FF: Serendipity .... Epilogue on PG 30

Indian_Goddess thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago
Yup, another FF. 😆 Couldn't resist from posting it. I"ve been working on it for some time, just was waiting for the right time. Anyways, I got my inspiration from this one from Just Like Heaven. The storyline is the same, but there are changes. This one is very different compared to my other FFs, but nonethless, I hope you guys enjoy it either way. 😃

Character Sketch

Jai Walia: Age 35, a very successful lawyer that has earned himself a high name in court.  A rich man who dedicates his all into his work. He lives on his own in a nice apartment on the top floor with a great view of the city. Whenever he has time, he chooses to spend it on his family---his younger happily married sister, Jigyasa, who is married to his best friend and a proud mother of two. He is a very attractive handsome man that catches every woman's eye who is aware of his masculinity at all times. Still a bachelor, Jai has no intention of marrying anytime soon and makes use of his bachelorhood to the fullest---indulging himself in affairs here and there. He is a headstrong, determined man who believes he still has a long life ahead of him.

Bani Dixit: Age 27, a workaholic doctor who has no social life, no friends other than acquaintances at work, and no romantic entanglements. As a doctor competing for a residency position with a butt kissing suck up, Meera Khandelwal, Bani survives on lots of caffeine and a determination to be the best. Her two sisters, Pia Dixit (happily married for the past seven years) and Rano Dixit (two years her junior), are constantly trying to fix her up with eligible men. Bani is a beautiful young woman and does not have trouble in attracting men herself, however, her non-social personality tends to get in the way.


More characters will be introduced later on in the story....


Chapter 1:

"One....Two.....Three....," they shout together as they pick up their small shots and swallow the strong alcohol whole in one go. The two men clear their throats roughly and try to calm their flaming mouths. Jai Walia looks over to his right at his best friend of fifteen years who pats him on his back and challenges him once more.

"One more," he slurs at him while Jai smirks, humored by his drunken state. He places a hand on his shoulders and gives him a simmering look.

Jai: Come on Tarun.... I think we've had enough yaar. Especially you. Going on twenty shots is a little much, don't you think?

Tarun protests loudly while gripping him hard onto his own shoulders.

Tarun: No way man! You've won another case! We're going to celebrate all night! Woooo!!!!

Jai tries to suppress his laughter but to no success. Both Jai and Tarun work in the same law firm for a few years now and even went to the same law school where they finished their law degree together.

Tarun: The Jai Walia is undefeatable! No one can cross him! .... And I am going to drink to that till I get sh*t drunk!

Jai: (raises a brow) You don't think you're already there yet?

Ignoring his remark, Tarun raises his next shot in a toasting manner to Jai.

Tarun: May your success grow my friend and your pockets be full with cash! ---Which I am hoping I might be able to rub off on some! (winks)

Jai gives him a throaty laugh and tells him that he can keep on dreaming. He feels his cell vibrate in his pant pocket and reaches for it, reading the SMS sent to him. He looks back over to Tarun who downs his shot and makes a sissing sound with his mouth.

Jai: Hey Tarun, I got to get a go on. I promised Jigs and Adi that I'd come over for the small Christmas party they're hosting tonight. If I don't show up, you know Adi will kick my a** later. I mean, he's already mad at you for not showing. He thinks you purposely planned the trip to Canada to get out of it.

In a couple of hours Tarun has a booked flight to Canada to visit his mother who has been pestering him to come see her for the past four years.

Tarun: (laughs) The man knows me too well that it nerves me sometimes.----You know those parties your sister throws every year are such a bore.

Jai: True. But Adi promises this year it'll be a little exciting.

Tarun: Oh, and why is that?

Jai: One word my friend.... Women.

Tarun: Damn that b*stard. The one party I bail out on, he brings in all the fun. Damn him to hell. (slams his fist against the tabletop)

Jai: (chuckling) Jigs says she wants me to meet this one woman in particular. She's given me her word that she's worth seeing. I don't remember her name anymore..... I think it was....

