Desperate need of Dua'a

gumbysfool thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
To some, this need wont be as desperate as others and I agree, But Please hear me out and pray please.
Everybody is always in my prayers.

Salam to all brothers and sisters.
May Allah, forgive all our sins and open path for us in Jannah and makes our time the qabar easy. May we always follow the right path and never hurt anyone with our words and doings, intentionally and unintentionally.
I would like for you my brothers and sisters to make Dua'a for me and a friend of mine, who is going through severe depression, i would like to help him out with it. i want to you all to pray that Allah subhanahuwata'ala makes me a vaseela in helping and taking him out of depression. i want you all to pray that he understands me and trusts me completely, and does not shut me out. I know alot of you would say that what Allah does is for the best and i totally agree with it, but please, i need this to happen. Please my dear brothers and sisters pray for me and this friend of mine, i desperate. please.
May Allah shower all his blessings on you, your friends and family and lead you the righteous path.