Status of Women In ISLAM !

kingallahslave thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Assalam Alaykum,

I hope you all are in the best of health & iman inshallah.

Today I would like to share few moments with you,I hope you will also enjoy!
Well,as you all already know the reasons to run this website, i saw lots of articles showing low status of women in Islam.

I know that all those words are wrong,so i never thought to verify there words,and i never thought what's the status of women in those peoples(who run Anti-Islamic sites) religion,which insulting Islam.

today morning i was Optimizing my website with women relate contents in google.In this i found a link which really made me laugh.and i thought how its possible. such idiot peoples asking the status of women in ISLAM.why they are not looking in there own religion.

I'm talking JEWs ,Christians,Hindu's,let see good points !

In JEWS womens are not allowed to sit in front seat of Buses'.ha ha ha

common,i'm not joking brothers and sisters,they are really not allowed to sit,no matter what ever is condition of below''

Very recently an incident made the news which involved a bus that specifically serves a community of Orthodox Jews. In this bus women must sit at the back and men must sit at the front. This way the men will not have lustful thoughts about the women, since they will not see them (we will just have to assume that their thoughts are pure when women are boarding the bus while their wives sit in the rear). In this incident a woman who suffers from motion sickness sat at the front seat so she could look out the front window, alleviating her problem. She does this on the advice of her doctor. There was no problem when she hopped on the bus. It was largely empty and she explained to the driver what her medical condition was. But then later in the journey a bunch of men boarded, and a commotion ensued. They demanded she move to the back of the bus. She tried to explain what her problem was but they refused to listen. They demanded the driver move her, but he said what could he do ' physically pick her up and place her at the back? The woman bravely sat in her seat, only to find one of the men had begun to pray loudly to God that she see the error of her ways and move to the back. All this barely days after Rosa Parks died, the woman who sparked the civil rights revolution in the U.S. for refusing to give up her seat on the bus.

other points in Jews and Christians :

Jews - Blame Women and Curse Women The Jews blamed women for the "original sin" and as such they were treated with disgust. A woman's monthly cycle was considered by the Old Testament of the Bible to be a "curse from God" for her inequities. Her child bearing pains were also a 'punishment from God' for her bringing man down from heaven.

"original sin" @ blamed "Eve" the mother of all humans after Adam, peace be upon him, for the "original sin" and damned her and her seed for what she had done.

Priests - Best Men - Forbidden Marriage - To Any Women

Priests, bishops, cardnels and even the Pope are the very best of the Catholic men within the church. Yet the church still forbids their clergymen the chance for marriage and families. This unnatural situation has caused very serious ramifications throughout the society around the world.

Nuns - Best Women - No Marriage - No Children

Nuns are the very best of the Catholic women. They cover themselves in proper attire much the same way as the Muslim women. Yet, they are never allowed to marry or have children throughout their lives. This unnatural condition has caused untold number of disgraceful and disgusting practices within the very church itself.

In above religion discription Priest and Nuns are the good peoples,but good peoples are not allowed to Marry. rest are bad.I wonder What will happen 2morow If Only Bad People Have Children ?

ok,Now Take a look of Women Status in Hinduism :

I'm not going explain in details,lots of sites are there to explain 'okkk'..

Status of Women ::

1. The Hindu Woman has no right to divorce her husband.

2. She has no property or inheritance rights.

3. Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family.lots of things are there ,like "Mangli" . if the is mangli then she can marry only mangli guy.

4. Bride Burning : The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family. else the girl will be burn or killed etc etc'.

5. If her husband dies she should commit Sati (being cremated with her dead husband). Since today's law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other "holy" ways (see below).

6. She cannot remarry.

7. The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public. She cannot wear jewelry or colourful clothes. (She should not even take part in her children's marriage!)

8. Child and infant marriage is encouraged.Girls are to be married when 5 years old !

Is there anyone who says i'm lieing, my above written words are not true.?

What Hindu Female says about this ?? Any One ???

Finally Now Take a Look of Women Status in ISLAM !

The Muslim woman has the same right as the Muslim man in all matters including divorce.
She enjoys property and inheritance rights. (Which other religion grants women these rights?). She can also conduct her own separate business.

She can marry any Muslim of her choice. If her parents choose a partner for her, her consent must be taken.

The dowry in Islam is a gift from a husband to his wife (not the other way around as is practiced by some ignorant Muslims).

