Adult content notice to MSK by Geet Handa

-Sookie- thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago

"You are kidding me, correct?" He asked her after recovering from speechlessness.

Adult content notice to Maan Singh Khurana by Geet Handa was delivered by hand to him by none other than the woman accusing him of it - Geet.

"No sir. I am not kidding you. This is as real as it can get." She said flatly. His premonition was right. He was about to get migraine now.

"Please explain."

"Sure, I will. Here is the first task you gave me. You said – Geet, get sex information about 'Kiran'." She breathed heavily, clearly embarrassed about something.

"Yes, I did. This person hadn't filled that section in application and you know we need that information for our records", he said flabbergasted.

"Well you should have made it very clear to me that you were asking me to get the person's Gender information and not sex information. When I called that person and asked him verbatim to what you said, he said twice a week!" She slammed her fist on his table. They stared each other for a moment.

He burst out laughing while she breathed fire like a dragon. Her reddish face was adorable but he didn't comment on that. He, for a moment had forgotten about naivety that was so clearly splashed on her persona. His inner mind ranted as "dumbo" but he settled for "innocence". Whatever.

"Giving me this notice because of you didn't clarify with me is not my problem Geet." He bargained. She wasn't in a mood for bargaining.

"Who said this is your only offense? This was the first one. There are more."

"Really? Please go on." He said bemusedly.

"The second task: Call network engineer and asking him to touch and pine."

"Yes, so?" He knew what she was insinuating. When those words were uttered out of context in that order, they did sound a little crude. But the key words in his task description were "network engineer".

"Touch and pine? Ring any bells sir? That is vulgar. Period." She hugged and crossed her arms in front of her.

"Since you are so Google-search happy, search this too: Unix Command + Touch and Unix Command + Pine. Tell me what you get as results", he replied swallowing his laughter. She was quiet for a moment.

"What will be the results?" She asked slowly.

"They are Unix commands Geet. They perform some operations on UNIX operating systems. And the note was meant for our network engineer. He would immediately understand what I meant without letting his thoughts go to the gutter." Amusement hadn't left his voice yet. He could practically see wheels turning in her head.

"Okay fine, I might have misunderstood the last task too but the next one is so wrong", she said condescendingly.

"Please explain", he put down the documents he was holding and relaxed his tie. The day was ending with very few people left in office and his almost headache was now gone.

"Third task: Geet, stop fantasizing about harlequin males and get back to work." She said and looked at him in a challenging stare. He swallowed and stared back. He couldn't help but slip that task in an hour or so back when he caught her spacing out. He was in a pickle.

"Well you were spacing out to infinity and I caught you red handed. That's why. And please, don't tell me that you don't fantasize." He wriggled his eyebrows at that.

"Of course I fantasize about nice looking men," she grinned cheekily. His smile waned a little and he wondered if he had opened Pandora's Box.

"Hang on. So you mean to say that everything that goes on in your books, you imagine them yourself?" His smile was fully gone. However her smile grew exponentially.

"Yep. I imagine being in the shoes of the heroine who go through emotional roller coaster to be with the man they love", she gushed and walked around dramatically. He got up and sat on table in front of her. If she was performing theatrics, he might as well sit in first row.

"So how far does your imagination go?" He asked dreading the answer already.

"I don't understand", she stopped mid dramatics and asked him.

"I mean what is that you see?" He hoped he made enough sense and sincerely wished she would ask him to shut up and mind his own business. But this was Geet. She did exactly what he didn't want her to do.

So she explained.

"Well I imagine that I am in a world where I am a poor girl and the guy is a rich man. We would start off as enemies and then turn friends and then you know, lovers", she ended up saying 'lovers' shyly. He invariably smiled at her innocence.

"So like the cliched and mundane television dramas and dime a dozen novels, there is opposition from the rich guy's family and with many events happening we decide to go through it all. And then one day we somehow end up in a distant town and also end up sharing the room", she stopped and peered at Maan who was listening intently.

"What? Go on Geet, am listening", he encouraged her. He was curious to know how far she would go with her fantasy.

"Then he and I would end up in one room and we would make out for a long time. And then we get under covers. And then…" she again stopped and looked at him turning red. He was blatantly staring at her.

"Why do you two have to go under covers if you are in a room which I hope has a bolt?"  Maan asked trying to find out logic in the explanation.

"Because, the lights are still on sir", she answered. He looked at her, speechless.

"Who is there to see you? It's a bolted room you dolt", he replied flabbergasted.

"He and I are there in that room sir!" She replied looking at him as if he was an idiot. Probably he was trying to figure out what was going on in her mind.

"Whatever. Go on. What happens next?"

"And then light would be turned off."

"And?" He implored.

"And what? That's the end of my fantasy." She was completely red when she finished. He sighed. He should have known. The girl was completely, utterly and adorably innocent.

"You know for most people fantasy actually starts after the lights are turned off?" He said gauging her response. And like clockwork she turned redder.

"Please don't talk about it anymore. I am already embarrassed enough", she replied. Now he wanted to tease her further.

"You know what a guy would do next, he would…"

"Dhoom pichak dhoom pichak dhoom", she stared singing loudly drowning his voice in her song and covering her ears to block everything he was saying.

He couldn't help but tease her more. He grabbed her wrists and tried wringing it from her ears which made her to sing even louder.

"The guy would beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep and the girl would beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep…."

The singing got louder and he struggled between saying stuff and laughing uncontrollably.

"Sir! Geet! What are you guys doing? And Sir, what the hell are you saying!!!"

One of the guys from HR was standing by the door, jaws dropped and eyes wide.

