anum88 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
can anyone tell me the full story please😃
from beginning till now


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shasha74 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
oh hell do u really want to know? u sure cause u'll get ur heart broken time and again just like us!
if ur sure then ask Elysia to give it-it'll be amazing!
in fact i'll ask her if she'll post it with commentry
priyanka30 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

Episode -  1
Kaakon is a young girl who belongs to an affluent Bengali family living in Kolkatta. Kaakon's early experiences in life teaches her that love is a myth, curse and a big lie due to which her ideas of love are very negative and she grows up nurturing the same. Her cousin Tapur, who is to be married, elopes from home to get married to the love of her life, but her lover ditches her at the last moment. This incident reconfirms Kaakon's belief that love does not exist. Tapur requests Kaakon to meet her fianc in advance and figure out the kind of person he is.

Episode - 2
Kaakon plans to meet Tapur's fianc in the train but lands up meeting Anuraag who she mistakes to be her Aniket Jiju. Anuraag turns out to be a journalist from a channel visiting India to shoot an Indian marriage. He does not reveal his identity to Kaakon and comes along to her house pretending to be Aniket. But on reaching the house Kaakon realises that she has been fooled by Anuraag and is furious. Anuraag requests Dadu to let him stay and cover the marriage. Tapur hands over the love letter written to her by Joydeep and asks Kaakon to destroy them, but Kaakon temporarily hides them in a pot. These letters are found by Tapur's mother who thinks that they belong to Kaakon. She pulls up Kaakon and confronts her in front of the entire family.

Episode -3
Tapur's mother and Dadu confront Kaakon about the love letters in front of the entire family. But Kaakon is more concerned about Tapur's reputation and marriage hence she refuses to answer and takes the blame on her. Dadu is devastated. He disowns Kaakon and instructs everyone in the house to stop associating with her till Tapur's marriage is over. Anuraag cannot bear this injustice and probes Kaakon to tell everyone the truth but Kaakon insults him and tells him to mind his own business. Tapur finds out about the sacrifice Kaakon is making for her happiness and is unhappy about the situation. But Kaakon does not allow her to reveal the truth. Finally Tapur tells her Fiance Aniket all about her past and also tells her family the truth. Dadu apologizes to Kaakon for misunderstanding her. Kaakon feels bad for insulting Anuraag and rushes to stop him before he leaves the city. 

Episode - 4
Kaakon stops Anurag mid-way while he was leaving the city. Kaakon sees an old photograph in her mother's hand in which she is with a woman. She asks her mother about the photo but her mother changes the discussion. Dadu forgives Tapur on Kaakon's request. A grand party is arranged for Dadu's book launch but unfortunately there are not many buyers for the book, which leads to a situation where the family members are found in a financial crunch. But later Dadu comes to know that his eldest son has bought all the books, much to his dislike. Dadu's eldest son had married the girl of his choice without letting anybody else know and thus Dadu had asked him to move out of the house. Dadu wants to return all the cheques but Tapur's mother suggests him to sell the land which is in Kaakon's name to returns the cheque amount. This irks Dadu and he immediately disagrees to the idea. This is overheard by Kaakon and Anurag. Anurag express his feelings for Kaakon.

Episode - 5
Kaakon is shocked on hearing Anuraag express his feelings for her. She shuns him away and warns him to stay away from her. Anuraag is puzzled by her behavior but still refuses to give up. Kaakon's eldest Uncle Debo who was thrown out of the house 20 yrs back by her Dadu returns with his wife and daughter, Moon. Dadu is compelled to forgive Debo and take him back due to the promise made to Kaakon. Anuraag flirts with Moon to make Kaakon jealous and succeeds in doing so. Kaakon tries to fight back this feeling but fails. She realizes that she loves Anuraag but her own beliefs and Dadu's teachings about love refuse to let her accept it. Kaakon is devastated in this state of dilemma.
Episode - 6
Anuraag continues to flirt with Moon and make Kaakon jealous. But Kaakon is caught between her feelings and principles. She doesn't know whether to listen to her mind or to follow her heart. Dadu sends Kaakon to the basement to fetch her grandmother's jewellery. Kaakon finds a beautiful saree which she decides to wear for Tapur's wedding and surprise her dadu. But everyone is shocked to see her in the saree and her mother fires Kaakon for wearing it. Kaakon is shocked. Rupa gives Kaakon another dress and sends her away. The family members tell Kajol to be careful about not disclosing the family secret in front of Kaakon. Kajol again finds the photograph of Kaakon as a baby with another lady and quickly hides it. Anuraag announces that he is leaving for London. Kaakon is heartbroken and shocked.

Episode - 7
Tapur's wedding takes place on a lavish and grand scale. The entire family bids her goodbye with a heavy heart. Anuraag announces that his job is done and that he shall be leaving by the first train. Kaakon is heartbroken and without thinking further runs behind Anuraag to stop him. She finally confesses her love for him on the railway station but Anuraag says that he has to go and will return back soon for her. This is witnessed by Satya and his friends. They beat up Anuraag in a fit of rage. Satya informs his mother Rupa about this incidence and tells her about his next step of warning Kaakon against meeting Anuraag. But Rupa stops him and requests him to let her handle the issue. In an attempt to embarrass Kajol, Rupa encourages Anuraag and Kaakon to continue their relationship while on the other hand suggests the family to wed Kaakon in the same house where she plans to wed her son Satya.  
Episode - 8
Kaakon rushes to meet Anuraag in the hospital. Tapur see's Kaakon going to meet Anuraag. Kaakon is surprised and heart broken when Dadu tells her about her engagement. Tapur tries to change Kaakon's mind about Anuraag but to no avail. Anuraag and Kaakon decide to tell everybody about their relationship. Kaakon decides to write a letter to Dadu about her love for Anuraag accompanied with a photograph of Anuraag. Tapur tries to change the envelope which Kaakon had left in Dadu's study, but Rupa changes it back to the original one. Rupa sweet-talks Kaakon into doing the engagement. Anuraag comes back to see Kaakon getting engaged. This surprises him and he is heartbroken.

Episode - 9
Kaakon comes under family pressure and to restore her Dadu's faith agrees to get engaged to Indraneil. Anuraag is devastated and questions Kaakon about her decision. But Kaakon is confused and unable to choose between her family and love. She half heartedly chooses her family and gets engaged to Indraneil. But Rupa probes her to meet Anuraag and talk to him. Kaakon gives in to her heart and goes to meet Anuraag. They are caught by Kaakon's mother Kaajol. Kaajol slaps both of them and drags Kaakon away. She pleads Anuraag to walk away from Kaakon's life for the sake of her family. Anuraag agrees and goes away. Kaakon is heartbroken seeing Anuraag go away and attempts to commit suicide by slitting her wrist. Tapur finds out about her mother's evil intentions of defaming Kaakon and putting her down in front of the family. She tries reasoning and questioning her but Rupa asks her to stay out of the matter. She also sends Tapur away with Aniket so that she does not interfere in her plan.

Episode -10
Dadu asks how Kaakon got hurt on her wrist and Kajol tells him that she was hurt while wearing her bangles. Rupa is not convinced with her explanation. Naina tries to stop Anuraag when he is leaving the city and also informs him that Kaakon has hurt herself by slitting her wrist. He goes to meet her. Kajol comes in to call Kaakon as Indraneil and his family wants to meet her. She sees Anuraag in the room with Kaakon and pleads him to leave. Kajol explains to Kaakon that she is against their relationship only because Dadu will not accept her love for Anuraag. Indraneil asks Dadu to allow him to speak to Kaakon alone. Kaakon tells Indraneil that she loves Anuraag and desires to marry him and asks him to decide if he still wants to marry her after knowing the truth. Even after this Indraneil agrees to marry Kaakon in front of their whole family. He tells Kaakon that he appreciates her honesty. Kaakon tells her mother that she has agreed to marry Indraneil only because she is unable to oppose Dadu's decisions but will always have feelings for Anuraag.

Episode - 11
Tapur changes the decor of her house and plans to surprise Aniket. Aniket gets furious when he sees the colour of the curtains and shouts at her for changing the decor without his permission. Dadu calls their family Pandit to decide on the date of marriage. Panditji totally opposes Kaakon and Indraneil's marriage as their Kundlis don't match. Kaakon is very happy listening to this. Rupa meets the Pandit again and bribes him to match Kaakon and Indraneil's Kundlis. Panditji later tells the Ghosh family that Kaakon and Indraneil's marriage is possible on a particular day which is considered to be an auspicious day. Everyone in the family is overjoyed after listening to this. Kaakon calls up Anuraag to meet. Kaakon wants to leave the house with Anuraag. But Anuraag does not want Kaakon to betray her family's trust and asks her to do what her family asks for. On the day of the Sangeet, Kajol takes Kaakon to a temple and also calls Anuraag there. Anuraag and Kaakon get married in the temple with Kajol's blessings.

