bangalores thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 13 years ago


The Morning After

He woke up with a contented smile, the memories of last night lingering with him. Eyes still closed he stretched his hand intending to pull his wife back into his arms. But found the bed empty of her. He opened his eyes disappointed that he missed the early morning cuddle and heard water running in the washroom. He decided not to leave the bed until he got a glimpse of his Mishty.

   Out of the washroom Geet found maan still sleeping. She talked to her baby as she walked towards the mirror.

"Look baby, papa is still sleeping. Shud we wake him up? But first let mamma get ready."

She put on her mangalsutra and bangles. As she put on the sindoor she felt Maan's eyes on her. She turned around with a smile to greet him, but found his eyes closed. Turning back she angled herself to see the bed in the mirror.

"Do you know baby, before marriage papa promised to put bindi for mamma everyday. But if mamma shud wait for papa to put bindi, it will be afternoon!"

 She checked thru the mirror to see if her accusations had the desired effect and sure enough found Maan frowning.

"Caught you", she turned quickly and said.

"Mishty, come here" Maan said softly, sitting up in the bed leaning on the headboard.

When Geet came closer he jerked her into his arms and said, "Good morning. How r you today?"

"How am I? What a question is that?"

"You know what I mean when I ask you that. Tell me how do you feel this morning?"

"Oh, Maan ...", blushing Geet hid her  her face in his chest. "I'm perfectly alright. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world. Now, does that answer your question?"

"So, how abt  a good morning kiss to make me the luckiest man in the world?"

"Good morning Maan" she said kissing the corner of his mouth and quickly got up before he cud hold her back.

At the door she said, "I'll bring your coffee"


  Maan took a sip of coffee and said, "Geet you forgot to put sugar in your hurry!"

"But I... '"

  Maan cut her off and said,"Why don't you taste it yourself."

Geet took the cup from him and took a sip. "But Maan the coffee does have sugar in it!" 

Maan took back his coffee and drank from it.

"Now it tastes perfect as my life has become with your presence in it."

  Giving back the cup Maan turned to go out for his routine exercise. He heard Geet's indrawn breath and looked back. Geet grabbed a shirt from the cupboard and thrust it at him.

"Maan take the shirt."

"But I'm just going for the exercise."

"Wear the shirt, Maan. What if Daadimaa sees you?"

"Daadimaa sees me...this is not the first time she will see in my vest!"

"Maan, you don't understand!  What if she asks abt know abt your shoulder?" Geet said embarrassed.

"My shoulder...??"Maan turned to look in the mirror and found the scratch marks on him.

"Oh, I got a tigress as my wife!" with an amused smile he walked towards Geet,decided not to tease further seeing the red that tinted her face. He took his shirt from her with a kiss and said, "Thank you."



    They were sitting in the lounge. Annie was discussing abt her new business with Geet. Geet liked to help Annie with her innovative ideas.

"Geet do you want to add anything more?"

"Tattoos!" Maan exclaimed.

 Both the women looked at him, but he kept his eyes on Geet.

" What Bhai, how can you decorate the room with tattoos?"

" Yes, I know Annie..." He teared his eyes  away form Geet's to look at Annie. "But you know there are some beautiful designs on Tattoos. I have seen some beautiful ones recently, there was this silver butterfly one you know, then a rose with ivys that climbed up...'"He took a peek at Geet and laughed inwardly to see her blush.

"Maan , didn't you say you needed to go to the office today? The client has to go to US today, remember?"

No, mishty I won't let you free so easily.

"The meeting is scheduled for 11:30. So I have lots of time. You girls carry on with your discussion,I will find my own amusement."

With a perplexed look Annie turned back to geet and continued with their discussion. Taking a magazine from the table,  Maan leaned back in the chair and put his legs on the table. Relaxed and comfortable he started admiring his Mishty.

It was such fun to watch her talk...her face reflected her whole excitement...that made him think about her expressions of the night before, when they made love.

Looking at her he willed her to look at him. The moment her eyes strayed towards him, he captured it with a smile. He slowly rubbed his thumb across his lips and his gaze dropped to her lips. The flutter of her eyes and blush told him that he succeeded in making her know what was in his mind...he had reminded her of last night and that he was remembering it. Maan waited for her to look at him and sure enough her eyes were drawn to his again. He looked at her lips again, then slowly slid slid his gaze to her neck, that sweet ticklish curve of her neck... planting a kiss there with his eyes. Her indrawn breath made him realize she felt his kiss and that made him look at her eyes again. With  passion clouded eyes  she frowned at him threateningly...he smiled gently and shook his head in a "no". He got back to his earlier entertainment, caressing at her neck where he left off.

Geet moved restlessly and took another peek at Maan. He was still at it...she cud feel him touching her with his eyes, making her burn with memories. He was doing this deliberately. Didn't he say he wud pay her back for teasing him last night? She fidgeted in her seat and tried to catch his eyes with the sound of her bangles...he shook his head ever so slightly. When his eyes dropped lower still, sliding her dupatta with his eyes, Geet suddenly jumped up and said, "I have a glass of water...I mean I want a glass of water." She made her escape.


Maan too got up slowly and said, " I will also make a move now."


When he reached their room, as expected he found his Mishty talking to herself and complaining abt him to her Babaaji.

"Geet", he called "Do you want to come with me? The meeting will be over within an hour. Then I will take you for shopping."

Happy now that he was trying to pacify her, Geet asked,

 "Shopping? But just last week you bought me so many clothes!"

