phhandooh at - poll: continue phhandooh-at? pg.147

PurplePantsuit thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
important!  new stuff on the phhandooh at is listed under "newest" at the top of the phhandooh-library -- four posts down.  please check there to see whatever's been put up on this at.  with that admin note out of the way, πŸ˜† welcome to.....

is devoted to appreciating that totally unexpected part of prem-heer's magic -- the chemistry of their hands.  shall we start? πŸ˜†

once upon a time
in a land far far away,

where the moon always shone at night,
with a light startlingly bright, πŸ˜†

lived a boy called prem
and a girl called heer.

The image

they hadn't always been there, in that land with the moon at night
they hadn't always been together, bathed in the blue soft-ness of that light

when they hadn't been there, life was just that much more drab.
and when they weren't together, love was just much more sad.

but 'cause prem and heer were one,
just 'cause it was always meant to be, πŸ˜†
when they did meet,
and meet they did,

life blushed that much brigther,
love smiled that much more,
bit by little bit.

and of all the little bits
that met, melded, merged
the most gentle, yet most strong,
the most shy, yet most sure,

the touch of their hands.

one of those sure-fire, totally in-your-face, signs that
prem-heer were meant to be one forever and ever and ever...

'cause those hands met again...

and again...

and again... *sigh!*



we and the proud owners of these hands (see below πŸ˜†) officially proclaim the phhandooh! appreciation thread open.

you are all now invited to droo... um ... appreciate the prem-heer hands chemistry!

feel free to drop by, droo... um ... leave a line in appreciation.  if you think the phhandooh is worth talking about. if you think the hands deserve their own spot in the "best jodi of the year award" list. πŸ˜† or if they need a category of their own!  *imagine something like the "best body-part jodi of the year" award! 🀣*

expect changes to this as we go along.... most of these pictures have been got from the terrific rtm** that khushix puts up.  but she's been away and hasn't put up my all time favourite phhandooh moment!  and of course, you are gonna comment and give me feedback and ideas for change, no??!! πŸ˜ƒ

credits: i wish i had a good reason why (a) i'm the one doing this, and (b) why it's so late coming up.   i don't. πŸ˜† 
actually for a while now, (while being accused that i'm like ekta 'cause i don't fulfil my promises) i've actually been searching for an excuse to give for why it's late. i think i got one:  it's taken so long 'cause i was looking for a name for this thread.  thought i'd call it the phhandooh (pronounced "fundu" -- get it?  huh?  huh??🀣 )  *yeah, i know.  'm not as good at coming up with names as writing long posts, no? πŸ˜†*

the idea for a focussed appreciation for  the hands was originally forced on me by kimmu and indianpari (payal), with khushi(x) a totally enthusiastic contributor! in fact, kimmu's first idea was to have a whole fan club for the hands! but i was totally daunted by that...  khushi has given me a terrific banner with shots of the hand.  but i'm gonna wait to bug her for a phhandooh custom-made banner when she has the time to make it for me. of course, there have been so many others who have asked me about this over the last two months -- i'm hoping they are all now part of the phans list πŸ˜† so above all else, i thank the forum for encouraging me to open up this at. special mention must go to riks1(vandana) for calling me "ekta" which was what really got this at started. πŸ˜†

** rtm -- "reliving the moment" posts by khushi(x) -- source of some of the best screen caps of this show.
Edited by estee - 15 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

PurplePantsuit thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

* uh...  the order is important *

kimmu (kimz/kimzie)
khushix (khushi/khushboo/booboo)
IndianPari (payal)
riks1 (vandana)
S.Nisa (nisa)
Pyari_Zahra (zahra)
angel82 (angie)
Anhdara13 (radz aka "the pope/her holiness" 🀣)
nandini90 (nans)
iqbalrox14 (bee)
ashpush (ash)
fj08 (fatima)
JCluvs srk
Deepika G.
hope08 (hope)
huziebaby (huzie)
only.asking (asha)
anushka10 (anushka)
munam_13 (priyo)
thephworld (anita)
sshekhar (smitha)
shabo24 (shabz)
sakeena (deena)