The rest, is not history but its not interesting enough to write how Maan stammered himself to explain and how Geet struggled to regain the color of her skin which had turned horribly crimson. So yeah, it was just another day in office. 😆



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kawaii_geet thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago
res was awesum dear.....geet is sooooooooooooooooooooooo innocent...and her fantasies...hahahahahahaha😆😆😆.....i was smiling all the while especially reading those lines -

"Then he and I would end up in one room and we would make out for a long time. And then we get under covers. And then…" she again stopped and looked at him turning red. He was blatantly staring at her.

"Why do you two have to go under covers if you are in a room which I hope has a bolt?"  Maan asked trying to find out logic in the explanation.

"Because, the lights are still on sir", she answered. He looked at her, speechless.

"Who is there to see you? It's a bolted room you dolt", he replied flabbergasted."

and these lines too😳

"You know for most people fantasy actually starts after the lights are turned off?" He said gauging her response. And like clockwork she turned redder."

and the lines which instantly became my fav😳😳

"You know what a guy would do next, he would…"

"Dhoom pichak dhoom pichak dhoom", she stared singing loudly drowning his voice in her song and covering her ears to block everything he was saying.

He couldn't help but tease her more. He grabbed her wrists and tried wringing it from her ears which made her to sing even louder.

"The guy would beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep and the girl would beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep…."

u r awesun dear.....and i really luvd ur title😉...i really thought there was sun ahem.....ahem☺️ content!!!🤣

                                            Edited by kawaii_geet - 13 years ago
Posted: 13 years ago

I had to start it off that way...That was indeed my first reaction.
This is top notch verbatim mix up.  Two times? 😆

As for the UNIX commands, the commands themselves would not have known they would come across in that connotation, when they come together.
Makes me wonder the state of mind of those nerds who wrote up that language those days. 😉

Geet really was red, but her real color is white that stands for her naivety...Wonder what color Maan is for indulging her like that.
This Maan is no sadoo, but every bit playful and suggestive to her. 

That was a quick one Sookie. Very phast I say.
Splendid writing. Keep it coming.



I wish it was not Khurana Constructions...MSK getting the HR violation would have been some sight..
Edited by 6thElement - 13 years ago
Posted: 13 years ago
How appropriate Sooks... Lol... Only you would come out of Hiatus to tease us with this and then retreat into hibernation yet again...

I am actually surprised that she stammered and stumbled all the way through getting under the covers... Your MSK is wearing her down... 😉

Next you should do MSK's version of Adult Content Notice to Geet... I really really really want to know how that would go... ;)

Edited by sridevi27 - 13 years ago
-pixie- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
Sookie San (I don't know why but in my head you are Japanese now😆)...This piece was a delight to read!

I love the interactions between Maan and Geet- with Maan's inability to understand anything in the female universe and Geet's complete obliviousness to the workings of a devious male mind. Its almost as if they both are actually living on Mars and Venus...wonder how they communicate at all!
Though this interaction was an improvement since Maan was deliberately toying with her 😆..maybe he is not as clueless after all😉

Really enjoyed reading it, Thanks!

ps: I think she should include his shirtless avatar is her list of transgressions😆
Edited by -pixie- - 13 years ago
RadiantTreasure thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago
Sookie..back from her cocoon?😆Me happies :)
I was laughing
🤣 all time imagining all this.. just like geet imagines her fantasies.. 😍 well i think anygirl would fantasise that..don't they?☺️
But well we know Geet and also Maan..

"So like the cliched and mundane television dramas and dime a dozen novels, there is opposition from the rich guy's family and with many events happening "we" decide to go through it all. And then one day "we" somehow end up in a distant town and also end up sharing the room", she stopped and peered at Maan who was listening intently.

While geet was mentioning "he and I"..Maan seem to have used "WE" whose imagination is going wilder now?ah?😆

"You know what a guy would do next, he would'"

"Dhoom pichak dhoom pichak dhoom", she stared singing loudly drowning his voice in her song and covering her ears to block everything he was saying.

Typical Geet..🤣

The rest, is not history but its not interesting enough to write how Maan stammered himself to explain and how Geet struggled to regain the color of her skin which had turned horribly crimson.

I wouldn't mind reading..may be another OS for that would do 😉

Ah..what a awesome twosome these are..😆
And i wouldn't mind if u worked on devi's suggestion - adult content notice by MSK to geet handa..😳😆
Good wishes..

Edited by sri_4 - 13 years ago
-Aria- thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 13 years ago
You are back, sookster!
I wonder what inspired this piece, knowing you there has to be something...
the whole thing was darn hilarious....but the best part was when Geet went - Dhoom pichak dhoom pichak dhoom 😆soo perfectly Geet and yet totally unexpected, the choice of words...brilliant..and by now i can picture Geet saying this sort of stuff.
and the end - "The guy would beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep and the girl would beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep…."
Makes me wonder what that romantic story would look like :D
deejayaqueel thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago
Am only grinning Sook.... and you know why!! 😃😃
Thank you for listening to my request...!
Only wish Geet had not been singing so loudly and the HR guy had not picked that inopportune moment...  so that i could have heard MSK's version of the 'fantasy that actually starts after the lights are turned off...'!
"Baby when the lights go out
I'll show you what it's all about..."
Haha, super shady... 😛! i love it 😉
Edited by deejayaqueel - 13 years ago
RukhluvMaan thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
OMG... It was HILAROUS.!!!
Geet and dhoom chak was amazing..
And maan wow. I cant believe he will teas her like that...
Wonderful dear...
jazzerette thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
Absolutely awesome!!🤣 ⭐️