Jess. thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
She looks amazing in the first pic!
And Vivek's there too! He looks cute :)


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Frequent Posters

Janna84 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
she looks you Geeta Ma
-Debo- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
She is looking really pretty n omg! thats vivek right??
amotlymileo thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
she looks b'tful in the first pic....
petticoat thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
that is a pretty picture!
Natkhatpari thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
OMG!!!!!!!! she looks sooooooo pretty... I remember once in DID 2 in Vivek special they had shown a picture of Geeta in which she was as usual beautiful... Looks like she was a charmer 😎
Posted: 13 years ago
so pretty! she's so stylishh LOL vivek aww =) i think geeta is still pretty
baijubavra thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Kahan se dundha hai yeh Khajana ! Could not recognize Vivek at all !

Also, the guy in the extreme left looks somewhat familiar ! Any idea who that guys is ?
.shona. thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 13 years ago
OMGGGG VIVEK!!!!! he looks so different & so does geeta! but geeta looking so beautiful & vivek so adorable! thnk u so much
daisyluv thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
she looks wonder all the dudes are surrounded by her! ;)