silparavindar (sillu)
ravioli_11 (ravjot/ravs)
*~Anza~* (anza)
Shifali (shifs)
~Rinki~ (rinks, lil desert rock with benadryl πŸ˜†)
indiandoll89 (meera)
mireen19 (amreen)
shafaq92 (shafaq)
Soaps1 (soaps)
ranrags (rani)
lghosh (lana)
jinc118 (jc)
ANGEL-FOREVER (nikki/angel?)
imamdaar.sana (sana)
shanu333 (shanu?)
coolgal270 (sumi)
ayushkikdmhmd (ayushi)
raksha.l (rakphooh! πŸ˜†)
Rehana86 (rehana)
nitzi (niti)
estee (call me preetstess of (god) preet πŸ˜ƒ)

if there's anyone who i've inadvertantly left out of this list -- please pm me!!  i've been very busy and this post has galloped a bit this week πŸ˜† so i may have missed putting up the names of people who've posted here.  apologies ... and no hard feelings?  πŸ˜ƒ
Edited by estee - 15 years ago
PurplePantsuit thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

* things you may need to know 'bout things discussed on this post πŸ˜† *

phhandooh phrases:

1. a phhandooh - a prem-heer (ph) hand moment that made you go "ooh!"  the more intense, hot, passionate, exciting... *cough, cough!  clearing throat. you get the picture...* it is the more "o"'s it gets.  for instance, a relatively calm moment can be a phhandooh (only "oo") - like, um, uh, well, 'kay! the time that prem takes heer's hand and they both walk out of the juneja house after lalit-juneja kicks 'em out.  that could be phhandooh.  but prem holding heer's hand after he has rescued her from the deep waters is a phhandooooh (with "oooo").  different people can call the same moment anything from phhandooh to ... phhandooooooooh.  uh... not sure yet what the rules are on a limit on "o" in a phhandooh yet. πŸ˜†

2. a phhandooh-thud - a prem-heer hand moment that knocked your senses out - the best.  your best.  for example, prem hands holding heer hands across the prison grill is my phhandooh-thud..

3. a pheyeoooh- a prem-heer eye moment that made you go ooooh, silly!  what else?  πŸ˜† for example,  here's one example of a pheyeooh:

(credit, picture archives,

4. a phoooh- a prem-heer  moment that made you go ooooh.  uh... no, we don't have space to demonstrate phooohs here... use your imagination.  πŸ˜†

5. a phictionary - a dictionary of phrases and phwords. (check out page 76 for the launch of the phictionary)

6. phooh-language - words that transform themselves from english when they are used to chat 'bout prem-heer.  or words that transform themselves when we use them on this phorum!   πŸ˜†

phhandooh phacts:

1.  the very first phhandooh was initiated by heer hand! we are all used to thinking that prem is the first one to originate any prem-heer moment.  but phhandoohs used to be started by heer!  hmmm.  so which were the phhandoohs started by heer?  which by prem?

examples of phhandooh started by heer:
* first phhandooh -- prem-heer "meet" for the first time.
(btw, did anyone notice that prem-hands first touched other heer parts before heer hands??  ehm..observe.. this was when they banged into each other.... πŸ˜†)

* phhandooh when heer proposes to prem - prem is turning to go and heer grabs prem's hand. go, heer hand!!  *sigh!!* fatima has screen shots of this on page 15

example of phhandooh started by prem:
* second phhandooh -- boss-prem fires heer but asks her "tumhare ankhon mein itna dard kyun hai"? and then takes her hand (phhandooooooooh!!! - yeah, 8 "o"s πŸ˜†), all through the parking lot, the office, all the while that heer is looking adoringly, admiringly at him from behind ☺️, to the scum who wanted to fool  around with "hotel staff" and made her slap him. *sigh, prem!*  in this phhandooh, we observe that prem "looks down" before taking her hand ("looks down": bows his head, lowers his eyelashes over his eyes πŸ˜†)
* third phhandooh -- heer dressed as a bride, standing in for pammi (! i really liked pammi and her fiance who she didn't marry.  wonder what happened to them?)  and is discovered as a fraud.  when the crowds are shouting for her head, prem rescues her using a phhandooooooh! omg! that was a really nice one...

(and how they really don't like letting each other go -- like on 22 december!)

