Prevent Yourself from Harmful Radiations

Mohan2012 thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago


Research by scientists indicates that prolonged use of cellular phones may cause hot-spots to develop inside the brain, causing damage which could lead to Alzheimer's disease or Cancer. Cancer is usually caused by genetic damage that happens inside an individual cell and the recent studies have proven the frequent usage of cell phone and exposure to electro magnetic radiations emitted out of Televisions, Electrical Lines, Computers, Microwave Ovens and other electrical appliances will cause DNA damage in cells which in turn develops in to Cancer.

There is no escape from these radiations; however, we can prevent ourselves through means of enhancing the Bio Energetic Field (BEF) commonly known as AURA around our body. AURA is our first line of defense. If every cell in your body is healthy and energetic the BEF around our body will be strong. Due to polluted air, water, food, etc… our cells are damaged everyday thereby weakening the BEF around us and harmful radiations from mobile phones, computers, televisions, etc… penetrates in to our body easily.

Now you know the reason behind the problems you have. The basic idea is to enhance or strengthen the BEF/AURA around your body. There are various ways to enhance the BEF and the technology that I am using is the most effective and easy method to strengthen the BEF around your body which in turn does the following

The nervous system gets electro-charged

The respiratory system gas exchange becomes more efficient

The digestive system becomes robust

The urinary system gets proficient

The muscular skeletal gets strengthened

The endocrine system gets harmonized

The reproductive system gets balanced

The skin and integument system glows

The cardiovascular system circulates well

If you are really cautious about living healthy and if you want to know more on this technology that was developed over 25 years of research that gives you a Life Changing Wellness Experience, write to me at [email protected] or you can reach me at 09663678268