Episode - 12
Kaakon and Anurag are married with Kaajol's blessing. Naina, a friend of Anuraag also calls in a lawyer to get Kaakon and Anuraag's marriage registered. Everybody back home are having a good time as it is Satya's Sangeet and Haldi ceremony. Kaakon is very sad as she misses Anuraag who has gone to meet his Boss and convince his parents about his marriage. Kaajol gets a mysterious call inquiring about Divyana which shocks her. Kaajol asks Kaakon to stay calm and composed till Satya's marriage after which she would tell everybody about her marriage to Anuraag. Later Kaajol gets a mysterious letter with just Divyana written on it which leaves Kaajol shell-shocked and worried.

Episode - 13
The entire family is busy celebrating Satya and Ipshita's marriage. Kaajol and Kaakon decide to tell Dadu the truth about Kaakon and Anuraag's marriage the next morning. Rupa hears this conversation and decides to reveal this truth in front of the entire family to embarrass Kaajol. Kaajol gets a threatening call from an unknown caller who asks for money in return of concealing the truth about Divyana from Kaakon. He calls her at a specific location with the money. Kaajol is worried and hastens out of the house with the money. She hands over the money to this mysterious person who in return gives her a note. Kaajol is so shocked to read the note that she does not see a truck speeding towards her and meets with an accident. She is rushed to the hospital. The doctor declares her situation very critical and asks the family members to organize for blood. Kaakon volunteers to give her blood to her mother as the blood group is bound to match. The doctor tests her blood and finds that it does not match that of Kaajol. Everyone is shocked to hear this except Rupa.

Episode -  14
Kaakon's blood group doesn't match Kaajol's but Kaakon's blood group being O+ i.e. a universal group can be used for Kaajol. Kaajol still remains on life support system. Kaajol regains consciousness to tell everybody about Kaakon's marriage but couldn't tell the entire story because of the life support system. Everybody misinterprets Kaajol thinking she wants Kaakon to get married to Indraniel. Kaajol goes into Coma after a while. Rupa incites Kaajol to runaway with Anuraag and then informs Daadu about this. Rupa takes Daadu to the Kali mandir where Kaakon is supposed to meet Anuraag, but Anuraag doesn't turn up. Indraniel saves Kaakon by being with her. Daadu is assured and relieved about Kaakon. Indraniel asks Kaakon to speak up now else problems would be created later. Daadu asks Rupa to leave the house for maligning Kaakon.

Episode - 15
Kajol tries to convey that Kakoon is already married by writing 'Shaadi' on a piece of paper. Dadu misunderstands this as her last wish of getting Kakoon married to Indraniel. So the family continues with Kakoon's marriage preparations and calls her in-laws for Shagun. Kakoon is in a fix whether to tell Dadu the truth or not. She keeps praying to God wishing that her mother gets well as she is the only one who knows the truth. Rupa pretends to sympathize and help Kakoon. She advises her to tell everybody the truth and call off the wedding. Kakoon gathers all her strength and is about to confess when Satya enters the house with Kajol's dead body. The entire family is shocked and devastated. They perform Kajol's last rites.

Episode -16
The entire Ghosh family is drowned in sorrow after Kajol's death. Kaakon's father is in a state of shock. Kaakon and her Dadu succeed in making him cry. Rupa is worried that in case Kaakon does not tell her Dadu the truth about being married to Anuraag she will have to leave the house. So she goes ahead and tells Dadu everything. Dadu does not believe Rupa and decides to hear the truth from Kaakon. He pretends to get her married to Indraneil. Kaakon panics and confesses to being married to Anuraag and also the fact that Kajol had got them married. Dadu is furious and slaps her. He declares Kaakon as dead for him. Kaakon pleads for help from Rupa who also knew about the situation. But Rupa denies knowing anything and in-turn puts the entire blame on Kaakon. In a rage Rupa also tells Kaakon that she is not Kajol's real daughter but was adopted by them. Kaakon is devastated. She refuses to accept this fact and begs everyone in the house to tell her that Rupa is lying. But nobody dares to talk to her or accept her other than Tapur.

Episode - 17
Kaakon tries to talk to her father but Rupa walks in and pulls her out of the house. Everyone tries to stop Rupa from doing this but she does not listen and asks Kaakon to leave their house forever blaming her to be the reason for Kajol's dead. Kaakon goes to talk to Dadu in the temple who is performing last rituals in Kaakon's name as he had declared Kaakon dead for him. Kaakon pleads Dadu to trust her and accept her marriage but Dadu ignores her. Kaakon leaves for Amritsar to meet Aunraag as she thinks only he can convince her family. Kakoon does not have money to travel by the train. A stranger pays for Kaakon's ticket. After reaching Amritsar he asks Kaakon to repay him his money and snatches her mangalsutra when he comes to know that Kaakon is left with no money. Kaakon reaches a gurudwara chasing the man to get her Mangalsutra back where she meets an old lady who assures to help her in trouble. Kaakon is able to finds Anuraag's office but on enquiring comes to know that there is no employee named Anuraag working with them. Kaakon is disappointed listening to this.

Episode - 18
Kakoon sees the car in which Anuraag has sat down in and tries to look in to see who is sitting but the window is pulled up and it's tinted. So she cannot make out who is sitting and Anuraag looks in the other direction and drives off.  There is a lot of hit and miss between Kakoon and Anuraag. Bebe tells Kakoon not to worry and that will help her find her husband and asks for the guest room to be arranged for Kakoon and tells Gayatri to give her some clothes for the puja and also Bebe's grandson's (Rahul's) engagement, which is happening at the same time .D.P (Rahul's father) and Dinesh (The would be bride's father) are at the club having a good time. Then D.P. says he has to leave for the puja. Kakoon is ready and looking at herself in the mirror and gets a feeling that she will meet Anuraag today.. She walks into the function and Bebe has got the shagun thali of her grandson. Kakoon tells her that she will take care of it and will decorate it, by this time Devi comes with Dinesh. Puja starts and here we see Kakoon praying, wishing God will make her meet her husband (Anuraag).

Episode - 19
Bebe makes Kakoon meet D.P. and Dinesh. Then Preeti tells Kakoon to dance for the occasion. Kakoon hesitates but Bebe convinces her. She starts to dance, someone gets off a car, she keeps dancing. Dance finishes and someone enters the party, everyone goes to him, Kakoon can't see him. The crowd moves away and she sees that person turns out to be ANURAAG!!!!! She runs to hug him and Bebe tells her that she has been missing her husband so much that by mistake she is hugging her grandson. Kakoon is shocked!!! Here Anuraag has a smile and introduces himself as RAHUL PUNJ!!!!!!!! Kakoon is shocked, then a car comes and a bride comes out in a ghoongat (not revealing who it is) with another girl, Manasha, who is the bride's sister, who decides that unless her jiju (Rahul) gives her something, she would not let him see the brides face. The family comes forward to greet her. Here Kakoon is seeing all this and walking backwards in shock and crying. Gayatri and Devi come ahead to the bride and take her towards the stage. Rahul helps his to be wife on stage. Here they get engaged. Here Kakoon has walked out and is in the garden watching all this, she can't stop crying. Rahul gets a phone call and excuses himself and goes out. While he is talking on the phone, Kakoon comes and asks him about what's happened and to tell her that it's not true. Rahul holds her and says that he knows that they are married, so what!!! Kakoon gets confused and is shocked. He also tells her that he does not love her but did what he did for a reason Kakoon begs him to tell the truth. The bride to be comes and reveals herself by lifting the ghoongat she is Niana. Kakoon is shocked.

Episode  - 20
A person saves Kakoon when she attempts to end her life. Rahul feels guilty and sorry for Kaakon. Naina tries to cheer him up. Kakoon goes to ask Rahul the reason as to why he is not recognising their marriage. Naina spots Kakoon at the gate of the Punj house and orders the security guys to throw her out of the city. Rahul denies telling Kakoon the reason as to why he fails to accept their relationship. Kakoon is sad and dejected as the Sangeet ceremony of Rahul and Naina takes place.

Episode -21
Whole sangeet atmosphere is going on everyone is blessing Naina and Rahul , watching this Kakoon has tears in her eyes.  Rahul sings a song for Naina and Naina dances for him. Naina tells Kakoon to sing for them. She eventually does and as she finishes, she runs out towards the garden and breaks down. Naina comes and tells Kakoon that now she will tell her why Rahul had done what he had done. Rahul also comes there with papers in his hands. here Kakoon gets to know that Rahul married her for the land that was on her name because Naina wanted it to make a hotel and those were not marriage papers that Kakoon had signed on but were property papers. Rahul tells Kakoon that he loves Naina blindly and would even die for her. Kakoon is absolutely shocked. Then Naina tells her that she was waiting for midnight to tell her as by that time the demolition of the house would have happened. Rahul tries to explain to Kakoon that it was Naina's dream and all is fair in love. When Naina tells him that she wanted to go and celebrate. Kakoon goes running on the road remembering her family, Dadu, everyone and needed to find out how they were. She comes to Aman's house and dials ghosh badi but nobody picks up. Then she calls Noinika and Noinika tells her how the house has been taken over. How the family has got scattered, Kakoon puts the phone down and starts walking out when Aman asks her where she was going and she says back home to ask for everyone's forgiveness. Aman tries to explain to her that she should not go without a fight and should get back what belongs to her and then to go to her family with self-respect. Kakoon tells Aman that she can't fight.

