FF: Serendipity .... Epilogue on PG 30 - Page 2


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btkr thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Good start....poor Bani, all creeped out...Can't wait for more..
kamy thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
hi dil
it was a superb start. Jaia ghost!!!!!!. well i have seen a malayalam movie named "Vimaya thumbath" its kind of role reversal here. but i loved it. the girl doctor goes in coma.. it would be fun to read here. dont take ages to update the chapters. keep up the good work. take care and love
jeenal20 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago
wow dear
another ff
2009 is a treat for all the readers
as many good writers are writing 2 ffs simultanousely
the start was gr88
is jai a ghost
as jai had met with an accident
so want to know is he okk
plzzzzzzzz cont soon
hooman thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
great story..i have not seen the movie yet..
so is jai really a ghost?? continue soon but dont forget your other ff
MrsKhan-Sobti thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
omg!! jai is a ghost!!
really interestin...
do continue asap
Indian_Goddess thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago

First of all I'd like to thank all of you for your lovely comments. They mean a lot to me. Secondly, I haven't seen any other films that are similiar to the story other than the one I borrowed from. 😳😆 and those of you who have seen just like heaven, I'm glad you enjoy the swap. I thought Jai would be more interesting playing the ghost... You'll soon see why.

Chapter 2:

Bani woke up with a jolt as her alarm clock blares loudly, intruding into her sleep. She gasps frighteningly and fearfully looks around her room. Taking in a slow breath into her, she tries calming down her nerves and presses the snooze button. Pulling her robe around her, Bani takes a hold of a baseball bat lying around in her room, which her nephew had left behind the last time he visited, and protectively holds it tight into her hands while taking cautious steps toward her bedroom door. She opens and pokes her head through, searching the hallway outside. Hesitantly she steps out and proceeds down it, ready to use her bat as defense if anything happens….

She creeps around her apartment, turning around on every turn to look for anyone else's presence. Bani searches through the whole place, looking into every single room, until she is certain that no one is there. Her eyes follow to the mess on her dining room floor and she notices the smell of her spilt coffee stinking the apartment. Completely frazzled at the moment, she turns to check all her sides, wanting to give her the satisfaction of being safe until she turns her full attention to the mess. As she cleans it up, she ponders over whether what had happened last night was real or an illusion. Is her mind playing tricks on her? But what else could explain the vase and coffee mug?

As she is in the kitchen, throwing away the shattered pieces, the landline phone rings. "Hello," she answers as she picks it up. It's her sister, Pia, who simply wants to check up on her.

Bani: (meekly, not persuasive) Fine…. I'm fine.

Pia: Bani, what's wrong? Did something happen? (worried)

Bani: Pia… I just said that everything is fine.

Pia: Bani, I'm your sister and have known you your whole life. You can't fool me. Now tell me, what happened? Why do you sound different?

Before Bani knows it, she starts to ramble to her sister about the bizarre and terrifying experience of her encounter with someone she believes to be a ghost from last night. Instead of receiving a worried reaction and persistence for her to move out from the apartment as soon as possible, her sister merely shoots her "crazy" idea down with sarcasm and obvious disbelief….

Pia: Right… you saw a ghost. And I am lending my attic to Osama Bin Ladin as a hideout. That's why no one is able to find him.

Bani: Don't mock me, I am serious!

Pia: You may be serious, but what I really think what you are is delusional. Your lack of sleep is finally catching onto you Bani. It's playing mind tricks with you.

Bani: Pia, I know what I saw!

Pia: What you saw was probably a hallucination. I hope you'll take this as a sign that you need to calm down and stop making work your whole life. You should stay home and get some rest. You need the sleep.

Bani: But my apartment might just be haunted!

Pia: Bani, be realistic! There are no ghosts. I think a full grown woman like yourself who is always so practical about everything would know that. You are simply just sleep deprived and need to catch up on your sleep.

