Terence Lewis - A groovy record - Page 10


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ThatOneGuy thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Rapier

wow! how ignorant!

Last week someone had a status like "Praying for China"....when someone mentioned its Japan not China, they said its one and same thing ðŸ˜† seriously people need to go back to school ðŸ˜›
Rapier thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: Mihirism

Last week someone had a status like "Praying for China"....when someone mentioned its Japan not China, they said its one and same thing ðŸ˜† seriously people need to go back to school ðŸ˜›

nah! i don't think school is gonna be of much help anyway!

"its one and the same thing"??? unbelievable!🤔
Anamika2000 thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
guys i think you are losing the plot....sambhal jao....thank you all and yes mihir and rapier a big thank you for getting the ads out and the terence lewis company photo...great job.
akanna thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
Anamika, You wrote what I would have written! Thank you!! Sorry guys for being MIA for ten days, I was out of town and couldnt post on IF even though I tried..

Anyway, just wanna tell ya'll that Anamika's words are true word by word!! The same words I have heard from the man himself.. Why believe a mere journalist when he made such a silly mistake?! And this is not the first time things have been twisted and exaggerated by some media folks!!

On 19 March, 1336 people gathered under the scorching heat of the sun to do a Bollywood dance routine of 3:20 mins, learnt in an hour, absolutely FREE!!! Each contestant receiving a free T-shirt, a personally signed autograph of TL, a certificate for participation, along with free drinking water and biscuits!!! And then on Sunday Terence had CDD grand finale at 9:00, where he performed with Shampa - what a marvelous performance!!!!

Originally posted by: Anamika2000

Hi Everyone,
Im Anamika and Im new here....must say this is a warzone...wow...I went thru this post and felt a lot had been said without ascertaining the facts...so i thought i shd clear the air for all since I was personally present and now I can proudly say that I am a  part of a guiness world record.

I had seen, heard and read up  a lot abt Terence Lewis and then  I saw his advertisement the other day inviting people to do a FREE bollywood dance  class and in doing so break the Guiness world record.I naturally jumped as I have always wanted to dance but didnt know how to start. Besides my parents are against dancing and we are not so well to do. Anyways I was very nervous and I went there with three friends. I was pleasanty surprised to see how professionally it was managed at the regstrations. All his dancers were there, smiling and  helping us and were patient and never rude, despite some difficult and overbearing people who were pranksters as they had come to create nuisance since it was free. So i was very happy to see that it was free and  guess what, i was in for more surprises...After registrations I was given a Free Tshirt of Terence Lewis(Yeaaaaaaaaah), a yellow scarf, bottled drinking water and biscuits all free. We were made to stand in lines as it was the procedure. The instructors kept us engaged before starting by giving spot prises and making people groove.
Then came the real thing...Terence Lewis...dressed in a simple T shirt, Jeans and wore teh same scarf as every one else. He addresed the crowd warmly, thanked us for coming and learning in the hot sun, inspite of the exams going on and the fear of being the open on the eve of holi.....and then came the best part ...him teaching...In just one hour he taught us atleast 30 different moves and I loved the references he kept giving us while doing the step and made everything so light and funny and we were at ease. With several repetition and words of encouragement we were ready for the jig. He is a true master...makes things so easy...By now The sun was unrelenting....yet terence didnt stop and was kind enough to keep asking if we needed a break or water...he was so enthusausitic and kind to all his fans .that his energy spread to all of us..
Then we finally did it and I cdnt wait to here from his mouth Chumeshwari...what touched me the most was when he told us that the very school grounds we were learning the dance, he had played on it several times as we were in his school grounds. He felt that the seed of dance had been sown here, so it was only natural that it wd come full circle at this high point of his life  to do it in his very own school that nurtured his talent for ten years. Then one of the  old ladies broke the line and came gushing fwd. Terence recognised here. she was this frail woman who happened to be his teacher in 2 nd std,  an she wanted to hug him. Another young boy wanted to celebrate his birthday and said he got the best gift of the year when Terence Lewis made the entire crowd sing for him. I love this man....you can feel he is genuine....I also loved his humility when he thanked Zee profusely for giving him DID...loved what he said,..."iske pehle bhi main bahut nachtha tha aur seekhtha tha, lekin woh toh jaisa Mor, jungle main nacha...DID ne sab kuch badal diya" He took names of some people i cant remember. I think he is just such a gem. I saw that episode in CDD where he metioned that he used t o be very poor and sometimes so hungry that he used to hide and pick up vada pav from dustbins after school thrown by rich kids. This man is incredible...he has his feet on the ground..i feel inspired as im not so well to do and feel the connect strongly. 

Then later Guess what i saw those nuisance boys trying to disrupt things but they were out numbered as his fans were keen to learn and serious.  Then when the event came to a close, some of them started throwing the free water bottles on to each other and to the girls . Terence being the gentleman, told them that if they were his true fans they will not trouble the girls  and told them  to think of those poor people  who don't get water in their houses and die of it...This immediately calmed them. 
And Guess what....He promised us that he would give us all a certificate of participation, personally signed by him. I cant wait. ðŸ˜›

Now looking back How those three hours flew and what an experience. But most of all, I got to see first time a celebrity who I met in flesh and blood and if im a woman and if we have any intuition, this man is genuinely, incredibly humble, talented, charming and simple. I really feel DID had a lot of freshness partly because of him as a person. 
I also googled his website...guess what i found that he works for the St catherines home free and also gave  free professional training scholarships  to many dancers like Mayuresh, Shakti, Punit and Falon who were very raw and new when they did the three year course...i wish one day i will be a part of that too....
i think ive spoken enough...time to study for my exam....wish me luck...
love you Terence.....
and please dont fight with me for loving him....its not blind love anyomre...ive experienced his Magic....
byeeeeee see you soon..