2 the hands were made for each other and they really like each other. :-)  kimmu points out that heer-hands never - never! - refuse prem-hands.  And it's true - there is never a moment that prem-hand has reached out to, or for, heer-hand and has been turned away.

remember the second phhandoooh? when heer knew prem, and prem didn't know heer.  when prem was dying to meet heer, but when he finally got the chance, she was hopping mad at him and lectured him silly?  ya, even after that heart-stopping, heer-stopping question "tumhare ankhon mein itna dard kyun hai?"  even then, when their eyes wereblazing and frowning at each other, when their voices were hostile/confrontational with each other, the hands knew each other. when prem-hand touched heer-hand, heer was wonderstruck. looking back on that moment, she was probably marvelling at the sheer ... rightness of that feeling! and what was best of all was that - from that moment on - when prem led, heer would have followed.  that phhandooh was a special one. 'cause somehow, it always seemed to me that from that second phhandoooh, heer had given her heart, her body, her soul to prem -- unconditionally.  yes, heer always knew she was for prem, and prem was for her.  but until that moment, prem was a beautiful dream to her.  from that phhandooh onwards, it all became very, very real... 😍

3. btw, kimmz also points out that this made-for-each-other behaviour is quite unlike their lips -- where prem's lips have so far (as far as we have seen!) have been offered a heer cheek rather than Heer lips. And (as far as we have seen) prem lips have always refused heer cheeks. 🀣poor heer cheeks.  How sad they must feel... 🀣🀣🀣

hmmm. so i guess, in the competition of "best body-part jodi awards", prem-hand would definitely win over ph-lips, no? 🀣

4. prem eyes always want to look at heer hand before allowing prem hand to touch heer hand. as if there was competition from prem eyes for heer hands!  πŸ˜† and of couse, prem eyes include prem eyelashes - which in turn cast a nice shadow on prem cheeks - oh, that action is an entire symphony played in the micro-seconds before prem hand touches heer hand..! ecstasy! πŸ˜† hmmm.... does this mean we should nominate prem-eyes-heer-hands in the "best body-part jodi award" category? prem-hand would be soooooo jealous! 

but this is not always true -- which fatima also pointed out smugly.  there have been rare instances when prem has not looked down at heer's hands before the phhandooh - and all of the times, involve intense passion!  *yes! even more than the usual prem-heer levels of passion!  damnit!* for detailed discussion, check out page 30. ☺️ *i know, i know -- i obsess 'bout this, no?  argh! why do you think i'm first member at the i-hate-prem club???! πŸ˜†*

5. sometimes phhandoooh is about the hands with other parts of prem-heer.  like the day of the confession, happy disbelief was prem's helplessly forceful "kyunki mein tumsey pyar karta hoon!". but meltdown was the sight of those hands doing a braille dance over cheekbones, over beautiful jawlines, wiping away spilt tears, holding their faces close to each other, so close that you could feel prem's breath warming heer's lips as he spoke his passion for her... *serious meltdown*  or at the end of that scene, before heer was troubled by the glint of prem's engagement ring, how those hands were held fast and brought up to his lips for a fleeting kiss, so readily accepted... *sigh!!*

6. actually, heer-hands have quite an affair going on with prem-lips, no? there was that confession scene. in the rescue effort, didn't prem-lips get to kiss cold-cold heer-hands?  in any case, when heer lay asleep, recuperating from her watery ordeal and prem came in to tell her that he was there to make new memories with her, there was certainly some heer-hand-kissing involved? no?  *gaah! forgive my epe/ephe disease -- it frequently inserts passion that i think should happen even when in moments where nothing happened!* 

no wonder, heer-lips felt jealous and decided to start their own affair with prem-hands.  like the moment that heer comes out of the train, finally convinced that her heart was in prem's heart, the hands did more of the face holding action. but it was a momentous.. uh .. moment! πŸ˜† 'cause it was heer hands grabbing prem hands rather than the other way around! *without looking too! πŸ˜†* or the moment when heer is trying to apologise for not having told prem the whole veera-ratpal story - heer lips totally takes advantage of the moment to sneak a passionate moment with prem-hands.

hmmm... given the way their body parts .. uh .. desire each other(s!), is not surprising that prem-heer generate so much..uh.. chemistry, no? πŸ˜†
Edited by estee - 15 years ago
PurplePantsuit thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

since prem-heer are so prolific in generating hand chemistry, i thought we should dedicate one spot in the at for the phhandooh of the moment -- sort of like the phirst among phhandoohs.