Bani keeps her mouth shut, knowing that it is of no use to argue with Pia. She will not listen to her. In fact, her sister is already convinced that she is crazy as it is. Obviously Pia will not believe her. Bani does though take her suggestion into consideration. Perhaps it is all a mind trick. Maybe she dropped those things on her own? Besides, whoever that man was isn't here anymore. It could be all just a figment of her imagination….

Bani: Okay… (calming down) I guess you are right.

Pia: I am always right. Now, let's get to the real reason why I called. You remember Pushkar Shukla, don't you?

How could Bani not? Who could ever forget that gorgeous hunk of a man? Pushkar Shukla, her brother-in-law's cousin, had taken a keen interest in her a few years back from the day he met her at her sister's wedding. There was obvious attraction on both sides and everyone said that they would be wonderful together, something that she believed herself as well. It's too bad that she constantly pushed him away though. The last thing she needed was a relationship to distract her away from her goal.

Bani: What about him?

Pia: Well rumor has it that he is on the market again. He dumped his skank of a girlfriend and says he is trying to look for someone new and be in a stable relationship for a change. You know what this means?

Bani tries hard not to groan loudly from frustration. Why are both of her sisters constantly after her to get a boyfriend? She is perfectly capable of doing that herself…… well, when she wants to.

Bani: No Pia, I will not let you set me up with him. I'm sick of you arranging dates for me. If I want to date, then I will. I can find a man for myself thank you very much. I'm not so pathetic that I have to have my sisters and even my own brother-in-law to get me in a relationship.

Pia: Bani, we only do it because we care. Besides, I am worried for you. You are twenty-seven. I was married when I was twenty-two!

Bani: Well what about Rano? She's twenty-four! I don't see you chasing after her.

Pia: Rano is still at the suitable age to get married. You, on the other hand, are growing more and more out of it.

Bani: Well it's nice to know that we have established that I am hopeless and will soon become into a spinster. Now if you will excuse me dearest sister, I am running late for work and still need to get ready. I will talk to you again when you're over this craze of finding me a man.

Pia: But Bani----

Bani cuts the phone and places it back onto its receiver. She warily looks around her for one last time, the thoughts of the man still lingering in the back of her mind before snapping herself out of it and reminding her of Pia's words. She is a very practical woman and here she is acting so foolish. Noting the time, Bani rushes to her room to get ready….

For the next week life for Bani carried on a usual routine with no changes. The thoughts of the stranger "ghost" were now long gone from her mind. She rarely ever thought of the incident anymore. Ever since that night, she had never received an occurrence like that again and finally accepted that she is indeed sleep deprived and delusional.
Due to the cold season approaching Bani found herself unknowingly catching the cold until she woke up one day with a throbbing headache, running nose, sore throat, and a terrible cough. She gone to work that day but had been forced out of the hospital by her acquaintances who urged her to take rest and telling her for the billionth time that her life does not revolve around the hospital. Sonali, a fellow colleague, willfully drove her home.
Bani sluggishly walks into her kitchen and opens the cupboard doors, reaching for the last available mug left to pour her coffee in. Her hand is stopped midway as she hears a familiar thundering voice say behind her, "I thought I told you to leave? What are you still doing here? Get out!" Startled, she gasps and turns around to see who it is, only to find no one in front of her. Only silence…..

She gulps hard and feels her heart racing fast in her chest. She tries to shut her mind out, telling herself that she needs to stop imaging these things. Otherwise she will drive herself crazy and have a guaranteed room under her name in a mental institution somewhere. Sleep…. That's what she needs. She needs to sleep and then all will be fine. Forgetting about the thought of her coffee, Bani makes her way back over to her bedroom and slips into the depths of her covers……

A few hours later she wakes up on her own, feeling slightly refreshed from her nap and lazily gets out from her bed. Yawning, she checks her messages and then remembers her coffee from before still brewing in her coffeemaker. She goes to retrieve it. Taking the mug she had left on the counter, she pours her coffee in and walks with it in hand over to the living room where she sits down onto the comfy couch and flips the TV on, deciding on watching some news to pass some time. A few minutes into her dazed focus on the television she is brought roughly back into reality by the sound of an alarming voice.