Episode -22
Kaakon looses hope and wants to go home. The mysterious man tries hard but Kaakon insists on going home. The man drops her to the bus stop. Rahul is not pleased with the way they dealt with the Ghosh family. Rahul and Naina enjoy a quite dinner in a restaurant but both their family members land up at the restaurant and liven up the atmosphere. Both families have Mehndi ceremonies at their respective homes. Everybody is in a joyous and a festive mood. Kaakon realizes her mistake and returns back to claim what is rightfully hers.

Episode -23
Both Rahul and Naina's family are busy preparing for the marriage. During the marriage preparations Kakoon sneaks into Naina's house. Rahul and his family arrive for the Marriage ceremony. Everybody is in a joyous mood. Kakoon confronts Naina. Naina is irritated to see Kakoon and orders the security guys to take Kakoon away. Later when the marriage ceremony takes place Naina shows up and stops the marriage from proceeding further. Everybody is shocked to know that the girl with Rahul during the marriage ceremony was Kakoon. Kakoon reveals that Rahul refused to accept her as his wife inspite of being married to her earlier in Calcutta. Everybody is in disbelief.

Episode - 24
Rahul's father questions if he knows Kaakon and whatever she claimed is true. Naina interrupts to tell them that she and Rahul already knew Kakkon and she is a gold digger who wants to marry Rahul for his property. Everyone believes Naina's story. Beeji asks Kaakon to leave their house. Kaakon is helpless as she is not able to convince Rahul's family. Naina's mother suspects that there is a different story between Kaakon and Rahul and asks Naina to tell her the truth. But Naina tells her that she trust's Rahul more than herself and Kaakon is a fraud who wants to marry Rahul for money. Kaakon who is heartbroken comes back to Aman's place. Aman is very depressed to know that Kaakon did not succeed to gain her love. Kaakon feels dejected and wants to go back to Calcutta. Aman tries to motivate her to fight back for her self-respect but all in vain. 

Episode -25
Kakoon dreams that Anuraag is back and have accepted her. Kakoon decides to go back but wants to meet Anuraag once before leaving. She reaches Anuraag's house but the security person does not allow her to enter inside. Anuraag's Bhabi comes to know that Kakoon is back to meet Anuraag. She asks the security to make her sit in the lawn. Kakoon waits for Anuraag throughout the day. Anuraag's bhabi behaves very rudely and insult Kakoon saying she is a money digger who wants Anuraag's property. Kakoon still waits for Anuraag to come back and meet her. Naina is very irritated seeing Kakoon but Anuraag assures her that he will ask her to leave. Kakoon faints while talking to Anuraag. He takes Kakoon inside his house and asks her to rest. Anuraag sympathizes Kakoon and asks her to go back to her family as he never loved her. Anuraag also tells her that he just used her to gain Naina's happiness. Kakoon still insist Anuraag to confess that he loved her. Anuraag gets frustrated and tells her that her presence does not affect him and he is not bothered if she is dead or alive. Kakoon is very hurt listening to Anuraag. She comes back to Aman and tells him that she will now take revenge from Anuraag for insulting her feelings.

Episode -26
Kaakon is heartbroken after Anuraag insults her but Aman gives her courage and advises Kaakon to get back at Anuraag and his entire family. She gets a lawyer and proves that she is Anuraag aka Rahul Punj's legally wed wife and has complete right over his house and property. She forcefully enters Punj house and starts living there against the family's wishes. Everyone in the house including Anuraag insults Kaakon, but she does not pay any heed to them and continues living in the house. Naina is furious and threatens to sue Kaakon but Kaakon advises her against doing so. Naina plans to make Kaakon jealous by getting intimate with Anuraag in her presence.

Episode -27
Kaakon is heartbroken and shattered to see Anuraag and Naina romance. Aman asks Kaakon to be more tolerant and keep on fighting. A pooja is organized in the Punj house. The Punj family is irritated when Kaakon interrupts the pooja. Everybody is worried as Naina is kidnapped. Kaakon gets a call informing her about Naina's whereabouts. Kaakon goes in search of Naina. Anuraag follows Kaakon to the place where Naina is kept and suspecting her to be responsible for the kidnapping Anuraag gets her arrested.

Episode - 28
Kakoon is held responsible for Naina's kidnapping and is arrested. Punj family is relieved as Kakoon won't stay with their family and bother them now. Preeti organizes a family get together to celebrate Kakoon's failure. Preeti, Naina and Sid discuss how they trapped Kakoon in their plan and got her arrested. Rahul sees Naina giving money to a kidnapper and comes to know that Naina had plot the plan to get Kakoon out of Punj family.  Naina justifys herself in front of Rahul saying she did this just to get peace in their lives.  Rahul feels that Kakoon is being cheated and feels sorry for her. He wants to release Kakoon from the jail but Naina stops him from doing so. Rahul goes to meet Kakoon in the jail and pleads her to leave Punj family. He assures her that if she decides to go back to her house he will do anything to release her on bail. But Kakoon is not ready to give up. Later when Punj family is doing their early morning puja Kakoon comes and joins them.

Episode - 29
Everyone in Punj family is shocked to see Kakoon being released from jail. Kakoon pretends that Rahul has released her on bail in front of Naina. Naina believes her and fights with Rahul. Preeti Bhabhi hears Kakoon talking to Aman about her plan to create rifts between Rahul and Naina.  Siddharth bribes Kakoon's lawyer and plans a plot against her.  Preeti Bhabhi pretends to sympathize with Kakoon which is a part of their plan. She makes Kakoon wear western clothes for the party. Everyone is embarrassed and shocked to see Kakoon in western clothes.  Preeti Bhabhi makes her drink alcoholic. Rahul pity's Kakoon and asks her to go back to her family. But Kakoon is very firm with her decision. Naina mixes some drug in Kakoon's drink and Kakoon starts misbehaving in the party.

Episode -  30
Everybody is shocked to see a stranger coming out of Kaakon's room. Everybody doubts Kaakon's character. Kaakon is afraid about the judgment as the judge presiding over her case is a friend of the Punj family. The Punj family's lawyer accuses Kaakon to be characterless. Kaakon is worried as everybody testifies against her. To add to her problems, Kaakon's lawyer leaves the case. As the judgment is about to be ordered in favour of the Punj family Aman arrives to put up Kaakon's case. Aman step by step strips off all the false allegations made against Kaakon by the lawyer of the Punj family. He finally proves that Kaakon's marriage to Anuraag was legal. Judge acquits Kaakon considering the arguments of Aman. The judge also orders an enquiry against Kaakon's previous lawyer. Later Kaakon is surprised to know that Aman is Anuraag's brother. 

Episode - 31
Punj Family is furious as Aman fought the case for Kaakon and turned the judgment in her favour. Kaakon is angry and feels betrayed after knowing that Aman is Anuraag's brother. She feels Aman helped her just to get even with his family. But Aman reveals to her that his father was responsible for the death of Swati.  Aman persuades Kaakon to be strong and steadfast so as to win over Anuraag not with her love but with her hatred. Anuraag is absolutely annoyed with Kaakon and informs her that he only belongs to Naina to which Kaakon replies back firmly that he would return to her one day.

Episode - 32
Everyone in the family is angry seeing Kaakon doing the early morning Puja. Rahul tells Kaakon that he has transferred all his property in his father's name. But Kaakon tells him that it doesn't matter to her if Rahul does not have any property in his name and she will still continue to stay with Punj family. Tamanna who is Rahul's sister comes back to Punjab. Kaakon meets with an accident due to Tamaana's car. She is forced to take Kaakon with her.  Bebe tells her that Kaakon is staying with Punj family and wants to takeover all their property by marrying Rahul. Naina's mother decides to sent Naina and Rahul to Canada to get rid of Kaakon. Tamanna takes a vow that she will defeat Kaakon and get her out from Punj family. Aman transfers his share in Punj families business in the name of Kaakon. Everyone is shocked to know that Kaakon is now their business partner too.

Episode - 33
Rahul is furious with Kaakon as she answered Naina's call on his phone. Kaakon follows Rahul as he goes to play Holi with Naina. Rahul and Naina want to play Holi with each other first before they play Holi with others. Rahul accidently puts Holi colour on Kaakon which irritates Naina. Naina is sad as Kaakon every time tries to interfere in their daily affair. Everybody is in a joyous mood until Kaakon slaps Tamanna's friend as he tries to misbehave with Tamanna. But everybody misunderstands her and a friction is created between Aman and Rahul. Bebe is suspicious as Tamanna and Mansha smoke cigarettes.