ideally, we should run a poll for it - maybe once a week?  - to see which one is the top phhandoooh just now.  but i've got to figure out how to do that properly.  so for right now, i figure -- i'll just put one up.  take a look, and if you think it sucks (yeah right!  a phhandoooh that sucks!  huh!! πŸ˜†)  -- post.  if  your posted phhandooh gets a lot of "votes"  -- from members (1 vote), general public (0.5 votes) πŸ˜†  -- then the phirst among phhandoohs will change. 

oh, what the heck!  just tell me to change it and i'll change it!!  🀣

for soaps.  'cause she's feeling blue.  'cause she asked why this phhandooh wasn't on phirst page 'cause it was just sooooo  oooooooooooooooooooooooooh!  πŸ˜†  here's looking at you, soaps.  now please smile?  πŸ˜ƒ

(credit, khushi, pg 14, phhandooh-at πŸ˜†)


we have our new phhandooh-of-the-day from 02/20/09!
a sweet phhandooooh, which fatima says captures the new relationship between prem-heer,
one that is different from the sparkly romantic ones of prem-heer-are-one before
to a more mature, calm one of married prem-heer-are-one , which - as always though - does have ooooh.
(credit, khushi, page 116 of this at)
comments in blue are me, comments in red are khushi πŸ˜†

now the real pphandooh...
('cause it starts with *sigh!* prem looking down, bowing his head before heer, to take her hand *sigh!*)

(why, oh why did i feel maximum oooooooooooooh here?? *deep sigh!*)

^^heer lookin at how she always does...

(omg,omg, omg!  a phull phhandooh -- all hands engaged and happy!  can life be any more perfect?  er... actually, it can, i guess.  after all, prem-heer could kiss!  πŸ˜†)

(omg, omg, omg!  a prem smile at heer in the phhandooh that just became a phhandoooooooooooooh!)
^^still holding...πŸ˜†

thanks for watching!  enjoy the phhandooh-of-the-day ... till the next one comes along!  πŸ˜ƒ
Edited by estee - 15 years ago
PurplePantsuit thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

since this at was up, there have been soooo many phhandooh contributions on this thread.  here's the list of the phhandooh,  it's contributing member.  and  page number. 
newest on the phhandooh at
exclusive!  phhandooh maturity, phhandooh of married prem-heer-are-one, 02/20/09 - khushi - pg 116 ⭐️
list of phirst phorty  phhandooh (for radz)  - estee (being silly again with "f" and "ph" again πŸ˜†) - page 31
   - confusions in first forty cleared - kimz - page 35
launching the phictionary!  - kimmu(on pepsi!) πŸ˜†  - page 76
phhandooh list! 08/08 -- 11/08 phhandoohs, with dates!  - jc&meera - pg 99
avis, siggies 'n vms! πŸ˜ƒ
phhandooh 22 dec avi's! - khushi! - page 17
phhandooh vm by kimmu  - shabz - page 21
phhandooh vm on "tujh mein rab dikta hai" - meera - page  39
phhandooh vm on "teray haath mein" - meera - page  48
vm on "gori teri ankhein" by luckyali  - meera (who -like prem!- fakes a lack of vm-making-talent!) - pg 59
vm on "gum sum ho kyun"   - meera - pg 65  😍
vm#1   - meera - pg 72
vm#2   - meera - pg 72
vm on ... er .. "latoo"!!   - meera - pg 73
phhandooh siggie's! - khushi! - page 73 😍
list of meera's vm  - meera ⭐️  - page 76
vm#23 πŸ˜ƒ slumdog millionaire instrumental  - meera - pg 77 (last in the list)
vm#24, "dil dey diya (instrumental)"  - meera - pg 83
vm#25, "jaane tu mera kya hai"  - meera - pg 84
02/13/09, phhandooh#3 avi  - khushi - pg 86
vm, "kahi toh hoga voh"  - jinc  - pg  87
vm, "mitwa"  - meera - pg  92
vm, "mein hoon voh aasman"  - jinc - pg  92
vm, a phhandooh test - 02/13/09 phhandooh#4, (instrumental)  - jinc  - pg  90
the first phhandooh ever! - fatima - page 6
heer with prem on a window sill - fatima - page 8
heer with prem on a window sill - anoushka - page 9
prem tells heer 'bout new memories - estee -page 10
heer puts her ring on prem's hand - fatima - page 12
"tumhare ankhon mein itna dard kyun hain",
the jail phhandoooooooh *thud!*,
heer-hands kissed after confessing his love
- anoushka - page 12
heer-hands want to console prem-hands after veera's sooocide attempt πŸ˜† - pisces26 - page 13
phhandooh during the ajmer toofan! - khushi - page 13
phhandooh when prem puts flowers in heer's hair 😍 - khushi - page 14
phhandooh in the 15 dec title montage! - estee - page 14
phhandooh when heer proposes to prem β˜ΊοΈ - fatima - page 15
phhandooh when prem gives heer ravan-ratpal's ring - khushi - page 16
phhandooh at the party after prem refuses heer's proposal of marriage - fatima  - page 17
phhandooh pics when prem-heer visit the dargah in ajmer - pisces26 - page 19
phhandooh while doing pooja (ganesh chaturti day), feeding each other prasad - sillu - page 19