"Please tell me that you aren't drinking out of my favorite mug." Bani springs up from the couch and stares over to the same man from before, not changing at all from the last time she had seen him. Her breath is caught in her throat and she panics from the sight of him. She notices though that his eyes aren't on her, instead they are on the coffee mug that rests on top of the wooden table in front of the couch.

Bani drops her head into the palms of her hands and shakes it, hoping that she is just imaging the strange man. "He's not there…. you're imaging things… Boy I must be more sleep deprived than I thought…," she comments to herself. However, she is given an unsatisfying image once she raises her eyes back up…. He is still there.  

Bani: (voice shaking) Y-y-you again! What are you doing here? Why don't you leave me alone! (accusingly asks out of fright)

The man, she finally takes notice, is an attractive fellow perhaps in somewhere in his early mid thirties with short jet black hair, chiseled like features, stormy gray eyes, and a tall masculine physique that brings a sense of arrogance and superiority into him. He wears a classy black professional suit that fits him perfectly paired with polished black shoes. She had been too distracted before in fighting with him and making sense of the whole issue to realize how he really looks like. And she has to admit, despite being a "ghost", he is damn good to look at.

"You expect me to leave you alone when you have made a forced entry into my apartment?" he asks in an annoyed manner, turning the tables on her. 

Bani: (scared out of her wits, wanting him to go away) How many times do I have to tell you? This is MY apartment! I pay the rent here! I have a lease for six months!

"You are probably mistaken because this is MY apartment and I am the one who pays rent! My lease doesn't end until another year!" Bani is shocked by his reply.

Bani: (startled, confused) That's not possible! I just paid rent and signed the lease three weeks ago! -----And you possibly can't have any claim over the apartment…. Cause you're----you're---

"I'm not dead for crying out loud! I'm perfectly alive! Flesh and blood! Breathing and living! If you say that I am one more time, it will be you who will be dead," he warns angrily. Bani is silenced by his anger, takes in his words, and grows thoughtful.

Bani: Is this some kind of a sick joke you're playing on me? You showing up at randomly whenever you want and pulling pranks on me to scare me? Because if it is, it's definitely not funny.

"I should be the one asking you that. What are you doing here in my home? And what have you done to all of the stuff?----Why can't I touch anything?" He demands while trying to grab the mug off the table, only failing and causing his hand to pass right through it.

Bani: I didn't mess with any of the things here. (defensive, eyes wide on what she's seeing)

The man gives up all hope in trying to retrieve the mug and meets Bani's gaze once more. "Look, I'm only going to warn you one more time before I lose all my patience and call the police. Get out from my apartment."

Bani: Don't jump to rash decisions…..I-I think I finally know what's going on…. It's a scam. It's all a rent scheme. There are probably other tenants like us who have made deposits and all of gotten keys to this place.

"Oh yeah, and all of us moved in our things?" he remarks sarcastically at her. Bani, stunned by this, stares at him with a dumbfound expression.

Bani: What?

"All that you're seeing in here is mine! This mug, this couch, this table, the TV, the plant---ALL of these are MY belongings!" he states clearly, getting hyped up.

Bani: They can't be! Everything was all here before I even signed the lease! The realtor or anyone else did not mention that any stuff was left behind from the previous tenant. (exclaims)

"Alright, that's it. I've had it. I don't care who you are or what you want anymore. I just want you out of my apartment. I'm going to go call the police right now…" he threatens while storming off towards the kitchen. Bani follows him behind, trying to match his fast strides.

Bani: What? No, you're not going to call the police on me! I live here buddy! Now look, I think we can resolve this between the both of us. Just tell me what it is you want! Is it money? Food? Shelter? ----Because I can help you look for some places to----

Bani stops right in her tracks as she enters into the kitchen to find him no where around anymore. As if he had vanished into thin air…. Again….