Episode - 34
Kaakon obtains the visa and flight tickets of Naina and Rahul. She gets Naina's name printed on the flight ticket changed on to her name. Rahul and Naina are irritated with Kaakon and cancel their trip. Devi decides that Rahul would henceforth stay in their house so Kaakon cannot ploy against them. Kaakon sends media persons to Devi's house who ask Rahul awkward questions about his relationship with Naina. Devi is livid with Kaakon's behavior and slaps her. Kaakon threatens her with dire consequences. Devi is shocked to hear Kaakon and Rahul's conversation where Rahul speaks about his marriage to Kaakon on Naina's insistence as Naina wanted the piece of land that Kaakon owned. Devi doubts something fishy and on checking Naina's desk she finds the agreement papers of the land that Kaakon owned.

Episode - 36
DP is furious with Sid for the goof up which lead to heavy losses in business. Aman rescues Tamanna from the Police station. DP asks Rahul to stay with Kaakon all the time to keep a watch on her. Naina is irritated with DP's decision. Devi orders Rahul to not meet Naina henceforth as he is married to Kaakon. Naina tries to call Rahul but Kaakon diverts his attention. Kaakon forces Rahul to spend time with her. Rahul blames Naina for the friction in their lives. Naina is deeply hurt by these comments and gulps a lot of pills and faints.

Episode - 37
Rahul feels guilty for behaving rudely with Naina. He calls her but Naina does not attend his call. Rahul suspects that Naina is not well and rushes to meet her. He finds Naina in an unconscious state. Devi pleads Kaakon to forgive Naina and let Rahul and Naina stay peacefully. Kaakon tells Aman that she has decided to go back as she does not want to hurt anyone. Later Kaakon's lawyer tells her that Ghosh bunglow has been demolished to construct Naina's dream hotel on the land. Devi assumes that Kaakon has left Punj family since she does not find her in the house even during the puja. Later Kaakon comes when Rahul and Naina are doing the puja. Naina and Kaakon take a vow to defeat each other within nine days.

Episode-  38
Everyone is irritated to see Kaakon attending the puja. In the dandiya function Kaakon gets hurt as Rahul hits her with the stick unknowingly. Rahul becomes very caring for Kaakon and Naina gets jealous seeing this. Next day the police come to warn Rahul as Kaakon has filed a complaint against him for assaulting her physically. Kaakon denies doing any such thing but Rahul does not believe her. Naina tells Kaakon that it was her plan to file a complaint against Rahul so that he starts hating Kaakon. Rahul hears their conversation and gets annoyed with Naina. Naina tries to justify herself. Rahul accuses Naina for being the reason of all the problems in their lives as she is only concerned about her own life and her happiness.

Episode - 39
Naina is very upset as she has a fight with Rahul. Devi makes her realise that due to her everyone in their family has to face the problems. Naina takes a vow that she will gain whatever she had dreamt of.  Rahul blames Kaakon for creating problems in his life. Preeti critisizes Siddhart as he is not able to handle the business. DP is furious over Siddhart as he misses a very important meeting with some foreign delegate Mr. Richard. Kaakon comes home with the delegates and Mr. Richard informs them that he was very impressed with Kaakon's presentation and would like to strike a deal with them. Rahul and DP pretend that they are very happy with Kaakon in front of the delegates. Kaakon warns Naina that she will soon achieve her goal and defeat her. 

Episode - 40
Rahul and Kaakon go to the restaurant with their delegates to sign the deal. Rahul and Kaakon are forced to play a couple game and they win too. Naina comes to the same restaurant and sees Rahul and Kaakon posing for pictures. Rahul later explains to her that he was forced to be with Kaakon as his delegates had insisted him. Siddhart apologizes to his father and asks for a second chance. Naina plans a date with Rahul and decides to spend a whole day with each other. Kaakon shows her some pictures of Rahul with her. Naina gets jealous and tears them off. Naina gets a call from her office and has to call off her date with Rahul. Aman gifts Kaakon a photo frame along with the pictures of Rahul and Kaakon which were torn by Naina. He spots Tamanna and Rohit together in a hotel.

Episode -  41
Tamanna creates a fracass when Kaakon questions her regarding Rohit. Rahul warns Kaakon against doing anything that would malign Tamanna's name. Naina reveals to Kaakon that she had set her up so that Kaakon would be blamed for creating a fuss. DP is ecstatic as they bag a deal worth 100 crores. Siddharth is asked by DP to report to Rahul in office. Naina takes away the credit from Kaakon of organising the party for celebrating Rahul's success. Rahul thanks and gifts Kaakon her favourite bangles as she had given the presentation which helped him close the deal. Naina is furious when Kaakon shows her the bangles gifted by Rahul. 

Episode - 42
Naina confronts Rahul about the gift he gave to Kaakon. Kaakon is overjoyed as she received gift from Rahul. Siddharth is very upset as he is not given any responsibility. Naina handles the international project with Rahul. Mr. Richard suggests Rahul to involve Kaakon in their project as he is very impressed with her work. Naina asks Kaakon to handle the research work for which she has to travel for 25 days in a month. Everyone in the Punj family is happy as Kaakon will be travelling most of the time and they will not be forced to stay with Kaakon. Kaakon leaves for the airport and comes back with an injured leg. She tells Naina that she has faked about her wound so that she is not forced to leave Punj family. Kaakon performs a pooja for her mother's death anniversary. Rahul sympathizes with Kaakon and Naina feels jealous seeing them. Aman and Kaakon visit an old age home where an old female calls Kaakon as her daughter. The old lady follows Aman and Kaakon and saves them when they are caught by a thief. Accidentally she gets hurt too.

Episode- 43
The old woman who had saved Kaakon from the thieves makes her meet her mother.  Kaakon is shocked to realize that her mother was around all along and knew everything about her but never came in front of her. Kaakon's mother is ill and with Aman's help Kaakon hospitalizes her. Naina continues to feel insecure about Rahul and Kaakon. Rahul shares with his mother how torn apart he feels between Kakoon and Naina. She comforts him. Siddharth feels very insecure about having to report to Rahul. His wife asks him to wait till the opportune time. Naina realsies her mistake and tells Rahul she will not feel insecure anymore. They express mutual love and affection. Kaakon is shattered with her mother's comeback and doesn't know how to react. Aman comforts her. Although Rahul is concerned about Kaakon's condition, he doesn't ask her the reason for the same. Kaakon sees her mother leave in a bus.

Episode- 44 
Kaakon stops her mother from leaving the town. Mother tells her she doesn't want Kaakon to get into any trouble because of her and faints. Doctor informs Kaakon that her mother is terminally ill and she is shattered. It's Bebe's birthday and amidst all the family happiness Siddharth and his wife feel left out. Sidharth feels Rahul is more loved by the family members. Naina and Rahul share a happy moment when Naina gets special gift for Bebe. Mata ki chauki is happening to celebrate the birthday. Aman meets his mother and gives her a gift for Bebe. Kaakon wants to find out from her mother about her father and her mother tells her that she spoilt her life after a man who never loved her. She asks Kaakon not to repeat the mistake. Taking a cue from her Kaakon decides to leave Rahul forever. However just after she is about to leave the house, a ladi comes and lands in her arms (mata's ashirvaad). Rahul also wakes up from deep sleep.

Episode -  45
Kaakon leaves Punj house forever to be with her mother. Rahul is shocked when the security person informs that Kaakon has left the house and wouldn't return back. DP is informed by his lawyer that Rahul and Kaakon would be separated only if Kaakon signs the divorce papers. Aman refuses to reveal the whereabouts of Kaakon when Rahul and Naina search for Kaakon frantically. Kaakon has to reveal her past to her mother when she enquires about Rahul and Naina. Eventually Rahul finds Kaakon and gets the divorce papers signed by her. Kaakon signs the papers with a heavy heart while Rahul and Naina are thrilled. 

Episode -  46
Kaakon's signature on the divorce papers are erased due to the heavy rains. Naina is shocked to see those documents as they had lost a good chance of getting rid of Kaakon. Kaakon and Aman come to know that Kaushalya is not Kaakon's mother. They later come to know that Rupa was the one who had sent Kaushalya to mislead Kaakon. They catch Rupa red handed giving money to Kaushlya at a secluded spot. Aman follows Kaakon as she leaves the spot broken hearted. Later Rahul comes to the spot and is shocked to know that Naina was the mastermind who had planned the whole plot along with Rupa.

Episode -47
Aman insists Kaakon that she should meet Rupa and find out the reason why she wants to hurt her. When Kaakon enters her house she sees her Mama on the wheel chair. Rupa apologizes for her behaviour and forcing Kaakon to leave the house. She also tells Kaakon that after she left, her entire family had been through many problems and her husband is paralysed.  She reveals her that she had come to Punjab to apologize for her deeds. Naina had met her accidentally and forced her to be a part of her evil plan. Rohit proposes Tannu for marriage and Tannu agrees. Rahul calls Naina at a secluded place and critisizes her for her evil plans to defeat Kaakon and hurt her. Naina defends herself saying that she did this just to get Kaakon out of their life but Rahul does not agree with her and decides to go apart.  Kaakon sees Naina and Rahul together and assumes that Rahul supported Naina in her plans.  Siddhart comes up with a plan to get Kaakon's fake signatures on the divorce papers. Gayarti and DK agree with Tannu and Rohit's relation. Rahul feels that he had committed a bigger mistake than Naina by cheating on Kaakon.

