Geet... Hui Sabse Parayi Story

-Maan-Geet-Dev- thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Geet is a show about the life & troubles of a young 18-year old girl named Geet. Geet marries a guy because her family told her to; as a girl, she has no power whatsoever to go against her family. She marries Dev on her family's wish and three days later, Dev ditches her, takes her family's money and property and heads off to Canada. Dev leaves Geet pregnant on the airpot. After severing ties with her family from Hoshiyarpur for attempting to wrongfully kill her (due to her pregnancy), Geet moves to Delhi and is now working under Maan Singh Khurana. Maan is a man she coincidentally met in her hometown and had frequent unpleasant encounters with. Maan has saved Geet's life many times; after wishing for not seeing each other again, the moment Geet's in trouble, Maan comes to her aid. Furthermore, since being new in Delhi and not knowing anything, Geet works in Maan's office. By accident, Maan is Dev's elder brother; Dev returns to India after Maan clears Dev's debts. Dev is oblivious that Geet works for Maan, but can see a visible change in his brother due to Geet's presence. Maan asks Geet to arrange a party for their new clients. Despite detailed notes on the arrangements by Maan, Geet faces criticism as Sasha changes the menu to samosa and kachori and doesn't inform Geet about the change of time. Sasha gets Geet to wear a sari to make Maan scold Geet, but Maan is dumbstruck by Geet's beauty in a sari. After sharing an intimate dance, Maan helps Geet with her sari, which is torn by Sasha. Later on, Maan and Geet get locked in the office while completing a project. Maan experiences romantic feelings towards Geet and lays his shirt over her when she shivers in her sleep. The entire office gossips about Geet and Maan spending the night which makes Geet feel awkward and refusing to go to an official dinner with Maan. Yet, Geet goes to the dinner at Pinky's insistence. Noticing Geet being insulted by the hotel manager for accidentally ordering a crab dish, Maan and Geet head to a dabha where they both dance & have a good time. While heading back home from the dabha, Maan's car tires are stolen. Geet and Maan get caught in the rain. Maan and Geet hug each other and Maan accepts he is changing because of Geet and decides to keep distance from her. Following day, Maan gives Geet's cabin and office work to Sasha and asks Geet to make arrangement for the launch party. Geet chooses an Indian theme which does not go well with Maan- resulting in a fight between the two and Geet impulsively resigning. Later when the clients appreciate the decor, Maan realizes his mistake but sees Geet's things packed. Maan's dadi having witnessed the fight offers Geet a job to be her grandson's secretary and inviting her to stay at her outhouse. Geet accepts without knowing that she is Maan's dadi. Maan and Geet now live under the same roof, harboring intense feelings of love and emotion for each other, but are unable to confess it due to personal problems in their past. After Maan cancels a hotel deal (being made in Hoshiyarpur- on Geet's land) because his client insults Geet, Geet realizes her feelings towards Maan. Geet is trying hard to control her feelings since, she remembers of the life in her womb. Dadima knowing Maan and Geet's feelings assigns Geet to look for a fianc for Maan hoping Geet will confess her feelings for Maan. On arrival of Pari, "Maan's biggest fan" Geet feels the pangs of jealousy. Maan enticing Geet to reveal her feelings plays along with Pari. Pari after knowing Maan and Geet love each other leaves on the day Maan was supposed to introduce his fianc to dadi. Geet is left with no choice but to pretend to be Maan's fianc. Currently as a case is running against Maan filed by Rasika Rathore, (the hotel deal client), Geet thinks it because of her and Maan can go to jail, so she decides to help him out and the only solution of it is to go to Hoshiyarpur. Remembering all that happened to her, but for sake of Maan's life, Geet goes back to Hoshiyarpur and Maan follows her. At the same time dadi wants Maan to get married and know about the feelings Maan and Geet are harbor for each other. Geet and Maan now are pretending to be fiancs for the sake of Maan's dadi but in reality, they find out that they love each other. When Maan and Geet start getting very intimate with each other, Maan tells her that for him, "honesty is above all else." Due to this, Geet tells him about her pregnancy. Maan leaves her without bothering to listen to the rest of her story. Geet constantly tries telling him but he is too mad to care at this point. When Geet falls down after running after his car, he takes her back home and takes care of her. Dadi walks into the room the next morning and finds them sleeping in the same bed with Geet wearing Maan's shirt but Maan sets her straight and tells her that Geet is sick. Dev tries to tell Maan about what he has done to Geet (Dev has no idea Geet is in their house) but chickens out once Maan says that if Dev tells him the truth about everything, he'll trust him. Geet takes Adi and Pinki's help to get Maan to talk to her privately in the conference hall by tricking him into