I realized that chapter two is quite short so I decided to go ahead and give you the next chapter too. mind you, it won't happen again. 😆

Chapter 3:

She can't be delusional can she? Seeing the same exact man screaming at her over and over, threatening her with warnings to leave, does that make her crazy? No, she can't be. She's perfectly well and mentally stable. At least….she thinks she is.


Bani searches around her room in a frenzy, wondering where she had left her realtor's card last. If she wants to get down to this mystery business, she needs to find out a few things from the very woman who sold her the place.

"This is MY apartment!" she hears his voice echo within her ears over and over….. Could this all really be a rent scam? Or could he also be the previous owner of the apartment? She needs to find out…

Bani is relieved on finding the real estate card in between the stacks of papers in her drawer and hastily pulls out her phone, dialing the numbers like her life depends on it. Roshini answers on the second ring.

Roshini: Hello, Roshini Chopra speaking.

Bani: Roshini! Bani Dixit here.

Roshini: Oh… Bani… (hesitant) Is everything alright? Is there anything wrong with the apartment? (sounding worried)

Bani: Roshini, the apartment's wonderful. I---I just have a few questions to ask. Do you by any chance know of anyone else possessing a lease to the apartment?

Roshini: (startled) No, that's not possible. I've gone through the details of the apartment thoroughly. No one has any leases or claims over it. I have also finalized your six month lease for it, so everything should be settled and fine.

Bani grows frantic and dissatisfied on hearing this. So if no one else has any leases to the apartment, what is that man yelling about? Perhaps he may be the…..

Bani: And the owner? (breathless, fear taking over her) What about the owner?

Roshini: (growing attentive) Bani, I told you before that I don't know much about the owner.

Bani: (pressing on) But you must know something!

Roshini: All I know is that it's some kind of tragedy…and the family won't discuss anymore with me. I guess it's very personal.

Bani feels her heart drop and is left stunned to the point of being speechless. Tragedy….. She said it was a tragedy…. And tragedy could mean only one thing. Death. She gasps at the thought.

Roshini: Bani? Hello? Hello, Bani?

She shuts her cell and throws it onto the bed. Slowly she sits down onto the mattress and tries to take in the news she has received. She had thought on finding out her answers would help her somewhat and make her feel better or in control of the situation, however, it has only made things worse on her. She, Bani Dixit, is dealing with a dead ghost----who may never leave her alone as long as she lives here.

But she can't leave. She doesn't have anywhere else to go. And she paid money for the apartment dammit. The lease is finalized. She can't just get up and leave.

"You're a practical woman," her sister's words reel in her mind. Yes, she replies. I am a practical woman. How will I just let someone----okay, not someone, a ghost in fact----just harass me around like this? This apartment is mine now. He needs to move on. If there is anyone leaving this place, then it will be him. With this thought in mind, Bani raises her chin up in determination and storms out from her room with a new improved confidence…..


Bani looks around in her apartment, trying to see if his presence is anywhere around. She ponders on how to call out for him to come. She doesn't know who he is, what his name is, or anything about him. How does she get him to come back?

"Bhootnath," she first says unsurely. She remembers watching the movie with her niece and nephew, Bhootnath being Amitabh Bachchan---a ghost who refused to leave his home. Similar circumstances, are they not? Here she is, dealing with a ghost of her own---refusing to leave "his" apartment.

"Bhoothnath," her voice grows louder. She walks throughout her apartment, looking through rooms and at each corner.

Bani: Boothnath! -----Where are you?......Boothnath?

As Bani moves back to turn from the kitchen, she is given the startle of being face to face with the very person she was beckoning for …. He stands tall in front of her, wearing a grim look on his face, momentarily making her feel like a mouse before him until she boosts her self esteem, reminding herself that she is the one in control here… not him.

Bani: (controlling her voice) You're here…

"What is this Boothnath nonsense?" he questions her immediately. Bani has the decency to look a little embarrassed.

Bani: I… I don't know your name, that's why.

"…. What do you want? I thought I had made myself loud and clear before. I want you out of here. Why do you keep coming back?"

