not humayun
huma91 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
i was also confused...i looked through all the pages hoping there would be another pic but there isnt..
huma91 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
i was also confused...i looked through all the pages hoping there would be another pic but there isnt..
~LiL*PrInCeZ~ thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

wen this topic was first created i wasnt able 2 c da pic but i knew wat samina looked like and she does look older than humayun so i commented based on tht...and wen i saw this topic on the 1st page again i checked it out and i was 😲 cuz i can recognize humayun saeed...and ali haider and they DO NOT look alike...hehe...this is a pic of ali haider and his wife 😆 😆 😆
kite16 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
excuse me guys u all are wrong he is not ali haider and not even hamayun saeed he is ali noor lead singer of pakistani band NOORI he is with his wife in the picture and his wife's name is mandana