Tarun: (snorts, cutting in) You have Jigs' word? You know her definition of a beautiful woman.... (mimicking his sister's voice) Oh, she is the most sweetest woman you will ever meet.... Sure she is a little big on the edges Bhaiya, but she has a heart of gold. And it is her personality that counts and makes her very beautiful.

Jai: (grinning) No, no, this time I even got Aditya's word. And he never lies, so I think I might just go for it this time.

Tarun gives him a hard pat on the shoulder in encouragement.

Tarun: Well what are you wasting your time around here on me for Walia.... You've got a hot lady waiting for you, don't you? Hasn't the party already started by now?

Jai glances down at his rolex watch and swears under his breath. It's half past eight. He is already thirty minutes late.

Jai: Sh*t Tarun, I got to go. You'll be fine on your own, wont' you? Or do I need to call Lakshmi to come get you?

Lakshmi Singhania is Tarun's fiance of ten months. They have a very open relationship and have been going steady for the last six years. He had proposed to her last Valentine's, telling her that she is the only woman for him and the only one who he will ever truly love. Their wedding is planned to be in June since Lakshmi has always dreamed for a summer wedding.

Tarun: Are you really asking? Or are you just going to go ahead and call her like you always do?

Jai: She's on my speed dial dost.... Number 3. Right after you.

Tarun: Well go on and rat me out. I'll wait for her to come and personally murder me with her bare hands.

Jai: (smiling) I'll represent your case in court.... See you tomorrow bright and early.

He gives him a bidding thump on his upper back before pulling his coat over him and stepping out from the bar into the chilly weather of Mumbai City. Jai locates his silver Mercedes off to the side of the sidewalk and lets himself in. He drives to his place to quickly get changed and rush his way on over to his sister's house to save him from an emotional breakdown that he doesn't love her enough and that she has no importance in his life. She is, by the way, six months pregnant with her third child, a son.

Jai blares up his radio as he hears his old time favorite song playing and sings along with the lyrics, drumming his fingers along the steering wheel in the meanwhile as he waits for the traffic signal to turn green.

After a minute he presses his foot onto the gas pedal, accelerating the car forward with ease and not much focus until he notices another car speeding fast, the engine blaring loud, coming at him from the side. Before he even has a chance to react by getting out of the way, his car is met into a full fledge crash that causes it to flip over three times and fall motionlessly upside down... it's roof smashed against the pavement of the road and the black tires swiveled in different ways presented to view.... The last thing Jai remembers before slipping into the abyss of unconsciousness is scattered glass presiding everywhere, a pool of blood trickling down from his body beside him, and the aroused hysteria of people around.....



Three Months Later

"Now, if you will come follow me on over here, you will see that there are three rooms. A bedroom, a guest room, and a bathroom. There is a small closet across the bathroom to keep whatever you'd like... and if you come here, you will see the balcony and living room that coincide with one another....and right here is the dining room....and down this hall is the kitchen," the realtor says didactically as she leads her interested client around the beautiful, spacious apartment. After taking a careful look around, Bani Dixit stands flat in the middle of the large, cozy living area, her hazel brown eyes taking in her surroundings and gazing at the breathtaking view of the city beneath her that she is sure is far more beautiful at night than it is during the day.  

Bani: Now Roshini.... does the apartment come with all this furniture or is it just for display?

Roshini, her realtor, flashes her a big bright smile. She approaches her with her clipboard in hand.

Roshini: Yes, it comes with it all. Everything you see in this apartment will be yours if you do choose to rent it.

Bani: (becoming curious) Who was the previous tenant of this place?

Bani watches as Roshini's smile tightens and look unreal as she becomes slightly hesitant about discussing the topic.

Roshini: Err.... (nervous laugh) Well it has something to do with a family matter. I tried to press on details but wouldn't get any. All I know is that they have opened it up for rent for a matter of months.

Bani gives Roshini a slight look on hearing this. She turns and gives another glimpse of the place. It sure is a beautiful apartment and it will be difficult for her to find such a charming place elsewhere in the city. Roshini looks at her cautiously and worriedly, hoping with all might that she will not refuse.

Bani: I don't know Roshini....

