What every Muslim should know about Fasting?

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Posted: 15 years ago

What every Muslim should know about Fasting!

Fasting in Ramadan is fard (obligatory) for every Muslim who is mature and sane, because Allah (SWT) commands;

"So every one of you who is present during that month (Ramadan) should spend it in fasting." (2:185).

It is not allowed for the woman who has just had a baby and is impure from that nor the woman during her monthly period to fast until they become clean from that and then they are obliged to make up the fasts they missed.

Aisha said, "During the period we have been ordered to make up the fasting but not the prayer."

* The duty of fasting is not compulsory for those who are not mature. Ibn Abbas narrated, "Whoever becomes old and is not able to fast in Ramadan should donate for every day missed one mudd (which is 544 grams) of grain." Ibn Umar said "If I become too weak to fast I feed (someone) one mudd for every day missed." Anas narrated that he became weak one year before he died so he gave away one mudd every day.

If someone is not able to fast because he is sick and it can lead him to more sickness from which he cannot not recover, at that time he is allowed to miss his fast because that is a hardship.

"He has chosen you and has not laid upon you in the deen any hardship." (22:78)

When he has recovered he is obliged to make up for those days missed

"And if any of you is ill or has an ailment in his scalp (he should) in compensation either fast or feed the poor, or offer sacr-ifice." (2:196)

"But if any of you is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number (should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (with hardship), is ransom the feeding of one that is indigent." (2:184)

  • Whoever begins fasting and then becomes sick is allowed to break his fast. And whoever is travelling, and is travelling over the equivalent of 80 km, it is up to him to fast or not.

It was narrated by Aisha that Hamza ibn Amr al-Asslami said,

"O Rasulullah ! Is there any fast for the traveller?"

Muhammad (Pbuh) replied. "If you like fast and if you like do not fast."

Thus, it does not matter if fasting is difficult or otherwise during travelling, but it is much better for the one who does not find it difficult to fast;

"But who so does good of his own accord it is better for him; and that you fast is better for you if you did but know."


It is better for whoever finds it difficult to fast whilst travelling to miss his fast because Jabir bin Abdullah said,

"Rasulullah saw a man he had been put in the shade and saw a crowd of people around him (in the course of a journey). He said, Fasting while on a journey is not part of righteousness".

It is allowed for the woman who is pregnant or the one who is breast-feeding to miss their own fast and they are obliged to make it up later. They can do this if they fear for themselves, their children or even if they have no such fear whatsoever.

The evidence for this is that both Sahih Muslim and Bukhari narrated that Anas bin Malik al-ka'bi said that Muhammad (Pbuh) said,

"Allah (SWT) relieved the traveller from fasting and part of the prayer, and the pregnant woman and the suckling woman from fasting."

This hadith did not mention any restriction about permitting missing the fast but he mentioned a general rule for pregnant and suckling women only because they are in that condition. They are obliged to make up the fasts they have missed as it becomes like a loan on their necks which they should pay back.

  • It is not allowed to fast in Ramadan except by making an intention, because Muhammad (Pbuh) said that all actions are judged by intention. The intention is obligatory for every day, because fasting each day is a daily worship which begins with the start of fajr (dawn) and ends with maghrib (sunset). It is not allowed to fast in Ramadan or any other obligatory fast by making the intention during the day of that fast, but it should be a premeditated intention from that night. When one makes the intention, it should be specified that one wants to fast specifically for Ramadan though this is not necessary to spell it out because it is sufficient to intend it in your heart."And eat and drink until you see the white thread of dawn appear to you distinct from its black thread; then complete your fast till the night appears."
    (2:187) It is forbidden while fasting to eat or to drink or to allow any water to enter the body via the mouth, nose or ear.