Episode -48
Tannu tells DP that Rohit's parents are coming to meet her family. Everyone is very happy about Tannu. Aman convinces Kaakon to stay at Punj family till she gets a divorce with Rahul. Bebe gets very annoyed when she sees Kaakon back home. Rahul stops Bebe from arguing with Kaakon. Bebe informs Naina that Kaakon has come back home and also tell her that Rahul is very kind to Kaakon. Tannu and Rohit's engagement day is fixed. Aman realises that he has feeling for Kaakon but thinks that Kaakon can never fall for him as she loves Rahul. Devi's friend MG and her mother Rajeshwari Devi come to Punjab. Rajeshwari who is a politician decides to retire from her post and handover her post to Devi. Devi refuses to get into politics. MG and Devi talk about some secret which they haven't revealed to anybody. Everyone is enjoying Tannu and Rohit's engagement party.

Episode -  49
Everybody is happy as Tamanna is engaged to Rohit. Aman is also invited by Rahul for the ceremony. Sudhanshu's health deteriorates and is admitted to the hospital. Rupa asks for some money from Kaakon. They decide to sell off the bangles of Kaakon's real mother to arrange money for Sudhanshu's treatment. Rahul secretly pays the money for Sudhanshu's treatment. Aman develops feelings for Kaakon. Kaakon is tensed and tries to find about the person who has bought the other set of bangles.

Episode - 50
Kaakon tries to find her real mother with the help of the gold bangles that she finds at the jewellery shop. The shop owner informs Kaakon that the bangles belong to a lady named M.J who lives in the Punj house. Kaakon plays a game at Tamanna's engagement ceremony to identify M.J but ends up finding three women with the same name. Kaakon then sends notes to all three women asking them to take their belonging from the room upstairs. She then places the gold bangles on the bed and hides in the room. Finally the real M.J comes and takes her bangles. While following her Kaakon accidently bumps into Devi and is shocked to see the same gold bangles in her hand. She also comes to know that Devi's name before marriage was M.J short for Mallika Juneja. This ends Kaakon's search for her real mother and also finds her sister Naina in the bargain. Raageshwari Devi asks Bebe about Naina and Rahul's marriage. Bebe tells her the entire story about Kaakon and Rahul's relationship due to which they can't get Naina married to Rahul. Raageshwari insults Kaakon and tells her to step out of the house till she discusses some important issue with the Punj family. Kaakon feels very alone and begs God to send her mother, Kajol back to her.

Episode -  51
Aman is worried about Kaakon as Rupa reaveals him about the bangles. Rajeshwari gives an ultimatum to Kaakon to leave Punj house or else she'll ruin her life. Rupa is worried and goes to Punj house to find Kaakon. Rajeshwari assures help to Naina to get Kaakon out of Rahul's life. Aman wants Kaakon to reveal to Punj family that she is first child of Malika Juneja, Kaakon denies as it would create problems in the Punj family. Rahul takes Kaakon home when she escapes a car accident. Naina is distressed as she comes to know that Kaakon and Rahul are together.

Episode - 52
Kaakon decides to divorce Rahul and leave Punj house for her sister Naina's happiness. Rahul is worried when he does not find Kaakon in the house. Rajeshwari asks Naina and Rahul to handle her hotel project so that they can spend some time together. Kaakon signs the divorce papers. Rajeshwari wants Devi to handle her political party. Rahul comes to know that Kaakon is leaving Punj house. He tries to stop Kaakon but she handovers him the divorce papers. Rahul is very disturbed as now he wants to be with Kaakon. Preeti gets Rahul and Kaakon's divorce papers and is happy that Kaakon has signed the papers. She informs this to BG and Gayatri. They decide to throw a surprise party for Rahul to announce Rahul and Naina's engagement. Rahul goes to meet Kaakon in her new apartment but Kaakon refuses to meet anybody. Aman tries to ask Kaakon the reason why she wants to leave Rahul when he has started feeling for her. Kaakon refuses to answer him too. Some terrorist attacks Kaakon's new apartment and Rahul comes to know about it while watching some news channel. He rushes for Kaakon's rescue.

Episode - 53
Rahul reaches Kaakon's apartment to save her as some terrorist have attacked Kaakon's apartment. Rahul and Kaakon hide from terrorists where they express their love for each other. Rahul and Kaakon are trapped by terrorists but police somehow manage to kill the terrorists and save them. Naina is happy as she would get engaged to Rahul. Kaakon lies to Rahul that she wanted to take revenge and make him realise the pain which she went through. Devi and Preeti are distressed when they see Rahul and Kaakon together. Rahul reveals to Devi that he's in love with Kaakon and also tells her that he would reveal the same to Naina. Devi is worried as Naina would try to harm herself on hearing about Rahul's love for Kaakon.

Episode -  54
Rupa advices Kaakon to go to Satya in Mumbai where Rahul cannot search for her. Devi tries to cajole Rahul to get engaged to Naina but he informs Naina that he wouldn't be able to marry her as he loves Kaakon. Devi goes into a shock and faints fearing Rahul's decision to marry Kaakon. Aman informs Rahul that Kaakon has left to an undisclosed location. Naina's grandmother overhears Aman and Rahul's discussion and reaches the bus station where Kaakon is about to leave.

Episode - 55
Rajeshwari Devi stops Kaakon at the bus stop and blames her for ruining Naina's life and asks her to stay at her house. Kaakon agrees to stay at Rajeshwari's house to unite Rahul and Naina. Aman is unhappy as Kaakon decides to stay at Naina's house. Naina is enraged seeing Kaakon at her house and wants Kaakon to be thrown out of the house but is stopped by Rajeshwari Devi who explains the reason for bringing Kaakon to their house. Rajeshwari Devi is worried as Rahul would often come to meet Kaakon.

Episode - 56
Kaakon tells Naina that she has withdrawn the stay order imposed on the Kolkata land which Naina and Rahul had acquired. Rajeshwari insists Naina to tell her about Kaakon. Naina tells her the truth and also share some pictures of Kaakon's family. Rajeshwari gets shocked to see Kaakon's family pictures. It is revealed later Kaakon is Devi's daughter and Rajeshwari has lied to Devi that she gave birth to a dead child. She had given Kaakon's responsibility to Kajol and also a piece of land was given to Ghosh family by Rajeshwari. Rajeshwari is worried about the consequences when everyone would come to know about Kaakon and Devi. Rajeshwari assumes that Kaakon must be unaware that Devi is her mother. Naina prepares for Father's day party. She invites Rahul for the party too. Rahul accidentally meets Kakoon in a restaurant. Kaakon tries to ignore him but Rahul follows her. Naina sees Rahul and Kakoon together in the restaurant and gets jealous. Kaakon feels insulted in the party and walks out. Rahul again confess his feeling for Kaakon and Naina hears their conversation.

Episode - 57
Naina is devastated when she hears Rahul confessing his feeling for Kaakon. She decides to commit suicide by consuming sleeping pills. At the same time Rahul comes and Naina gets furious seeing him. She burns Kaakon's photo in front of him. Rahul puts the ashes of the burned photo in the milk and consumes the same milk in which Naina had added sleeping pills. Rahul faints down and is taken to hospital by Kaakon and Naina. Everyone is shocked to know that Rahul had consumed sleeping pills. Kaakon lies to them saying that she had added those sleeping pills in the milk with an intention to kill Naina but Rahul consumed the milk. Devi slaps Kaakon and asks her to leave. Devi meets Dr. Vatsala who had delivered her first child Kaakon. Rajeshwari is worried that Vatsala would reveal to Devi that she had given birth to a healthy child. Rajeshwari recollects the incident when she lied to Devi that she has given birth to a dead child and Kaakon was given to Ghosh family. Vatsala comes to know that Rajeshwari has lied to Devi about her first child and decides to speak the truth to Devi. Naina confesses to Rajeshwari that she had added those sleeping pills in the milk but Rahul consumed it mistakenly. Rahul gains consciousness and calls for Kaakon but gets upset when Naina comes to meet him. Rajeshwari threatens Vatsala and bribes her so that she does not reveal the truth about Devi's child.

Episode - 58
Rahul gets discharged from the hospital. Naina tries to talk to Rahul but he ignores her. Rahul goes to meet Kaakon to find out the reason why she took Naina's blame on herself. Rahul stops  Kaakon on her way when she is leaving the city. Rahul insists her to come back in Punj house. The police stops Kaakon as they want to interrogate her in Rahul's case. Later Kaakon is relieved as Rahul confesses that he took excess sleeping pills by mistake. Kaakon comes across her original birth certificate and also comes to know that Dr. Vatsala is going to reveal the truth to Devi. She decides to stop her from doing so. Vatsala comes for the sangeet function to meet Devi and tells her the truth but Rajeswari keeps her away from Devi. Kaakon comes for the Sangeet function to stop Vatsala from revealing the truth. Everyone is disturbed seeing Kaakon. Rahul insists Kaakon to dance with him. Naina feels jealous seeing Kaakon and Rahul together.