phhandooh when heer comforts prem (after being accused of spoiling harman's bid 
- sillu - page 19
phhandooh after prem deep-water rescues heer 
- sillu - page 19
phhandooh at hospital when prem discovers heer has lost her memory  - sillu - page 19
phhandoohs originated by heer:
 - when heer takes prem's hand when he's miserable after veera soocide attempt
 - when heer imagines prem's asking her to dance (post prem's apparently death)
 - when prem's miserable thinking his father doesn't love him (post prem's public proposal)
 - during the prem-heer hug after heer gets off to train to leave prem
 - the recent heer hallucination of kissing prem's hands in the desert
 - when prem has caught heer (the servinggirl in his hotel) to tell her he loves her
 - h
hand-plips πŸ˜† when prem's asking heer's forgiveness before she finds out 'bout sanjana
 - p
hand-hlips  when heer wants to shout "chor, chor!" on 9/11/2008 β˜ΊοΈ - sillu - page 19
(totally illegal but completely gorgeous) hc-ag's handooohs during their spa-dance rehersal - sillu - page 19
phhandooh at prem-heer's official engagement party at juneja house - vandana!  - page 22
life-and-death phhandooh which becomes a phhug! prem grabs heer from falling off a cliff  - estee - page 24
phand-hdupatta-ooh when prem lovingly puts unconscious heer on a sofa  - sillu - page 26
phand-protectingheer-ooh at the train station in ambala  - sillu - page 26
phhandooh research input: phand detail -- palm side 🀣estee - page 32
phhandooh-on-the-sly while at dinner (suggested by ph4ever)  - estee - page 48
don't-wanna-let-go phhandooh during their engagement  - khushi - page 50!
heer's dream of a phhandooh  - shabz, meera - page 51
phhandoohs of 01/28/09 (hip-hop prem confronts heer after lohri function) - anza/khushi - page 70
phlashback phhandooh! 02/10/09, "prem burns heer's breakfast"πŸ˜†  - estee/nans - pg 83
virtual phhandoohs, 12/23/08, phhandooh-of-the-day upto 02/14/09 - estee/khushi - page 89
caps on phriday phhandooooooooooooh phrenzy!!! on 02/13/09 ☺️😍 
phhandooh#4, a i-hate-prem pic justification πŸ˜†   - pari - pg 85
phhandooh#3,4,5    - fatima - pg 85
phhandooh#4 segeuing into prem virtual-kissing hhand *sigh*    - smits - pg 85
talkin' 'bout
phhandooh-thud! description when prem visits heer in jail
- estee - page 18
phhandooh description when prem-heer meet the very first time in the dark of the night - estee - page 19
phhandooh description *sigh!* - pari (payal πŸ˜†) - page 19
phhandooh demonstrations: prem looks/not-looks at heer's hands before a phhandooh  - estee - page 30
more-than-just-a-phhandooh; prem-heer-are-one-ooooh!  πŸ˜†  - nans - page 33 *call for analysis! 🀣*
 - more-than-just-a-phhandooh? analysis 1  πŸ˜†  - estee - page 34
 - more-than-just-a-phhandooh? analysis 2  πŸ˜†  - anushka10 - page 37
poem "a lover's hand"  - shafaq - page 54
phhandooh-of-our-own  phridays!
2009/01/23 contributions  -
phhandooh-of-our-own#1  - her holiness, radz πŸ˜† - pg 61
phhandooh-of-our-own#2  - the priestess of the religion of preet, estee πŸ€£ - pg 62
phhandooh-of-our-own#3  - shabz (who, like both of us, is of the religion of i-hate-prem) 🀣 - pg 69
2009/01/30 contributions  -
phhandooh-of-our-own#1: "phhandooh and raasta roko"!!! πŸ˜†πŸ˜
- lana  - page 74
phhandooh-of-our-own#2, in a vignette  - fatima  😍 - page 78
2009/02/06 contributions  -
phhandooh-of-our-own, 02/08 
- the priestess of the religion of preet, estee - pg 81
controversies πŸ˜†
phhandooh in prem playing with heer's bangles? - estee - page 23
a non-phhandooh! hip-hop prem tosses rumaal to crying heer  - estee - page 28
phhandooh demonstration: a potential phhandooh-by-transference?   - estee - page 31
pheeling the phhandooooooooh before it happens!  😍   - kimz - pg 65  *poll count resolved on pg 70*
poll: phhandooh or raasta roko? (result:  raasta roko by a wide margin!  πŸ˜²πŸ˜†)  - estee  - page 74
poll on "does there exist a one-sided phhandooh?"  - shabz - pg 84
poll: were there one or two phhandooh's by gayatri mom's bed on phriday-the-13th   - estee - pg 99
was-there-or-was-there-not? phhandooh when prem pulled heer back - khushi/estee - pg 114 πŸ˜†
question: can we have a ph.....oooooh to drool over at this at?  - estee - pg 115
     answer: duh... yes! - rest of the phhans! - page 115-116 πŸ˜†
Edited by estee - 15 years ago
khushix thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 15 years ago
nice E!....finally!... a phhandooh at... nice name....πŸ˜†