A Muslim widow is encouraged to remarry, and her remarriage is the responsibility of the Muslim society.

Mixed marriage is encouraged and is a means to prevent racism creeping in society.
A Muslim mother is given the highest form of respect.

These are just important points,for details Staus and Right of Women in Islam ,check my Next Post !

This is main reasons that Womens from West converting to Islam is higher than males.

so,Now You be the Judge and Tell Us

Status of Women in ISLAM ????????

Article written by Me,Not to Hurt the feelings of peoples of other religion.

I'm trying to show the truth to world.the points i have given on other religion are truth.
if still it hurts,i'm sorry for that !

Forgive me for my mistakes,

Your cmnts,ideas,sujjestion are alwayz welcome !

May Allah Guide All Muslims on right path and forgive our sins.!

Vote For the post here !



(slave of Allah!)


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anuradhasharma thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
i dont want to indulge into religios fights....
cozz dese fights always takes nasty turns......
i wud like to say...dats its great to believ in ur religion...and share ur views and belives wid ur frndz......but its bad to prove ur religion good by trying to prove other religions bad......
frm ur post it seems like u dont respect any other religion.....except ur own.....
being spritual....i dont say belive in all religion...i just say respect all religions.....
being a hindu (as per ur religius terms).......i wud like to ans ur style....πŸ˜‰

Originally posted by: kingallahslave

ok,Now Take a look of Women Status in Hinduism :

I'm not going explain in details,lots of sites are there to explain 'okkk'..

Status of Women ::

1. The Hindu Woman has no right to divorce her husband.
lol.....nice.....did u actually read anciiant books of hinduism...i mean vedas?? ....nice to see how u come up wid conclusions.......
well...dere is no concept
...well hinduism is based on vedas.....dats why it is also known as "vedic dharma"
acc to vedas...divorce is not at all defined...its like...... husband and wife are married for dere whole life.....and both hav duties.....equal make each other happy..............
if women cant divorse den man also cant no question of inequlity........
but why m proud of the most ancient religion in the world is cozz...even its the most ancient it adopts every new idea according to the a days...if the husband is abusive or not good...den wife can divorce..........

2. She has no property or inheritance rights.
well...let me clear here....
acc to vedas......
wen a marriage happens ..its like both is starting new life....den both frm bride's side and groom's side give gifts to dere children......according to dere start dere new life........
the girl's father gives property to the girl inthe form of dowry(at ancient times its was regarded as very respectful..) start her new life...and watever property girl brings wid her ..can be used by only girl...widut her permission guy's family cant use any wealth frm girl's parents....
moreover...wife can give her property to her daughter......daughts in ancient time had more right over property of her parents....father's half property to begin her new life...and mother's whole property........sons were considerd as dey hav right on remaining dey hav to make more property by themselves........
but as time passed...ppl forgot all values...and became greedy...and term dowry became bad term.....its not fault of vedas/religion......its fault of human beings and dere values.............
3. Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family.lots of things are there ,like "Mangli" . if the is mangli then she can marry only mangli guy.
hmm...some of ur concepts are right....we bellive in arrange marrige...cozz we belive dat marriage is not relation between grl and boy...but its relation between two families.........

like u said she has limited choice...naa....parteners hav prob in casts......but its upto u.....deres no compulsion..its upto u and ur family.....we belive in dat wrong?.......belive in hproscpe depends on person to person.......some ppl belive some not...horoscope is not compansary.......its a myth.......we belive dat "parteners are made in heven...and unite on earth"........

abut mangalik factor......its like some ppl belive some its not dat big issue...ppl who belive prefer manglik ..who dont belive ....dont care...........its not compolsry acc to vedas.....vedas are extremely spritual...

4. Bride Burning : The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family. else the girl will be burn or killed etc etc'.
abut dowry i told u above....and abut bride burning....its not permitted in vedas...its ppls who who do it.....any kind of punishment(physical or mental is not permitted in vedas......)

