Hi All,
Hope you all are doing well and enjoying your stay at India Forums.
In our pursuit to improve our site continously we have made the following changes:
- Updated Site Search feature with the default option "All" makes more search fast and easy.
- Now you can read the site in your favourite regional language. By simply using the Google Translate widget given at the bottom of the page. (Below India Forums Logo). I tried reading the site in Hindi and it was super fun. Google Translation works like a charm.ЁЯШК
- We have updated our Celebrity CMS (Content Management System) so that now instead of having a stale page we have moved to the Wiki style page where our users can help us in keeping the information about their favourite celebrity upto-date. (This feature is still in Beta).
So do let us know what you think about it and how we can further improve the site. There are a few more things that we are working and will be announcing in the coming week(s) related to Fan Fiction / Night mode / Chat etc.