Shaitaan beautifies falsehood …..

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Posted: 15 years ago

Shaitaan beautifies falsehood and he makes sins appear attractive by calling forbidden things with beautiful names

'And whosoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Beneficent (i.e. this Qur'aan and worship of Allah), We appoint for him Shaytan to be a Qareen (an intimate companion) to him. And verily, they (Shayateen) hinder them from the Path (of Allah), but they think that they are guided aright!' [(43): 36-37]

This verse determines the task of Qareen;
a) Hindering from the path of Allah,
b) and confusing the person into believing that he is upon the truth.

Hindrance from the path of Allah cannot be done except by beautifying falsehood and making it look good in one's eyes. Not letting one realize that the Sharee'ah of Allah is being opposed. Man spends his whole life with this waswasa until he recognizes the truth but it is too late!! On that day, he will complain and, 'he says (to his Qareen), 'Would that between me and you were the distance of the two easts (or the east and west)' a worst (type of) companion (indeed)!' [Soorah az-Zukhruf (43): 36-37]

Imam Ibnul-Qayyim said in this context, 'One of his (Shaytan) plots is that he always bewitches people's mind until they are deceived. No one is saved from his sorcery except those whom Allah Wills. He makes attractive to the mind that which will harm it, until a person thinks of something as most beneficial, and he (Shaytan) discourages him from that which is the most beneficial, until he thinks that it will harm him. La ilaaha illAllah, how may people have been tempted by this sorcery!' [Quoted from, 'Aalam al-Jinn was-Shayateen by Umar S. Al-Ashqar]

Shaytan made the idea of eating from the forbidden tree appear attractive to Adam by giving it a beautiful and attractive name. He kept claiming to Adam that the forbidden tree was 'the tree of eternal life,' and that eating from it would make him live forever in Paradise, or would make him one of the angels, 'Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save you should become angels or become of the immortals.' [(7):20] until Adam obeyed Shaytan, and was subsequently expelled from Paradise.

Shaytan may beautify a sinful action between a man and woman

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said, 'Men are not tempted by anything more than women.' [Agreed upon]

For this reason, women are commanded to cover their bodies and men are commanded to lower their gaze. He (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) forbade being alone with a non-mahram woman and said that no man is ever alone with a non-mahram woman but Shaytan is the third one. This is because Shaytan may beautify a sinful action for them and thus, we must try to subdue Shaytan and drive away his deception and act in accordance with the guidelines of Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam), who said, 'The woman comes in the form of a Shaytan and goes in the form of the Shaytan. So if one of you sees a woman that pleases him, he should go to his family and that will get rid of what is in him.' [Saheeh Muslim]

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