April 2 highlights-wedding off

Mallika113 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 14 years ago

Mama tries to squeeze out more money from Gajraj by telling him that their family is cursed. Gajraj gets mad and pushes Mama. Mama tries to get up and Bali comes menacingly. Graj tells that Jai Jamu wedding is off😲 Mama is shocked. Jai is hurt. Graj tells Bali and Awadh to contact Premlata and find another girl for Jai😲 Jai is sad and leaves.

Mama goes out and cries and makes big scene on the streets😆 He goes home and Mami is eager to know what happened and if they are getting more money. Mama tells that he asked and got kicked out by Graj. Now Jamu Jai wedding is off ! Mami gets furious and grabs a nearby broom and starts hitting Mama😆😆😆 This is a must see scene😆 Choti Mama and Mami are also upset. The evil cousins are happy that Jamu's wedding is off and Batori can have Jai babu now😡 They start give each other sweets to celebrate Jamu's breakup😡 Jamu hears this and is very sad. She goes upstairs and the girls come and laugh at her and push her down. Jamu is devastated . Choti mami asks her to do some work and while working Jamu daydreams about Jai. Mami sees this and throws cold water on Jamu's face and abuses her with pulling her ears and saying she is abshagun for family etc.😡 Jamu is crying😭

Nearby rich neighbor lady and DIL are happy on knowing that there is no wedding bet Jai and Jamu. The lady plays the tabla and sings while DIL dances😡 The husband comes and asks why they are both so happy. The rich lady tells the wedding is off. The man is sad to hear this, because he likes Jai and says Jai was so happy. The lady makes a face and the man goes inside sadly.

Now Chutki's mom, chachi, comes to the house and Jamu is happy to see her. She runs to her and both hug each other. Chachi is sad that Jamu's rishta broke up. Jamu cries on her shoulders. Mami comes and sees this. Then chachi tells that they should take Jamu to see some Baba and he has powers that he can bestow on Jamu to get married

Mami and Jamu are on their way to go see Baba on an oxen cart.

At the same time, Jai's friend tells that Jai should go see Baba and everything will work out for him and Jamu.

Premlata mausi comes to the Haveli and she gives a pic of another girl to Graj as a prospective bride for Jai.

Promo: Graj and family minus Jai go to see the priestess reagarding Jai's marriage again.

Jai and Jamu are seen sitting in front of Baba and Jai is about to put sindoor on Jamu's maang😲 Baba's face is not shown, he is sitting in some tent. This looks like a very holy place.It must be some ashram where people go and see Baba to fulfill their wishes.

Don't forget to hit Like button if you read my update and liked it. Do make comments or anything I missed out due to my lack of Hindi knowledge😆

Edited by Mallika113 - 14 years ago


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Mallika113 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 14 years ago

So looks like Jai and Jamu will get married at the ashram in front of Baba. Then they have to deal with families. Mami will be upset as there will be no more money coming from Graj. Graj will be upset that Jai married on his own, when the weddingwas already stopped.

But Graj will come around as the priestess said Jamu will remove curse from the family and that any other bride will bring only misfortune.

Let's see what develops next week😃

Vr15h thumbnail
IPL 2024 Participants 2 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 14 years ago

Very good update.  Just a few things:

The must see scene - I just loved Ramlali hitting Bodhan w/ the broom, and what was even better was his grabbing it and hitting himself w/ it. 😆🤣  Even funnier was the 2 sisters laughing @ their mom/aunt beating their dad/uncle, and then their dad/uncle beating himself.  🤣🤣 What adorable daughters.  Like I said yesterday, silver lining - no cash for them now, particularly if Jaimuniya elope!

Kuber was sad to hear about the break-up, and remarked that God won't allow a sweet guy like Jai to be hurt.  That was what caused his adorable wife to mock him from behind.

Gajraj & family meet that same priestess.  I couldn't make out what exactly she said - either she said that if Jai applies sindoor on any girl, the entire family could be in danger, or if Jai applies sindoor on any other girl, the entire family could be indanger.  I didn't get what exactly she predicted.  If it's the latter, Jai marrying Jamu won't do a thing, whereas if it's the latter, Gajraj & family would all be in danger.