Bani: I live here. (firm) It's you who keeps popping up.

"I told you I---"

Bani: (cutting him off, not wishing to revoke his anger) Please, hear me out before you start yelling. I called you because I want to tell you that I have looked into this matter. And I have found out what it is that's going on. Bhoothnath, I know that----

"I have a name," he intervenes feverishly with anger and offense. She is taken aback by his snapping.

Bani: Alright….then what is it?

She sees him look taken aback by her question and seems tongue-tied. His face expression changes that to a deep long trance. His eyes flash behind her for a moment before meeting her gaze once again.

"My name is Jai…. " he answers with finalization. Bani looks at him for a good second before turning to see what it was that he looked at. She locates the "World's Greatest Uncle" coffee mug behind her, with the words "Jai Mamaji" written on the lower part of it. She gives him a doubtful look at this, but does not bother in questioning him about it.

Bani: (slowly) Okay…. Jai….

Jai continues to stare her down like a hawk, wondering what it is that she has to say to him. Bani clears her throat and brings her mind back on track….

Bani: Look, what I'm about to tell you…. It's probably not going to be easy for you to hear…. But I've spoken with the realtor who gave me the lease to this place. And I asked her if there some sort of scam going on… I mean, because if you and me are both claiming rights to the apartment---then something is definitely fishy and out of place, don't you think?

She looks to him for confirmation, but he just gives her a curt look instead and says commandingly, "Go on."

Bani: (licking her lips) Well…. she told me that there was nothing of that sort. And that when she had given me the apartment, there were no other leases for the apartment given to anyone else except that there had been a man who had owned it previously before me. I inquired more on that… She told me that the owner's family had given the apartment up for rent because of a tragedy. And as far as I think, that tragedy I believe….may have something to do with you.

"What are you trying to imply," Jai asks her sharply. He's obviously not liking the sound of where this conversation is going.

Bani: Jai… you are telling me that this is all your stuff here… everything in this apartment. And it's most likely that all these belongings belonged to the previous owner….which could mean you.

"It is me. I am the owner," he states as a matter of fact. Bani nods along, showing that she understands.

Bani: So since you are the previous owner….that tragedy must have happened to you…. And that tragedy is that…… well,…….Jai, you died. I do not know the details of your death, but it is the truth that you are dead. That is why the apartment was open up once again for rent. Why the family is so emotional and touchy about not revealing the details to the tragedy. There has obviously been a death in the family…..your death.

She watches as Jai stares at her for a long time, trying to digest all that she has said. He backs away from her in astonishment by her words and sits solemnly down on one of the dining chairs. She hesitantly follows him….standing a few feet away from him.

Jai: You're trying to tell me that I'm dead?

Bani silently nods her head in a confirming manner. His eyes rise up to her face and suddenly a spark fills in them.

Jai: How do you know that the tragedy was me dying? -----And why are you so hell bent on making me think that I'm dead when I'm clearly not?

Bani: (exasperated on him not seeing any sense) You are asking me why I think you are dead? Maybe it's because you ARE?! I mean, look at you! You can't touch anything!

Jai: (infuriated) Yes I can!

He reaches for her right as he says that, but to neither of their surprise, his hands miss her once again. Bani gives him a "I-told-you-so" look that he sneers at.

Bani: And you are repeatedly disappearing and appearing out of thin air!----But shouldn't you know this yourself? Why is it that you don't know what has happened to you? Tell me----who are you? What do you do? Who is your family? What is the tragedy that took place in yours and your family's life?

Jai again for the second time, seems thrown off and lost by her questions. He clears his head, reminding himself that he cannot back down.

Jai: Look, I don't know all that. I don't know why, but I just don't. But I do know is that this is my apartment. I live here. My name is Jai. And I am not dead. Now, since we have clearly established that I am the owner… I want you to pack your things and leave.

Bani: (angry herself, huffs) Well let me tell you that if you refuse to leave from here---I'm not leaving here either! This is my apartment now, buddy, whether you like it or not! And if it is anyone who is leaving from here, then it is you! Not me!