5. If her husband dies she should commit Sati (being cremated with her dead husband). Since today's law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other "holy" ways (see below).
ha ha ha ha....
...... offence please.....but i wud like to ask u a question here.....
if some terriost activity happen anyware cozz of islamic terriosts....and someone says all muslims arre terriosts den wud u agrreee??....nope...even i dont agree........and u wud come up wid some quarn lines....dats its written in quran....dat...its all wrong......dis and dat..........

acc to is a great gift frm god.....if u destroy it u r doing a sin.....

sati is not supported in vedas.........

in anciant india...before foregin invaders.....women were reagrded as godess........sati was extremey personal issue of a women..which was always discorauged during dat time.......but wen foregin invaders came ....dey started looing india...killing ppl...raping women used to sucide (in the name of sati or johar) to save dere honour.....cozz dey knew if dey will live den wat dose looter r going to do........but den whole inda was under dose invaders......ppl....were afraid for dere daughters.......den dey started killing dere daughters in the name of sati...but dat wasnt sai...dats muder.......

m glad now dis act is abolished totally.......
dis act is discouraged in again its ppl who r at fault....just like some terriosts.........

6. She cannot remarry.
well u r partially like..........we consider marrige as life time relation...dat cannot be broken............but....
but wat wud u do if women herself is not ready to remarry?....
i hvnt read much abut it...but yeh ..i can say.....dat hinduism adopts all new values of life acc to todays world....if a grl or guy wanna remarry...dey can but after divorcing each other..........
if u say not remarring is bad...den hinduism had adopted remarriage system for new generation.................the best thing of dis religion dat it adopts all gud things and leave all bad behind...if the thing is not suitable for dat period of time.......

7. The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public. She cannot wear jewelry or colourful clothes. (She should not even take part in her children's marriage!)
ahh...seems like u hv seen indian serials.....πŸ˜†...........
well...its not in vedas........i mean in written things(Note:m toking abut vedas...not purans....cozz real base of hinduism is vedas..... .).........
widows r not considered as curse al all..its just as time passed...ppl stopped reading vedas.....became ignorant ...and started making dere own perciptions.....
women ....had very high status .....acc to vedas....
u can take eg. of Kunti.......mother of pandavas(acc to mahabharat epic)...she had a son before marriage.....but still all her sons regared her alot..he name is still taken wid lots of respect...even her son born before marrige is known as "kunti putra karan"(kunti's son karan)...even in todays world her name is take wid lots of respect.....
and she has 5 sons after marriage.......all reagarded her alot.......
abut colorful dress.......its a myth...its never written in vedas....dat she shud abdon all colors.....but women in anciant history....used to abdomn all colores by herself widut force...wid her own will........cozz she was in so much love wid her husband ...dat she refused to wear any color widut her hubby....dat was wat dere wasnt compansory...not forcefully...nor written in vedas.........but as time passes....ppl became ignorant....and staterd making women's life misable.....dats not religion's mistake...again ppl's mistake....

8. Child and infant marriage is encouraged.Girls are to be married when 5 years old !
frm where u came up wid dis data?..........
really funny thing...where in inciant times....swambers were encouraged....and happend...were grl used to choose her own hubby......wen she reach above the age of 16(mean wen she starts understanding the term marrige and her responsibilities) cud u bring dis false fact.......
children marrige come in india wen .....forign invaders came.......ppl stated marrying dere dughters at early age...just to protect dem frm dose looters......
is it religion mistake or dose looter's mistake.....?

Is there anyone who says i'm lieing, my above written words are not true.?

What Hindu Female says about this ?? Any One ???

........for me every religion is equal...its just........ppl make it look bad....
and by blaberling ur religion is only good and others are bad....u r only making ur own religion dont do dat...if u cant even respect other religions....den better dont say it on public forums.....
mno offence to anyone!....
cameroon16 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
No offence, but KingslaveAllah
u look like an extremist
I am a muslim and i try to do everything islam says, but u are missing out on a point that Islam also asks u to respect other religions
a_jalpari thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
What about women's freedom and all that stuff in Islam? I am also a muslim, and i have true faith in Allah....
But what about those male in Islam who think of a woman as their property? What about the part that women has to be covered all the time from face to feet whether it's hot or cold?
About the divorce part... man can say the word "talaakh" 3 times and is free from the relationsip.. but can a women do this? NO, she has to get her husband to say it.
Even Islam itself says that women may not have all rights in this world, but she has a very high status in Heaven.
I respect that u r tryingto spread these thoughts... but make sure not be so extreme, and respect other religions.
7834 thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: a_jalpari

What about women's freedom and all that stuff in Islam? I am also a muslim, and i have true faith in Allah....