wil make the banners soon...πŸ˜† def. in!...wenever u put up the members list...make sure im there.. at n0.2...πŸ˜† (coz ur no.1..πŸ˜†)

Edited by khushix - 15 years ago
cuteprincess03 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Too gud estee...Premeer hands hv a vry gud chemistry...hehe...
jui{4evr Premeerian}
VandyP thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 15 years ago
me at no.3
god it paid it really paid for calling you ektaπŸ˜†
i wish i had done  it earlier....... but better late than never..... count me in ... will come back and edit after drooling fully to heart... eyes... satisfaction.....
god!!!!!! i will never get over with this drooling......  er .... appreciation.....
all i can do  estee is this
well no doubt they will win both the best jodi of the year award and the best body part jodi of the year... koi shaque....
i really don't know how to thank you...... i wish hc and ag see this..... and become jealous...... hain!!!! phhandoooh....... what yeh to saraasar naainsaafi hai...... hamara kya...... hamaaare haath humse zyaaada famous kaise....... estee main aaa rahhhaaa hoon ...... hc will say... vaapas aa rahaaa hoon main..... uske baad aise screen ko sizzle karoonga ki tum premeer chemistry at banaogi...... yeh vaada hai mera... kasam.. hai meri.....
hey estee plzz include the jail scene scene, their first convo scene, the scene on 8th september, the confession scene, heer's confession....... hey the list can go on and on.....
btw thanx a lot......well it seems you're all geared up to welcome prem..... as you were out of sync with wfp count as high as 32..... well the wait is over.....
Edited by riks1 - 15 years ago
Posted: 15 years ago
EXCELLENT appreciation thread Estee!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜†
the phhandooooh is rele worth talking about!!!πŸ˜†
duh!!! they do deserve their own spot in the "best jodi of the year award" list!!!!.....& Estee wats this!!??😲  the "best body-part jodi of the year" award!??😲 πŸ˜†πŸ€£ they'll def win this category🀣🀣🀣
count me in E!!!!πŸ˜ƒ
Edited by S.Nisa - 15 years ago
Pyari_Zahra thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 15 years ago
Yay, I love their hands, lol, great appreciation thread!! But can u also add the pics of the jail scene where Prem interlocks his hand with Heer's hand through the cage-like jail bars, lol!! I love that hand scene!! Anyway, all PH hand scenes are so touching and lovely!! xx