mehraan thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago
 hello frends!!
after watching yesterdays epsde abt the rajput dharam mentioned.....i went back 2 certain discussions we had long back regardg tis...rajputs kings /warriors r always bind by their own set of rules n among them i rmember was tat during wars they dont fight wen their is a sunset n 2 tis the trumpet is blown signalling the end of fight........they almost stop fighting n wait 4 the morning...n then wat was said yesterday by malkan singh tat rajputs dont harm/attack  the unarmed...  is also one among them!
IN history it is alway said sme of the grave mistakes were committed by the kings 4 abiding by the rules n also not thinking through their minds.....likewise prithviraj chahuhan had forgiven mohammed ghori several times after he being captured n defeated. 7 times .....jus tat he asked forgiveness n  promised 2 the rajput king tat he will nvr ever luk or attack hindustan n he was let then they were repeated wars on n time n agagin the same mistake was committed... prc was captured in the second battle of terrain.....  tat2 ghori tuk the advantage of attacking them in the night wen the rajputs  dont even raise their weapons....vich ultimately led to the capture of prc, destruction n looting in delhi n a downfall of an empire!
it is always said prc was wholly responsible 4 the said in history!
Rana was shown 2 have left malkan singh vich the issue is small comparatively  bt then if u luk at the complexity of the rules  n norms....they r 2 rigid n shud hve been flexible enough  2 use it according 2 the situation.......likewise wat padmavatis father had said was quite true abt y do u first allow the enemies in ur state/home  referring 2 allhuadinkhilji if u know how n what sort of a person he is?????? was a question on the rajputana norms... ....
 such small issues leads 2 big blunders
wat u guys think abt reply!
Edited by mehraan - 15 years ago


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*Dakoo_Minzy* thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago
Rajput's are known around for keeping their dharam always.Yup,there are various instances in history for instance if PRC had not forgiven Ghori,the story of Ajmer would have been different.

I respect Rajput's for the way they are.I somehow feel if they didnot abide by their so called policies and dharam's we won't be remembering them the same way as we do now.

It is not easy to follow the policies.Only few Rajput's can do that.Well,for yesterday Ratan Singh did feel so much anger on Malkah Singh for trying to take Padmavati.But,see the way he controlled the anger and let go the enemy.It is a hard decision to let go the enemy at your mercy.I really admired Ratan Singh yesterday!

Prithvi and Ratan Singh today hold a special place in my heart.It is to a great extent is because they were mighty warriors who never deviated left or right from their dharam and values.

One needs a special born trait to behave bravely yet in 'dharam' like Rajputs!!

mehraan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 15 years ago
rightly said dakoo!!mighty warriros will hve a special place in my heart 2...tats wat i liked abt prc...he was tough 2 crack yet so soft inside!!same goes 4 rana 2!!i did admire th fact he let go malkan singh bt here aggain his actions speaks out the mistake hes goin 2 commit in future tat is trustg n allowing khilji......rajputs r brave warriros n their history always fascinates me!!!!
one of the thngs i like abt them is they give the others 2 fight or t the chance 2 fight fairly...they dont attack unarmed. as shown yesterday!!
..thanx dakoo 4 replyng btw wats ur name dear???
*Dakoo_Minzy* thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago
my name is mysterious lyk me.....yu can call me Minz or Minnee 😳
mehraan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 15 years ago
ok minnie...😊 tats sounds cool as u...
*Dakoo_Minzy* thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago
hehe...we might end up chatin' on tis thread 😆 'm too gud at it.....😆wooosh let's jump bak to the topic....😛

were were we? oh yes....Rajput dharam.I feel it is a subject which should be researched upon deeply.I'll be taking Indian History classes soon,'m sure it'll fascinate me & provide me answers to many unknown answers in my mind!
secretz thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Well,I am myself a Rajput 😆.well u cud not attack an enemy when he is unarmed (it was a dharma) but i no nothing abt sunset and sunrise whatever 😕
*Dakoo_Minzy* thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: secretz

Well,I am myself a Rajput 😆.well u cud not attack an enemy when he is unarmed (it was a dharma) but i no nothing abt sunset and sunrise whatever 😕

wow! can we be officially friends! 🤗 've been so much impressed by Rajput's all through my lyf!! 😳 was a dharma...i guess yu'll get a lot of doubts regarding many things to be cleared by last i've found a Rajput in this forum....

mehraan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 15 years ago
wow rajput!!tats u dunno abt sunset n watched it...wen at wars the sun is abt 2 set..the trumpet is blown indicating or signalling the war ahs 2 be stopped n continued the nxt it was like called a break...rajputs nvr raised or fought wen the sunsets...tis only implies during war!!!hope im rite here...if not pls do correct me cos read it long back n watched in prc several times ...i do kno tat thy dnt raise sword wen the enemy is unaramed...tis is very well known!!i wud luv 2 kno  r there any other rules
*Dakoo_Minzy* thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 15 years ago
Even i'd love to know more about the various laws of Rajputs 😃 This is indeed an interesting topic!

I have another doubt,why is Pratha always covering her face? I mean is it another Rajput rule? I'd prefer a Rani like Singaldweep's who walks about freely with no veil to hide her face.

Edited by *Dakoo_Minzy* - 15 years ago