KinshukLuvsDina thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

     SUJAL AND KASHISH'Z very good performances in a pakistani serial
                                                   Sun Leyna!!
                            Pakistani and Indian actors acting together!

Many Pakistani Producers are signing Indian actors for their serials.Actor
and Producer Humayun Saeed first made a serial called 'Ana'with Aamna
Shariff and now Sun Leyna.Many other Producers are making serials with
Indian actors but Humayun Saeed comes up with something very challenging
leaving behind others.
Sun Leyna's 75% shooting has been done in Malayasia.

Sun Leyna is basically about a women who in luvv runs from her house
and gets married,and then bacause of her,her whole family has to face
humiliation and hardships.It's about those women who because of their
lovee dont care about their family's reputation.
But apart from getting married on their own they have to face troubles
and soo does their families.

Sun Leyna revolves around Mrs.Daniyal and her children.
She rejects a man whom her parents had chosen just because
he was poor and one of his leg did not work,and when her parents force
her to get married to him she runs from her house and gets married to
a rich man not only because she loves him but because he can provide her
a luxurious life which the man chosen by his parents couldnt.
She did not remember her parents,their reputation and her younger sister
Madiha before marrying and running from the house.
From Safiyah when she turns Mrs.Daniyal she realises that what she did
was wrong because she wasnt actually happy.
Her mother gets mad because of the sadma.
Safiyah now cannot even go back soo she accepts to live a life worse then
hell as Mrs.Daniyal.Despite having fights and all with his husband she
gives birth to a girl[Visaal]and after that to keep herself busy she opens
an 'Advertising Agency'.And on the other hand Afzal who'z marriage
proporsal Safiyah had rejected too own's an 'Advertising Agency' in
Malaysia.He did not gets married after Safiyah had ditched him and
bring's up his dead sisters son Sharim.
Both Mrs.Daniyal and Afzal without knowing eachothers true identity and
seeing eachother make plans of ruining eachothers business as they are
business rivals.But Visaal Safiyah'z only daughter starts taking interest
in Sharim.

What Sun Leyna'z actors say about it:
1-Javed Sheikh(afzal):Sun Leyna is not a fake serial.It is based on reality
and it gives an important message to viewers.Its story is diferent from
other serials soo its unique.
2-Saba Pervaiz(Safiyah):It was my pleasure working with Indian actors.
Playing Aamna's mother i have realised that we are not only open
minded but also have space for eachother in our hearts.This serial will
always remain close to my heart.
3-Rajeev Khandelwal(Sharim):Although this is my first Pakistani serial,my
friendship with Humayun is quite old.Aamna gave a party after 'Anaz'
success soo we met over there and we became very good friends.Then
Humayun offered me Sun Leyna and i liked the script soo accepted it.
Cant say i'll work in more Pakistani serials or not but i used to get alot
of calls,emails and letters from my Pakistani fans soo did this serial for
them.I hope they liked my perfromance.I've also heard that Lahore and
Karachi people are very welcoming soo i personally want to visit Karachi
and Lahore.And working in Sun Leyna was a very fine experience.
4-Aamna Shariff(Visal):When i got an offer for 'Ana'from Humayun Saeed i accepted
it on my own will and my first experience working with Humayun and pakistani stars was very
good.To grow more as an actor and get experienced i accepted 'Ana'.But my role in
Sun Leyna can be proved more lucky for me as i have the lead role in it,and i wish
to not only work with Humayun Saeed but with other Pakistani directors too.
Working with Pakistani actors was a very pleasant experience,because the atmosphere was
family like.

What Ahsan Ali Ziadi(director) says about the cast:
Everyone's performance was upto the mark and very very good,esp.
Rajeev and Saba Pervaiz's.
We shot many difficult scenes with Rajeev in only one take.

What Humayun Saeed(producer) says about Sun Leyna:
Sun Leyna's uniqueness and the presence of two very famous and talented
Indian Actors Rajeev Khandelwal and Aamna Shariff made it popular in very
less time.People started liking it since da day it got on-air.

What Humayun Saeed says about Rajeev AND Aamna:
Rajeev and Aamna are very good and talented actors.
i loved working with them and its been great to know them and they
have become very good friends of mine in very less time.
I wish them all the very best for their future.

Sun Leyna'z cast:
Producer:Humayun Saeed.
Director:Ahsan Ali Zaidi.
Afzal played by Javed Sheikh.
Mrs.Daniyal played by Saba Pervaiz.
Sharim played by Rajeev Khandelwal.
Visaal played by Aamna Shariff.
Max played by Imraan Abbas.
Rubab played by Zainab Qayyum[ZQ].
Rani played by Maria Khan.
Madiha played by Rabia Noreen.

hey all ave collected dis info. from an urdu news paper i translated

it all into english 4 u all πŸ˜ƒ

it took me last whole nite to 1st rite it down n den today i typed all dis!

hope u like itπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜³



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caprickhan thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
thanksssssss alot dina 😊😊 .gr8 work yaaaaar .are rajeev ne buhat mushkil scene bhi ek shot mai  ker liye .wahhhh like that partπŸ‘πŸ‘ .akhir rajeev hai na .dina thanks once again Edited by caprickhan - 18 years ago
1 n only-rajeev thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
yeah...agreed with usman bro...rajeev is a fine actor n so he dsnt need retakes....n the next part is gud 2....he said SLN beacme ppopular the day it was on air....hum to on air aane se pehle hi itne excited thhe....on air aane k baad ki mat hi puchho 😳
damsel111 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
thanx for sharin
by the way how long did it take to translate n type it out πŸ˜‰
thanx tonzz