Roshini: (trying to get rid of her doubts) Come on Bani, your lease will only last for six months. And you said earlier you need a place to stay for awhile to start searching for a permanent residence somewhere else.

Bani: (still unsure) I did.

Roshini: And its right by the hospital where I know you are working.

Bani: It is. (agreeing)

Roshini: And you would be insane if you were to give up on a chance of living in a beautiful apartment like this! I mean, just look at the view!

Bani: (torn on both sides) The view is really great.

Roshini: Then what is holding you back! It's a perfect opportunity. You should go for it Bani.

Bani takes a moment to carefully think this through. Did she really want to do this? She knows that she will never come to a decision by debating to herself over this issue and decides on comparing the pros of buying the apartment for rent against the cons.


  •          Big bedroom with a bonus of a separate bathroom in it
  •          Guest room----so her sisters can come and stay with her whenever they wish if they do decide to drop by
  •          Another bathroom, so she doesn't have to share with anyone else if she has a guest over [which is highly unlikely though since she doesn't know anyone that she would invite over and spends all of her time at the hospital, but still, it's nice to have a spare bathroom]
  •        Huge kitchen with a cool steel refrigerator that can fit just about anything
  •          Breath taking view of the city where she can imagine herself sitting in front of sipping her coffee [well whenever she finds the chance to]
  •          Really nice comfortable furniture


  •          Expensive as hell

Roshini curiously cuts into her train of thinking, eager to know what her decision is. She calls for her attention.

Roshini: So..... What do you say?

Bani turns to look at Roshini and rethinks over her list for a brief second before conceding defeat. She smiles lightly at her and says, "I say, where is the key?"


It took Bani two weeks to settle into her new apartment, due to her busy scheduling at the hospital, with the help of her sisters and brother-in-law, Aparajit Deb who all agreed that she chose a nice place to live until otherwise. They were gracious enough to help unpack all her things and rearrange to her liking, moving all her things in. Pia, her elder sister by a year, had questioned with slight disapproval, "I don't understand Bani why you are going to rent a place for only a few months if you're going to be looking for another place to live. I mean, what's wrong with staying with me and Jeet? Why are you going to waste your money like this?" Bani had successfully gotten rid of most of her doubts, heavily using the excuse of the apartment being close the hospital and saying it will be convenient for her. Pia had only huffed and said she could do whatever she wanted because she knew Bani would not listen to her no matter what she says.

Bani opens the door for her small family, who came to do some last minute moving in, completely settling her into the apartment. She watches them leave and pecks them all on their cheeks, promising to come and visit soon. She knew as well as they did that she was lying.

Bani sighs and looks around her apartment, falling in love with the homey feel to it. She glances over at the hanging clock and notes that she has a little time to take a nap and catch up on her sleep....


Bani wakes up only to realize that she had slept three hours when she had only meant to sleep one. She rubs her eyes and stretches while yawning softly to herself. She gets out from bed and sees that it's too late for her to start on dinner and that she might as well order some takeout. On her way to the kitchen, she walks through the living room and catches the shining view from her balcony window doors. She is momentarily mesmerized until she remembers what she had wanted to do. She goes on over to make herself a pot of coffee with the thought of sitting by her windows and savoring the scenery from her top floor. As her coffee is made she looks through the wooden cupboards for a mug until she finds only two, one that has the words "World's Greatest Uncle" on it and another with a "I love New York" logo on it. Bani, at first intrigued, ignores her floating thoughts. She realizes that she has still not unpacked most of her cups, plates, bowls, and utensils. She takes out the New York mug and pours her coffee into it since she has no other option.

Sipping onto her coffee slowly, savoring the warm taste of the liquid, Bani walks out from the kitchen and over to the living room but is immediately stopped in her tracks as she sees something that terrifies her. Her mug of warm steaming coffee falls from her hands and crashes against the floor. She gasps loudly as she sees a tall man of about 6'3" standing before her in the dining room, separating the kitchen and living room apart, staring back at her with a startle as well.

Without wasting another moment, she grabs the glass vase right next to her into her hands to use as a weapon for her defense as it is the only thing near that she can grab and watches the man eye her curiously.

