Swapna, Updates on the Kids - Page 7


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skeptical thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Arre it was meant in jest, sweetie 😉
MahikaL thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
That is just too cute, skeps. I love kids' enthusiasm for teaching one another!

How are all of you? Swaps? I have been drowning in behavioural issues, so sorry that I did not come back to write, as I was not feeling very positive, and didn't have the heart to sit and write any platitudes.

I think the most frustrating thing is that the last couple of times I had any work related evening things to get to, and my husband also has meetings, we have not been able to find anyone to watch the kids. This has been so worrying, and also feels bleak in the big picture, that there really isn't any window for us to fulfill any other commitments. I ended up losing a client because I could not schedule the meeting.

Okay, enough negativity. If Aditya can owe money to gross looking thugs, and wander about with that humongous duffle bag all day, plus make nicey with his crazy relatives, what am I complaining about? 😃

My son has his gastro doc appointment in a few days. Let us see what input the doc can give. His birthday is also coming up. We will probably organise an in-class party and that's it, so as not to overwhelm him. I am so thrilled to see him have another birthday; it makes me remember his birth, and how special a person he is.

s.munagala thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Hi everyone & Mahika,
How's things going?  Sorry for the late posting, have been a little overwhelmed over the last couple of days.  I suffer from sever back problems, and every 2 months I have to go and get a procedure done called a "Pulsed Radiofrequency of 2 my spinal root nerves", where they insert a needle into my lower back and then pass an electric current to the nerve roots that is meant to stun the nerve and relieve my pain.  This time, I had the procedure schduled a lot later than the normal 2 month interval I get it done in, so I've actually been in a lot of pain since about the last 10 days or so.  That coupled with my hisband's travelling to Charlotte every week, and the whole unpacking stuff going on and of course Rish and dealing with school, I've been feeling like the weight of the world is on my shoulders... but hopefully now that the procedure is done, I'll be back to normal in a couple of days and have the routine all manageable again.  😛
Mahika, have you had the Gastro appt. yet?  How are things with you?  I hope a little less overwhelming than the last week or so.  Is your son doing okay with his water obsession?  I remember Rish when he was 4 developed a water obsession too, and just loved to stand at the sink with his hand under running water and splashing about.   As you know it made for some very interesting times. 😆  He's never actually outgrown this obsession, but he's a lot neater about it and now confines it to bath times and when we go to the pool.  So, it's a lot more easy on my cleaning routine now.
Skep, loved your experience with your kids in school!!!  Amazing the influence kids have over each other huh, 👏😆 Rish learns so much from his peers in school too, and it is stuff that I may be struggling to help him with, once he sees a friend doing it, he catches on in a way that I could never have explained!
Well, that's my news for now... Mahika, how did your son like the picture book with pics of him in it (the one you used to explain stuff for him)?  Was he amazed by it, or unfazed?  Am interested to hear how he reacted to it... let us know. 😊
Take Care Folks!
skeptical thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Hi my favourite mothers ................
I always read your posts over and over again.  Sometimes I dont reply because I am just overwhelmed with emotion and sometimes I just dont find words worthy enough to express support or admiration.  But I am here reading every line and between them too.   
You know when I was a new and  young teacher, I was given a little talk on how I have to deal with parents.  Since teachers sometimes get carried away it is a necessary feature.  Brother John visits our school from time to time and holds workshops on teaching and on child psychology.  He is so learned and yet so easily approachable. 
He sat with me over a cup of tea and informally told me who is the most important person in the school.  No guesses for that...........of course its the child.  The second most important person?  Its the parent...........
His analogy .......... Once we were all wandering in a beautiful garden.  Most of us were busy admiring the trees or flowers or the ponds etc.  There was a call ....... "Could someone come here please?"  Some people went instantly while some went after a lag in time.  Those who went in instantly were taken in by God and made into parents because they heard the call and answered it immediately.  Those who went after a few minutes were made into teachers.  He winked as he said that.  Remember they (parents) are the true angels who work 24x7 for the Lord, you and me are the lazy ones who were made into teachers or helpers.  Our position is secondary. 
His advice for that first session:
Be patient ............for patience is the mother of all virtues.  It will teach you to endure, to absorb shock, to spread joy and importantly to find peace. 
So my dear blessed angels..................Swaps and Mahi. 👏 👏 👏
Edited by skeptical - 14 years ago
MahikaL thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Hi everyone! OMG, poor Swaps!! I am so sorry you have been in pain all this time. Unpacking along with that must have been fun...groan. Next time you must PM me, and I shall come over and help, okay? 😊

So glad to hear Rish is doing okay. He inspires me to see more possibilities in my son. I love reading about his achievements and exploits. How does he take to weather changes? Does he still take swimming lessons regularly?

Skeps, that story was just awesome. You are a very wise teacher, and obviously think very deeply about your students.