Jai: (glaring at her) Fine….so be it….

Bani blinks dumbly as he suddenly disappears from her sight. She spins around in all directions, trying to see where it is that he went off to, only to see nothing in return…….


She had thought she won the war…. She honestly had. Bani believed she managed to get rid of the "ghost" named Jai. Up until she saw him make another reappearance the next day of her sick leave. That too early in the morning…..


She sees Jai grin lazily down at her terrified face. Hastily she pulls the covers over her, feeling uncomfortable by his presence in her bedroom and in her nightwear before of him. Bani sits up in her bed and rests her back against her pillows.

Jai: (devilishly) Good morning ….

Bani: (breathless) What are you doing here?

Jai: (raises a brow) You thought you got rid of me so soon?

Bani: Yes, I thought that was pretty clear.

Jai: (chuckles) I'm not leaving you alone that easy Bani. I'm determined in kicking you out of here.

Bani: (demanding) How do you know my name?

Jai: You tend to leave your work around the apartment Dr. Dixit…

Bani: Don't do that!

Jai: (his grin fading) Do what?

Bani: Don't snoop around my stuff!

Jai: (giving her a look) I thought I made myself clear before that you left it out…. That's not technically called snooping. It's simply overlooking. Now snooping would be if I were to personally go through your things and look through private matters of yours.

Bani: It's still not polite!

Jai: Well it's not polite of you to leave your stuff all around in my apartment.

Bani rolls her eyes at him, refraining herself from commenting on anything about the apartment belonging to her.

Bani: You know, I have to admit. Before I was pretty frightened by you. But now I just think you are a nausea.

Jai: Likewise.

Scoffing at him with building frustration directed towards him, Bani jumps out of her bed, not wishing to be around the irritating man. It isn't until he whistles that she realizes what she has done.

Jai: Nice nightdress Bani…. I must say, it's rather flattering on you.

She gasps and turns to see him standing right in front of her, eyeing her with an amused and intrigued look, approval clearly shown in his eyes. As a reaction, she tries to slap him…..but to no success as her hand only passes through him. She earns herself a chuckle instead.

Jai: You know…. I might just enjoy this whole ghost thing going on with me…. (catching her look) Not that I believe I'm dead. I still very much believe I'm alive.

Bani looks at him curiously after she protectively pulls her robe around her.

Bani: Don't you see a white light anywhere nearby?

Jai: (puzzled) What white light?

Bani: You know---the white light. Where people usually walk to when they're dead. Why don't you do both of us a favor and walk towards it already. Believe me, it'll be for the best.

Jai: (grim) Nice try. But it's not going to work. You want to know why? Because I'm not dead.

Bani lets out an agitated scream before storming into her bedroom bathroom…..


She furiously brushes her teeth, her mouth full with toothpaste, and mentally curses Jai in her mind---calling him every bad name in the dictionary. As she rinses her mouth and spits out the remaining paste in her mouth, she stands up straight and stares into the sink mirror. She screams loud at the sight of him lingering right behind her with his arms crossed over his chest. Bani turns to look at him demandingly.

Bani: What are you trying to do?! Kill me?!

Jai: (looking amused by her accusation) You know… I never really thought of that idea before. It would be easier that way than trying to drive you out personally, wouldn't it?

Bani: You need to stop this. (firm)

Jai: Stop what?

Bani: Stop scaring me like this! It's not going to work!

Jai: Really? It seems to be working if you ask me. (tauntingly)

Bani: (ignoring him) I'm not leaving! (curt, confident in where she stands)

Jai: We'll see about that Bani….

He says with a determined, arrogant tone while walking through the door and disappearing behind it….


Throughout the rest of the day and next, Jai made sure to leave Bani pleasant surprise visits now and then, making it clear that he has decided in becoming a nausea that she will eventually not be able to bear and choose to move on out herself. She, however, was determined as well to take it all as a rock. Bani Dixit isn't going anywhere…. She would have to teach this to her new ghost "friend", Jai.


