An Interview of Shaitan-The Cursed One-DON'T MISS

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Posted: 15 years ago
I request our readers to read the following interview very carefully. Unfortunately, it is possible that most readers may be deceived by Shaytan, The Cursed One, and end up not reading this enlightening interview.

If you carefully read this interview and try to understand and act upon it, it may very well change our way of living and our place of stay in the Hereafter.

May Allah guide, protect and help us from the whispers of Shaytan!

Once, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was walking out with his companions from the back-side of Jannatul Baqi (Medina). As he was stepping out, he saw a very old man with a colorful hat on his head, a colorful belt with diamonds around his waist, a bell in his left hand and a net in his right hand.

This old man said, "As-Salaamu alaykum Ya Rasulu-llah" (O Prophet of Allah, may the peace of Allah be upon you) to our beloved Prophet (pbuh). The Prophet (pbuh) did not reply to his salaam. This old man knew very well why our Prophet (pbuh) did not return his salaam. After all, this old man was not like any other man, he was Shaytan, the cursed one. Then Shaytan said, "Salaamu-llahi Alaykum Ya Rasulu-llah" (Allah's peace be upon you Oh Prophet of Allah). Then our Prophet (pbuh) accepted his salaam. Now the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) understood that this was the cursed one, Shaytan. And they were all surprised to see the cursed one personally.

Without any fruitful results, Shaytan attempted to misguide even the Prophets and Imams (AS). Shaytan, the cursed one, used to meet with the Prophets (AS) to answer their questions. In fact, it was obligatory on him (the cursed Shaytan) to answer the questions of the Messengers of Allah.

Our beloved Prophet (pbuh), though he possessed full knowledge, asked Shaytan the following questions for the sake of his companions:

Our beloved Prophet (pbuh) asked:

Oh Shaytan, what is this hat?

Shaytan, the cursed one: "Oh Prophet of Allah (pbuh), My colorful hat is this world. I present this world with all transient materialistic goods, perishable benefits, and temporary enjoyments. Once a person gets caught by this colorful hat of mine, then that person stays in my control and forgets all about the Hereafter.

Prophet (pbuh): Shaytan, what is this belt you are wearing with gold and diamonds around your waist?

Shaytan, the cursed one: "Oh Prophet (pbuh), this is my second weapon which keeps my back bone strong. Oh Prophet (pbuh), when believers do not fall into my trap by my hat then I use this weapon.

Prophet (pbuh): But what is it?

Shaytan, the cursed one: "Oh Prophet (pbuh), These are the materialistic unveiled(non- hijab) women of this world. Through these women I deceive the believers.

Remember: The full hijab is the covering of the whole body.

Prophet (pbuh): Shaytan, what is this bell you are holding in your left hand?

Shaytan, the cursed one: This is a bell through which I destroy the faith (Imaan) of the believers.

Prophet (pbuh): How do you do that?

Shaytan, the cursed one: Whenever I see believers arguing, getting into minor verbal antagonisms or disagreements with each other, then I ring this bell. As I ring this bell, these believers get into major verbal fights and start saying things to each other (such as backbiting, false accusations, or using bad language), due to which their own faith disappears from their hearts.

Prophet (pbuh): What is this net you are holding?

Shaytan, the cursed one: When I see the believers not getting trapped by any of my weapons, then I throw this net at them as my last weapon.

Prophet (pbuh): But what is this net?

Shaytan, the cursed one: Oh Prophet of Allah (pbuh), this is Riya! (performing good deeds only to show people). Whenever I see that your believers are performing all the good deeds and that they are not getting caught by my weapons, then I throw this net at them. By stepping into this net their good deeds, which they performed for Allah, become invalid. Because the believers gradually develop an ego in themselves while performing their Prayers, observing Fasts, performing Hajj, paying Zakat and Khums, and several other duties towards Allah. They perform all these and other good deeds; but after they get caught by my net, they show their good deeds to others and think that they have done a favour for Allah by performing such good deeds. They tell people when they perform night prayers. They tell people when they fast. They tell people when they go to Hajj. They give money in charity but only to show off or for their own personal interest. This is how they eventually feel superior to those people whom they know are not performing these good deeds. All these actions, which take place after they step into my net, makes their good deeds go to waste.




Edited by kingallahslave - 15 years ago