Bani: (yelling) Who are you! What are you doing in my apartment! How did you get in! ----Don't you dare come near me or else I will smash this against your skull!!!

She warns as she sees him take a step forward to come near her. He retreats a step back, yet looks more angry than "frightened" as she wanted him to be.

"Who are you to ask me all this and threaten me in my own apartment?! Do not make me the culprit here, you are the one who has committed forced entry into a private home! Do you know that this is against the law and that you can get charges put against you?" he questions her demandingly, making her feel small compared to his gallant height and brewing anger.

Bani: (squeaks) Me?! You are the one who broke in! I live here! I pay the rent! This is my apartment! If anyone is getting charges on them, then it's you!

"Look, I don't want to play games with you. Either you get out or I will kick you out. Or better yet, I will have the police escort you. Now what is it going to be?" He stands before her in determination of his words and she finds herself swallowing nervously. She then, however, remembers that she is the victim here. How is she going to allow this stranger to tell her what to do and threaten to kick her out of HER apartment? She burns up with rage towards this arrogant man.

Bani: You are the one who is playing games! What do you want from me? Do you want money? Did you come here to steal? I'll give you anything you want if you just leave! And I swear to God if you try to attack me in anyway, I won't hesitate in defending myself!

"Don't get all hyped up. Put the vase down, it's expensive," he states, keeping his eyes on her furious face.

Bani: (screams) How would you know that?! It's my vase!

"No, it's mine. Everything here is mine. This apartment is MINE," he angrily retorts back while taking a step toward her. Bani moves back nervously, afraid of whether this man will hurt her, and grips tight onto the glass vase. With every step she takes back, he comes near. Soon enough her back hits the wall and she watches with wide eyes as he approaches her closer and closer.

Bani: (voice shaking) Stay back!... Get away from me!... I'll hurt you---- I swear I'll do it!

She holds in her breath as he finally stands before her, peering down at her with his gray stormy eyes and she watches frighteningly as he brings his hand forward. She is about to scream until she sees that he reaches for the vase and brings his hand forth to grab it. But she and the man are both surprised as his hand moves past it' not able to take a grip onto it. Bani watches again as he attempts to take it from her once more, but his hand only goes through the vase. He pulls his hand back and brings it to his view, his eyes wide with disbelief as well. Bani, astonished, drops the vase from her hand, allowing it to shatter onto the floor as well as the mug previously. His eyes meet hers just as she does this.

"Damn it, I told you it was expensive," he mutters through clenched teeth, but Bani could care less about the vase now. What she cared about now was why this man wasn't able to hold onto the vase..... why his hand kept on missing it and only went through it.

Bani: (whispers, terrified) Are you'.. Are you a ghost?

She sees his features tense on her words and his face bear a look of shock at her question.

Bani: Wh-why weren't you able to touch the vase?

"I can ensure you Miss that I'm not dead.... I'm very much alive," he says defensively after regaining himself. However, he isn't able to persuade Bani who's heart paces and face pales on the thought of being before a ghost.

Bani: (shaking her head, voice quivering) .... You have to be a ghost. There can't be any other reason that can explain why you weren't able to hold the vase.... Oh my God, you are a ghost!

Bani is reaching the brink of panic very quick and the man can sense it. He lifts his hands up to take a hold of her upper arms into his grip and shake some sense into her before she starts screaming her head off and continue to make false allegations of him being a "ghost" but is only given a further stunning surprise as his hands go through her as well. Beyond confused now, he tries once more only to receive the same outcome. Bani shivers and her knees shake. Seconds later, she screams and shuts her eyes, afraid for her own protection as she is cornered against the wall with no way of getting out....

A long moment passes as she curiously peeps through the fingers of her hands to see if he is still there, only to be astounded with him not being there anymore. She removes her hands from her eyes fully and searches around frantically for any sign of him. He is gone..... Just like that. She blinks dumbly for a moment, wondering if everything that had just happened was a hallucination until she looks down onto the floor beside her and sees the remainings of the shards of glass by her feet. That is enough to send her running to her room and bolt the door shut....