I want to write more, but my husband has taken so long with his bath that now I am late for taking my daughter to her class......rushing!

More later,


skeptical thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
My intention of writing my little experiences is to give you a bit of insight of the teacher's role in your child's life.  How she is taught to deal with the problem.  A different facet in the development of the special child and a different perspective from yours.
MahikaL thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
That's why I love reading your thoughts, skeps. When we know that such dedicated people are teaching our kids, who endeavour to understand the whole child, what is there for us to worry about? Truly, we can say: Matru devobhava, pitru devobhava, acharya devobhava. All are examples of divinity in these precious children's lives.

So okay, we took the little guy to a speech eval. There is still a long waiting list for services, but they have put him on the list. He was very upset through the eval, and started withdrawing by playing with some toys in what the lady called an 'inappropriate' way, ie. not for their intended purpose. Took him some time to calm down and stop crying, then he became quite friendly. She noticed a funny sound he makes, and suggested he is stimming in his throat, since all other forms of stimming are prevented at school. Very helpful to talk to her, even if she did not get to fully administer the test. I answered as many of the questions as possible, like what consonants he is able to make, what sounds he finds soothing, etc.

Then he had his gastro visit. By now he knows that if we pick him from school at odd times, it is bad news, so he bawled all the way there. The doc was very gentle and kind to him, and instead of screaming through the check up, at least the poor fellow merely sobbed. We have to get various lab tests done before anything more is known, and the doc says there is not enough evidence to show that autism directly affects the gut, but he recommended probiotics and fibre supplements, which we have started, and I already see a difference--his appetite is better, he's less gassy, and is playing more with us. Maybe I am just imagining all that, but it is nice to see him more engaged. We had a happy morning bouncing around, and I had to sit and think--when was the last time he willingly came and threw himself at me when he didn't want anything but to play? It had been a long while, so I was happy. The doc doesn't feel there is any point in pushing different textures of foods on him, since he might just get grossed out and stop eating altogether, so we will stick with the supplements till the testing is done, and then see what to do.

So that's what's been going on in his life. How funny that Rish used to do the water splashing too, Swaps!! This guy loves the pool too. That's so interesting.


skeptical thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Hi Swaps .......................
Hope your back is better now.  But today being Sunday....you can relax a bit (? 😕)
And Mahi you enjoy your Sunday too ........................
s.munagala thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Hi Folks,
Thanks for the good wishes everyone, my back takes about 3 weeks to get better after I get the Radiofrequency procedure done each time, and it lasts for about 8-10 weeks before I need to get it done again.  But, it's really worth it since it keeps me relatively pain free for that time, and trust me the pain is just so bad!!!  I count my blessings though since when the injury first happened 3 years ago, I ended up in a wheelchair.  It was only by going through rigorous physical therapy for a whole year, that I regained my ability to walk on my own 2 feet.  But I will be taking it a little easier today and chillin at home (unless one of my friends calls up asking me to go to a movie with her, which she wanted to do, but she has some schedule conflicts, which hopefully make her postpone till next weekend :)! Lol)
Anyway, I am really really sad today since I had some bad news.  The son of one of my best friends passed away yesterday after losing a 3 year battle with Glioblastoma (Brain tumors) & Lymphoma of the heart.  He was just 8 years old.  I've known him since he was a baby, and he was such a joy, always smiling.  I just cannot imagine what my friend (her name is Lakshmi), and her husband are going through right now.  I am questioning my faith in God right now... how could any God allow such a thing to happen.  😡 He was such a sweet child who just LOVED Rish.  He would come over to our house to play with Rish & another of my friends kid, and make sure Rish was included in their games in whatever capacity he could be.  I just can't believe he's gone!  😭 😭  😭
Sorry folks if I brought you guys down, but I am so sad right now, and I just wanted to let it out.  |Like I said previously... Cherish your children, celebrate them, give them unconditional love, you just never know what will happen in their futures.  Of course the majority of them will go on to do great things!!!
Hope everyone is keeping well.
Take Care,
Edited by s.munagala - 14 years ago
Padmajaan thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Voice of India 2024 Participant 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 14 years ago
Hello Swapna and hello Mungala and hello my dearest skep too,
Just like skep your posts are read again and again by me and for me too you are the world's best and most courageous mothers sent directly and intentionally by God!!
And how I wish every teacher dealing with special kids could be like our own skep!!! I doubt it though because she is so unique and so committed and so selfless. There cant be too many like her goinga round.
I am a very committed teacher too but unfortunately do not deal with kids special or otherwise. I teach adults and love it.
Take care of the back Swapna and so awful to hear abt Lakshmi's son, may God give her and her husband the strength to deal with the worst thing that can ever happen to a parent and honestly it is so hard to find an explanation for such a young life being snatched away so cruelly!!
All the best to your lovely children and take care all, LOVE YOU