Episode - 59
Naina is disturbed seeing Rahul and Kaakon together. Dr. Vatsala hands over the reports to Devi which proves that Kaakon is Devi's daughter. Dr. Vatsala is surprised when Kaakon reveals to her that she had changed the papers which proved that she is Devi's daughter. Devi is furious with Kaakon and calls her in the outhouse to speak to her. Rajeshwari plants a bomb in the outhouse to kill Kaakon. Devi follows Kaakon to the outhouse and unknowingly stands on the motion tracking circuit of the bomb which activates the bomb. Kaakon pushes Devi away and stands on the bomb herself to save Devi. Devi is shocked when Kaakon reveals that she is her daughter.

Episode - 60
Kaakon tries to convince Devi that she is her daughter. Devi is touched when she realises that Kaakon is the child which she got separated from 24 years ago. Meanwhile the bomb explodes in which Devi escapes with a few rashes but Kaakon is seriously injured. Rahul rushes Kaakon to the hospital. Rahul's father creates a scene in the hospital rebuking him for bringing Kaakon to the hospital. Devi is shattered as the doctors inform her that Kaakon is in a critical condition. Naina is hurt as Rahul accuses her to be responsible for planting a bomb to kill Kaakon.

Episode - 61
Rahul goes to the church to pray for Kaakon as she is critical. Devi confronts Rajeshwari for separating Kaakon from her. Rajeshwari explains her that she had separated her from Kaakon because she didn't want her name to be maligned. Naina is upset when Devi informs that she is going to the hospital to see Kaakon. Devi tells Rajeshwari that she'll reveal the truth about Kaakon to everyone. Kaakon regains consciousness and tells Rahul she doesn't need him in her life. Devi goes to meet Kaakon and apologizes for her wrongdoings. Rajeshwari Devi reveals to Kaakon that she had planted a bomb to kill Kaakon.

Episode - 62
Rajeshwari threatens and asks Kaakon to stop interfering in their lives and tells her that she would not be accepted in their family. Devi takes Kaakon with her to stay in her house. Dinesh welcomes Kaakon in his house as she had saved Devi's life from the bomb explosion. DP's family is surprised with Dinesh's decision to accept Kaakon in the family. Rahul promises to Kaakon that he would marry Naina but puts forth a condition. Before Rahul could talk to his and Naina's family, Kaakon and Aman interrupt him and ask for everybody's blessing as they both were planning to get engaged.

Episode - 63
DP is upset and leaves from Dinesh's house without discussing about Naina and Rahul's marriage or Aman's decision about marrying Kaakon. DP asks Aman not to marry Kaakon but Aman is adamant on his decision. . Rahul promises to Kaakon that he would marry Naina on the condition that she too would marry someone.  Devi vows to unite Rahul and Kaakon. Rajeshwari too vows to unite Rahul and Naina. Gayatri decides to attend Aman and Kaakon's wedding against DP's wishes. Rahul is unable to hear Naina asking him to marry Kaakon as he is drunk and not in his senses. Gayatri asks DP to forgive Aman and bring him back home.

Episode - 64
Gayatri and DP come to Aman's place to convince him and get him back in their family. DP tells Aman how Rahul had convinced him to bring Aman back. Aman agrees to go back to his family. Kaakon senses that Rahul has some other intension for calling Aman back home. Naina goes out for shopping with Rajeshwari where she likes a saree that Kaakon had already selected. Kaakon gives up her choice for Naina but Naina refuses it. Everyone is happy in Punj family as Aman comes back home. Gayatri calls a Pandit to decide an auspicious day for Rahul-Naina and Aman-Kaakon's marriage. Panditji fixes the marriage date after 10 days. Kaakon and Aman are tensed as they are not intending to marry. Preeti does not want Kaakon and Aman to marry and decides to reveal Kaakon's truth to Naina. Kaakon gifts the saree to Naina which she had also liked. Devi is very depressed as Naina's happiness is ruining Kaakon's life.  

Episode - 65
Dinesh and Rajeshwari decide to not delay any functions for Rahul and Naina's marriage and keep the 'Roka' ceremony. Even BG agrees to them. Aman is shocked to hear about their 'Roka' ceremony as he is not intending to marry Kaakon. Gayatri asks BG to select sarees to gift Kaakon and Naina. BG refuses to give any sort of gifts to Kaakon and tells Gayatri that she does not even consider Kaakon as her daughter-in-law. Rahul sends some gifts for Kaakon to congratulate her as she is marrying Aman.  Rahul comes to meet Kaakon before their 'Roka' ceremony. Preeti sees Rahul going to Kaakon's room. She later purposely sends Naina to get some jewellery from Kaakon's room so that she can see Kaakon and Rahul together.  Rajeshwari stops Naina while she is entering Kaakon's room. Rajeswari sees Rahul and Kaakon together and understands that Rahul has agreed to marry Naina with some intentions. Rajeshwari and Preeti join hands as they both want Kaakon to move away from their families. Gayatri decides to perform all the customs for Kaakon's 'Roka' ceremony. Eventually Aman and Kaakon are engaged.

Episode - 66
Rahul taunts and makes Kaakon feel miserable for deciding to marry Aman. Tamanna is shocked to see her ex boy friend, Rajat who asks her to meet him. Preeti is worried and unhappy about Kaakon getting married to Aman. Tamanna meets Rajat the next day where Rajat threatens to reveal her past to Rohit. Devi's husband is surprised to see Devi's compassion and love for Kaakon.

Episode - 67
Kaakon lies to Dinesh that she was missing her family so she came to talk to Devi. Kaakon decides to meet Aman but is not able to talk to him and does not find him in his office too. Kaakon confronts Rahul as she assumes that Rahul must have abducted him so that Kaakon and Aman do not get married. Rahul tells her that he will find Aman just to prove Kaakon wrong. It is later revealed that Preeti has sent Aman for some meeting and Aman is stuck at some place as per Preeti's plan. Rajat who is Tannu's ex-boyfriend tries to blackmail her. Rahul buys a ring of Kaakon's choice for the engagement and also makes her wear it. Everybody is eagerly waiting for Aman at the engagement ceremony. Preeti tries to incite everyone against Kaakon saying that she is unlucky for their family and they should cancel Aman and Kaakon's marriage.

Episode - 68
Preeti gets a message from Aman saying that he wants to call off his marriage with Kaakon. Rajeswari convinces everyone that that they should still continue with Rahul and Naina's engagement ceremony. Aman comes at the same time and reveals to everyone that he was stuck at some place as his car was damaged. He also reveals that Rahul has sent his manager to get him back. Kaakon tells Preeti that she overheard her conversation and knew about her plan. Preeti justifies herself saying that she could not see him being hurt by Kaakon as she knew that Rahul liked Kaakon and therefore wanted to call off Aman and Kaakon's marriage. Kaakon apologizes to Rahul but he does not accept it. He asks Kaakon to confess her feeling for Rahul in front of his family. Rahul hurts himself and Kaakon by breaking the glass and so she cannot wear the engagement ring from Aman. Preeti tries to incite everyone saying that this engagement is not complete as Kaakon and Rahul could not wear the engagement rings in right fingers. Aman is hurt hearing that but Siddhart tries to cheer him up. Everyone later enjoys the Sangeet function.

Episode - 69
Everyone is enjoying the sangeet function. Kaakon gets upset and walks out. Devi goes behind her to console her. Devi defends for Kaakon when Rajeshwari accuses her for ruining their family. Rahul asks Kaakon to trust him for the last time. Kaakon still asks him to go back to Naina. Rahul decides to elope with Kaakon but Kaakon refuses. Rahul still forces her to go with him. Tannu goes to meet Ranjit as he blackmails her. Ranjit tries to misbehave with Tannu but Rahul and Kaakon reach there on time as they see Ranjit misbehaving with Tannu. Tannu gets hurt when Rahul tries to hit Ranjit. Devi tries to cover up for Rahul and Kaakon and tells everyone that Rahul has gone to meet some of his friends. Tannu is badly injured and is asked to rest. Kaakon tells Rahul that their destiny is to stay apart as every time they are forced to separate. Rahul gets convinced with her and decides to go apart. Naina calls Rahul and also at the same time Tannu gains consciousness and Kaakon calls for him. Naina gets furious when she hears Kaakon's voice. DP accuses Kaakon again of being characterless and Aman gets furious. Naina decides to break her relationship with Rahul.

Episode - 70
Naina being upset with Rahul's behaviour calls off the wedding. DP is very furious with Rahul, confronts him and asks his final decision regarding his marriage to Naina. Tamanna intervenes and reveals about the incident where Rahul and Kaakon rescued her when Ranjit had tried to misbehave with her. DP later apologises to Rahul. Rahul is shocked to find his and Kaakon's divorce papers. Devi adopts Kaakon legally. Everybody is in a joyous mood as the Haldi and Mehndi ceremonies take place in both the houses. Rahul is in a dilemma about marrying Naina. Aman stops Rahul from revealing that Naina and Kaakon are sisters. Kaakon is surprised to see the divorce papers signed by Rahul.