it. Geet tells Maan the truth and leaves. Later Maan repents for his mistake and finds out from reluctant Adi and Pinki that Geet is leaving. Maan then goes the railway station and is looking for Geet. Meanwhile Geet wants to go somewhere far and gets a ticket to Ahmadabad. Maan finds Geet at the Railway Station after a lot of searching. He apologizes to Geet and says that he doesn't care about her past. He wants to become a part of her life. He wants to live with her and he wants to be with her forever. Then, Geet turns away but her veil gets stuck on Maan's watch. Maan gets on his knees and proposes to her. Geet agrees as she also loves Maan. Geet and Maan come home. Geet stays at home, while Maan leaves for the office early in the morning. While Geet is at Home, dadi packs both their bags and tells Geet to take them to the office for their business trip. Geet comes in the office with the heavy bags and Maan quickly grabs them because Geet shouldn't carry heavy stuff during her pregnancy. Later, Geet tries climbing on a table to get a file that's on a shelf. She almost falls but Maan comes and saves her. Then, Maan tries to ask Geet about her past, but Geet tells Maan that he shouldn't talk to her until he realizes that he needs Geet when he is in trouble. Then, Maan calls Geet into the garden and says that he does need her and he wants to ask her something. He asks if Geet is troubled by the boy who betrayed her (not knowing that it's Dev). Geet asks Maan if he is upset or troubled about her past. Maan says that if Geet is troubled, then he is troubled. He said that he will find that man who betrayed Geet just for her. Geet says no. She says that she wants to forget about her past and she wants to start a new life with him. Maan smiles and agrees. Later, Geet goes to her room to get ready for the business trip with Maan. In her hand, she is holding Dev's number from Canada. It falls and Maan sees it. Maan notices that it is Dev's number. He asks how she got this number not knowing that she knows Dev. Maan tells Geet that the code is of Canada. Geet says that it came by air to her room. Maan accepts it and guilt's for it. Maan and Geet are in Manali now. Their Project contractor comes and praises Geet for her beauty. Maan gets angry and tells Geet to do shopping. After a long looking, Maan brings Geet back and tells all of them that Geet is his fianc, his exact lines were, "Geet...Maan Singh Khurana ki mangetar hai. Sirf meri. Sirf meri mangetar." The English translation is- "Geet is Maan Singh Khurana's fianc. Only mine. Only my fianc." Geet and Maan go inside the hotel. Geet is wearing Maan's shirt and the curtain drapes as a "dhoti" and Maan comes from behind and puts his arm around Geet's waist. Both become romantic and they share romantic moments. Maan tells Geet that he is not pretending to be her fianc and says, "Kya yeh nazdekian tumahre liye jhoot lag rahe hai?" That means- "Is me being close to you a lie for you?" Maan is ready to tell the public about their relationship and Geet is ready to tell Maan that she loves him. Maan asks Geet if she wants to start their relationship at a new level, if she feels something for him. Geet is unable to express her feelings as she is scared. When Maan and Geet arrive in Delhi, Geet tries to tell her feelings but they are interrupted a few times. Dadi tells Maan and Geet to take two days off for shopping as dadi has planned a huge engagement party for Maan and Geet. Maan is upset because Geet won't express her love for Maan and he wants Geet to tell him quickly. Later, Dev comes to the office but no one is there and he finds out that Geet works with Maan and Dev is shocked. Dev is worried as he fears that Geet have told every thing to Maan. Meera advises Dev to talk to Maan and know whether he knows about Geet and Dev's past or not. Geet is scared to tell Maan about her love to him. Maan thinks that Geet is responsible for the engagement party; he is very angry on Geet as she does not tell him about her feelings. Geet sits in the garden and thinks about Maan and her relationship. Meanwhile, Meera meets Geet and supports her to end up her confusion and leaves. Geet decides to tell her feelings to Maan and goes to him. Maan tells Geet that he wants to take her to a date and asks her to get ready. Maan takes her to a camp site- the place they first met. There he and Geet confess their love towards each other. Geet and Maan are getting ready for their engagement party. In the morning when Geet wakes up, she sees Maan first, who is standing by the window. Then dadi comes with some gifts for Geet. Geet gets ready by taking a rose water bath while Maan is watching. Maan comes closer and drips water on Geet and they share a romantic moment. Maan tells Geet to get ready because he needs to take her somewhere important. Maan takes Geet to the hospital for her first checkup. Geet realizes how much Maan cares because he booked the entire ward only for her so that Geet doesn't feel uncomfortable. The doctor scolds Maan for getting her check-up done late. Maan promises the doctor that he will not give her another chance to scold him and will bring Geet for her regular check-up. Meera realizes and gets to know that Geet is Maan's fianc and tries