Ch 2/3 on PG 3
Ch 4 on PG 5
Ch 5 on PG 7
Ch 6 on PG 9
Ch 7 on PG 11
Ch 8 on PG 13
Ch 9 on PG 16
Ch 10 on PG 19
Ch 11 on PG 21
Ch 12 on PG 26
Ch 13 on PG 28
Epilogue on PG 30
Alternative Ending on PG
Edited by Indian_Goddess - 14 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

*Guli* thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 15 years ago
haila another FF??

will be come back to comment later!
Heartbreak thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
haha haha  that was really good yaar I loved it jai a ghost know that intresting I guess jai in a coma in a hospital and bani gone help him come threw it...
Remind you of a bit of i see you arjun rampals
Will be waiting for the next up date. 
Love Perveen
ducky_euro thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
yeey a new ff
hmm the mystery appartment
cont soon
fantastic story
Hkaurk22 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Oooooooooooooooh DIL!!! socute-- I have to admit Ive seen this movie -- with reese and mark ruffalo, right?  very cute story- cant wait for the JB version :)  you must continue the other one too heeheee
1stFamily thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Hey if Im right u hvnt finished this FF
Hume Tumse Hua Hai Pyaar..."
Plz update this 1 as well
This FF is really different from other, and very interesting.
abhilashasharma thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 15 years ago
hey.... i know this movie... "Just Like Heaven" I mean it resembles that...  but the difference is that the heroine meets an accident and the hero rents the apartment... nice subtle movie... i like it...
--__Shireen__-- thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago

Yo marshmellow! you remember me? 😆 it's been ages since we've talked! how have you been? i have good news and bad news for you!

Good: i've finally got my word prosesser back on my comp so the update is being written! 😃
Bad: I can't remember what the plan was so you kinda need to remind me, oh and it'll be up after my exams probably, unless i manage to squeeze in a mini update before that! 😉😆
btw, i still have to get around to reading your other FF, which i will, eventually! isaw this FF up, and i was like "so much for exams and all" (unless you're done) 😆😆😆
anyways, great start to an awesome FF! i'm loving it so far! can't wait to see how this turns out! 😛
now back to busness!
Peer Manavan
Ne mein..
Peer manava peer manava peer manava
Sow sow
Dhek chadava peer manava
Jaavan vari jaavan mein
Jaavan vari jaavan
Gaavan mangal gaavan mein
Gaavan mangal
Oh ne mein peer manava
Sow sow dhek chadava
Oh jaavan vari jaavan
Oh gaavan mangal gaavan
Oh ne mein
Oh ne mein peer manava
Sow sow dhek chadava
Oh jaavan vari jaavan
Oh gaavan mangal gaavan
Oh ne mein
Aangne mein aaye bahar
Mehandi rang layee
Mehandi ke rang hai hazar
Mehandi rang layee
Mehandi ke mehandi ke
Mehandi ke rang hai hazar
Mehandi rang layee
Kajra lago koi bindiya sajaao
Ohh…ohh.. ohh..
Nazare utharun aur teeka lagao
ohhh.. ohh..ohh
Badtha hi jaaye humar
Mehandi rang layee
Jeevan ka hai yeh singaar
Mehandi rang layee
Oh ne mein
Oh ne mein peer manava
Sow sow dhek chadava
Oh jaavan vari jaavan
Oh gaavan mangal gaavan
Oh ne mein
Hasne lage tho lelo iski balainya
Phool lo ke gajaro se bhar lo kalaiyan
Badtha hi jaaye humar
Mehandi rang layee
Oh ne mein peer manava
Sow sow dhek chadava
Oh jaavan vari jaavan
Oh gaavan mangal gaavan
Kher mangi sajan mein ne teri
Duwa na koi aur mange
Kher mangi sajan mein ne teri
Duwa na koi aur mange
Ho we sajana de umar na ve levi
Ho we sajana de umar na ve levi
Duwa na koi aur mange
Kher mangi sajan mein ne teri
Duwa na koi aur mange
Oh ne mein peer manava
Sow sow dhek chadava
Oh jaavan vari jaavan
Oh gaavan mangal gaavan
Oh ne mein peer manava
Sow sow dhek chadava
Oh jaavan vari jaavan
Oh gaavan mangal gaavan
Oh ne mein
Aye Bachu
Jhoom Le Jhoomjhama…
Jhoom Jhamak Jhoom…
Pairon Mein Ta Ta Thayee…
Tum Tumaakk Tum…