To show her new friend of her strong determination, she brought many people to the apartment in order to get rid of the haunting ghost. Exorcists, ghost hunters, a father, you name it. She found them all, but they were unsuccessfully in completing their duty….

Jai snorts as he sees her bring in her last option, a boy who looks no more than past the legal age.

Jai: I get everyone else….but really, you were so desperate that you brought this kid along?

He lazes down onto the couch and stares up at Bani and her new little boyfriend.

Bani: (huffs) Mind you, he's twenty-two. He's not a child like how you make him seem. He's intelligent and just the guy I need in order to get rid of you…

Jai: Sweetheart, I'm telling you…. I'm not going anywhere.

He folds his hands behind his head and rests his crossed legs onto the center table in the living room to display his point.

Bani: (flushing) Don't call me sweetheart—Saahil, he's right here sitting on the couch… Now do whatever it is you need to do in order to get rid of him….

Saahil Saxena, a spiritual guy, glances over at the couch and focuses onto it. Jai stares back at the young boy with a sneer.

Jai: This is bullsh*t. What is he going to be able to do that the others you brought couldn't? Besides, he can't even see me…(remarks)

Saahil: Okay…. There's something… definitely a presence…

Jai: (sarcastic) Oh, he's good.

Bani rolls her eyes and ignores him. She turns her attention back onto Saahil who is really focusing into his thoughts.

Bani: Go on Saahil…

Saahil: …. It's angry….and hostile… It wants you to leave… I-I think you should listen and move out, Bani…

Jai straightens up from his seat on hearing Saahil's words and shares a quick glance with Bani.

Jai: Actually, he's not bad… I like this kid…. He may know what he's talking about.

Bani: (frustrated) No, I won't move out…  This is my apartment! There's got to be a way you can explain this to him!

Jai: Your apartment?! You know very damn well that it's mine! And that you've taken it from me in illegal terms!

Saahil watches Bani shout at the couch for some time before bursting in as he cannot take the strong tension building. He stands up from the chair nearby and gives Bani an apologetic look.

Saahil: Look, I'm afraid I can't help. This spirit is really strong. And it won't leave no matter what happens.

Bani: (hastily) But he's dead! He can't stay here! He needs to move on! And leave me the hell alone!

Jai stands up as well, staring darkly at Bani.

Jai: Cut it with the dead crap! I'm not dead! What will it take for that to go through the thick head of yours!

Bani: (growls) Yooou----

Saahil: Wait, cool it you two…

Jai and Bani both look over to Saahil who touches his head like if he's getting a headache. They stealthily fume inside…

Saahil: You know… I'm going to have to agree with the spirit dude… He's not dead.

Shocked, Bani switches her gaze back over to Jai who throws her a victory smile.

Jai: I really like this kid… He's got a gift.

Bani: (stammers) B-but how is that even possible?! He can't touch anything! He walks through walls! He disappears into thin air and then reappears! No one else can see him! –He-He's got to be dead!

Saahil: (shaking his head) He's not… He's the most alive spirit I have ever been around…. And I'm sorry to say, but he's going to be sticking around for awhile…

Flabbergasted, Bani again looks over to Jai who winks at her after saying….

Jai: Told you I wouldn't be leaving sweetheart…

She groans and storms away. The last words Jai heard coming from her mouth that day were, "This can't be happening…."


Bani was thankful that she was able to come back to the hospital. Four days of missing work were really going to hurt her chances for her dream goal of a residence position. Which is why she will have to work extensively to make up for it….

She returned back to work with that set determination. And by returning, she was going back to her regular old routine of sleep deprivation and cups of coffee one after another. She was glad for the distraction of keeping her away from her apartment. She did not want to have to put up with Jai anymore. He was slowly driving her up the wall and she was afraid that she might just cave in to his demands.

Sonali: So, you feeling better?

Her friendly acquaintance, and in some way a close friend as well, asks her as she approaches her at the receptionists desk. Bani flashes her a warm smile, trying to cover up the exhaustion and lingering feeling of sickness in her. She wasn't completely over her cold yet. But she refused to miss anymore days of being kept away from her job.