Episode -71
Everybody is in a joyous mood as Aman and Rahul are getting married. Rajeswari is shocked to see a photograph of Kaakon and Rahul together. Kaakon is very happy as her Daadu, brother and father come to meet her. They take Kaakon to a temple to seek Devi Maa's blessings. Naina is shattered to hear Rahul confessing to her his love for Kaakon by mistake. Naina does not believe Rahul when he reveals that Kaakon is her sister, born to Devi before marriage. Meanwhile Preeti shoots Naina and Rahul's conversation. Kaakon refuses to meet Rahul when he calls her to convince her to marry him. Naina is stunned when she overhears Devi talking to Vatsalaa. about Kaakon as her daughter.

Episode - 72
Naina is stunned when she overhears Devi talking about Kaakon as her daughter to Vatsalaa. Naina on hearing this calls Rahul to call off their wedding but Rahul does not answer her call. Naina later calls Aman and reveals to him that Kaakon is her real sister and calls him at her out house. Aman goes to the outhouse to meet Naina where she tells him that she wants Rahul and Kaakon to be together. Aman on hearing this kills Naina as he didn't want to lose Kaakon again. Preeti shows the tape to everyone in which Rahul has said that he would kill Naina. On reaching the outhouse Rahul asks Naina about the person who stabbed her when he finds Naina lying in a pool of blood. Devi comes to call Naina for the marriage customs but breaks down when she finds Naina dead. Devi accuses Rahul for Naina's murder. Later the police arrests Rahul for Naina's murder.     

Episode - 73
Everybody is grieved as they mourn Naina's death. Devi too thinks Rahul has killed Naina. Aman gives false promises to Rahul that he would bail him out of the mess. Devi rebukes the Punj family for trying to save Rahul and vows to get Rahul punished for the crime. Aman is disturbed as she stays aloof from her lost in her thoughts mourning Naina's death. Aman then remembers how he had killed Swati as she had refused to marry him. Rahul admits to Kaakon in jail that he had killed Naina as he did not want to ruin her life thinking about him. Aman too is surprised when Kaakon tells him that Rahul had admitted to her that he had killed Naina.

Episode - 74
Devi takes a vow that she will punish Rahul for Naina's murder. Gayatri and Bebe decide to keep Muh-dekhai ceremony after Kaakon and Aman's marriage. Rahul refuses to meet Bebe and Gayarti when they go to the police station. DP gets a call from some stranger informing him that they have some evidences that can prove Rahul guilty. DP is asked to pay him a huge amount to get that evidence back. Devi and Rajeshwari are very furious when they come to know that Rahul's family is celebrating Aman and Kaakon's marriage. DP and Siddhart give a huge amount to the stranger to get that evidence which proves Rahul guilty. Later it is revealed that Preeti is the one who claimed money against the evidence. Aman does not want Rahul to come out from jail as Kaakon will go back to him if he is released.

Episode - 75
Bebe knows of Kaakon and Aman's troubled relationship and decides to get them closer to each other. Devi tries to find a good lawyer who would ensure that Rahul is convicted of Naina's murder. Dinesh curses DP that he would too lose his son as he has lost Naina. Rahul in a fit of rage accepts before Gayatri that he had killed Naina. Preeti is worried when she learns from Siddharth that a detective has been hired to reveal the identity of the blackmailer. She then calls her accomplice to destroy the SIM card through which he had called demanding money to not to reveal the evidence against Rahul. Devi meets N. Oberoi, an eminent lawyer to fight her case.

Episode - 76
Devi goes to meet Naina Oberoi in her office. Preeti gives the air tickets to Aman and Kaakon for their honeymoon putting Aman in an awkward position. A sad and dejected Tamanna ties Rakhi to Siddharth and Aman, missing Rahul. Satyda too comes to Kaakon so that she can tie a rakhi. Tamnna later visits Rahul in the jail to tie him a rakhi. Aman decides against going on a honeymoon. Aman misleads Kaakon by giving her gifts in Rahul's name. Siddharth and DP are worried as they get a typed note from the blackmailer demanding 2.5 crores. Devi rebukes Gayatri and DP as they come to court for the first hearing of Naina's murder. 

Episode - 77
Naina meets Rahul in the court and swears that she will punish him for his offence. Naina and Aman fight the case in the court. Naina questions Rahul about his disappearance on the marriage day. Rahul keeps silent as he does not want to involve Kaakon in this case. The judge adjourns the court case till next day. Aman adds poison in the prasad that Bebe gives for Rahul. Siddhart takes a detective along with him to meet the blackmailer Preeti. Preeti calls Siddhart and tells him that she is aware that Siddhart is accompanied by the detective and therefore does not turn up to meet him. Later Siddhart finds out that the letter which has been written by the blackmailer is in the same format as he uses for his official purpose. Kaakon gets a call informing her that Rahul is hospitalized due to food poisioning. Aman and Kaakon rush to meet Rahul. Aman reveals to Rahul that he intentionally added poison in his food so that Rahul falls sick and his case is postponed. Kaakon assumes that Rahul is faking his illness to delay the case.

Episode - 78
Rahul sends a letter to Naina asking her to meet him. Rahul asks Naina to take his help if she wants him to get punished and win the case against Aman when Naina comes to meet him in the hospital. Siddharth calls his detective as he gets a letter from the blackmailer again. The detective informs Siddharth that the black mailer is from Punjj house. Everybody is in a joyous mood as Aman gets Rahul back home. Naina assures Devi that she'll get Rahul punished at any cost.

Episode - 79
Aman is relieved that he is able to create differences between Kaakon and Rahul. Siddharth overhears Preeti talking to a person asking him to collect the money from Siddharth. Siddharth is furious and stunned wondering why Preeti had blackmailed the family, threatening to get Rahul arrested. Siddharth ends his relation with Preeti on a personal front. Rahul sneaks into Sidharth's room and takes away the tape in which he had threatened Naina before she was killed. He later hands over the tape to Naina Oberoi. Naina is confused as to why Rahul did such a thing which could get him convicted. Naina asks her assistant to send the tape to the forensic lab.

Episode - 80
Rohit asks Tannu to talk to her parents for their marriage. Kaakon gets annoyed as Rahul tries to interfere in her life. Preeti is disturbed as Siddharth avoids her call. Rohit's parents come to Punj house to talk about Rohit's and Tannu's marraige. Aman comes to know that Rahul's bail has been withdrawn by the court and they would come to arrest him again. Rahul and Aman request the police to arrest him outside their house as Rohit's parents had come to their place. Rahul surrenders himself. Later Rahul realises that he had left a letter in which he has confessed his crime and is helping Naina to get some more evidences against him. Rahul runs away from the jail to get the letter back and somehow manages to get it back. Kaakon spots Rahul in Punj house and assumes that Rahul has tried to escape from police custody. Rahul manages to get back to jail. Bebe wants Kaakon and Aman to go for their honeymoon.

Episode - 81
Bebe decides to send Kaakon and Aman on their honeymoon. Naina confronts Rahul to reveal the reason for giving the evidence which might go against him in court. Devi is furious when Naina conveys to her that Rahul might be innocent. Naina is later confused when Devi's mother reveals that Rahul was in love with Kaakon and not Naina. Naina later comes to the conclusion that Rahul is innocent and is sacrificing his life for Kaakon and Aman's sake. Kaakon is devastated when Naina informs her about Rahul's sacrifice for her. Siddharth is really worried when he finds that the tape is missing from his cupboard. Preeti denies her involvement in the disappearance of the tape. Kaakon confronts Rahul in jail where he has to accept that he is innocent. 

Episode - 82
Aman is disappointed when Sidharth informs him that the tape having evidence against Rahul is missing from his cupboard; Aman was disappointed because he could have made sure Rahul gets capital punishment if he could have got hold of the tape. Rahul pleads Naina to show the tape in the Court as he wants to see Aman and Kaakon happy. Naina, in a dilemma, does not show the tape in court due to which Rahul is acquitted of all charges. Devi is shattered with Rahul's acquittal. Kaakon finds Naina's phone and her itemised bill in Aman's cupboard. She comes to know that Rahul is innocent as he was not present at the time Naina was murdered. Aman later has to reveal that he had killed Naina. 

Episode - 83  
Aman threatens Kaakon to keep mum about Naina's murder. Kaakon rues her decision to have accepted help from Aman. Aman also threatens to submit the tape to the court which would land Rahul in trouble. The Punj family holds a party as Rahul has been acquitted by the court. Later Aman calls Naina Oberoi to the party so that he can coax her to give the tape to him. Rahul is agitated to see Naina at the party and later rebukes her for not submitting the tape in the court. Rahul later apologises to her when she explains that she had only let the truth and justice prevail. Kaakon decides to ask for help from Naina to reveal Aman's true character.

Episode - 84  
Siddharth is ecstatic when Preeti reveals her pregnancy to him. Kaakon sends a letter through a servant to Naina Oberoi seeking her help. Aman accidently gets the letter as Naina forgets to pick it up from the table . Aman comes to know that Kaakon wants to reveal the truth to Naina. Aman later blackmails Kaakon that he would ruin Rahul's life. Kaakon decides to stay mum. Rahul decides to send Kaakon and Aman for honeymoon. Kaakon does not wish to go with Aman, so she pretends a leg injury and avoids going for honeymoon. Everyone rushes to farm house after getting Rahuls' letter asking for help. 