"Not for clothes Mishty. I thought we cud check out some tattoos!"

   Maan quickly ducked to avoid the cushion that came zooming at him and caught her in his arms before she cud grab another. Laughing out he set out to soothe her with a kiss.

this is for my friends who wanted me to continue my last OS 'tattooed'...hope u like this too...

please comment

3.As Beautiful As Ever

ok if that interested u wud u like to read the SS: Recycled Destiny...

i think the SS is a bit sugary than naughty...

Edited by bangalores - 11 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

Posted: 13 years ago
Hey this is reallly good!!! πŸ˜ƒ You write really well 😊😊
Hehe Maan was caressing Geet with his eyesπŸ˜³πŸ˜‰
I need to read your OS on tattoos I haven't read it beforee 😊
mrk-1 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago
thats an awsome one yaar
craziekudi thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
good one... keep wirin g more
sanu3108 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
loved it ... 😊
keep writing
nahtani88 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
Awesome Os
Write More
Can U Pls PM Me If u write a new one
spvd thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
nice one.................
summikhan thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
cud u send me the link for 'tattooed' Edited by summikhan - 13 years ago
bangalores thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 13 years ago

for those  friends who wished to read the  earlier OS:tattooed

OS : tattooed

He hurried back to find her already waiting.

"Sorry Geet. The client wanted to discuss some changes before he left for States tomorrow. What did the doctor say?"

"It's alright Maan. Everything is okay. Both of us r fine nothing to worry."

"But I wanted to talk to the doctor."

"You can do that later. I'm hungry. Can we go home now", Geet started pulling Maan along the corridor.

"Okay, ok.i need to go to the office to make those changes that the client wanted. I will drop u home first."

    When they reached home, Geet leaned across to place a kiss on Maan's cheek and asked, "If u come back early, can we go for dinner?"

"Let's see."

Maan drove off to with a smile

     He walked into their room and stopped breathing.There she was , humming to herself as she put on her bangles. She looked so gorgeous in the white saree'''.

"U r back Maan. I'm ready."

Maan cleared his throat and said, "Let me just change and then we will go."

  Walking out, with Geet clinging to his arms, he asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"Any restaurant where there is soft romantic music."


"I want to feel my husband's arms around me and listen to his heart beat .Do you have a problem with that?"

"So my mishty is feeling romantic today?" and thought to himself  "God help me, how am I going to survive!!"

   Back from the dinner Maan relived the moments in the dance floor, the feeling of holding his beloved in his arms. He pushed his hands thru his hair with a frustrated sigh and decided to take a cold shower before bed...

And Geet was not helping either. There was something different abt his mishty today...she seemed to be in one of her naughty moods...that sparkle in her eyes as if she was holding some secret in their depths...Wasn't she trying hard to look innocent when she asked to check if something had bit her shoulders?' did she manage to put that tattoo on her back...What was it that she said abt it so happily 'yes that there was many more? 'There was the other one on her waist, of which he got a tantalizing glimpse, when he helped to free her hip chain that got caught in the seat belt'... .I'm sure she did that purposefully'and when had she started wearing a hip chain? ''I wonder where else she has put on tattoos!!'''.


Maan was so immersed in his reflections that he did not see that the tormentor was back.

"Maan, can you please do my Zip up. It seems stuck."

  Again a glimpse of that tattoo'where else did she have them? ''And did she have to take a bath before going to bed?

 "Maan...'What happened? Can't you free the zip?"

"Umm. Nothing."

Maan pushed her still wet hair over her shoulder and to pull the zip up, resisting the impulse to press his lips to the curve of her neck.

"Geet you go to sleep. I don't feel sleepy."


"Good night, Geet." With a quick kiss to her forehead Maan escaped to the washroom.


After the cold shower he settled himself in front of the TV. Idly surfing thru the channels, he cud find nothing interesting to distract himself from the sound of Geet's bangles and anklet as she moved. Why is she so restless today? He took a peek and found Geet sitting up in bed.

"I'm also not feeling sleepy."

There she comes to torment me more...How many cold showers am I going take tonight!!


  Geet settled herslf beside Maan. Tucking herself under his arm, she leaned on him and putting her head on his chest sighed happily.

"Comfortable?" Maan asked, getting more uncomfortable with her nearness. He stared at the TV, not knowing what he was seeing, more tuned in to the fragrance of Geet's hair.

As if this was not enough Geet started caressing him absent-mindedly.


"Maan I enjoyed tonight so much! It was the best way to celebrate."

"Celebrate? We were celebrating something?"  He caught her hands and said, "Geet keep your hands still. There is a limit to torture!"

"I didn't know I was torturing you. I just love touching my husband!"

Was there a smile in her words?

"You know very well your nearness effects me. But tell me what were we celebrating?"

 Geet lifted her head to look at him, with eyes brimming with mischief and joy. She stretched up to kiss the corner of his mouth and told a bewildered Maan,

"Oh! Did I forget to tell you ...he doctor said the reports are normal and everything is fine. Now I can be your arthangini in every sense."

"So, you were having fun tormenting me. Be sure I will pay you back. Maan Singh Khurana doesn't believe in keeping debts. But tell me Mrs. Khurana, didn't you say there were more tattoos, tell me where else... Better yet, let me find out for myself!!"

this is my first attempt at is it? to borrow the words of Keanu Reeves in Speed " it was good for me, was it good for u?"

Edited by bangalores - 13 years ago
tanya_vi thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
Thanks so much for continuing.You write so well.Please do write more.All the very best to you😊