Bani: I'm absolutely peachy Sonali. Thanks for asking.

Bani has known Sonali for four years, ever since she had started to work at the hospital. She has always created the image of herself clear to people since day one, and that is that she's not looking for any friends….she's just there to work. Not that she doesn't get along with people or dislike them in general, she just believes that friends prove to be distractions. That is why she never bothered to be anything more than simply polite with her co-workers. But for some reason, Bani has always found herself closer to Sonali Sharma than her other acquaintances, perhaps probably because she makes sure to check up on her, talk to her, or simply be around. She's a very friendly person. And if Bani weren't so serious about her job, she'd probably even been very close to Sonali by now. She has that warmth in her that draws anyone to her.

Sonali: I'm surprised you managed to stay away from the hospital for four days. I was quite expecting you to make an appearance the very next day when you took your sick leave.

Bani: (giving her a knowing look) Well, you might would have just seen that happening if it weren't for a particular someone who ratted on me to Mr. Halthore.

Sonali wears an expression as if saying, "I-have-no-clue-what-you're-talking-about" and sips on her coffee to hide her growing smile.

Sonali: (mutters) It was for your own good kiddo.

She says to her before giving her a farewell wink and wandering back over to the hallway, needing to complete her rounds. Bani stacks the papers in her hands, fixes them up by banging them against the counter desk, and turns to leave herself until she is halted in her tracks with her wide eyes glued to her front….

Bani: Tum?! What are you doing here?! I thought I left you back at the apartment!

She demands for an answer as she watches Jai looking at her with a calm, relaxed look---not even seeming the least bothered about how he's driving her insane. She was counting on the hospital as her gateway….but he has followed her here as well. Will this man never leave her alone?

Jai leans against the counter desk and crosses his ankles with one another, giving her a hot look that manages to bring a small blush onto her cheeks despite herself.

Jai: You did. I just thought of coming to see Dr. Dixit at work…

Bani: Why don't you just leave me alone? Isn't haunting me at my apartment enough for you? Or do you need to torment me EVERYWHERE I go?!

Jai: (a grin forming) Watch it doc…. We wouldn't want for people to think you're crazy for talking to yourself, now would we? They'd immediately start to question your mental stability….

Bani calms down on hearing this and looks behind her, paranoid, thinking of whether anyone heard her or not….and earnestly hoping that they didn't. She looks back to him as she sees everyone clearly too busy in their own work to notice.

Bani: (her voice lowering) Go away….

Jai: I come all this way to come and see you and you're telling me to go back?…. That's pretty rude, don't you think?

Bani: That's me being polite…. Trust me. You don't want to see me when I'm rude.

Jai: I believe I already have…. (remarks)

Bani clenches her teeth and takes in deep breathes, mentally trying to calm herself down before she bursts right there in the middle of the hospital.

Jai: It's nice to know that I get under your skin so easily doc….

She opens her eyes at this and glares hard at him.

Bani: Fine. Stay. Like I even give a d*mn. But don't you dare interrupt in on my work. (warns)

Jai: (smiles mischievously) I'll be as quite as a mouse….

Bani: I highly doubt that….

Please comment. 😊
pooja1_76 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
oh god
i love this one🤣
it is pretty good
MrsKhan-Sobti thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
first of all a bigg hug for dat double treat..
me absolutely in love wid this ghost JW..
he is jus tpp adorable
actually i wont mind a hot ghost living wid me..lol
so is jai half dead or wat??
bani sure is getting tensed..lol
waiting to read more
do continue asap
btkr thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Love it..... J cute as a button, if you could describe the great JW in such terms, but very funny.  Bani is going crazy..
mayurmaaneet thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
hey hun.. great part yaar. lol.. JB r soo hilarious. jai stop bothering bani. i wonder what the "tragedy" could be"... lol.. suspense..ooo la la.. lol.. continue sooon yaar.