to stop Dev from meeting Geet. Meera meets Dev and tells him that Maan's fianc is none other than Geet. Dev is shocked and wants to stop the engagement. He decides to tell the truth to Maan before the engagement happens. Maan gets Geet to a separate place and confesses that he will be by her side for every happiness and sadness. He also vows her that from that very moment everything is going to be truth and nothing fake, including their engagement. In the mean time Dev comes looking out for Maan, but couldn't see as the room was very dark. Then, Geet goes but she hides and hears what Maan and Dev are talking about ( not knowing that it's Dev with him). She overhears Maan saying that his life is so much better and he's very happy with Geet. Then Maan sees her listening and Geet runs. Maan comes behind her and grabs her hand then she escapes. As she's running, she bumps into Dev. She remembers her past and slaps Dev and runs out crying. Then, she tries to tell Maan but she is shocked to hear that Dev is Maan's brother. She runs out and she goes into the garden and cries while questioning God why he is messing with her life. Then Dev comes and says, " Geet." Dev tells Geet that he is very sorry and that if Geet tells Maan about their past, Maan will die. Then, when Geet goes back to the dressing room, some girls see that Geet's mehndi is messed up and tell her that it is bad luck and they take off the jewerly that Maan gave her to wear. Geet gets scared and runs away into the woods. Pinky tries to find her but she can't find her anywhere. She tells Maan and Maan gets worried because he can't find Geet anywhere. Geet cries while thinking about what she should do- should she tell Maan about her and Dev and break Maan's heart by sending Dev to jail or should she keep quiet, forget about her past and continue her new life with Maan? Geet is still in the woods. She's thinking about Maan and her. At the party, everyone says that Geet ran away because it's been 2 hours!! Maan, heartbroken leaves and searches the house again. Dev and Meera go to find Geet. Geet returns home and meets Naintara who says that Maan hates her and that he doesn't want to talk to her. She tells her that Maan has broken the engagement but Geet doesn't believe her. ( Maan has not broken the engagement at all, he loves Geet. Naintara is just lying) Naintara tells Dadimaa wrong things about Geet and Dadimaa kicks her out of the house. But, Maan is actually searching for Geet because he wants to know why she left and he wants to know if she loves him. Geet, heartbroken and shocked leaves. Dev feels guilty because he thinks that its all his fault, that's why Geet left. Geet is now walking in the dark night and Maan is in his car looking for her as he gets emotional. Geet comes home to pack. Maan sets up a tent in the woods and thinks of Geet. Naintara confronts Dev and Meera and Naintara fills Dadimaa's brain with bad thoughts. Naintara tells Meera to leave and to move on with her life. Dev tells Naintara that Meera knows everything. Pinky and Adi go home and Pinky's dad reveal that Geet is pregnant. Pinky and Adi are shocked. Naintara threatens Meera because she says that Meera is only Dev's friend and she has no right to tell Dev what's right or wrong. Dev confronts Naintara and tells her to be quiet. Naintara says that if Dev tells Dadimaa and Maan the truth about Geet, then both of them will die and Naintara doesn't want them to find out because she fears the punishment she will be given with Dev. Meera leaves saying that this is a fight between a husband and wife. At Pinky's house, Adi and Pinky are still shocked because Maan and Geet are not married. Pinky's dad tells them that Geet faced unpleasant encounters in Hoshiarpur with her family, which is why she came to Delhi. Then, Geet thinks about where she should go and Meera meets her!! Meera and geet are both shocked. geet tells meera that she was right, you have to tell what's in your heart, but she didn't manage to do that. She saw her past in front of her eyes ( meaning dev) and she couldn't control it. meera explains that your past never leaves you. meera and geet express their feelings about their past and love life. they realize that they share a lot of common problems and interests about love. geet tells meera that maan will have to listen to her full story and meera says how will you find maan and geet is confused because she never told meera that maan has disappeared, so how does she know? she tells geet that she knows because of the way she is talking about him. meera takes geet to her house. in the morning, geet tells meera how naintara told maan false things about geet. meera calls dev to inform him and dev gets mad at naintara and tells her to stay away from maan and geet's life and happiness. dev is ready to go to jail and naintara goes to the office to find maan for her own purpose.


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Viji79 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 13 years ago
👏👏👏Oh what a great effort
ravenheart thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Are you by any chance Swati Pandey??😆 Great effort.
KyunkiImafan thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
Wow awesome job...Thank you :)