Just To Be Your Man- Geet OS

Sur_10 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
Hey everyone,
This is my first official character based OS...Had been thinking of penning this down since sometime and Geet and Maan just fitted in. Nothing brilliant and Im not sure if it came as I wanted it to be, still I kind of liked it.
The music for this has been suggested by Sookie and so is the title. Thanks a lot :D

The hall thundered with claps as the curtain rose, revealing a well built man and a slim delicate girl. They stood hand in hand facing the huge sea of people who had come to watch their dance performance. His gaze was steady, combing through the people calmly while she felt bubbles of excitement in her stomach. Though this was not her first dance performance, it was the first one with him. Although her eyes were aching from all the effort it was taking not to glance at him just once in hope of some reassurance, she was hell bent on maintain her dignity. His hand clasped around hers was just perfect- neither too tight nor casual. This was just another dance performance for him…or she thought so.

He could feel her hand shivering mildly against his palm and pressed his lips together, trying not to smile. He was an expert when it came to wearing the cool mask of confidence. It was not that he felt nervous, but something about the girl standing next to him was making him feel excited. She had that fascinated look of a child he could remember sporting when he had stepped for his first performance. He gently squeezed her hand as the lights dimmed around them and he saw the circle of white surrounding his feet on the stage.

The low beats of familiar music reverberated through theatre, growing higher every second and he turned to face her, bending on his knee. He could see her clearly, bathed in the bright spotlight. Because of the hectic schedule, he had not got a chance to see her closely. She walked around him once, never leaving his hand.

He got back to his feet and placed his hand on her waist while she placed hers on his shoulder and they matched steps with the loud music which was echoing in their bodies now. She felt her nervousness disappear as her feet moved by themselves with the notes. Her every move had been choreographed by him carefully and painstakingly. But this time she felt as these were the most natural movements one could make with this music.  She could understand well now what he had meant when he had spoken about dancing touching his soul and making him joyous. She had been on the receiving end of his most outrageous tempers and they had always made her cry because she could not see the point in shouting the fact which could be communicated calmly as well. Today, she knew why he was that particular about even minor mistakes as they threatened his dream. He had always been termed as an expressionless man. But now, she could feel the passion running through his veins, flooding out of his eyes. She had often sensed that change in him when he danced with her during their practice sessions. But she had never understood it completely until now. His every unexpressed feeling was gently oozing out from those expressive eyes, almost pleading her to know. She knew very well that this had nothing to do with their close physical proximity at all. She smiled to herself, gliding on the floor flawlessly. His hands traced her waist she rotated, feeling his breath against her neck. His words, uttered long ago in an emotional moment came back to her

"You know Geet, I have never been emotionally close to many people in my life. But the ones I was close with did not need my words to know how much I cared…or I thought so. I could never understand what tore us apart- my silent confessions or their ignorance? Was that too much to expect from the people who claimed to know me inside out?"

She had not given a response because he had not given her a chance to give one. That day she felt she had seen a glimpse of sensitive silk beneath his hard shield. She did not anything about his life, family or anything apart from what everyone knew- he was a famous choreographer and dancer who earned in millions. But she had seen him smile when parents' of his students shed tears of happiness when their children performed. She had seen anger in his talking eyes when people refused to work hard for their dreams and then wasted time regretting. For these people he had no sympathy unlike her who seemed to carry an extra ton of it everywhere she went.

He spun her around swayed with her like a wave. And at that moment he saw a new understanding in her eyes. It was almost as she was staring into him through his eyes. Usually this was his habit- he had overheard her telling a friend about how she felt when he stared at her like that. 

"It is almost like he is reading my mind…or my heart with his eyes." She had said with a vulnerable sigh. Now he could comprehend why she felt so vulnerable in his presence. He suddenly realized that his gaze had hardened, as though defending himself. But a voice told him to stop that and he slowly let go the control, allowing himself to relax. His first impression of her had been of a bubble, just about to burst. Her enthusiasm to learn had touched his heart but her carelessness and occasional overconfidence angered him, which he was quick to communicate. He expected certain perfection from her along with her eagerness to learn.

He lifted her in his arms and moved in a perfect circle, with her perched like a ballerina. When he lowered her, her feet touched the floor lightly and she moved back as the moves commanded and extended her arms. He caught them firmly they turned around once twice thrice…A strange thrill had taken them over and their dance was more vigorous than ever. She could hear their heels clicking sharply against the shining dance floor, making a rhythmic sound.

The dance ended with him raising her by her waist. The theatre was almost threatening to burst open with claps as he lowered her gently. And when she came to level with his eyes, resting her hands on his shoulders for support, she was surprised to see tears in his eyes. And before he knew, before her feet were firmly on ground, she felt herself wrapped in his tight embrace that said it all. The curtains had fallen and they were alone for a few seconds before the crew came running. He separated from her said in a husky voice

"Will you marry me?"



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Frequent Posters

anufa thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
great work

plz continue!!!

n pm me wen u do so!!!😊
shalini_s thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
is there a continuatio that I can expect?
rusha4003 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago
WOW ... Sur ... that was awesome 👏 ... my breath almost caugt in my throat ...
Plz dont let this be an OS ... you cant leave us dangling like that .... give us the next part ... plzzzzzz?
Sur_10 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago

Originally posted by: anufa

great work

plz continue!!!

n pm me wen u do so!!!😊

thanks alot
sorry to say but this is an OS only...Have too much on my mind to start another ff ryte now. will inform you if i do so.
thanks for commenting
pickachu thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 13 years ago
Veryyyyyyyyyy beautifulll os.