Episode - 85  
Aman and Kaakon also head towards the farm house after getting Rahul's note. When Aman and Kaakon reach the farm house all the family members surprise Aman as they celebrate his birthday. Rahul tells everyone that Kaakon had planned to surprise Aman for his birthday and only the plan was executed by him. Siddhart announces that Preeti is pregnant. Everyone in the family is very happy. Naina also joins Punj family to celebrate Aman's birthday. Rahul notices that Kaakon is not very happy to be with Aman. He talks to Kaakon about it and accidentally gets hurt. Aman sees Kaakon and Rahul together and gets jealous. He later accuses Kaakon for keeping relation with Rahul. Kaakon is very annoyed as Aman keeps on harassing her. 

Episode - 86  
Preeti is happy as Siddharth starts getting over-possessive about her when he comes to know that she is pregnant. Rahul tells Gayatri that he wants to leave the house as he thinks that Kaakon gets disturbed seeing him around. Siddharth strikes a business deal for which he has to go abroad. Rahul decides to go on Siddharth's behalf. Mansha gets an admission in London University but Devi refuses to let her go as she gets too possessive about her daughter. Later DP convinces Devi and they allow Mansha to go for her higher studies. Kaakon comes to know that Rahul is going to America and tries to stop him. Rahul refuses to listen to her. Later Siddharth himself goes to America as Kaakon tells him that Rahul cannot leave the country without the permission from the court. Aman gets really annoyed as Rahul stays back. Kaakon talks to Rahul about his marriage as Gayatri asks her to do so.

Episode - 87 
Naina's governess Fatimabi comes back. Tannu is disturbed and Rahul talks to console her. Aman is very annoyed as Tannu does not share her problems with him. Naina and Fatimabi celebrate Eid. Fatimabi wants Naina to meet some guys and decides to get her married soon. Aman gets a gift for Kaakon but she does not accept it. Siddhart comes back from his business tour. Rahul goes to Naina's house to return her bag which she had forgotten. Fatimabi mistakes Rahul as the guy from the matrimonial site whom she had called for Naina. Later Naina clarifies that Rahul is her friend. Naina invites Rahul and his family for dinner on the occasion of Eid. Fatimabi is very impressed by Rahul and wants Naina to marry him. Punj family comes to Naina's house to celebrate Eid. Fatimabi comes to know that Kaakon is very close to Rahul and asks her to find out his feelings for Naina. Aman is very depressed and jealous of Rahul as he is given more importance.

Episode - 88 
Aman starts drinking alcohol as he feels depressed. He gets suspicious when Fatimabi tells him that Kaakon has to meet Rahul and talk to him. Siddharth overhears Preeti's conversation with her mom when she tells her that Siddharth has become over possessive about her and she is going to take advantage of this situation. Kaakon talks to Rahul about his marriage but Rahul asks her not to interfere in his life. Aman meets with an accident and Gayatri blames Kaakon as she didn't stop him from drinking alcohol. Gayarti gets suspicious when she sees Rahul consoling Kaakon. Gayatri asks Rahul to meet some girl as she wants him to get married. Kaakon's hand gets burned accidentally as she gets into an argument with Aman.

Hope this help.
Rest of the story I am sure you know since you joined in October.
anum88 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Priyanka30 THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much to write the full story of kdmh but please dont mind😳
mere full story ka matlab tha ke jo ek yaan doo paper par ajaye
or jisko main papers par likh kar apne paas lakhna chahtithi
not every episode but 🤔

do you know what mean
thank you soo much once again
And sorry

-Nadii- thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 15 years ago

This is hopefully brief

Kakoon was brought up with great values and traditions. She was made to believe that Love happens only after marriage and with the person chosen by her family. But the entry of Anurag shakes her belief and values. She ends up falling in Love with Anurag. With the blessings of only her mother she marries Anurag in a simple ceremony in temple. After the marriage, Anurag goes off on his business to Amritsar and promises to return soon at right time. But fatefully, before this is conveyed to the whole family by her mother, she meets with an accident and eventually dies. Now its upon Kakoon to tell everyone about her secret marriage with her mother's blessings. But as expected, no one believes her and eventually she is thrown out of the house. She faces the worst truth of her life that she is not actually a biological child of her parents. She was given away to her parents along with a piece of land by some lady. All through this Anurag does not turn up. So she comes to Amritsar in search of him. She also finds him, but he is Rahul and not Anurag. Now, the truth unfolds in front of Kakoon that Rahul and his girlfriend Naina cheated Kakoon to marry anurag(who is actually Rahul Punj) for the same piece of land that Kakoon got from some lady who gave her away. Shattered Kakoon is unable to face the truth and tries to Commit suicide. She is saved by Aman who helps her gives her strength and courage to fight injustice done to her. She ends up cheating Rahul and marrying him! It happens so that with Aman's help she comes into the family of Rahul and tries to win his heart. She later finds out that Aman is none other than Rahul's own brother who came out of the family after his father became the reason for Aman's lover's death. Kakoon adopts every mean to win Rahul from Naina and she also is successful in doing the same. But at the same time she comes to know that Naina's mother is her own mother. She was born to her before her marriage. So if she accepts Rahul's love she will end up breaking her sister's heart. So she tries to push Rahul away from herself and tries to pair him up with Naina. To make Rahul marry Naina she decides to Marry Aman. Aman is secretly in love with Kakoon but seems not wanting to interfere with her love for Rahul. On the marriage day of Rahul & Naina and Kakoon and Aman, Naina comes to know that Kakoon is her own sister and so she now wants to unite the lovers Rahul and Kakoon. For this she seeks the help of Aman who ends up killing her for his love for Kakoon and makes sure that Rahul is the one to blame. Aman's Marriage with Kakoon is also over. Rahul is arrested for Naina's murder.Aman is acting like a great brother and is fooling around everyone in the family that he will save Rahul at any cost. Currently Aman who is also a lawyer is fighting the case for Rahul in the court. He is planning to lose the case deliberately so that Rahul does not interfere in his life with Kakoon. Kakoon is believing that Rahul has killed her sister. The prosecution lawyer's name is also Naina. She has been hired by deceased Naina's family to fight it out against Rahul and hang him. Naina has second thoughts about Rahul really being the killer, and finds out that he's not. She tells Kakoon everything. For Rahul's hearing, Naina doesn't fight for the case, and Rahul is currently released from prison and returns home. Aman is upset, and Kakoon is happy that Rahul is back home and she goes to see Aman to give him a present for winning Rahul's case. But Aman isn't there. Instead she finds her sister's phone and finds out that Aman has killed her sister, Naina.

Update: Aman threatens Kakoon that if she goes and tells anyone that he murdered Naina, then he is going to give the tape that shows Rahul threatening Naina that his gonna kill her, and Aman will give this tape to the court and Rahul will go jail. Naina Oberoi starts to have feelings for Rahul as he starts to hang about with her. Naina's grandmother goes and tells Rahul family that Rahul likes Naina and they want to get married. So the marriage is arranged. Every day Aman threatens Kakoon, and tells her that 'i'm you husband, a husband can do anything on the bed with its wife;. However he doesn't do this. On the wedding day everyone is at the Naina's house because the Rahul and Naina are doing the Saat there. However, Kakoon is at home and wrote a letter to Aman that she is going to kill her self and that he won't be able to live with him. Before Kakoon leaves the house she looks for the tape which shows Rahul threatening Naina. Aman gets impatient waiting for Kakoon so he goes home to find her, while leaving the wedding. When he goes home he sees the mess that Kakoon left and he reads the letter. Aman gets really angering looking for her in the house. Kakoon is in one of the rooms and destroys the tape. As she leaves Aman grabs her and drags her to their bedroom. Kakoon tries to runaway as she pushes him. But he grabs her and rapes her. Kakoon is devastated that she has been raped and walks towards the door. However before she can get out Aman's mum phones, waking him up. He finds her and tells her to go and get ready because the bride and groom are coming. She goes and gets ready. As she blesses the bride and groom and lets them in the house the mother in law notices she has no sindoor or mangralsutar. So she tells Amsn to put on the sindoor. The next day Kakoon leaves another letter for Aman that she is goen to commit suicide for what he had to her. As he goes down the stairs to the car, he throws the letter on the floor and Rahul picks it and reads it. Rahul goes in search to find Kakoon. He saves her when she tries to fall from a hill. Afterwards due to his persuasion Kaakon tell sRahul about Aman's involvement in Naina's murder. Meanwhile Aman is telling everyone at home that Kaakon & Rahul has run off together. Next morning while Aman was saying all this to his family Rahul comes with Kaakon and tells everyone that Aman murdered Naina.

priyanka30 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Anum its k and youve been helped... Nadia's one was brief and purfect
anum88 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
thank you soooooo much guys
for your help😉