Aye Bachchu Tu Sun Le…
Mere Dil Ka Ye Order…
Ab Khul Ke Jeele Tu…
Koi Seema Na Border…

Halka Sa Nasha Hai…
Masti Ki Wine Mein
Jeene Ka Hai Chaska
Toh Aaja Linemein
Suno Yaaron Suno Ek Raaz Gehraa…
Kiston Mein Kya Jeena
Lambee Saans Lo Zaara…

Muthiyon Ko Kassona Inhe Khol Do…
Dil Mein Kya Rakhna Chhalak Bol Do…

Gun Guna Lo Muskuralo…
Zindagi Toh Sikhati Hai Yehi…
Lehralo Balkhalo
Hum Qaidi Toh Nahin…

Jhoom Le Jhoomjhama…
Jhoom Jhamak Jhoom…
Pairon Mein Ta Ta Thayee…
Tum Tumaakk Tum…

Lahron Ke Sang Chhap Chhap Chhapak Chham…
Dol Tu Dum Dum Dum Dummak Dum…
Jhoom Le Jhoom Zara
Oh Zara Jhoom Le Jhoom Zara

Suno Yaaron Suno Ek Raaz Gehraa…
Kiston Mein Kya Jeena
Lambee Saans Lo Zaara…
Muthiyon Ko Kassona Inhe Khol Do…
Dil Mein Kya Rakhna Chhalak Bol Do…

Na Na Na… Na Na Na…
Na Na Na… Na Na Na…
Na Na Na… Na Na Na…

Oh Jhoomo Zara Yeh Bhi Kya Hai Jeena…
Oh Jhoomo Zara Chalke Paseena…
Oh Jhoomo Zara Tum Ho Nageena…
Jhoomo Jhoomo Jhoom Jhoom Mere Sung…

Mastiyon Ki Kashti Kholo…
Kinaro Ko Bye Bye Bolo…
Aao Nah Hawa Ke Sung Holo…
Dolo Dolo Dolo Dolo Mere Sung…

Aye Bachchu Tu Sun Le…
Mere Dil Ka Ye Order…
Ab Khul Ke Jeele Tu…
Koi Seema Na Border…

Halka Sa Nasha Hai…
Masti Ki Wine Mein
Jeene Ka Hai Chaska
Toh Aaja Linemein

Jhoom Le Jhoomjhama…
Jhoom Jhamak Jhoom…
Pairon Mein Ta Ta Thayee…
Tum Tumaakk Tum…

Lehron Ke Sang Chhap Chhap Chhapak Chham…
Dol Tu Dum Dum Dum Dummak Dum…

Jhoom Le Jhoomjhama…
Jhoom Jhamak Jhoom…
Pairon Mein Ta Ta Thayee…
Tum Tumaakk Tum…

Lehron Ke Sang Chhap Chhap Chhapak Chham…
Dol Tu Dum Dum Dum Dummak Dum…

Jhoom Le Jhoom Zara
Oh Zara Jhoom Le Jhoom Le Jhoom Zara
Jhoom Le Jhoom Zara
Oh Zara Jhoom Le Jhoom Zara
Tujh Mein Rab Dikhta Hai
Tu Hi To Jannat Meri, Tu Hi Mera Junnon
Tu Hi To Mannat Meri, Tu Hi Rooh Ka Sukun
Tu Hi Ankhiyon Ki Thandak, Tu Hi Dil Ki Hai Dastak
Aur Kuch Na Janu Mein, Bas Itna Hi Jaanu..
(Tujhe Mein Rab Dikhta Hai, Yaara Mein Kya Karu) - 2
Sajde Sae Jhukta Hai, Yaara Mein Kya Karu
Tujhe Mein Rab Dikhta Hai, Yaara Mein Kya Karu..