But what about those male in Islam who think of a woman as their property? What about the part that women has to be covered all the time from face to feet whether it's hot or cold?
About the divorce part... man can say the word "talaakh" 3 times and is free from the relationsip.. but can a women do this? NO, she has to get her husband to say it.
Even Islam itself says that women may not have all rights in this world, but she has a very high status in Heaven.
I respect that u r tryingto spread these thoughts... but make sure not be so extreme, and respect other religions.

if some one thinks women their property its fault of him not of islam..
we have to cover our body not to cover our face and this is for our safety..oh dear agr garmi hogi clothes pehno gi na kabi aisa hwa hai k garmi lagi ho or clothes na pehno hahah funny..or cold main toh woh b coverd ho jaty hain jo apni body reveal karty hain..haha
no madam did u know before nikkah both men and women have to signed it wahan coulmn hota hai jis main women ko right hai k ap talaq dy sakty hon..or 3talak kehny sy he talaq nh ho jati..or agr talaq dy b toh usy meher b dyna padta hai or women ki responsibity us par he hoti hai divorce k bad b..
no where islam said that women have not equal rights...remember last sermon of prophet where he said "mens have right over women but women also have right over men....and islam add more responsiblities to men not rights
men and women boths are equall
yar khud muslims ko nh pata k islam main kya hai or kya nh toh non muslims ko kya khak pata hoga isloye toh woh har waqt islam k bary main propagenda karty hain that islam opress women...
i hope apko bura nh laga hoga main sirf apki ghalat fehmi door kar rahi thi as a muslim...
be proud of muslim women😊
7834 thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
oho king plz dont do like this if they say bad to islam thats not meaning that we also do the same remeber Allah said respect all religions...
yes there are many verses in other scriptures against women but humain islam iski ijazat nh dyta,,,agr woh karty hain toh yeh inko mentality hai..mgr hmain sabar karna chahye..remeber Allah said in Quran "Burai ka badla achai sy Do"
i hope u get my point..
take care
Allah Bless U
monu_tan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago
I had a good laugh at this topic.πŸ˜† Just wanted to know from the topic starter which age is he living in..Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo its 2009 now wake up wake up..🀣

Edited by monu1101 - 15 years ago
kingallahslave thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: a_jalpari

What about women's freedom and all that stuff in Islam? I am also a muslim, and i have true faith in Allah....

But what about those male in Islam who think of a woman as their property? What about the part that women has to be covered all the time from face to feet whether it's hot or cold?

About the divorce part... man can say the word "talaakh" 3 times and is free from the relationsip.. but can a women do this? NO, she has to get her husband to say it.

Even Islam itself says that women may not have all rights in this world, but she has a very high status in Heaven.
I respect that u r tryingto spread these thoughts... but make sure not be so extreme, and respect other religions.

Its SAD thing as being a Muslim,you don't know the truth.???

Who said women can't divorce.if the person is not fullfilling his duty as can kick him out.

Originally posted by: a_jalpari

Even Islam itself says that women may not have all rights in this world, but she has a very high status in Heaven.

pls tell me from you u got this information.i really want to know...

Originally posted by: a_jalpari

I am also a muslim, and i have true faith in Allah....

faith in ALLAH SWT.... but i can't see....i think u must read more about religion.

If You believe in ALLAH,

then how his Order is being Called as STUFF ??

How can you think,Allah will not be fare with females ??

How can you think,those things are not Important.which Allah Specially Ordered in QURAN ??

AND WHEN THERE is somthing to blame in quran,why people don't read the complete statements.
and why don't see the situation ,time etc etc....why they can't see the positive thinks of such rules.

ops i have 2 go,i will reply u later!
kingallahslave thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Well thanks 4 ur views...

mujhe bura laga....the way you answered to her....

it was totally like insulting her laughing ,i knew u were showing truth to her.

but the way was not right.....We don't have rights to make joke of someone thinking...

what u said is right,but the track was not right....

in my views,you must say sorry to her.....

and i want to say sorry to u,becoz direction..but i don't have any intension to insult u....

if i'm wrong and anything hurts from me,then please forgive me.!

kingallahslave thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: monu1101

I had a good laugh at this topic.πŸ˜†

good,then you must thank 2 me,after all you had good laugh!

No,don't say to me,this wakeup.say to the brothers who doing all acts freely....

take it todays news paper...2 thing things u can in news paper.

anywaz,have a nice day!