Today jens TF was REALLY BAD
Man it was like the WORST till. Now
Keith is hands down the WORST actor on tv...I jus cudnt. Stand his scenes with. Jenny for his expressionless acting. ...leave alone. Feeling. Their bachpaan ka pyaar
The characterisation was PATHETIC
What was that shit abt eloping at 7 am.
That's even. Worse than DMG man
Its jus anothher mixture of DMG. Nd KANK...
Plus there was NO CHEM either with the hubby nd with keith it was jus intolerable
Plus the screenplay was sooo boring
Hardly ny scene was worth watching
Jen looks badly skinny nd hardly put on mk was looking. Black...she had NO SCOPE TO SHOW HER ACTING also she was CONPHUSED LIKE RIDZ...even the ending cudnt save it
The others characters surprisingly were better actor actors
The only saving grace was the HUBBY
I misunderstood him by the pics
He looks REALLY GOOD in the tf nd acting. Also top notch...I cud only feel his feelings
Really feel badfor. Jen
Why does she always gets EMA stories
Specially after yterdays. MINDBLOWING TF of avinash n shafaq this was defo a big let down