Kaise Hai Yeh Doori, Kaise Majboori
Mene Nazaron Se Tujhe Choo Liya
Kabhi Teri Khusboo, Kabhi Teri Baatein
Bin Maange Yeh Jahan Pa Liya
Tu Hi Dil Ki Ha Rounak, Tu Hi Janmon Ki Daulat
Aur Kuch Na Janu, Bas Itna Hi Janu..
(Tujhe Mein Rab Dikhta Hai, Yaara Mein Kya Karu) - 2
Sajde Sae Jhukta Hai, Yaara Mein Kya Karu
Tujhe Mein Rab Dikhta Hai, Yaara Mein Kya Karu..

Vaasdi Vaasdi Vaasdi, Dil Di Dil Vich Vaasdi
Naasdi Naasdi Naasdi, Dil Ro Ve The Naasdi
Rab Ne... Bana Di Jodi.....
Vaasdi Vaasdi Vaasdi, Dil Di Dil Vich Vaasdi
Naasdi Naasdi Naasdi, Dil Ro Ve The Naasdi

Cham Cham Aaye, Mujhe Tarshaye
Tera Shaya Ched Ke Chumta..
O O, Tu Jo Muskaye, Tu Jo Sharmaye
Jaise Mera Hai Khuda Jhomta..
Tu Hi Meri Barkart, Tu Hi Meri Ibaadat
Aur Kuch Na Janu, Bas Itna Hi Janu..
(Tujhe Mein Rab Dikhta Hai, Yaara Mein Kya Karu) - 2
Sajde Sae Jhukta Hai, Yaara Mein Kya Karu
Tujhe Mein Rab Dikhta Hai, Yaara Mein Kya Karu

Vaasdi Vaasdi Vaasdi, Dil Di Dil Vich Vaasdi
Naasdi Naasdi Naasdi, Dil Ro Ve The Naasdi
Rab Ne... Bana Di Jodi.....
Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte (one of my fav's at the moment)
Pam Pam, Pam Pam......
Awaaara, Pam Pam...

Pyaar Huaa Ikraar Huaa, Jeena Yahan Marna Yahan
In Baahon Kho, In Raahon Kho
Chod Ye Chaliyan, Jaye Kahan
Mana Dil Tho Hain Anaari, Yeh Awaara Hi Sahin
Aare Bhol Radha Bhol Hoga Sangam Ke Naahinnn
Har Janam Mein, Rang Badalke
Kaabhon Ke Paardon Pein Hum Khilte
(Hum Hain Raahi Pyar Ke, Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte) - 2

[ Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte Song Lyrics @ Http://www.hindilyrix.com ]

Dil Ka Bhawar Kare, Kare Pukar Jab, Pyar Kisi Se Hota Hain
Jiya Ohh Jiya Kuch Boldon, Aab Dard Sa Dil Mein Hotha Hain
(Thede De E E Ohhh) - 2
Ohh Tere Ghar Ke Samne Ghar Banaonga, Thootha Hi Sahin
Pal Bhar Ke Liye Koi Hume Pyar Karle, Jhootha Hin Sahin
Jhootha Hin Sahin, Hain Jhootha Hin Sahinnn
Har Janam Mein, Rang Badalke
Kaabhon Ke Paardon Pein Hum Khilte
(Hum Hain Raahi Pyar Ke, Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte) - 2

Yahoooo Yahoooooo

Ohhhh Hasina, Zulfoon Wali Jaane Jahaaaan
Chahe Mujhko, Jaangli Kehde Saara Jahaaaaan, Have Tooo
(Ohhh Mehfil Mehfil Dil Phire, Yaho Yaho Dil Kare) - 2
Badan Pein Sitare Lapete Hue
Har Janam Mein, Rang Badalke
Kaabhon Ke Paardon Pein Hum Khilte
( Hum Hain Raahi Pyar Ke, Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte ) - 2