Also, was it Mami who takes Jamu, or Chutki's mom, who has nothing else to do now?  If Mami took Jamu, she wouldn't let her marry w/o them getting paid, whereas if Chutki's mom did so, then she wouldn't care whether Jai's family paid anything or not.  Unlike the mamis, she was opposed to Chutki being sold.
Edited by Vrisha - 14 years ago
Mallika113 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 14 years ago

Vrisha, I don't know who took Jamu to Baba. I thought it looked like Ramlali but it could have been Chachi. Ramlali could have let her go with Chachi as she wants nothing to do with Jamu now.

The whole scene with Mama, Mami and the broom was hilarious as well as the stupid cousins laughing from behind and eating sweets.😆

The priestess prob said that if Jai marries any other girl besides Jamu, the family could be in danger. So if Jai comes back with Jamu and they are married, Gajraj prob will welcome them. Maybe he might scold Jai for not having a big wedding.

I hope that Mama and Mami do not get even a penny anymore from Gajraj.

tinanina thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
a run away wedding the best kind in hindi shows :P
Vr15h thumbnail
IPL 2024 Participants 2 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 14 years ago
Oh, one more thing I forgot - when Chutki's mom met Jamu, she mentioned to her that Chutki's ghost came to her & asked her to take care of Jamu.  So it's nice that instead of asking for Jaimuniya's wedding to be sabotaged, Ms ghost is doing something constructive.

I hope the ghost doesn't tell Chachi to prevent Jamuniya from marrying, as it did Chacha.  Chutki, you know how Jamu is treated @ home: haveli will be a lot better, despite what happened to you.
sitakshii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 14 years ago
thanks mallika !!!
wow !!! i am excited to see jai-jamunia getting married
in INDIA they show a different promo
in INDIA the promo was shown that jamunia arrives at the ashram on a rickshaw with her evil mami
jai arrives with his frnd on his bike !!!!
the lady saint (whom gajraj has blind faith ,she is future teller & all her predictions comes true) ,she tells if jai is gonna fill any girls forehead with vermillion before full moon night ,then it wud cause a big disaster to gajraj family ,to that gajraj was shocked !!!
now jai wud fill jamunias maang with sindoor before full moon night at babs ashram ,so it wud cause a big disaster !!!
that lady saint knew that jai wud marry a girl before full moon night !!!
the promo in US is more beautiful as jai & jamunia getting married!!
Mallika113 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 14 years ago
Sita, thanks for posting more details about what the priestess said.  I didn't understand all of it.   So eventhough prev she said  Jamu will be good for the family,  if Jai puts sindoor on Jamu's maang before full moon day,  it will be bad for the family?    I hope that it does not happen.    But atleast Jai and Jamu will be together.😃  I don't want Jamu going back to Mami's place to be abused again.

How will Mami handle Jai and Jamu's sudden wedding?  She will go nuts😆
sitakshii thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 14 years ago

yes tht wud b really great to see jai -jamunia getting married

mami wud def make plans with stupid mama for churning out the money by someways from gajraj ,she will def faint to see jai filling jamunias maang with sindoor !!! lolz !!
Vr15h thumbnail
IPL 2024 Participants 2 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: Mallika113

Sita, thanks for posting more details about what the priestess said.  I didn't understand all of it.   So eventhough prev she said  Jamu will be good for the family,  if Jai puts sindoor on Jamu's maang before full moon day,  it will be bad for the family?    I hope that it does not happen.    But atleast Jai and Jamu will be together.😃  I don't want Jamu going back to Mami's place to be abused again.

How will Mami handle Jai and Jamu's sudden wedding?  She will go nuts😆

Actually, she said that it may cause destruction in the family, which ain't saying much.  I wish Jaimuniya could have married a day later, so that they don't incur the wrath of Gajraj.  At any rate, @ one level, I don't think Mami cares.

The Bodhans are genuinely stupid (leave aside evil).  They want to get rid of Jamuniya, but if they do, who'll do their chores?  Batori & Chatori?  Batori is the perfect daughter to Bodhan & Ramlali - I can see her either flatly refuse, 😆 or pretend to do those chores but doing it shoddily enough so that it's as good as it not being done 😆😆

I think Mami will ask Batori & Chatori to do these chores, which they will refuse.  Then I can see Ramlali & Shivkali plot to pit these cousins against each other, so that one of them is left having to work. 😆😆  Long term, I can see this creating a rift b/w Bodhan and Lakhan, and splitting them apart.  Hatred of Jamuniya was the only thing uniting them.