Ohooo Hen Hen Hen…Ahhhhhhhh

Hain Jai Jai Shiv Shankar, Kata Lage Na Kankar
Chahe Kuch Karle Zamana
Mere Jeewan Saathi, Mere Sapno Ki Raani
Zindagi Safar Hain Suhana
Hain Kuch Tho Log Kahenge, Na Suna Ki Jiye
Hain Chain Aaye Mere Dil Ko Duwa Ki Jiye
Har Janam Mein, Rang Badalke
Kaabhon Ke Paardon Pein Hum Khilte
( Hum Hain Raahi Pyar Ke, Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte ) - 2

(Pa Pa Para Pa Ra Paaa) - 4
Zu Zu Zu Zu Zu Zu Zu Zu…

(Darde Dil Darde Jigar, Zamane Kho Dikhana Hain) - 2
Hum Kisi Se Kum Nahin Hain, Tujko A Batha Na Hain
Yeh Wada Raha, Ohhh Meri Chaandni..
Har Janam Mein, Rang Badalke
Kaabhon Ke Paardon Pein Hum Khilte
Hum Hain Raahi Pyar Ke, Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte
Hum Hain Raahi Pyar Ke, Ah Ah Ah Ah Chalte Chalte
Hennnnnnnnnnnn Ahhh Chalte Chalte
Hum Hain Raahi Pyar Ke, Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte
Shut Up & Bounce
Bounce, Bounce, Just Keep On Boncing Baby
Bounce, Bounce, Just Keep On Boncing
Malmal Ki Raaton Mein Tu, Khwaabon Ki Baaton Mein Aa
Baahon Mein Aa Ja Jara Jaaniya, Jaaniya
Chup Chup Ke Dhadkano Ki, Sun Le Sadayein Aaja
Bahaon Mein Rehle Aaja Jaaniya, Jaaniya
Aab To Baton Mein Rakha Kya Hai Jab Har Pal
Teri Aankhein Kehti Hai Sau Kahaniyaan
(shut Up N Bounce Baby Bounce, Mehki Mehki Haawaien
Behki Behki Jaayein Yeh Jaawaniyann) - (2)
Bounce, Bounce, Just Keep On Boncing Baby
Bounce, Bounce, Just Keep On Boncing

Shame Rangin Kar Du Main O Yeah O Yeah O Yeah
Baahein Teri Bhar Du Main O Yeah O Yeah O Yeah
Yeh Ishaarein Rehne Do, Na Mujhko Kehne Do
Kahin Baaton Mein Beete Na Jaawaniya
(shut Up N Bounce Baby Bounce, Mehki Mehki Haawaien
Behki Behki Jaayein Yeh Jaawaniyann) - (2)
I Feel It I Need It, I Feel It Do It All Nite - (2)

Aankhein Zalim Yeh Teri O Yeah O Yeah O Yeah
Raahein Roke Hai Meri O Yeah O Yeah O Yeah
Is Tarah De Dekho Na, Na Mukjko Dekhi Na
Yeh Teri Aankhein Kehti Hai Sau Kahaniyaan
(shut Up N Bounce Baby Bounce, Mehki Mehki Haawaien
Behki Behki Jaayein Yeh Jaawaniyann) - (2)
Malmal Ki Raaton Mein Tu, Khwaabon Ki Baaton Mein Aa
Bahon Mein Aa Ja Zara Jaaniya, Janiya
Chup Chup Ke Dhadkano Ki, Sun Le Sadayein Aaja
Bahaon Mein Rehle Aaja Jaaniya, Janiya
Abb To Baton Mein Rakha Kya Hai
Jab Har Pal Teri Aankhein Kehti Hai Sau Kahaniya
Bounce, Bounce Shutup N Bounce
(dont Get Your Body Move It - (2)
Dont Get Your Body Move It Like Dis, Like Dis) - (2)
Shut Up And Bounce Baby Bounce Bounce Bounce
(dont Get Your Body Move It - (2)
Dont Get Your Body Move It Like Dis, Like Dis) - (2)
Here you go! a full 5 songs! aren't you impressed?! 😉😆😆
Update soon! love you! 🤗
From "The Rock" 😉😆
MrsKhan-Sobti thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
will be back after reading.....
kooliio thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 15 years ago
ohhh it's great...
can't wait....
plzz cont.soon...
Edited by koolgal - 15 years ago